
2014-02-20 05:40建筑设计曼谷设计工作室
世界建筑 2014年7期




1.2 外景/Exterior view


“光与影是基本的建筑要素。”泰国建筑师汶颂·普雷姆塔达说,“它们与景观同样重要,与背景环境同样重要,与色彩、与气息、与口味都同样重要。尽管如此,在坎塔纳电影动画学院的建筑中,光与影的趣味不仅服务于审美或理解空间的目的,更主要的是为了满足室内空间微气候与被动式制冷的要求。”借助瓦片表面自遮阳的功能,建筑内部无需凭借任何技术辅助手段即可保持较低的室温。总共使用了60万块烧制砖,在这些手工砖的表面仍能见到工人留下的手印和脚印。被阴影遮蔽的部分已经长出了苔藓。在凹凸墙面内部每隔60cm处装有一根增加必要稳定性的钢结构。“我必须承认,在找到目前这种解决方案之前,我们的确尝试了许多不同的构造方法。” 普雷姆塔达说,“有为数不少的样品和试验段仅仅砌筑了几米就坍塌了。这只是建筑学领域的工作方法而已,经常需要反复调试。如果没有激情,你就会在这种工作秩序中消沉。”

这种激情也早已感染了在此学习的60位初出茅庐的电影工作者。“我永远想不到自己会在这样美丽的地方学习。”阿诺布·普吉达说,“这不是一座常规的建筑。有人在这里展现了创造力和敏锐的感受。这非常好,因为电影制作也同样如此,完全依靠创造力。我们在这里刚好构成了一个循环。”这座电影学院包含了若干工作室和教室、食堂、具有当代风格的图书馆、教师行政区和一片宽敞的室外场地。在一个个窗洞前和沿墙面分布的壁龛中,能看到许多正在复习、画画、听音乐、甚至打盹的学生。那些现在还未完全长成的树木,也会有一天,在课间休息时为学生提供荫凉;但这还需要时间。(徐知兰 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 坎塔纳电影动画学院/Kantana Institute

建设周期/Construction Period: 2009.08 -2011. 06

使用面积/Usable Floor Area: 2000m²

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 教育/Education

用砖类型/Brick Type: 手工砖/Handmade bricks

摄影/Photos: Wienerberger AG/Pirak Anurakyawachon

Cinema and architecture have one thing in common: both art forms depend on the continuous interplay of light and shadow. The Kantana Film and Animation Institute in Nakhon Pathom province, some 45 kilometres from Bangkok, is a particularly beautiful and striking demonstration of this synergy. Light and dark meet on the project's bulging walls, which jut up to 8 metres high. The building's variously lit, rhythmically alternating surfaces seem to put the building in motion, the same kind of motion as a 36-millimetre film reel moving slowly, very slowly, through a film projector.

"Light and shadow are the elementary building blocks of architecture," says Thai architect Boonserm Premthada. "They are just as important as the landscape, just as important as texture, as colour, as smell or taste. At the Kantana undergraduate school, though, the play of light and shadow is not just for aesthetics and spatial understanding, but primarily for the microclimate and the passive cooling of the interior spaces." With the self-shading of the tile surface, the temperature in the building ensemble can be kept down without the help of technical aids. Some 600000 fired bricks were used and the marks of their makers - their hand and footprints - are still visible on their surface. Moss has already gained a foothold on the shaded parts. An inner steel structure supports the convex-concave wall every 60 centimetres and provides the necessary stability. "I must confess that we tried many different construction methods before hitting on this one solution," says Premthada. "And no small number of samples and trials collapsed after just a few metres. That's just the way it is in architecture. It's a constant forwards and backwards. Without passion, you're doomed in this line of work."

The passion has taken hold of the 60 budding filmmakers studying here. "I would have never thought I'd ever be able to study in a place as beautiful as this," says Annop Fujita. "This is not a regular building. Someone showed creativity and sensitivity here. And that is good, because filmmaking, too, is all about creativity. So we're closing the circle." The film institute features studios and classrooms, a canteen, a library with contemporary furnishings, an administrative area for the teachers and a large outdoor space. In the window openings and wall niches along the way, students can be found revising, drawing, listening to music or even napping. One day, the trees, which have not yet reached their full height, will provide shade during recess times. But that will take a little while yet.

3 细部/Detail


王澍(中国):坎塔纳电影动画学院采用了富于空间感的砖墙形式,你可以辨认出它与传统寺院建筑有形式上的联系。建筑物掩映在树木与周围绿色植被的景观中,产生了非常开阔却又“秘密”的感觉。这是把建筑功能与这种美妙的感受完美结合的杰出案例。砖块的叠涩砌筑是传统砖砌结构中非常典型的建造工艺。在这个项目中,砖不仅仅是装饰要素,也是整个建筑的承重结构。我认为这一点非常重要;它既简洁,又非常漂亮。这是第一个让我立刻感到“非常棒”的项目。(徐知兰 译)

Jury Statement

Wang Shu (China):The Kantana Film and Animation Institute uses a spatial brick wall, and you recognize the relation it has to the traditional temples. The building blends in with the trees and the surrounding green landscape, which gives it a very spatial and "secret" feeling. It's a very good example of combining function with beautiful feeling. Layering bricks, one on top of the other, is a very typical skill in the tradition of brick construction. In the case of this project, the brick is not just about decoration, it's also about the whole structure of the construction, which I think is very important; very simple, but very beautiful. It's the first project where I instantly thought, "It's good".

4 平面/Floor plan

5.6 细部/Detail

7 细部模型/Detail model





LI Xinggang: The most impressive feature of this building is its thick corbelled brick walls, which create rich texture and shadows. This brickwork has a sense of craftsmanship, timelessness, and simplicity, and reminds me of certain pagodas in Thailand, especially if one was to peel the decorations off, leaving only the brick base. However, the building is quite confusing in that it utilizes a reinforced concrete structure within the thick brick walls. This construction technique makes the building seem farfetched and overly complex, and delegates the brick to mere decoration. If the design was based on an extrapolation of the outer wall, the bricks could create an internal cavity that would allow natural ventilation. An exclusively brick masonry construction would greatly enhance the integrity of the work and increase the building's appeal and credibility.

ZHang Li: This is without doubt an impressive example of brick architecture, in which traditional elements from a Buddhist national and the life of bricks are radically represented along two lines. The first is the section shape of the walls, which fearlessly gives explicit associations with tradition. The second is the hand-making process of the bricks by the local people. Through the "imperfection" of the hand-making, the human element of the brick is perfectly interpreted.

Grand Prize and Category Winner in Special Solution: Kantana Film and Animation Institute, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, 2011

Architects: Bangkok Project Studio

10.11 细部/Detail

12 内景/Interior view

13 通道/Corridor
