
2016-04-08 23:50云南
教学考试(高考英语) 2016年1期





一、have the chance of 有……的机会;have the dream of 有……的梦想;have the idea of 有……的想法;have the habit of 有……的习惯

【典例】(2015·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)I had the_43_of seeing this first hand on a__44 weekend.

A.dream B.idea

C.habit D.chance


二、1.dress up 穿上盛装/正式衣服,乔装打扮;dress sth.up 装饰,修饰,掩饰;dress down(与平时比较)穿着随便;dress sb.down训斥,责骂

2.show up 如约赶到,出现,露面; show sth.up(使)看得见,变得明显,显现出来;show sb.up使人难堪/尴尬/丢脸;show sb./sth.off 卖弄,炫耀,显示,使夺目,衬托;show through sth.从某物透出,从某事显露

3.make up 化妆,上妆,组成,构成,编造故事,做出补偿,配药,铺床;make up for sth.弥补,补偿; make up to sb.献媚,奉承,讨好;make up with sb.同某人言归于好;make sb./sth.out 看清,听清,分清,把……说成,声称;make for sth.向……移动,促成;make off 匆忙离开,仓皇逃跑

【典例】(2015·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)When they_52_ for their Sunday game,they were__53 completely different.

A.dressed B.showed up

C.made up D.planned


三、1.be harmful to sb./sth.对……有害

2.mix with 使混合,掺和,融合;mix sth.in/with sth.(烹调时)掺入,和入;mix sth.into sth.掺和,将……和入,使与……混合;mix sth.up弄错,弄乱

3.be different from/to/than 与……不同

4.apply to申请,请求; apply oneself to sth./doing sth.勤奋工作,努力学习

【典例】(2015·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)The lessons they learned may not be__60__what they would have gotten in school.

A.harmful to B.mixed with

C.different from D.applied to


四、lay down躺下/倒,献出,交出,规定,兴建,主张,断言,打赌;fall down倒下,跌倒; settle down定居,平静下来,专心于;go down 下降,下山,降低,被载入,传下去;look down往下看;look down on/upon sb.看不起某人;set/write/put/note/take/get down 写下,记下;let down 放下,降低,使失望;cut down砍倒;break down损坏,分解,瓦解,(身体)垮了;get down to 开始认真考虑/对待

【典例】(2014·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)As they_46_ down,the weather got worse.

A.lay B.settled

C.went D.looked


五、by mistake错误地;by chance/accident碰巧;by choice 自愿;by luck侥幸;by hand 手工;by turns 轮流;by design有意,故意;by and large 大体上来说;by the way顺便问一下;by all means 一定,务必;by no means绝不;by oneself独自,单独;by heart记牢;by nature天生的,生性;by weight按重量;by the pound论磅

【典例】(2014·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)They couldn’t see or hear each other and,_48_,Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁).

A.by mistake B.by chance

C.by choice D.by luck


六、1.stand back退后,往后站,不介入;stand aside站到一边,让开,不参与,置身事外,让位于他人;stand by 袖手旁观,无动于衷,做好准备;stand down离职,退职,下台;stand for 是……意思,代表,容忍,忍受;stand out出色,杰出,显眼,更为重要;stand up起立,站立

2.take/have a rest休息;the rest 剩下的;rest time休息时间

3.make a decision做出决定

4.hold on 等着,停住,坚持住,别挂断,等一下;hold on to/onto sth./sb.抓紧,不放开;hold off不开始,延迟,推迟;hold out维持,坚持,抵抗,幸存;hold up支持住,承受住

【典例】(2014·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)__51 Finally,after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold,Simon had to__52__.

A.stand back B.take a rest

C.make a decision D.hold on


七、1.know about认识,了解;know sth./sb.as/for sth.把……看作是,认为……是;know sb./sth from sb./sth.能区分,能分辨

2.learn from sth.从……中学到,认识到,意识到,(从……)吸取教训;learn your lesson 吸取教训

3.cheer for为……欢呼;cheer sb.on(赛跑,比赛等中)以喝彩声鼓励,为某人加油;cheer sb./sth.up使变得高兴,使振奋起来

4.look after(yourself/sb./sth.)对……负责,照顾/料,确保有利于;look around/round for sth.到处寻找,搜寻;look forward to sth./doing sth.(高兴地)期待,期望;look into调查,审查;look round转头看,回头看;look up查字典,(生意、某人的情况)好转,改善

【典例】(2013·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)But people in the streets_36_him,especially those who are_37_poor.

