
2016-10-27 07:07
艺术沙龙 2016年1期

沵 力


沵 力



方政和 曹植诗意图(局部)

李 勇 青城之夏(局部)




李宏禹 观心无我(局部)

叶 芃 菩提心· 异(局部)

云门张岩 何处惹尘埃(局部)

李恩成 月光如水(局部)

赵少俨 舒野(局部)



潘一见 绝壑千春之一(局部)

范治斌 嵩山写生(局部)

王跃奎 鼓楼仙境写生(局部)

Youthful memory of “generation after 70s” and “generation after 80s” shows a cover: a boy in loose clothes, under clear sky and sunny tree. The boy looked away, with the wind, across the school buildings where the forest and “Dougong” set each other off, to the sunrise at margin of horizon. Outside of the painting, Gamboges and cosin spread out in grass, decorating the spring. When the bird flies, making a sound which covers up the noise of the world, university time, just like the spring morning, is coming slowly.

The university like the morning of a day and spring of four seasons can enlighten one’s knowledge and emotion, enough to benefit one’s whole life. Nowadays, they who left the university may go far along the long river of the life, but when the worldly waves were gone and all sandstones were exposed, finally the silent river bed gives out the distant echo. During growth period of art of “generation after 70s” and “generation after 80s”painters, the university is like their mother. They climbed the ivory tower sedulously in their most beautiful years. They absorbed the knowledge greedily while having a lot of confusion and passion to be released. The university carries their beauty and sorrow, and gives them a pair of wings.

The history with wars is full of past events. In 1918, Mr. Cai Yuanpei initiated the establishment of National School of Fine Arts, opening the China modern arts education. Till now,it has a history of near hundred years. During hundred years,it corresponded with the social process that change at every moment, from learning to the west, to following the example of the Soviet Union, and then to the absorption and reform facing to wider world after 1980s, at last gradually to the era of diversification. Trace in history was reflected on every student’s face. The generation who experienced “Cultural Revolution” are pure and persistent, with the original strength of dawn absorbing sunrise. Students of “generation after 90s” in self-media era, are quick-change and innocent. So many defiant faces get together to form the collective unconscious facial feature. For students of “generation after 70s” and “generation after 80s”,they always stick to the idealism inherited while chasing after the self-affirmation. Sometimes they walk with intricate paces, sometimes they go ahead despite the difficulties. However, most of time, they lean on shoulder by shoulder and examine each other, showing a subject spirit that is as straight and solid as a wall.“Everyone is the shaper and bearer of the era”(Master Sherab Rsongbo). Disaster and fortune of an era caused the university own character in that era. The projection of concept and experience of a university in hearts of students also will naturally reflect this“intergeneration” own aesthetic logic. From painters of “generation after 70s” and “generation after 80s”,you can see the different imagination way of teachers and students of Academy of Fine Arts for arts, since the 1990s. They are written into the original heart,calling up a gorgeous long journey.

阴澍雨 海棠蟋蟀(局部)

徐光聚 山水(局部)

李雪松 雪线晴光(局部)

In the travel map drawn by university, regional history and time history crisscross. They have been extended to the wider and more far-reaching dimension since the end of the 20th century, and inspired the diversification thinking of “generation after 70s”and “generation after 80s” painters. In those years, wave of self-denial and criticism came after another wave, and Chinese Art started to speed up to run with an open mind. Realism and modernism were brought in, and postmodernism was attracted into bosom immediately after coming across the sea. Since then, China Contemporary Art and ideological trend showed a contested and complex scene. This phenomenon was reflected into the ecology of Academy of Fine Arts without doubt. In campus of 1980s, if you did not read “Hell Is Other People”of Sartre, you would fall behind others. But after 1990s, missing any thinking seemed not to make us regret. Under the same age, there are very different inspiration source, knowledge composition and value priorities——“Common view” in art field domain was already gone. No wisdom can deal with the miscellaneous and discontinuous Chinese experience. In the big tree of academic education, the ancient and the modern, the west and the east are mixed together like the twisted roots and gnarled branches. In the tree, there are so many old flowers and leaves like covers, and new branches grow notch by notch. Collision and fusion between time and space occur here. As it were, artists born in the 70s and 80s grew up in soil of academy with different concepts. Their arts are grafted to different branches, with different paradigms and visions. Appearance and form of art are required by self demand. This generation of artists are mainly characterized by development simultaneously in “above the trellis” and “below the trellis”, fusion of traditional and modern arts,mutual shining of “mirror and lamp” and diversified styles. Indeed, “They do not have to criticize and deny a new tradition together with strength of one generation, in the name of collective, as the artists who have started up in art creation since the 1980s did. They only need develop, promote and go beyond the new developed tradition by individual strength and individual manner, within it.”(Zou Yuejin). There is a quieter and wider world behind a complicated appearance, where there is an enough space for heart and object recognizing each other. This is the luck of this generation.

