上海合作组织驻华使节团盛赞重庆巨大优势 深化全方位务实合作,挖掘“一带一路”建设潜能

2019-09-10 07:22
重庆与世界 2019年1期





From February 22nd to 25th, 2018, Secretary-General of the SCO, Rashid Alimov, led the SCO diplomatic corps of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Belarus, Azerbaijan Armenia, Nepal and Sri Lanka to visit Chongqing.

With both sides targeting at strengthening the building of the Belt and Road, deepening all-round practical cooperation between Chongqing and the SCO and member states of the SCO in such fields as trade, transportation, logistics, cross-border e-commerce, machinery manufacturing, production capacity, investment, agriculture, science and technology, culture and education, health, aviation, tourism, local friendship, and institution-opening, the Chongqing-SCO Economic and Trade Cultural Cooperation Forum was held.

Alimov and the diplomatic corps of various countries said that Chongqing has witnessed frequent economic and trade exchanges with member states of the SCO in the past few years. In addition, the city has continuously demonstrated great advantages and achievements. These achievements will help member states of the SCO effectively tap the huge potential of the Eurasian space so as to create new areas of growth and carry out more new mutually beneficial economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges.

Editor/Xiong Yi    Translator/Li Hui

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