
2014-02-20 05:41建筑设计安德拉马丁建筑事务所
世界建筑 2014年7期




1 外景/Exterior view




砖体的建筑表皮悬空于地面,坐落在水平的钢梁上。其上侧有加强的钢结构来增强砖块间的联系。在印度尼西亚,砖是很常见的建材。通常,砖块都被藏在经过水泥灰浆粉刷的墙体内,但在灰浆后面,人们仍然能发现样式和色彩都带有地域性差异的天然红砖。而此处的住宅因为需要表现具有现代感和精致感的外表,砖被涂成了黑色。建筑师原计划使用烧制成黑色的砖,但由于材料没有准时交付,最终决定将天然的红砖漆黑来达到效果。(司马蕾 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 私人/Private

建设周期/Construction Period: 2010 -2013

使用面积/Usable Floor Area: 475m²

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 住宅/Housing

用砖类型/Brick Type: 粘土砖/Clay blocks

摄影/Photos: Wienerberger AG/Andra Matin

This villa is the product of a commission given to architect Andra Matin by an artist who desired a sophisticated new residence for himself. He wanted a domicile with private rooms with a personal touch, to which he could retire at the end of a long day at the studio. The house is located in the immediate vicinity of the studio, which was built a few years before.

The residence and the studio are not attached to one another; they have completely disparate characters. Thus, the openings in the house were kept modest in keeping with its private, refuge-like character. The studio, in contrast, has a more public function. It has long served as a place of communication for the visitors wanting to meet the painter or view his gallery. When the artist decided to build a residence next to his studio, the architect suggested that he build it on a lower level to achieve a quieter and more relaxed atmosphere than in the busy studio.

The house has two storeys. The one let into the ground features walls of exposed concrete, while the one above is surrounded by openwork brick walls -so-called "rooster bricks”. They hint at the garden terraces behind and let the daylight seep in via ceilingheight glass windows. The brick shield surrounds the building like dark wickerwork placed in front of the load-bearing concrete walls as a second facade. The eyelet pattern performs sun-protective functions and allows air to circulate. It offers an approximate view of the house from the studio while simultaneously according the family a greater degree of privacy.

The brickwork envelope is lifted off the ground, resting on a horizontal steel beam. Higher up, there are steel reinforcements as well, to enhance the connection between the individual bricks. In Indonesia, bricks constitute a commonly used building material. Granted, they are usually employed in cement-rendered walls, but behind the plaster one finds the naturally red bricks with slight regional variations in format and colour. As the house was to be given a modern and sophisticated look, the bricks were painted black. The original plan to use black-fired bricks had not delivered the desired results, so the decision was taken to treat the natural red bricks with black paint.

2 坡道/Rampway

3 庭院/Courtyard

4 内景/Interior view

5 概念示意/Concept diagram

6 首层平面/Floor 0 plan





BaO Wei: How saturated a design turns out to be is not only a matter of professional skills, but also of design sensibility. From its intensely charged plan to the explosion of exuberance on the building facade, one would be overwhelmed with what the architect has to offer. It might be challenging for a reader to figure out how every detail works, yet it attends to the use of building occupants who would be entertained by such design richness everyday.

DIng Liyang: The architects handle the brick envelope delicately and appropriately. First, the volume enclosed by this secondary "facade," which is resting on horizontal steel structure, is elevated midair on the street side. The treatment honestly echoes its role as a non-load bearing wall. As long as bricks do not take pressure from above, the mortar that acts as the cementation element has been replaced by the steel reinforcement that enhances the connection between individual bricks. As a result, the newly applied connection of bricks generates the effect of a hollowed out enveloping. This porous brick wall appearance not only caters to the needs of the client for introverted private space, it also generates an interesting flow of light and wind.

AS Residence, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2013

Architects: andramatin

7 庭院/Courtyard

阿斯顿·马丁Valkyrie Spider
Q3 德拉希:艺术狂热还是投资客?