
2017-01-09 05:31戴亿政罗锡文王在满杨文武张明华王宝龙
农业工程学报 2016年24期

戴亿政,罗锡文,王在满,曾 山,臧 英,杨文武,张明华,王宝龙,邢 赫


戴亿政1,2,3,罗锡文1,2※,王在满1,2,曾 山1,2,臧 英1,2,杨文武1,2,张明华1,2,王宝龙1,2,邢 赫1,2

(1. 华南农业大学工程学院,广州510642;2. 华南农业大学南方农业机械与装备关键技术教育部重点实验室,广州510642; 3. 江西省农业机械研究所,南昌330044)

针对水稻直播高速作业和大播量的要求,设计了一种适用于气力集排式水稻直播机的分种器。从直播机的适应性、作业速度、播量调节等方面研究了气力集排式分种器的分种机理,分析了分种器的适应性、均匀性和稳定性;根据水稻种子的物理特性,采用Solidworks Flow软件进行计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)仿真,对比不同结构分种器速度流场分布图,得到了较优等种数流场,获得了分种器设计参数;分种器划分为等种数流场结构、输送结构、下种结构,等种数流场结构又分为聚种、分种、派种3部分,通过理论分析与流体仿真计算,对比速度大小和离散度,模拟等种数速度场流线图,优化分种盖结构,选择合适的气源,设计了气种混合均匀的分种器,提高了直播机分种的均匀性和稳定性。试制了分种器并进行了台架试验,试验结果与CFD仿真分析基本一致,设计的10行分种器各行之间和行内播量变异系数分别为3.58%和4.55%,设计的20行分种器各行之间和行内播量变异系数分别为3.91%和5.04%,能满足不同直播机的要求。试验结果表明,直管输送管增加波纹结构有助于水稻种子向管道中央集聚;排种管的长短影响分种效果,特别是行内的稳定性,排种管的长度应尽可能一致;分种器内部结构影响气体速度场的分布,分种器内外盖形成的等距圆弧结构和输送管内波纹结构有利于分种器中气种等种数混合流场的形成,使播种均匀性更好。


0 引 言




1 分种原理

以气力集排式水稻分种器为研究重点,华南农业大学研制成功2BDQJ-20型气力集排式水稻直播机,采用双排种分种机构,通过机械传动驱动气源和排种器,保证分种器均匀分种,作业速度可达3.5 m/s,播种量在75~375 kg/hm2范围内可调,大于中国水稻直播机普遍在1~1.5 m/s的作业速度。

气力集排式直播机的排种过程可分为供种(1)、混种(2)、分种(3)和投种(4)4个阶段,分别涉及中央排种器、导种器、分种器和排种管等关键零部件,如图1所示。中央排种器将种箱中的种子定量排出,由于重力作用,种子落入导种器,这个过程定义为1;导种器通过喷射式给料原理[23]将定量供应的种子与空气混合形成气种混合流,这个过程定义为2;气种混合流通过软管和金属弯管输送到分种器,经过分种器的输送管,进入分种器内外盖形成的等距圆弧结构,气种混合流形成等种数流场(equal amount flow field,EF),均匀排列的分种口在内外压力差作用下将气种混合流均分,这个过程定义为3;排种管连接分种口与开沟器,将等分的气种混合流排入种沟,完成播种过程,这个过程定义为4。


2 分种器设计

2.1 设计依据

根据中国各地水稻种植田块大小和种植方式,本设计中通过1来控制播量,在2中种子混合并向分种器运动,在4中要求每行种子播量相近、播种连续均匀,1、2、4共同形成了3的边界条件,3过程的核心是分种器的结构设计,按照气力集排式水稻直播机幅宽4 m,最大作业速度3.5 m/s和最大播种量375 kg/hm2的要求,确定分种器输送气流速度v、输送空气流量Q与输送管径,进而设计分种器等种数流场结构。


式中,K为不规则形状修正系数,取1.1[24],d为水稻种子平均粒径,m;ρ为水稻种子密度,kg/m3;取545 kg/m3;为空气密度,kg/m3;为阻力系数,取0.44[24];为重力加速度,取9.8 m/s2。经计算,水稻种子自由悬浮速度0为6.74 m/s,根据输送气流速度经验系数[24]可知,管路布置有弯曲时,输送气流v应是0的2.6~6.0倍。

