
2014-01-06 08:59
疯狂英语·口语版 2013年12期

Johnny: So, after our successful Christmas, what are we going to do for New Years Eve?

Sarah: Oh, when is New Years Eve?

Harry: Tomorrow!

Sarah: New Year already! Christmas has only just finished!

Magda: Strictly speaking, Sarah, it still is Christmas—Christmas goes on until January 6th. New Years Eve is part of Christmas.

Sarah: Wow, it never ends.

Carlos: I can cook again! Is there a special dinner for New Year in Britain?

Harry: Not really.

Johnny: In China there are lots of 1)processions in the streets. Are there processions here?

Olivia: Not really.

Sarah: In China, New Year is a very important holiday. Is it very important in Britain?

Fadi: Not really.

Johnny (sighs): So what do people do for New Year?

Harry: Depends...some people have parties, some people go to a pub or a club and drink a lot.

Olivia: Some people go and stand outside—quite a lot of people go to Trafalgar Square in the centre of London.

Johnny: Lets do that!

Harry: No way! Its too cold!

Fadi: And usually raining!

Olivia: And too 2)chaotic!

Sarah: Do people drink a lot?

Harry: Some do.

Sarah: I hate drinking beer.

Harry: A lot of people stay at home and watch TV.

Olivia: Then sing a song at midnight.

Sarah: Whats the song?

Olivia: Its a Scottish song really...(sings a bit of Auld Lang Syne)

Sarah: Thats nice. Oh, what do the words mean?

Olivia: Erm, well, no one really knows.

Harry: Some people know…

Fadi: In Scotland, probably.

Johnny: So what shall we do, then?

Sarah: I dont want to go to a pub and get drunk.

Fadi: We could go to a club—I know some great places—we can go out dancing till dawn! Great music, lots of girls...

Olivia: You and your girlfriends...

Fadi: OK, OK...lets forget that idea then.

Harry: No, its not for me...I dont think Bindyu would like it.

Fadi: Come on Harry, you cant let Bindyu organise your life!

Harry: She doesnt organise my life! I like being with her, and I like doing the things she wants to do.

Fadi (sighs): Ive lost you, mate!

Harry (laughing): I think you need a girlfriend too!

Fadi: Hey! No way! Ive got lots of girls!

Johnny: Oh yeah? How come Ive never met them?

Fadi: Well, erm, hey, erm...you know how it is.

Johnny: I think we should have a procession.

Olivia: Where?

Magda: Just around the café.

Tony: Whats that? A procession in my café?!

Forget it! Anyway, I close early on New Years Eve, so you lot will need to find something else to do.

Johnny: We have to decide now then—what are we going to do on New Years Eve?

Harry: Im going to see Bindyu. I think well stay at home.

Olivia: Im going to stay at home too. My sisters going to a party with her husband, so I have to look after my nephew Joe.

Fadi: Now you tell me!

Olivia: Sorry, listen—why dont you come round?

Fadi: Erm...OK then.

Carlos: Sarah...erm...I...er...would you like to come out with me?

Sarah: I cant leave my friend Magda on her own!

Johnny: And hang on—what about me, too!?

Olivia: OK, everyone, I guess you can all come to my house, but only until midnight! Then you all have to go home!

All: Hooray! Great idea! Happy New Year!


Trafalgar Square 特拉法尔加广场


广场最突出的标志是南端的纳尔逊纪念柱,高53米。此碑纪念着拿破仑战争中的海军上将,英国民族英雄霍雷肖·纳尔逊Horatio Nelson(1758—1805)。柱顶是将军的铜像,柱基为青铜浮雕,反映了1805年英国海军战胜法国海军的场面,柱底四周是四只巨型铜狮。


该广场曾是有名的鸽子聚栖地,以鸽子多而著称,因此又称“鸽子广场(The Pigeon Square)”。以前这里鸽子遮天蔽地,鸟粪遍布,鸽毛纷飞,鸽子会到你手中抢夺食物。为了解决由鸽子带来的公共卫生问题,从2003年起,大伦敦政府立法禁止在广场上喂食鸽子。从2005年开始,大伦敦政府采取了一系列措施赶走鸽群,包括禁止在广场上售卖鸟食,及派出猎鹰在广场上巡逻,赶走鸽子。如今广场上的鸽子已经基本绝迹。

Auld Lang Syne 美好的昔日

Auld Lang Syne是一首非常出名的诗歌,原文是苏格兰文,直译做英文是“old long since”或“times gone by”,意思大概是逝去已久的日子。Auld Lang Syne是18世纪苏格兰诗人罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)根据当地父老口传录下的。这首诗后来被谱上乐曲,除了原苏格兰文外,这首歌亦被多国谱上当地语言,在中国各地普遍称为《友谊地久天长》。在20世纪80年代以前,人们通常可以哼出歌曲的旋律,比较流行,但大部分人只会唱出歌词的一小段。

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