
2008-09-27 08:00贾庆文
中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年8期



My fathers grandfather Peder Hansen was an officer in the Danish army.When the Nazi Germans invaded Denmark,Peder escaped by a fishing boat and joined the British army.Peder was trained to be in the Special Forces where he had to learn how to kill rapidly with all kinds of weapons,and also with his hands.He learned how to jump out of planes with parachutes(降落伞).

Because he spoke 7 languages,he became a spy when special force training was over.It was his job to retrieve British pilots from Nazi German and Italian occupied countries.When a pilot was shot down in Germany,and if the Allies knew where the plane had been shot down,they would send Peder by submarine or airplane across the English Channel and into Germany to save the pilots.When he got there,he would have to hike or steal a car to a village nearby the crash site,then he would have to make contact with the other spies in the village;usually a password was used.

Once Peder broke into the jail,overpowered two of the guards,and released his friend.However,as they ran from the jail,a guard shot the pilot in the arm.Peder managed to drag him off,and found medical help for the wound.The wound was very large and severe,and made the travel slow.Peder and the pilot escaped towards the coast,but after a week of travelling,the pilots wound became badly infected.Peder had to strap him to his back and carry him to the coast.

Finally Peder could go no more,and his friend was in death throes(剧痛).Just before his brave friend died,he told Peder he had nothing to give him to remember him by except for his leather vest.Peder cherished it all his life.Before he died,he passed it on to my father John,who still has it and wears it to this day.

1.How did Peder Hansen escape from Denmark during the World War II?

A.Peder escaped by a parachute in a plane.

B.Peder escaped from his motherland on the sea.

C.Peder escaped with the help of British army.

D.Peder escaped with his weapons and hands.

2.The underlined word “retrieve” in the second paragraph means_________.

A.rescues B.train

C.operate D.murder

3.How did Peder make contact with the other spies in the occupied countries?

A.By telephone

B.By email

C.With secret words

D.With finger language

4.Why could Peder not quickly rescue his pilot friend?

A.Because two guards found him and overpowered him when Peder secretly entered the jail.

B.Because it took Peder a long time to find the jail where his friends was shut.

C.Because after Peder got into the jail and he himself was badly wounded.

D.Because his pilot friend was shot by a guard and the wound was badly infected.

5.How did Peder to deal with the leather vest before he died?

A.He passed it on to his son as a precious gift.

B.He returned it to the pilot friends son.

C.He presented it to his grandson as a dear gift.

D.He told his son to bury it with him.


A young man,a student in one of our universities,was one day taking a walk with a professor,who was commonly called the students friend,from his kindness to those who waited on his instructions.As they went along,they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes,which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by,and who had nearly finished his days work.

The student turned to the professor,saying:“Let us play the man a trick:we will hide his shoes,and conceal ourselves behind those bushes,and wait to see his perplexity when he cannot find them.”

“My young friend,” answered the professor,“we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor.But you are rich,and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of helping the poor man.Put a coin into each shoe,and then we will hide ourselves.”

The student did so,and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by.The poor man soon finished his work,and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes;but feeling something hard,he stooped down to feel what it was,and found the coin.Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance(表情).He gazed upon the coin,turned it round,and looked at it again and again.He then looked around him on all sides,but no person was to be seen.He now put the money into his pocket,and proceeded to put on the other shoe;but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.His feelings overcame him;he fell upon his knees,looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving,in which he spoke of his wife,sick and helpless,and his children without bread,whom the timely bounty,from some unknown hand,would save from perishing.

The student stood there deeply affected,and his eyes filled with tears.

1.When the young man and his professor saw a pair of old shoes the poor man ________.

A.had already finished his work.

B.was still doing his work.

C.was still wearing them.

D.was ready to throw them away.

2.The underlined word “perplexity” in the second perhaps means ________ .

A.the state of being excited

B.the state of being puzzled

C.the state of being amused

D.the state of being scared

3.Why did the professor let his students put a coin in each shoe?

A.Because he didnt agree his students to make fun of the poor.

B.Because he wanted to make the poor get a lot of money.

C.Because he wanted to amuse himself at the expense of his student.

D.Because he wanted to give his student a good lesson while helping the poor.

4.The student and his professor hid behind the bushes close by ________.

A.in order to watch over how the poor did his work

B.so as to watch how the discovery affects the poor man

C.so as to see whether the poor man could find the coins

D.in order to see how the poor man put on his shoes with coins

5.The poor man fell upon his knees just to________.

A.thank the god for his help to his whole family

B.thank the student and his professor

C.thank the timely help from someone unknown

D.pray for a good harvest in the future



1.B 细节理解题,文章第一段第二句谈到当纳粹德国入侵丹麦时,Peder通过一艘渔船并加入了英国军队,故可以断定是从海上出逃。

2.A 词意猜测题,根据下一句话中最后“…into Germany to save the pilots”可知retrieve意为营救。

3.C 细节理解题,根据第二段结尾usuallya password was used可知Peder使用口令或暗语。

4.D 细节推断题,根据第三段第二句话可知“他的飞行员朋友受伤”;第四句又谈到“伤口很大很严重,从而使得救援行动变得迟缓起来”;该段最后又谈到“经过一周的跋涉,这位飞行员的伤口严重感染,Peder只好把他捆到后背上,背负着他到达海岸。”

5.C 细节理解题,文章结尾谈到“Before he died,he passed it on to my father John”,文章开头谈到Peder Hansen 是我父亲的祖父,故答案应该选C。


1.B 细节理解题,根据第一段结尾“and who had nearly finished his days work.”可知他快要干完一天的活,故答案为B。

2.B 细节推断题,根据第四段中间谈到的“Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance.”可以断定这个穷人在找不到鞋子的情况下也一定会感到迷惑不解,故答案选B。

3.D 细节推断题,根据第三段第二句话中的“and may give yourself a much greater leasure by means of helping the poor man.”的文章结尾“The student stood there deeply affected,and his eyes filled with tears.”可推知。

4.B 细节推断题,根据文章第四段讲述的这个穷人的一系列举动可知。

5.C 细节推断题,根据第四段结尾“whom the timely bounty,from some unknown hand,”可知答案为C。★

Tired of Myself