
2016-10-21 08:08陈黎铭
校园英语·上旬 2016年7期





1.知识背景。本课是这一单元的第三课——阅读课。介绍了海伦·凯勒的故事。Read to Learn介绍了阅读策略: Revision, 要求学生根据这一策略利用一些相关信息对文章内容作出正确的预测,能够根据上下文猜测生词。在通读课文的基础上,回答课后问题。


(1)重点:1)学习使用阅读策略:根据标题,图片和各段的第一句来预测文章的大意;2)训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能;3)理清课文故事的大体情节和发展脉络;4)感悟并描述课文中人物的情感、态度。







T: We have learned historical stories and name stories. And today we are going to learn another kind of story, life stories. First, I would like to share one of my life stories with you.

Please look at the pictures. When I was in university, I went to a special school to teach the students there. I taught them English and some English songs. This is one of the songs, DOE RAY ME. They sang very well, and I even brought them to my university to perform. They were great. This was really an unforgettable experience for me. After graduation, I always remind them and miss them. They are kind and strong-minded.

Can you figure out what special are they?

Ss: They couldnt see!

T: Yes, some of them are born to like that, they all have some diseases in eyes. Some couldnt see anything, others just a see a little.

OK, that is one of my life stories. And, today lets know another girl. What about her life stories?

Look at the photos. Who is she?

Ss: She is Helen Keller.

T: Great. What about her?

Ss: She is Helen Kellers teacher, Anne Sullivan.

T: Good. Now lets look at more information about Helen Keller. This is a portrait of Helen Keller when she was 7.

This is her wring when she was 7. Can you figure out these words?

Ss: Cat, cold ,catch…

T: All right. These are word by Helen Keller.

T: Great. OK. Now, could you tell me what do you know about Helen Keller? What were her problems?

S1: She couldnt see and hear.

T: Right. When she was 19 months, she got a disease, which caused these problems. She couldnt see, in other words, we say she was blind. She couldnt hear—she was deaf. And these severe restrictions made her difficult in communication. She couldnt communicate because she couldnt speak, read or write.

Please look at the two words, ‘severe means ‘serious, ‘restriction means ‘limit. (write them now on the blackboard)

T: Now, please watch a video clip about Helens childhood and think of words that can be used to describe her behavior.

(Play the video clip)

OK, now who would like to use some words to describe her behavior?

S2: Angry.S3: Troublesome.S4: Unbearable.S5: Stubborn.S6: Crazy.

T: Wonderful.

T: You all do good jobs. Now, please fill out the three sentences to further understand the three words.

(Ss do them individually.)

T: OK, who would like to read them out.

設计说明:课的一开始简明的用师生问答的方式,总结一下前面学过的内容,自然地引出本课的主题。接着,用教师本人的一段生活故事(在大学时在特殊学校支教的经历)引起学生对本课的兴趣。这同时也是一次很好的情感和道德教育,引发学生对弱势群体和残疾人的关注和关心。而且也是个很好的励志材料,图片中的孩子虽然有着身体的缺陷,但是他们并没有因此而自暴自弃,反而认真地学习,并取得了很好的成绩。以此,可是激励学生不要在困难前面退缩,要勇敢面对,并努力克服,这不也正是本课Helen Keller 要告诉我们的道理吗?

然后,通过展示图片,师生问答,观看视频等方式,了解更多关于Helen Keller的信息。同时引出本课的几个生词,并把它们呈现在黑板上对其进行简单的解释,让学生认识文中所用词汇的同义词和反义词,加深对词汇运用的理解。同时也渗透词汇学习策略:通过构词法学习、记忆词汇。最后,再通过填词的方式,让学生进一步巩固生词的用法,为接下来的阅读任务降低难度。

生命真谛 在于忘我