A.know about B.learn from

C.cheer for D.look after


八、1.cross over穿越,越过,横过,渡过,交叉,交叠;cross sb./sth.off(从名单/清单上)划掉,删掉;cross your mind(想法等)掠过心头,出现在脑海;cross your fingers祈求成功

2.drive along沿着……开车

3.hurry down匆忙穿过,沿着……急忙下去;hurry on喋喋不休,啰唆得没完没了;hurry up with sth.赶快,急忙做某事;hurry sb./sth.up 催促某人,使早些发生;in a hurry 迅速,赶快,仓促,匆忙;in a hurry to do sth.急于做某事

4.keep off(雨,雪等)未下;keep off sth.避免吃/喝/吸某物;keep sb./sth.off sb./sth.使不接近某人/事物,使不接触某人/事物

【典例】(2013·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)In winter,Mr.Greenberg does not__40 act like other New Yorkers,who look at the sidewalk and_41_the street.

A.cross over B.drive along

C.hurry down D.keep off


九、1.hold up 支撑,举起; hold on等着,停住,挺住,别挂断,等一下;hold on to sth./sb.抓紧,不放开;hold sb.down按住某人,剥夺某人的自由/权利;hold sth.down使保持低水平,保住,限制;hold out 维持,坚持,抵抗,幸存

2.hang out常去某处,泡在某处,挂出,晾晒;hang around等待,逗留,闲荡;hang about慢悠悠,停一下,等一等,闲荡,逗留;hang on 抓紧了,等一下,等候,别挂电话;hang up 挂断电话

3.move on to sth.开始做别的事,换话题;move sb.on让某人离开(事故现场等);move out 搬出,迁出;move off启动,离去;move along移动一下,向前移动;move in/into sth.搬进新居;move in sth.涉足,出入,生活在(某群体)

4.turn around转身,翻身/转,好转,扭转,有起色;turn back原路返回,往回走;turn sb./sth.down拒绝,顶回(建议/提议/提议人),把……调低,关小;turn in面朝内,向内拐,上交,提交,呈交;turn off不再听,不再想,使厌烦,关掉,截断(电流,水等);turn out出席,结果……,原来是,证明是,结果是;turn over 翻身,翻转;turn up被发现,被找到,到达,来到,露面

【典例】(2013·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)He gives them a pair and then he__44_,looking for more people with cold _45 hands.

A.holds up B.hangs out

C.moves on D.turns around


十、1.search for搜索,搜寻,查找;search sb./sth.out 找出,查到,搜寻到

2.store up贮存,贮藏,保存;store sth.up(把强烈的感情或问题)郁积,憋在心里

3.give away赠送,捐赠,颁发,分发,失去,丧失,错失;give sb./sth.away泄露,暴露;give back归还,送回,使恢复,使重新获得;give in屈服,认输,投降,呈上,交上;give up放弃,抛弃,中止,停止,不再抱希望

4.put sth.on 穿,戴,抹,涂,播放,增加体重,发胖,专门提供,举办,上演,展出;put sb.on让某人听电话;put away把……收起,把……放回原处,积蓄,攒钱,猛吃/喝;put down降落,着陆,放下,搁在(桌上),写下,记下,镇压,平定,人道毁灭;put off取消,撤销,使反感/疏远/分神,搅扰,推迟,延迟;put through完成,达成,使成功,给……接通电话;put up with sb./sth.容忍,忍受

【典例】(2013·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)He gives them a pair and...On winter days,Mr.Greenberg__46__gloves.