据公式(2)和(3)可算出输送空气流量Q,式中WW分别为单位时间输送空气、水稻种子质量,kg/s;为料气混合比,取=2.9[24],又Q=v·π2/4,可得公式(4),由此可计算出输送管直径为58 mm,v=38.5 m/s,Q=366.2 m3/h。



2.2 总体设计


2.3 分种盖和等种数流场的设计




Note:is rice seeds, ↑is velocity field flow line, EF1is the horizontal part cover flow field, EF2is the circular part cover flow field, EF3is the vertical part cover flow field, 1Iis inner surface of outer cover, 1IIis outer surface of outer cover, 2Iis outer surface of inner cover, 2IIis inner surface of inner cover.

图4 等种数场水稻种子分布示意图

Fig.4 Schematic diagram of rice distribution in equal amount flow field

2.4 分种外盖的设计

分种器外盖尺寸和值决定了内盖尺寸,现已知的值(据式(4),=58 mm),根据水稻种子物理尺寸,值取22 mm,下种口个数取10,下种口位于内,内径为20 mm,下种口下端与排种管连接。根据设计计算,分种外盖的结构参数如图5所示。如果外盖顶端设计凸型或凹型,公式(5)不能保证,所以外盖顶端设计为水平,与输送管输出端平面保持水平,大小等于输送管内径;分种盖中间设计为圆弧形状,上端压力大,压力向下逐渐减少,引导种子向下运动;圆弧两端连接处均为圆角过渡,圆弧连接处下端为垂直圆环结构,连接圆弧结构与底面圆形密封板。

2.5 输送管的设计

为使水稻种子高速集中输入等种数流场中,设计的输送管为直圆管内壁带圆弧凸起物的波纹输送管,轴向断面局部剖视图如图6所示,每段波纹长度为12 mm,波纹中间直管长度为18 mm,其余尺寸如图6标注所示,1个输送管有15个波纹,输送管总长为445 mm。

3 分种器CFD仿真分析

3.1 函数模型的选用

据分种器水稻分种过程3,在常温(25 ℃)标准大气压下,通过公式(6)计算得到的雷诺数大于临界雷诺数Re,所以选用湍流模型。采用Solidworks 2016软件中的Flow Simulation[25]模块进行计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)[26]计算,选用自带湍流模型对不同结构的分种器进行速度流场分布对比分析,选择湍流函数模型是因理论分析需要而假想的一种理想化模型,目的是使理论分析简化。

式中为雷诺数(无量纲);为空气密度,kg/m3;为流体平均流速,m/s;为圆管直径,m;为空气黏度,Pa·s。在压强为101.325 kPa、温度为25 ℃的条件下,空气的运动黏度取1.79×10-5Pa·s,高于Re(2300)时一般是湍流态[27]。

3.2 模型结构与边界设定

在Solidworks模型空间中建立分种器的三维模型,导入至Flow Simulation模块中,将输送管下端进风口和所有排种管末端出风口封闭,创建盖,边界条件为入口速度与出口静压,选择空气作为输入流体,加载选好的湍流函数模型,输送管入口速度大小为38.5 m/s,分种口出口静压为101.325 kPa,叠加收敛,得到分种器仿真模型。

3.3 不同结构分种器速度流场分布

在同样的仿真模型条件下,设置相同的边界条件,改变分种器的局部结构,设置3组对比分析,因素1为输送管的内部结构,包括带波纹的直管和不带波纹的直管,排种管长度和分种口数一致;因素2为排种管的长度,包括2种不同长度,分别为1.5和2.8 m,输送管内部结构和分种口数一致;因素3为分种口个数,一种为10个分种口,一种为20个分种口,输送管内部结构和排种管长度一致,都为波纹管。通过CFD仿真得3组速度流场分布如图7所示,输送管中流场速度按黄色、橙色和红色划分为3个主要梯度,分别为41.807~45.608、45.609~49.408、49.409~53.209 m/s。

在图7a中,输送管为内径58 mm和外径64 mm的不锈钢直管,内部光滑,图7b为内表面带有圆弧凸起物的不锈钢波纹管,等同于在直管上增加半径为8 mm圆弧凸起物。直管CFD仿真计算得到直管中流场最大速度和最小速度分别为41.148、2.417 m/s,在EF1底部速度最大,在EF1中速度场呈水平形,输送管中流场速度主要集中在34.206~41.807 m/s之间,梯度不明显;波纹管中流场最大速度和最小速度分别为50.55、2.426 m/s,在EF1中速度场呈凸形,3个梯度明显。

