
2024-05-08 13:30牟子龙
广东教育·高中 2024年4期




1. 主语+be/ feel/ become/ remain等 (即系动词)+形容词/短语:系表结构是描写情感的最基础句型,常通过增加程度副词以刻画情感的强弱。

[例1] He remained in a bad mood for days (连着几天很阴郁).

[例2] I felt a little bit nervous (感到有些紧张) when the teacher looked at me.

[例3] He became panicked (变得惊慌) when some frightening noise came from nowhere.

[例4] Although he was reluctant (不情愿), he still went cleaning up the kitchen as required.

其中,诸如[例4]这类含有转折意味的语句,还可以经由as/ though 引起倒装,例如:

[例5] Reluctant as I was (尽管我很不情愿), I still went cleaning up the kitchen as required.

[例6] Panicked as Tom was (尽管Tom很害怕), he still opened the door and asked in a trembling voice, “Whos there?”

2. 形容词或形容词短语作状语:该结构可用于表示原因、结果、伴随等状态,在使用上常以adj.+and/ but+adj.+主句的形式出现,可置于句首或句尾。

[例1] Confident and determined (既有自信又很坚定), John kept accelerating his speed, not caring the wounds on his legs. [原因]

[例2] Slightly panicked but overwhelmingly curious (虽有点惊慌很却也极度好奇), Jack cautiously edged into the dark cave, attempting to find out what awaited him ahead. [伴随/原因]

[例3] After what seemed like a century, I made it to the mountaintop, exhausted but thrilled at the stunning beauty spreading out before me (很疲累但却震撼于眼前的壮丽风景). [结果]

[例4] In the deathly hush, Tarip knelt down and buried his face in hands, frustrated and irritated (既懊恼又愤怒). [伴隨]

[例5] Full of disappointment (失望极了), Jacky decided to leave his hometown and never to return. [原因]

[例6] Anxious/ Desperate/ Eager to know what had happened (急切地想要知道发生了什么), Jane flung the door open and rushed inside. [原因]

3. A sense/ surge / bust of+情绪词+动词+sb.构成的无灵主语句:以情绪词为主语(非人称主语),将情感可以隐喻成一种力或是液体,搭配固定的动词,这类动词常见的有consume (吞噬), deprive (剥夺), grip (抓牢), overcome (战胜), seize (抓住), torment/ torture (折磨), explode/ erupt (迸发), engulf (包围/吞没), flood over/ sweep over/ wash over (涌上心头), overwhelm (淹没)等。

[例1] An overwhelming sense/ wave of fright swept over (一阵压倒一切的恐惧感席卷而来) Jeremy and deprived him of the power of thinking (使他丧失了思考能力).

[例2] A mixed feeling of sorrow and despair kept tormenting Julia and disturbing her life (悲伤和绝望交织在一起,折磨着Julia,扰乱着她的生活).

[例3] The conflict became the last straw and Tommys pent-up anger eventually exploded (汤米压抑的怒火最终爆发了).

[例4] As I was informed of the good news, happiness and excitement got the better of me (快乐和兴奋充盈了我).

[例5] When the ferocious wolf revealed its sharp teeth, I was gripped/ seized by a wave of terror (我被恐怖所笼罩), palms sweating and heart thudding violently.

4. 主语+系动词+so+形容词+that的句型及其变体,将so+形容词置于句首引起的半倒装句—so+形容词+be+主语+that。

[例1] I felt so angry (如此生气) that I decided not to talk with her for at least three days.

[例2] So thrilled was I (我是如此激动) that I jumped up and down.

[例3] So irritated was Paul (Paul是如此愤怒) that he smashed the door open and strode away without looking back.

[例4] So nervous was Jason (Jason 是如此紧张) that his voice trembled.

5. 非谓语動词在读写中的出现频率非常高,结合到情绪描写中,常见的句子形式是:V-ing/ V-ed+主句,例如:

[例1] Feeling embarrassed and guilty (感到尴尬而羞愧), he lowered his head.

[例2] Taking a deep breath (深吸了一口气), Mary pushed open the door and stepped inside.

[例3] Consumed with rage (被愤怒吞没), Lily let out hysterical screams.

[例4] Tormented by depression (被忧郁所折磨), he seemed to have lost all his life orientations and ceased to chase what he had long been pursuing.

[例5] Tom came into the room, wearing a long face (拉长着脸).

[例6] She felt as if she were dancing on air, swept away by an overwhelming sense of joy (被一种压倒性的喜悦所席卷).

同时,with的复合结构常用于描述情绪,其基本结构为with+宾语+V-ing / V-ed,这一句型有时也可以省略with,构成主语+V-ing / V-ed+主句的独立主格结构,例如:

[例7] (With) Excitement getting better of him (兴奋笼罩着我), Joson bounced across the room to hug us.

