中非地方政府合作论坛 搭建务实交流平台

2016-11-24 01:03全国友协亚非工作部
重庆与世界 2016年11期

中非地方政府合作论坛 搭建务实交流平台





























自2007 年始,中非友好城市暨地方政府合作研讨会已分别在中国、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、马里、贝宁、乌干达成功举办9届。




















Forum on China-Africa Local Government Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as Forum) is a sub-forum within the framework of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, aiming at the promotion of exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa local governments. Organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (hereinafter referred to as CPAFFC), the forum strives for developing relations with Africa with sincerity, real results, affi nity and good faith, devotes to benefiting the people with the achievements made by the China-Africa cooperation, and consolidates the basis of China-Africa friendship.

The Origin and Background of the Forum

China’s African Policy Paper released in January of 2006 and Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2007-2009) in November of the same year both shows that China's government attaches importance to the exchanges between local governments of China and African countries, vigorously supports twin province/state and twin city relationship aimed at facilitating bilateral exchanges and cooperation in local development and administration.

Entrusted by the government, CPAFFC is in charge of coordinating and overseeing the work of establishing and developing friendship-city relations between China and other countries and promoting exchanges and cooperation between their localities and cities. Based on the principles of central government’s African policies and practical work of association, CPAFFC takes the promotion of China-Africa local cooperation as the focus of work toward Africa in 2006.

A series of work have been made by CPAFFC between 2006 and 2012 to facilitate the China-Africa local exchanges and cooperation:

Reorganized and established the 4th Council of Chinese-African People's Friendship Association at the end of 2006, which invited the leaders of Foreign Affairs Offi ces or Friendship Associations in most of provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities, subprovincial cities) as members to integrate the domestic resources relating to Africa.

Established relationship with local governments and associations in most African countries and invited dozens of ministers and administrators of the local government to visit China, which consolidated the connection network in the Africa local governments.

Organized 70 African diplomats in China to deliver speeches in more than ten provinces and cities, which deepened Chinese local governments’ understanding of African countries and attached their more importance to the China-Africa local cooperation.

Organized small-scale activities like the 3rd Seminar for Offi cials from Friendship Cities of African Countries, the 9th Seminar on China-Africa Local Government Cooperation, etc., in order to accumulate experiences for a wider and deeper mechanism development in China-Africa local cooperation.

In August 2016, 2016 China-Africa Youth Party was held in Guangzhou. Image from: Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)

On August 27, 2012, as the result of efforts in the past few years, the 1st Forum on China-Africa Local Government Cooperation was successfully held in Beijing. Li Keqiang, then vice premier of State Council, attended the opening ceremony and deliveredkey speeches. More than 1,000 local representatives from both China and Africa approved the Beijing Declaration, which stipulates the biennial sessions of the forum. Dai Bingguo, then State Councilor, affirmed the forum mechanism in his closing ceremony speech.

Become an important platform for China-Africa local cooperation

The 1st Forum was held in Beijing on August 27, 2012. Li Keqiang, then vice premier of State Council, revealed in his opening ceremony speech that China will work to accelerate the development of China-Africa sister cities and train more professionals for Africa. China will promote the exchange between local managerial staff, entrepreneurs and people from various sectors from each side to enhance mutual learning. The forum also reveals the Beijing Declaration of the 1st Forum on China-Africa Local Government Cooperation. 7 friendship cities agreements and 20 economic and trade agreement were signed during the forum.

The 2nd Forum was held in Beijing on November 10, 2015. 600 local officials and entrepreneurs from China and Africa attended the forum. Yang Jiechi, the State Councilor, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He said that a series of exchange activities held since the 1st forum have resulted more pragmatic cooperation and economic and trade exchanges, and also brought substantial contents into the development of the China-Africa relationship. Participants had in-depth discussions on topics like local capacity building, China-Africa industrial cooperation, as well as inclusive growth in provinces and cities. Activities like three sub-forums, which focus on energy resources, infrastructures and agricultural and oceanic economy respectively, one-on-one discussing meeting, along with promotion meeting on Shannxi-Africa cooperation have been held. The forum has been highly appreciated by all participants.

