The Father of the Fairy Tales
——Hans Christian Andersen童话之父——汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生

2015-01-31 02:26河北省阜城县古城中学张超寇爱民供稿
中学生英语 2015年9期


The Father of the Fairy Tales
——Hans Christian Andersen童话之父——汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生


Hans Christian Andersen was the most famous writer in D.nmark.His stories have attracted many young readers around the world and many of his works are still popular today.


Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, D.nmark in 1805.His family was poor and he had a hard childhood.His father was a poor shoe-maker and his mother washed clothes for others for a living.


Andersen received little early formal education because of poor family.When he was eleven years old,his father died and the boy had to leave school and was forced to start working.From then on,he spent a lot of time making theatre toys and puppets1.For a time,he also worked as a tailor2,and then in a tobacco3factory. D.ring this period,he read as many books as he could. At the age of 14,he moved to Copenhagen to become a singer.Afterwards,Andersen began his writing career4by writing plays and poems for a local magazine.Anderson published5his first tale in 1835,and continued writing until he died.Andersen’s words are simple and humorous. The stories became popular in the early 1840’s,and made Andersen more and more famous.


Andersen was not only a fair tale writer but a poet,a play writer and a traveler.There were total 168 fairy tales written by Andersen in his nearly 40 years.Andersen’s representative6works containedThumbelina,The Emperor’s New Clothes,The D.ughter of the Sea,The Wild Swans,A Little Match Girl, andThe Ugly D.cklingand so on.They have been translated7into more than 150 languages and are deeply loved by readers throughout the world.His works influenced the children so strong that his literary8figure9,the Mermaid’s statue10,still stands by the sea at Copenhagen port as the symbol of D.nmark.


Andersen was considered as a master of the fairy tales in the 19thcentury.He died of cancer in 1875,at the age of 70.


Andersen’s major works安徒生的主要作品:

The Emperor’s New Clothes 《皇帝的新装》

A Little Match Girl《卖火柴的小女孩》

The Ugly D.ckling《丑小鸭》

The D.ughter of the Sea《海的女儿》

Under the Willow Tree 《柳树下的梦》

The Hardy Tin Soldier《坚定的锡兵》

The Puppet-Show Man《演木偶戏的人》The Gardener and the Family 《园丁与主人》

Little Claus and Big Claus 《小克劳斯和大克劳斯》

She Was Good for Nothing《她是一个废物》

The Snow Queen《白雪皇后》

The Tinder-Box《打火匣》

The Shadow 《影子》

Thumbelina 《拇指姑娘》

The Nightingale《夜莺》

The Story of a Mother《母亲的故事》

Lucky Peer 《幸运的贝儿》

The Little Mermaid 《美人鱼》

A D.op of Water《一滴水》

The Wild Swans 《野天鹅》

1.puppet[]n.木偶 2.tailor[]n.裁缝




7.translate[]v.翻译 8.literary[]adj.文学(上)的

9.figure[]n.人物 10.statue[]n.雕像,塑像

河北省阜城县2 100农民“线上”轻松找工作
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