[例8] (With) Tears welling up in her eyes (眼泪涌了出来), Joana hugged her son tightly and gently stroking his head.

[例9] (With) Voice trembling and heart thudding violently (声音颤抖着,心猛烈跳动着), she squeezed out a broken sentence, “Who…who are you?”

[例10] (With) His heart sinking to the bottom (心情跌至谷底), George sighed and left.

[例11] (With) Heart filled with excitement (心里充满激动), Tom grinned from ear to ear.

[例12] (With) Eyes burning with anger (眼里燃着怒火), Mr. Fry paced up and down, punching one hand with the other.


[例13] With gusts of wind buffeting the window (阵阵风拍打着窗户), Mary huddled (蜷缩) on her bed, overwhelmed with a sense of terror (被恐惧包围).

[例14] Bright sunrays shining upon her (明亮的阳光照在她身上), Linda strolled leisurely (悠闲地散步) along the river, enveloped in a warm sense of delight (笼罩在温暖的喜悦感中).

[例15] A bust of rage sweeping over him (一股怒火席卷了他), Matt banged his fist on the table (他的拳头重重地砸在桌子上), shouting aloud (大吼道), “Out of my sight!”



One fall, my wife Elli and I had a single goal: to photograph polar bears. We were staying at a research camp outside “the polar bear capital of the world” — the town of Churchill in Manitoba, Canada.

Taking pictures of polar bears is amazing but also dangerous. Polar bears — like all wild animals — should be photographed from a safe distance. When Im face to face with a polar bear, I like it to be through a camera with a telephoto lens. But sometimes, that is easier said than done. This was one of those times.

As Elli and I cooked dinner, a young male polar bear who was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled our garlic bread.

The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence. He pulled and bit the wire. He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts.

Terrified, Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew. We yelled at the bear, hit pots hard, and fired blank shotgun shells into the air. Sometimes loud noises like these will scare bears off. Not this polar bear though — he just kept trying to tear down the fence with his massive paws (爪子).

I radioed the camp manager for help. He told me a helicopter was on its way, but it would be 30 minutes before it arrived. Making the best of this close encounter (相遇), I took some pictures of the bear.

Elli and I feared the fence wouldnt last through 30 more minutes of the bears punishment. The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray. The spray burns the bears eyes, but doesnt hurt them. So I approached our uninvited guest slowly and, through the fence, sprayed him in the face. With an angry roar (吼叫),the bear ran to the lake to wash his eyes.

Paragraph 1: A few minutes later, the bear headed back to our camp.

Paragraph 2: At the very moment, the helicopter arrived.

[場景一] 熊的愤怒。

[例1] So irritated was the bear that it roared deafeningly and whacked the fence ferociously to tear it down (这只熊非常恼火,发出震耳欲聋的咆哮,凶猛地击打着围栏要把它推倒).

[例2] Roars piercing the silence, the bear revealed its sharp teeth and started to repeatedly pound the fence (咆哮声打破了沉默,熊露出锋利的牙齿,开始反复拍打围栏).

[场景二] 夫妻两人的恐惧。

[例1] An unbearable sense of fear creeping on us, we huddled together, beads of sweat streaming down on cheeks,face turning pale and hearting thudding violently (一种难以忍受的恐惧感悄悄地向我们袭来,我们蜷缩在一起,汗珠顺着脸颊,脸变得苍白,心跳剧烈).

[例2] With the deafening roars echoing around, fear took hold of/ swept over us, depriving us of power of thinking (伴随着震耳欲聋的咆哮声,恐惧席卷了我们,剥夺了我们思考的能力).

[例3] The ferocious bear approaching, we were almost frozen to the spot, not even daring to take a breath (随着凶猛的熊逼近,我们几乎被吓得僵在原地,连大气都不敢喘).

[例4] So scared was I that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak (我吓得喉咙发紧,双膝发软).

[例5] Panicked as we were, we waved our fists and stamped heavily on the ground, attempting to intimidate the bear away (尽管我们很惊慌,但我们挥舞拳头,重重地踩在地上,试图吓走这只熊).

[场景三] 直升机来临,熊受惊,我们感到激动、宽慰。

[例1] Startled by this gigantic flying machine and its thunderous noise, the bear leapt into the bushes and galloped to the depth of the forest (熊被这架巨大的飞行机器和它雷鸣般的噪音吓了一跳,跳进灌木丛,向森林深处跑去).

[例2] Thrilled and relieved, we clutched the rope and eventually boarded the helicopter safe and sound (我们激动万分,如释重负,紧紧抓住绳子,最终安然无恙地登上了直升机).

[例3] The moment we rushed inside the helicopter, we collapsed, gasping with relief. (我们冲进直升机的那一刻,我们就累趴了,如释重负地喘着粗气).

责任编辑 吴昊雷

诺贝尔文学奖得主格丽克 在人性深处探险
Wheelchair basketball stars