
2014-02-20 05:41建筑设计上海创盟国际建筑设计有限公司
世界建筑 2014年7期




1 外景/Exterior view




项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 成都青羊城乡置业有限公司/Chengdu Qingyang Suburb Construction & Development Co., Ltd.

项目主持/Principal in Charge: 袁烽/Philip F. Yuan

设计团队/Design Team: 吕东旭,孟媛,韩力/LV Dongxu, MENG Yuan, Alex Han

设计时间/Design: 2008.06-2009.03

建设周期/Construction Period: 2010.04-2011.10

使用面积/Usable Floor Area: Ca.4000m²

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 餐厅与私人会所/Restaurant and private club

用砖类型/Brick Type: 面砖/Facing bricks

摄影/Photos: 沈忠海/SHEN Zhonghai

The Lanxi Curtilage is located in Chengdu's International Intangible Cultural Heritage Park. It is composed of three parts: restaurant, inner courtyard and private club. It is an interpretation of traditional Chinese architecture using the language of digital fabrication.

The spatial layout of this project represents a new interpretation of the traditional Southern Chinese garden. Multiple layers of longitudinal residences and courtyards reflect the hierarchical and multi-dimensional spatial pattern of traditional gardens. The rising and falling profiles of building roofs embody rolling mountains and rivers and reference the tradition and culture of sloped Chinese roofs.

The ripple wall design comes from a digital interpretation of water, a flexible natural conception. The algorithm tried to catch the transient behavior of water which, when viewed over time, can be understood as both static and active. A traditional building material, blue brick, and the staggering joint process were used but a special hollow joint process sharpens the visual effect of dynamic water and the light transparent effect of a heavy wall. The design focused on producing a pattern that would be workable as a process of building and fabrication. Robots that can produce precise bricks over a wide range of scales are not currently available in the area. All brick masonry for the project's rigorous construction schedule had to be handmade. Five kinds of blue brick joint templates were provided and a joint gradient was achieved through the permutation and classification of the five template values. In the end it was possible to verify that bricks under certain conditions of light and shadow can embody the dynamic effect of water. The combination of digital design and low-tech fabrication reflects a viable approach for local areas.

2 入口/Entrance

3 水墙/Water Wall





CUI Kai: With its undulating roof and wavelike shimmering brickwork, this is an undoubtedly picturesque effort by designers of unique ingenuity. In fact, most attractive to me is the project's floor plan. The building, located on a narrow and irregular lot with long rough walls, is wonderfully divided into rooms of different widths - a living room and other rooms, gallery and courtyard. The floor plan is fascinatingly concise and simple, with a clear spatial hierarchy and alternating wide and narrow spaces. But based on these few pictures, it seems that the penetrating feeling of the courtyard walls has been blocked by wooden doors and gray walls. The courtyard walls, variations on the wavy exterior walls, are not as stretched and elegant as the exterior ones - a pity. Additionally, the designers regret that they did not use machine tools to create the brick walls, because the intended parametric effect is hard to achieve by hand. It is extremely difficult to execute such a high level of technique and realization. Though integrating contemporary design language with local design technique will still take some time and effort, Lanxi Court is a valuable case study, which is worthy of recognition.

SHaO Weiping: The most direct impression from this project is the technique of the water wall. Archi-Union has experimented with a silk wall in the past, but that wall was only created as a component of a larger project. This time the water wall is understood as a holistic design that integrates with traditional Chinese architecture. To match the curving shape of the roof, the water wall creates a texture that lies somewhere between bricks and a conventional wall, a static texture that creates a dynamic feeling. Creating this texture required a large amount of labor but the interest of the architects was precisely this integration of digital tools and handcrafted construction methods. It ultimately realized this special visual effect.

Lanxi Curtilage, Chengdu, China, 2011

Architects: Archi-Union Architects

4 平面/Plan

5 通道/Corridor

6 庭院/Courtyard

兰溪模式 从“云里雾里”到“胸有成竹”