
2016-04-13 02:59五花肉
质量与标准化 2016年7期



Table Tennis: The Jumpy Fairy



Table tennis originated from the United Kingdom in 19th century and was introduced to China in 1904. Through hundreds of years' development, table tennis has become the national ball game in China and garners heaps of praise. The ball is bouncing back and forth across the table in the competition, which looks like a jumpy fairy.


Origin from the Cork


Table tennis was invented quite by accident. One day in the late 19th century, two young men went out to a restaurant in London. When waiting for the food, they hit the red wine cork back and forth across a dining table, using the cigar case. This table game quickly evolved into a competition event and became popular in London.

后来,一位美国制造商以乒乓球撞击时所发出的声音创造出Ping-pong这个新词,作为他制造的乒乓球专利注册商标。随着赛事的发展、工艺的进步,乒乓球比赛用球从最初的软木塞不断升级为空心橡胶球、赛璐珞粘合球等,最终演变为重2.72 g、直径40 mm的无缝球,这一标准沿用至今。

Later, because of the sound produced by hitting the ball, an American manufacturer created new term ping-pong, which was also his patent and registered trademark. As the game and technology have progressed, the material of the ball developed from cork, rubber and celluloid, and finally evolved into a sphere has a mass of 2.72 g and a diameter of 40 mm. This ball standard is still used today.


Encounter Rubber Plate in Pharmacy


After uniform the game ball, table tennis enthusiasts were troubled with choosing the rackets from different materials and styles. Thanks to an Englishman Gude's serendipitous idea, the racket problem was finally solved.


One day, Gude went to pharmacy on his way home. The coins were bouncing on the rubber plate when the cashier gave him change. As a table tennis fan, Gude was attracted to the rubber plate's material. He bought it and glued it on his wooden racket. Then Gude used the first rubber racket to vanquish all his opponents with ease.

发展到今天,国际乒联对于比赛用球拍有着更严格的标准,如不少于85%天然木料,击球拍面应用一层颗粒向外的普通颗粒胶覆盖,连同粘合剂厚度不超过2 mm,球拍两面必须无光泽,且一面为鲜红色,另一面为黑色等等。

ITTF formulated stricter rules on the official ball. According to the ITTF regulations, at least 85% of the blade by thickness shall be of natural wood; a side of the blade used for striking the ball shall be covered with ordinary pimpled rubber, with pimples outwards having a total thickness including adhesive of not more than 2 mm; the blade shall be matt, one side of the blade must be red while the other side must be black.


The invention of rubber racket is seen as a significant milestone. Various technique and tactics appear based on the use of rubber rackets, which completely changes the lengthy pace of the game and makes it more exciting.

结 语



As an old saying goes, Sharpen your tool before achieve your work. The evolution of ball and rackets endows more energy to this jumpy fairy. It has developed from a pre-dinner game to an Olympic event prevalent throughout the world..


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