Within the framework of the forum, CPAFFC have fulfi lled its role in providing platforms for the China-Africa local cooperation by organizing a series of activities between two forums.

Multilateral Communication

In December, 2012, President Li Xiaolin, heading a delegation of representatives from local governments, attended the 6th Africities Summit in Dakar, and delivered a speech at the summit appealing for a stronger China-Africa local cooperation.

In December, 2012, the 1st Dialogue for Chinese and African Governors and Mayors was held in Dakar, the capital city of Senegal. 150 representatives from 7 China’s provinces and over 20 African countries attended the Dialogue. Both sides have an in-depth communication over areas like agriculture, minerals and investment. CPAFFC has singed cooperation agreement with Senegal Local Government Leaders Union.

In June, 2013, the 2nd Dialogue for Chinese and African Governors and Mayors was held in Shandong Province. 100 African representatives including local offi cials such as mayors and governors of the capital cities, provinces and prefectures from 19 French-speaking African countries, fi gures in economy and trade circles, diplomats of Embassies of African countries in China, together with over 200 representatives from China were invited to the Dialogue. 18 agreements on friendship cities and economy and trade cooperation were signed by both representatives.

In November, 2013, Dialogue of Mayors and Governors of China and East African Community(EAC) was held in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. H.E. Mr. Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda, Mr. Edward Sekandi, Vice President of Uganda, the Ministers of Local Government from EAC countries and the mayors and businessmen from China and EAC, totaling about 200 guests, attended the Dialogue. Headed by the leaders from provinces like Shandong, Liaoning, and Shannxi, the delegations conducted multilateral or bilateral communications with African representatives over 20 times, and signed 9 memorandums and letters of intents for cooperation.

In May, 2015, 19 representatives of the East African Governors Delegation, headed by the governors of Nandi County, Laikipia County in Kenya and Lindi Region, Pwani Region, Mtwara Region and Tanga Region in Tanzania, were invited to visit China and went to Xi’an for The Belt and Road Local Leaders’Dialogue held by CPAFFC and Shaanxi Province. Six governors has signed The Belt and Road Local Leaders’s Dialogue: Xi’an Declaration together with the representatives attended. Through the visit, CPAFFC established connections with the Council of Governors Kenya.

In December, 2015, the 3rd China-Africa Mayors Dialogue was held in Johannesburg, South Africa. Hundreds of representatives attended the Dialogue, including Lin Yi, vice president of CPAFFC, the China’s local representatives from Dalian, Nanchang, Jingdezhen, Zaozhuang, Liuzhou, etc., Mayor of Dakar (the capital city of Senegal), Mr. Parks Tau, Mayor of Johannesburg, Mr. Thabo Manyoni, Mayor of Bloemfontein, Ms. Jacqueline Belle, Mayor of Victoria (capital city of Seychelles), as well as local government representatives from dozens of African countries. The representatives attended had an indepth communication over the approaches for China-Africacooperation.

Bilateral Communication

In November, 2012, China-Kenya Mayors Dialogue and Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference were held in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. Officials and businessmen from 6 Chinese provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and 15 Kenyan cities attended. Both sides have reached intents of cooperation over areas like irrigation, farming, and friendship cities relationship. CPAFFC and Wenzhou Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Beijing have signed strategic cooperation agreement with Association of Local Governments Authorities of Kenya and Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry respectively.

In November, 2013, the 1st China-Tanzania Mayors Dialogue was held in Dar es Salaam, the capital city of Tanzania. 400 representatives from Tanzania, including Mizengo Pinda, the Prime Minister of Tanzania, 25 governors and businessman, and a local government delegation of 70 representatives led by Vice Governors from Shandong, Liaoning and Shannxi Province. Both sides reached intents over multiple areas, and specific projects would follow up. Prime Minister Pinda thought highly of the Dialogue, saying it is a milestone for the strengthening of bilateral cooperation.