There are not two repeated roads, just as there are not two same dreamlands. However, the Big Dipper always shines in every night, guiding the way. In the 1990s, when main Academies of Fine Arts in the west have given up the plastic arts and selected concept and installation, Chinese higher art education also wandered around the crisscross streets. When the whole world is going ahead, and you look back, you suddenly realize that the tradition is still standing on the end of the time,with the beauty that can hardly be concealed. A strength that cannot be eliminated burst out from the deep of the blood ties, which is the succession for classical aesthetics, and is the clear insight for the past and future,causing the art education to take the rational decision in seeking and selecting at the turn of the century. The western art that changes forever provides the Chinese art education with the reference and viewing, but the pure and deep Chinese culture is the fundamental aim to reconstruct the art education. After the 1990s, in the gorgeous sparkle excited by global vision and national tradition, Higher Academy of Fine Arts established the new structure supported by Chinese history and reality, and based on this sought the growing point with modern and future significance. Tradition is a magnetic field full of energy, with one pole of yesterday and another pole of today, where compass of inspiration vibrates strongly. In the heart of the students who study Chinese painting, tradition is the deep feeling that cannot take away: in Wei, Jin, Song and Yuan Dynasty there are their beautiful images for ideal life; there is the source purifying their hearts in the philosophy and literature, constant classic. “For them, learning tradition and artistic creation may be their passive choice at the beginning of learning period, however, they will know and like tradition from being edified and practiced by tradition, and they will gradually refuse kitsch in the atmosphere of academy.” (Painter of “generation after 70s”, He Yinghai). The poetic world in literati spirit and Land of Peach Blossoms in words written by pen and ink make them joyful and comfortable in daily life.

廖星君 妙法莲华系列之一(局部)

颜海蓉 不文火(局部)

赵丽娜 梦幻新娘(局部)

李 振 清池(局部)

岳小飞 冷骨(局部)

The one who starts with ideal should return to the homeland of ideal finally. A good university not only can fly your dream, but can wait for your return. When a man travelling in a place far away from home is tired of travelling, the thing that he chased after and highly praised in that year, the precious collection about mysterious youth will become his most gentle embrace. It brushes off the hardships of travel naturally, lights and recoveries the destiny and dream of one heart and even an era! After the new tide in 1985, some edgy artists considered that the academy is “the death land of the art”, and the conventional place. They do not acknowledge any kind of “academy identity” and“academy tradition” but realize their own personality and expression by their instinct,the way of playing life and anomaly-like attitude. From this level, academy education showed indispensable advantages, including the completion of theoretical infusion and skill cultivation, dominant “instrumental rationality” and “technology rationality” and effort of overcoming the difficulty with humanistic thinking. “In the arts and humanities,nobody can ensure that the academy can cultivate the real artist. However, the academy should and also can reach the requirement at least, namely establishing the character that the art students can enjoy for the whole life. This character is the famous words written by the former Master Chen Yinke of The Academy of Chinese Learning, Tsinghua University 70 years ago——‘Independent personality, and freedom of thinking’” (Chen Danqing). A university provided accumulation for “generation after 70s” and “generation after 80s” painters, which can benefit their whole life. The accumulation is the heart with respect and fear for art——you can treat yourself as a professional painter, be diligent and keep the positive attitude under the encouragement of teachers and students in the whole life. It is a kind of view and bosom——you can become a “man” who has responsibilities and thinking under the influence of intellectual spirit and humanistic consciousness. It is also a life-style that can cut through anything——you can open the new poetic world at the place where reason ended with freedom, beauty, imagination and creation. The attainment and character obtained under the edification of academy can make “generation after 70s” and “generation after 80s” painters find the supporting point of understanding history, era and self and establish the form that can bloom the individual life finally.

The university is open forever like an unbounded building. No window, because windows are everywhere in the place that the thinking walks; no roof, because cloud and star sky are the most beautiful roof. It is empty but so full. When you walk into it, a meaningful world will unfolds before you slowly. It may be a river, or a breeze, when “generation after 70s” and“generation after 80s” painters pass it, they will linger on, dwell, rest or set out again, or go deep into or seek it by cleaving path…. Maybe, the endless possibilities but the answer are the best gift that the university gives the “generation after 70s” and “generation after 80s”painters.

My University

Mi Li

一顷含秋 68cm × 34cm 2016年

局部分解 巧妙求值