在图7c中,排种管长度为1.5和2.8 m,交错排列,各5根;在图7d中,10行排种管长度都为1.5 m,图7c和图7d中排种管内径为20 mm,外径为25 mm。图7c中流场最大速度和最小速度分别为49.518、2.818 m/s,EF2中0~11.402的速度场面积大于图7d,3个梯度左右不对称,45.609~49.408 m/s梯度下端有缺口,速度变化不均,1.5 m管中流场速度大于2.8 m管,49.409~53.209 m/s梯度面积小于图7d。

图7e为20个分种口,即播种行为20,图7f为10个分种口,即播种行为10。20行中的流场最大速度和最小速度分别为50.399、2.409 m/s,排种管中流场速度小于图7f,即排种管中风量更小。

3.4 仿真结果分析

从图7中的3组对比仿真分析可知,速度流场可以分为2部分,一部分为输送管速度流场分布,为种子的分配提供输送准备;一部分为EF速度流场分布,包括EF1、EF2和EF33段分配种子。通过图示和速度数值统计对比可得,排种管长度相等且带波纹输送的分种器EF速度流场分布中,41.807~45.608、45.609~49.408、49.409~53.209 m/s速度梯度明显,梯度之间变化均匀,与图4中流线一致,且速度最大值最大,有利于种子的分配;由于速度差的原因,产生压强差,使种子向中间速度最大的流场运动,例如在图7b中1点的种子,左边速度场大于右边速度场,种子将由1向2移动,所以输送管中心最大速度梯度(深红色区域)面积越大越有利于聚拢。

4 试验与结果


4.1 试验装置与材料

试验装置采用自制的水稻分种器试验台,如图8所示,该装置主要由分种器、排种管、导种器、排种器、种箱、金属弯管、安装架、闸阀、风机、软管、测量孔、减速电机等组成。试验时,选用的风机为380 V、5.5 kW漩涡式电动风机,最大流量530 m3/h,大于Q,满足设计要求,通过调节零件6控制分种器中的输入风量;试验使用的水稻种子为黄华占品种,千粒质量为20.78 g,含水率13.6%。

为测定分种器性能,按照GB/T 9478-2005“谷物条播机试验方法”,通过各行之间播量变异系数测定分种的均匀性,行内播量的变异系数大小测定分种的稳定性。试验分为5组,分别标记为1、2、3、4、5,1为波纹管分种器,10行排种管长度都为1.5 m;2为直管分种器,10行排种管长度都为1.5 m;3为直管分种器,5行排种管长度为1.5 m,5行为2.8 m,交错排列;4为波纹管分种器,5行排种管长度为1.5 m,5行为2.8 m,交错排列;5为波纹管分种器,20行排种管长度都为1.5 m。排种管标记为(=1,···,),种箱中加入300 g种子;调整减速电机,保证排种器播量恒定;调节闸阀测定风速大小,使分种器中输入风量为366.2 m3/h;播后对每行播量进行测定,每次试验重复5次。对第行排出的种子称质量,取5次质量的平均值,记为x,单位为g;按变异系数公式计算出变异系数值,如表1所示,为单个分种器整体各行的平均值。

4.3 试验结果与分析


表1 分种器各行播量

注:=1,···, 20;1为波纹管分种器,10行排种管长度都为1.5 m;2为直管分种器,10行排种管长度都为1.5 m;3为直管分种器,5行排种管长度为1.5 m,5行为2.8 m,交错排列;4为波纹管分种器,5行排种管长度为1.5 m,5行为2.8 m,交错排列;5为波纹管分种器,20行排种管长度都为1.5 m。

Note:=1,···, 20;1is corrugated conveying pipe distributor with 10 rows spreader tube length of 1.5 m;2is straight conveying pipe distributor with 10 rows spreader tube length of 1.5 m;3is straight conveying pipe distributor with 5 rows spreader tube length of 1.5 m and 5 rows spreader tube length of 2.8 m, staggered arranged;4is corrugated conveying pipe distributor with 5 rows spreader tube length of 1.5 m and 5 rows spreader tube length of 2.8 m, staggered arranged;5is corrugated conveying pipe distributor with 20 rows spreader tube length of 1.5 m.