In June, 2014, the 2nd China-Tanzania Mayors Dialogue was held in Liaoning Province. Leaders and businessmen from 14 cities of Liaoning Province and 21 governors of Tanzania, totaling about 400 representatives, attended the Dialogue. Intents of cooperation over multiple areas have been reached.

At the end of November and the beginning of December, 2014, a delegation led by Jackson Mandago, governor of Uasin Gishu county, Hazel Ezabel Nyamoki Ogunde, the deputy governor of Mombasa County, Beatrice Elachi, Whip of the Majority Party and Senator, and Michael Munyao, Chairman of Kenya - China Friendship Association visited China. The delegation attended China International Friendship Conference 2014 hosted by CPAFFC and Kenya Economic and Trade Investment Meeting held in Beijing, Xi’an and Guangzhou, where they established cooperation with Chinese enterprises on building materials, transportation and mineral industry.

In April, 2016, the 1st China-Morocco Friendship Forum was held in Rabat, the capital city of Morocco. Lin Yi, Vice President of CPAFFC, led a delegation of representatives from provinces and cities like Shenyang, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Jilin, Zhejiang, etc., to attend the forum. Representatives from Morocco include Minister of Communication and Spokesman of the government, Minister of Higher Education, Scientifi c Research and Training, Governor of Rabat-Salé-Kenitra Region, Mayor of Rabat city, and so on. About 150 participants from China and Morocco held discussions on promoting friendship city relationship during the forum.

In June, 2016, CPAFFC invited the delegation of South Africa Local Government Association headed by its Vice Chairman Cllr. Kebitsamang Mpho Nawa to visit China. Through the visit, both sides reached agreements on the further strengthening of China-South Africa local exchange and cooperation.

In August, 2016, CPAFFC invited the delegation of the Nigerian Governors’ Forum(NGF), headed by H.E. Mr. Abudul Yari, the NGF Chairman and Governor of Zamfara State, to visit China. The delegation also consists of governors of Plateau State, Jigawa State, Osun State, Anambra State, Delta State, Adamawa State, Bauchi State, as well as NGF Acting Director General, which represented the six geo-political regions of Nigeria. Through the visit, the governors of Nigeria furthered their understanding of work done by CPAFFC and Forum on China-Africa Local Government Cooperation, and showed their wills of establishing friendship with China’s provinces and cities. Furthermore, the visit also enhanced the cooperation between CPAFFC and NGF.

In June, 2016, CPAFFC invited the 9-member Malawian Mayors’ Delegation to visit China. The delegation was led by Mr. Kiswell Dakamau, Director of Local Government Service of the Malawian Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. The delegation includes Mayor of Lilongwe, Deputy Mayor of Blantyre, Deputy Mayor of Zomba and Deputy Mayor of Mzuzu, etc. During the visit, the Mayor of Lilongwe showed his will of establishing friendship cities with Hefei. The representatives from the visiting cities expressed their expectation to exchange and cooperate with China’s cities over areas like urban planning, agriculture, infrastructure construction, municipal administration, urban governance, legal construction, and so on.

In September, 2016, Nigeria-China Local Government and Business Dialogue was held in Abuja, Nigeria. H.E. Mr. Abdul’ahat Abdurixit, President of the the Chinese-African People’s Friendship Association, Mrs. Lin Yi, the Vice President of CPAFFC, local government officials and businessmen from Jiangxi Province, Liaoning Province, Changchun city of Jilin Province, Bazhong City of Sichuan Province and Delta State, Osun State, Abia State and Imo State of Nigeria, totaling over 150 participants attended the dialogue. Both sides exchanged views on promoting bilateral local government communication and business cooperation, held in-depth discussion on investment hotspot issues, and released the Declaration on Cooperation by Nigeria-China States and Cities.

