
2014-02-20 05:40建筑设计鲁桑建筑师事务所
世界建筑 2014年7期




1 夜景/Night view




水晶般的建筑形式展现了鲁桑的建筑理念,即以特殊的风格完成设计(建造)任务,并通过汲取灵感和最大程度追求艺术自由来形成创造性的方案。然而,要把这个想法转变为必要的几何形状并非易事,但这对好友通过努力实现了它。光是能量的隐喻。流明艺术的建筑表明,光线折射的物理特征在这里得到了体现,并通过对结构进行严谨地几何组织——即核心/立方体和表皮/水晶,在视觉上得到放大。这座建筑像一位自由奔放的歌剧女主角,向这位古怪的客户和富于创造力的照明设计师致敬。(徐知兰 译)

On Veruda Road, a long winding coastal roadway, the bright white building is a surprising sight. Here, not far from the harbour of Pula and amidst apartment blocks of the former Yugoslavia, naval barracks, historicist villas, vineyards, pines and reeds, Dean Skira has placed his crystalshaped company headquarters. Skira is a lighting designer and the head of Lumenart, Croatia's leading lighting company and an innovative laboratory for architectural and urban lighting design. The building needed to reflect his company philosophy and long years of experience with light and architecture. He insisted it be characterized by clear spatial arrangements and rooms bathed in light. The outer skin is white, as are the interiors -ideal for projections of all kinds. Only Skira's office, overlooking nearby reeds and the marina, is subtly dimmed.

Even if it is a simple cube on a plinth, a functional container of clay blocks clad inside and out, Lumenart is a striking building. The building's brick core is the structure for the head quarter's inner and outer shells, both of them autonomous elements. In Croatia, building with brick has a long tradition. The material creates a healthier indoor climate than concrete does. Architect Andrija Rusan, built his first house out of clay blocks, with his own hands.

Skira had all the plans for the building core and the interiors finished. All he needed was a design for the building's shell. So he called Rusan, a Zagreb-based architect with whom he has worked for years. The close friends are bound by their common love of creative work and the building's extravagant shape was born spontaneously from a lively discussion they had while travelling on a Dalmation ferry travelling between Split and Hvar. In a restaurant soon afterwards, Rusan sketched his idea on a yellow serviette. The drawing of the crystal shape was done in minutes. It could have looked any number of ways, but both men were happy with the form which answered Skira's aesthetic demands and turned Rusan into a sort of couturier. Wild, angled and eccentric, his design was a gown for "a true woman", a dress for a diva. Rusan now counts Lumenart among his favourite projects.

The crystal form demonstrates Rusan's architectural philosophy. He approaches every building task with relish, generating creative solutions with inspiration and a sense of artistic freedom. To turn the idea into the required geometric shapes was not easy, but the friends pulled it off. Light is a metaphor for energy. Lumenart suggests that the physical characteristics of light refraction made manifest and magnified by the geometric arrangement of structures - core/ cube and skin/crystal. This wild diva plays homage to an eccentric client and an innovative lighting designer.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 戴安·斯基拉,流明艺术/Dean Skira, Lumenart

建设周期/Construction Period: 2005 - 2012

使用面积/Usable Floor Area: 665m²

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 公司总部/Company headquarters

用砖类型/Brick Type: 粘土砖/Clay blocks

摄影/Photos: Wienerberger AG/Damir Fabijanic

2 外景/Exterior view

3 夜景/Night view





ZHang Lei: This is an office building for a lighting company located in Pula, Croatia. It has a simple core of brick and concrete. Its interior and exterior space are autonomous parts, independent from its core and not reflective of its construction logic. Deeply carved windows create shadow under the strong Mediterranean sunlight. Its plan is easily reminiscent of traditional European masonry structures. But the white, thick and irregular crystal shape is purposefully unique, a symbol of invention rather than tradition. Everything is realized using simple construction technology and strict cost control.

BaO Wei: This project is best identified as a clay block poche system wrapped around a modern brick box. However, as opposed to traditional stone material used in medieval defensive structures or the modern concrete in Le Corbusier's Chapel de Ronchamp, this system is independent of the main building structure. When compared to Venturi's duck, it's clear it is abstract architectural expression rather than a literal quotation. It is liberated from structural constraints and achieves unprecedented formal freedom but may yet be deceptive.

4 外景/Exterior view


Wienerberger Special Prize Winner: Lumenart - House of Light, Pula, Croatia, 2012

Architects: Rusan arhitektura

5 入口/Entrance

6 剖面/Section

7 平面/Floor plan

8 内景/Interior view

10 夜景/Night view

9 平面/Floor plan

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