表2 分种器行内播量变异系数

5 结论与讨论


1)在75~375 kg/hm2大播量的情况下,采用排种管长度相等和带波纹输送的10行分种器可以实现均匀分种,行间播量变异系数为3.58%。


防治方法:在虫害初期,选用1.8%阿维菌素乳油(15毫升/亩)4 000倍液,或5.7%氟氯氰菊酯乳油(30~60毫升/亩)1 000~2 000倍液,或抑食肼可湿性粉剂(60克/亩)1 000倍液等交替喷雾防治。



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Design and experiment of rice pneumatic centralized seed distributor

Dai Yizheng1,2,3, Luo Xiwen1,2※, Wang Zaiman1,2, Zeng Shan1,2, Zang Ying1,2, Yang Wenwu1,2, Zhang Minghua1,2, Wang Baolong1,2, Xing He1,2

(1.,,510642,; 2.,,,510642,; 3.,330044,)

Aiming at the requirements of high speed and large sowing quantity for rice direct seeding, a kind of rice pneumatic centralized seed distributor, including outer cover, inner cover, metering disc, gasket, mounting holes, distribution port, conveying pipe, was designed based on rice pneumatic centralized drilling machine. The distribution mechanism of pneumatic centralized seed distributor was studied according to the adaptability, working speed and seeding quantity adjustment of the drilling machine; the adaptability, uniformity and stability of pneumatic centralized seed distributor were analyzed; the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation with Solidworks Flow software was carried out according to the physical characteristics of rice seeds; the distribution of velocity flow field of the seed distributors with different structure was compared, which contained 3 groups of comparative analysis: Factor 1 was for the internal structure of the conveying pipe, including the corrugated straight pipe and straight pipe without ripple, in which the spreader tube length and distribution port number were the same; Factor 2 was for the length of spreader tube, with 2 lengths of 1.5 and 2.8 m, in which the internal structure of conveying pipe and distribution port number were the same; Factor 3 was for the distribution port number, and one was 10 and the other was 20, in which the internal structure of conveying pipe and spreader tube length were the same. The optimal equal amount flow field (EF) was obtained, whose structure was the central symmetric body, with the velocity and pressure magnitude being equal for each point on the circumference with equal radius; the changes of air velocity flow field were consistent from the beginning to the end, the flow line and the track were coincident, and the seed distributor design parameters were obtained; the seed distributor contained the EF structure, the transportation structure and the spreading structure. And the EF structure was divided into 3 parts: EF1(the horizontal part of flow field of the cover), EF2(the circular part of flow field of the cover), and EF3(the vertical part of flow field of the cover), which were for gathering seeds, dividing seeds and sending seeds, respectively. The structure of the outer cover was optimized through the theoretical analysis and fluid simulation, the velocity magnitude and the dispersion of equal amount flow field were compared, the flow line of EF velocity field was simulated, the proper air source was selected, a seed distributor with homogeneous mixture for air and seeds was designed, and the distribution uniformity and stability of drilling machine were improved. Platform experiment of seed distributor was carried out, and the experimental results were in accord with the CFD simulation analysis. The coefficients of variation of the seeding quantity between rows and intra-row for the 10-row seed distributor, which had the same spreader tubes and corrugated pipe for each row, were 3.58% and 4.55% respectively, and that for the 20-row seed distributor, which had the same spreader tubes and corrugated pipe for each row, were 3.91% and 5.04% respectively, which could meet the requirements of different drilling machines. The CFD and experiment results show that the adding of corrugated structure in the straight pipe can help the rice seeds gathering in the center of the pipe; the length of spreader tubes will influence the seed distribution effect, and therefore especially the intra-row stability, and the length of the seeding pipe should be as uniform as possible; the internal structure of the pipe affects the distribution of the velocity flow; the equidistant circular arc structure formed by the inner and outer covers and the corrugated structure in the conveying pipe are beneficial to the formation of the air and seeds mixed equal amount flow field, which makes the seeding uniformity better.

computational fluid dynamics (CFD); agricultural machinery; pneumatic equipment; drilling machine; distributor; rice







公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203059);948计划项目(2011-G18(2)); 863计划项目(2012AA10A501-2)