Assisting the Cooperative Enterprises of Forum

In March, 2013, Mr. Feng Zuoku, the Vice President of CPAFFC, led a delegation to visit The Republic of Gabon to facilitate the project of Mandji Tax Free Zone in Port Gentil City, which is undertaken by China Communications Construction Company Limited, a cooperative enterprise of Forum.

In April, 2013, Beijing Dihao Holding, a supportive enterprise of Forum, conducted their fi rst visit to Ghana to investigate the gold mining projects. With the efforts for over three years, exploration and development deals of gold and diamond mines covering an area of one thousand square kilometers have been signed with Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources of Ghana and the Ghana Geological Survey Department.

Experience Sharing

To learn China’s African Policy Paper(2006) to understand nation’s policy toward Africa; to study on the Beijing Summit of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation to get a clear idea of work toward Africa; to reorganize the Council of Chinese-African People's Friendship Association; to integrate resources like connection and information both abroad and at home by mutual visiting at ministerial and provincial level between China and Africa; to accumulate experiences through seminars attended by offi cials from friendship cities and focusing on local government cooperation. These various approaches will finally lay a solid foundation for a successful forum and bring more to the development of forum mechanism.

To increase interaction with business and academic circles. For years, CFAPPA has hosted various activities, such as China-Africa Friendship Award, the reception and sending of highlevel delegations, to build platform for the enterprises. Therefore, CFAPPA gets along with the business circle, and two forums are largely sponsored by the enterprises.

Another challenge getting in the way of the development of forum is the lack of intellectual support. It is inevitable to be with the help of “another brain” – the outside intellectual resources for a more successful forum and dealing with the concerns from provinces and cities in China and Africa. Therefore, a committee of experts, which includes nearly 20 intellectuals and elites from government, academy and business world, is established within the forum to provide intellectual support for the forum.

To pay attention to the concerns from provinces and cities in China and Africa, based on which various activities are planned. It is the hope of the provinces and cities at home for a stronger economic and trade cooperation with the African counterparts and more accesses for their advantageous productivity into the Africa. On the contrary, it is also the wish of the provinces and cities in Africa for the cooperation with their Chinese counterparts to level up their industrialization and agricultural modernization. To this end, CPAFFC will take care of the concerns from both sides in the planning of the forum and activities that follow, which is helpful for an effective forum mechanism.

Future Work of the Forum

To continue the improvement of regional governors dialogue and organize communication activities for local governments according to industries and fields.To continue the building of platform for cooperation between regional mayors and governors, such as China and Portuguese-speaking African Countries Governors Dialogue, China and Southwestern African Development Community Governors Dialogue, etc.For a more pragmatic development of China-Africa local cooperation, communication activities are organized according to industries and fields, for example, industrial cooperation, agricultural modernization, technical personnel training, cultural exchange, etc.

To strengthen the exchanges and promotion of China and African provinces and cities over management experiences, advantageous products and services, etc.Provinces and cities in China and Africa both boost management experiences, advantageous products and services, etc., which are benefi cial for each other’s development. Therefore, combining with the existing conventions and taking the forum as the platform, CPAFFC plans to host seminars on management experiences, advantageous products and services, etc. to further the cooperation between China and Africa local government.

To establish an Internet network for local communication between most of China’s provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and African countries.Through the network, provinces and cities in China and Africa can achieve less time and cost but higher effi ciency in communication with each other. As the first step in building the network, CPAFFC hopes to work with provinces and cities at home to establish an instant communication network. Via technologies like instant messaging software or e-mails, CPAFFC, provincial Foreign Affairs Offi ces or liaisons of China-Africa Local Cooperation designated by CPAFFC can release cooperation information, suggestions and recommendations here and now. And this can contribute to a highly-interlinked and more effective communication network horizontally and vertically.

(Provided by Department of Asian & African Affairs of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries)

Forum on Sino--African Local Government Cooperation Builds a Pragmatic Platform for Exchanges
