
2014-01-07 19:40谷约
新东方英语 2014年1期




留学文书主要由个人陈述(Personal Statement/PS)、推荐信(Recommendation Letter)、个人简历(Resume)和短文(Essay)组成。


申请去国外大学留学的学生要按照自己所申请学校的要求,写一篇有关个人背景、学术成就、未来研究和职业目标的文章。一篇好的个人陈述不仅要主题鲜明、内容真实、语言流畅、逻辑严谨、层次分明,还要充分显示出申请人的才华,要让招生人员一看便被吸引了。在英文中,个人陈述还被称为Statement of Purpose/SOP、Statement of Intent、Statement of Objectives、Academic Statement等,一般简称PS或SOP。PS侧重点在personal上,目的是让招生人员充分了解申请人的个人经历、品行和素质。申请人要力求在个人陈述中最大限度地展现自己,陈述内容可以包括个人成长环境、受教育情况、社会实践经历、兴趣爱好,也可以包括个人如何面对挑战、克服困难或对社会现象的思考等。个人陈述没有固定格式,但申请者千万不能将其视为个人的表扬状或决心书。SOP侧重点在purpose上,也就是申请人要表明自己留学的目的,内容主要包括申请者在自己的专业领域内的研究经验和所提出的想法。














With great trepidation, I pushed open the heavy mahogany (红木) door to the office of the general manager of Chinatrust Commercial Bank, XX Branch. My mission was to raise 10,000 yuan (an equivalent to US$ 1700) as part of the fundraising campaign to support “Challenge Cup,” the national academic science and technology “Olympics.” I had met economists, bankers and corporate executives before—thanks to my father, who was and still is the president of the Economic Research Journal, a leading scholarly publication in China but I had never asked any of these people for money before. There I was, an 18-year old freshman, trying to talk the man into writing a six figure check. I seriously doubted I could do it, and I was prepared to take my leave (告别) empty-handed. I did not know whether it was because the general manager took a genuine interest in what I had to say or because he was himself a XX University alumnus (校友); I did not know whether it was pure luck; I simply could not believe my ears when he agreed to pledge (许诺) the money on behalf of his branch. I was so excited, I almost jumped up and down. I said to myself, “I love these banks.”

I did not always love banks. Not that I hated them, but I did not think I was going to have anything to do with the banking industry or the financial world in general, more than having a father who was an expert in economics. In fact, I refused to take my fathers suggestion about majoring in economics at college and signed up for software engineering instead. I remember I stopped talking to my father for almost a year just because he thought I was going to waste my precious time in college playing all sorts of computer games, like I did as a child, and now all in the name of a computer science degree.

To prove my father wrong, I did quite well living an independent life away from home. I was one of the top students in academic performance, especially in math, C Language and C++classes. I was also a leader of the soccer team, having led my team to win the second place in a campus-wide tournament. As time went on, I started to feel a bit guilty for having ignored my father. I actually missed him. So I started calling him more often. I shared with him what was going on at school and he talked about his speech engagements on the use of reference and double blind1) reviewing system and his project creating one of the most sophisticated economic databases in China. I found, to my surprise, that I was rather drawn to my fathers take on the global economic situation, the subprime crisis (次贷危机), the fall of Lehman Brothers and Chinas position on the currency debate. My father, while careful not to put too much pressure on me, indicated to me that there were projects and internship (实习岗位) opportunities available to me within his organization and elsewhere where I could put my programming, statistical and quantitative skills to use. I told him I was not only interested, I was very interested. I also told him that I was going to go for a double undergraduate program by adding finance—much to his delight.

The double major program meant that I had more study to do and longer hours in the library. What helped me tremendously was the fact that, in economics, many theoretical frameworks and research methods are based on mathematical models and quantitative analyses: something I was good at. To date, I have maintained an average 3.5 GPA in both software engineering and economics. I scored a high grade of 96 in econometrics, a class that enabled me to learn and apply forecasting and simulation tools such as Matlab2) and Eviews3).

I should count myself fortunate because I have already had substantial firsthand appreciation of the world of work and have participated in and contributed to some rather high-profile projects outside my classroom education. One such project, in early 2009, involved helping Economic Research Journal to design a “working paper” database and to dramatically improve the journals online research experience by creating or inserting visual elements such as graphs, tables and charts. I followed the leading experts in software engineering every step of the way: we carefully studied American NBER4) and SSRN5) databases from design and retrieval (检索) system perspectives; we compared notes on various proposals and solutions. And after 6 months hard work and repeated tests, the database went live and the website itself received many favorable comments on the visual improvements.

I also had the opportunity to work for Dr. XXX, a young and capable scholar of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, as his research assistant. I joined him in the summer of 2009 in his multiple field trips to Chinas Zhejiang Province where we interviewed three small non-governmental, or some say, regional banks. Specifically, we studied the operational models of these banks, their dynamic relationship with the local government, their customers and creditors and the tremendous risk management challenges they faced. I not only took notes and collected data in the process but also sifted (细查) through and analyzed the numbers and wrote the summary. I was the proud co-author of Dr.XXXs published paper on the structures and governance of micro financial institutions and their contribution to the agricultural and township manufacturing sectors, which appeared in Chinese Review of Financial Studies, June 10, 20XX edition (ISSN1674—XXXX).

When I told my father recently that I had made up my mind to pursue a masters degree in applied economics and management at the University of Michigan, he was thrilled. But honestly, I made the decision not so much out of the desire to please my father as out of the realization that computer skills are a good stepping stone to build my future career in economics, especially in agricultural economics, a field with critical importance to my country as it transforms from an agrarian society to an industrial powerhouse.

1. double blind:双盲,研究对象和研究者都不了解试验分组情况,而是由研究设计者来安排和控制全部试验。

2. MatLab:一种用于数学计算的程序,在线性代数的计算中应用尤为广泛。

3. Eviews:Econometrics Views的缩写,通常称为计量经济学软件包。

4. NBER:国家经济研究局,全称是National Bureau of Economic Research,是美国较权威的经济研究机构。

5. SSRN:社会科学研究网,全称是Social Science Research Network,致力于快速地在世界范围内传播社会科学的研究成果。


文章开篇讲述了Z同学独自成功说服银行经理为大学筹款的小故事。第二段自然承接,写出了自己对银行(即金融领域)的看法——I did not always love banks,这便是典型的“抑”。第三段是从“抑”转“扬”的关键段,Z同学上大学后对父亲的愧疚感日益加深,所以便主动跟父亲联系。之后,金融危机爆发,Z同学开始反思,并逐渐对经济学产生了兴趣。自此,文章从“抑”转“扬”,Z同学从一个对经济学没有兴趣的门外汉慢慢转变为经济学方面的探索者,并且步步加深,直到热爱经济学并将其作为毕生的职业目标来追求。


Which Is Important?