A.searches for B.stores up

C.gives away D.puts on


十一、1.sorry for/about sth.歉疚,惭愧,过意不去;be/feel sorry for sb.怜悯,同情

2.be satisfied with sb./sth.对……满意

3.be proud of 为……自豪,以……为荣;do sb.proud盛情款待,给某人隆重礼遇

4.be surprised by/at sb./sth.为……吃惊;surprise at sth.惊奇/惊讶,意外;take sb./sth.by surprise突袭,出其不意地抓获,使某人惊诧

【典例】(2013·全国新课标卷Ⅱ)But people who don’t know him are sometimes_51_him.

A.sorry for B.satisfied with

C.proud of D.surprised by


十二、prepare for为……做准备; look for 寻找;fight for为……而战;act for 代替;answer for对……负责;apply for申请,请求;allow for 考虑到,顾及; account for是……的原因,解释,占据;ask for要求;call for需要,要求,提倡,邀约;go for袭击,适用于,想要获得,喜爱;pay for偿还;stand for代表,意味着,主张,支持

【典例】(2012·全国卷Ⅱ)I had_25_five interviews with a company and one day between bus runs they called to say I did not_26_get the job.

A.prepared for B.attended

C.asked for D.held


十三、1.wave at/to sb.挥手,招手;wave sth.aside/ away对……置之不理,不理会;wave sb./sth.down对(汽车/司机)挥手示意停下,挥手叫停;wave sb.off 挥手送别

2.drop off打盹,小睡,减少,下降,让某人下车;drop back/behind后退,落后,落在……后面;drop by/in/ round=drop in on sb.=drop into sth.顺便访问/进入;drop out of sth.不再参加,退出,脱离,退学,辍学,拒绝传统社会

3.call on/upon sb.邀请,恭请,请求;call at停靠/留;call back再打电话,回电话;call for sb.去接……;call for sth.需要,公开要求;call in打电话来;call sb.in招来,叫来(服务);call sth.in下令收回,要求退回;call off取消,停止进行

4.look for寻找

【典例】(2012·全国卷Ⅱ)As I pulled the bus over to_28_a little girl,...

A.wave at B.drop off

C.call on D.look for


十四、1.(just)in case以防,万一;in case of sth.如果,假使;in any case不管怎样,无论如何; in that case既然那样,假使那样的话;be on sb.’s case不停地指责某人

2.or else否则,不然;or so大约

3.as if=as though似乎,好像,仿佛;as for sb./sth.至于,关于;as from/of(指起始时间/日期)自……起;as it is照现状;as it were可以说,在一定程度上;as to sth./ as regards sth.关于,至于

4.now that既然,由于;now and again/then有时,时常,偶尔;now...now...时而……时而……

【典例】(2012·全国卷Ⅱ)...,she handed me an earring_29_saying I should keep it__30_somebody claimed(认领) it.

A.in case B.or else

C.as if D.now that


十五、1.listen to 听;listen out for sth.留心听(某种声音);listen in(on/to sth.)窃听,监听,收听; listen up注意听,留心听

2.talk about谈论;talk around/round sth.拐弯抹角地说,不着边际地说;talk sb.down贬低/抑,引降;talk sb./sth.up过分夸奖,吹捧;talk with sb.about sth.交谈,谈论,商讨

3.give/deliver a lecture做演讲

【典例】(2012·全国卷Ⅱ)She asked me if I would _38_a one-day lecture on stress management to 200 medical workers.

A.listen to B.review

C.give D.talk about


十六、go up上升/涨,被兴建/建造,升起,被炸毁/烧毁;go about继续做某事;go after sb.追赶某人,跟在某人后面;go ahead 走在前面,先走,发生,进行;go along继续,进展,发展;go along with sb./sth.赞同某事,和某人观点一致;go down倒下,落下,倒在地上,下沉,沉没,吞下,咽下,下跌,下降,暂停作业/运行;go off离开(尤指去做某事),开火,爆炸,突发巨响,熄灭,中断,入睡,变质/坏;go down from(大学学期结束或毕业时)离校;go down in sth.被写下/载入;go down with sth.患……病;go through(法律,合同等)通过,接受,达成;go without没有……而勉强应付/也行

【典例】(2011·全国卷Ⅱ)Police reports are full of _35 accidents that occur when people fall into sleep and go _36_the road.

A.up B.off

C.along D.down


