
2017-02-17 02:55李佳琪倪计民石秀勇徐晓川李冬冬陈振斌
农业工程学报 2017年2期

李佳琪,倪计民,石秀勇,徐晓川,刘 越,李冬冬,陈振斌


李佳琪1,倪计民1※,石秀勇1,徐晓川1,刘 越1,李冬冬1,陈振斌2

(1. 同济大学汽车学院,上海 201804; 2. 海南大学机电工程学院,儋州 571737)

基于以往对增压器的浮环轴承润滑分析中大都忽略浮环的环速比影响,或将润滑性能和环速比独立分析。该文采用数值分析方法研究了增压器浮环轴承的润滑特性和环速比,分析中考虑了转轴、浮环、轴承座之间的传热因素,基于Reynolds方程和浮环平衡方程,建立了浮环轴承润滑模型,对比分析了浮环内、外层间隙,内、外圆半径4个结构参数对浮环轴承润滑特性和环速比的影响。结果表明,实际设计浮环时,需综合考虑结构参数对浮环润滑特性和环速比的影响及影响程度;浮环内层间隙增加,环速比降低,与内层间隙0.02 mm时相比,转速60 000 r/min时,内层间隙0.04 mm时的环速比减幅达23%,内层间隙增加,内、外膜温度减小,摩擦功耗略有增加,内层间隙0.03 mm时,浮环具有较理想的润滑性能和环速比;外层间隙0.06 mm的环速比均比外层间隙0.04 mm的环速比增加30%以上,外层间隙增加,外膜温度减小,且转速越高,外膜温度减幅越大;浮环内圆半径越小,环速比越小,内、外膜温度和摩擦功耗越小,浮环润滑性能越好;浮环外圆半径增加,环速比降低,但内膜温度、外膜温度、总摩擦功耗和总端泄流量变化幅度均在5%以内,外圆半径对浮环润滑性能影响不显著;浮环实际设计时,调整内圆半径比调整外圆半径对改善浮环润滑性能更有效。


0 引 言


Clarke等[1]对重载荷情况下的浮环轴承进行润滑分析;Koeneke等[2]研究了高速轴承惯性力对油膜破裂的影响;Mokhtar等[3]研究了内、外层外径间隙对最小油膜厚度的影响;Andres等[4-7]在某一给定载荷条件下,考虑了内膜、浮环、外膜之间的传热,对浮环功耗、温度和油膜厚度进行了预测;Li等[8-10]对转子和浮环轴承系统动力学进行了研究;Guo等[11-14]研究了径推联合动静压的静态特性和动态特性;Zhang等[15]研究了气体轴承的稳定性;Dong等[16]研究了浮环轴承在发动机中的应用;Deligant等[17]采用CFD软件对增压器轴承性能进行了预测;Liang 等[18-20]对半浮动轴承、浮环表面织构和浮环失圆等影响因素进行了分析;康召辉等[21-22]考虑了浮环涡动对润滑性能的研究;师占群等[23-25]考虑了贫油条件对浮环轴承润滑性能的影响;宁峰平等[26]研究了过盈量对轴承预紧力的影响;同时,已有一些学者也开展了浮环轴承结构参数、浮环传热的影响研究[27-29]。



1 数学模型与数值分析方法

1.1 浮环轴承动压润滑模型


a. 径向截面

a. Radial cross section

b. 轴向截面

b. Axial cross section


Note:Jis journal angular velocity, rad·s-1;Ris ring angular velocity, rad·s-1;i,oare the inner and outer film thicknesses,m;i,oare the inner and outer circle widths;ois the coordinate system of bearing block,''' is the coordinate system of floating ring.

图1 浮环轴承结构示意图

Fig.1 Schematic view of structure of floating ring bearing

1.1.1 Reynolds 方程



1.1.2 浮环油膜厚度方程









1.1.3 润滑油的黏温关系



1.1.4 浮环摩擦功耗



1.1.5 润滑油端泄流量



1.2 转轴-浮环-轴承座传热模型


1.2.1 浮环内膜热平衡方程



1.2.2 浮环热平衡方程



1.2.3 浮环外膜热平衡方程



1.3 浮环平衡模型



1.3.2 浮环力矩平衡方程


1.4 数值分析方法



2 计算模型验证



4 结果与讨论


表1 浮环轴承和润滑油主要计算参数

3.1 内层间隙

图4为内层间隙对浮环轴承环速比与润滑特性的影响。由图4a可知,随内层间隙增加,内膜膜厚增加,导致内膜力矩减小,故需减小环速比使内膜力矩与外膜力矩重新达到平衡,因而环速比减小,且转速越小,环速比下降趋势越明显。与内层间隙0.02 mm时相比,转速60 000 r/min时,内层间隙0.04 mm时的环速比减幅达23%。由图4b可知,随内层间隙增加,内膜通过端泄带走更多热量,从而使内膜温度减小。


在本算例中,尽管内层间隙为0.04 mm时浮环具有最佳的润滑性能,但内层间隙0.04 mm时过小的环速比可能会导致浮环实际工作中失效。综上分析,要获得理想的润滑性能和环速比,内层间隙取0.03 mm较为合适。

3.2 外层间隙

图5为外层间隙对浮环轴承环速比与润滑特性的影响。由图5a可知,外层间隙0.06 mm的环速比均比外层间隙0.04 mm的环速比增加30%以上。由图5b可知,外层间隙对内膜温度几乎没有影响。由图5c可知,尽管环速比随外层间隙增加而增加,导致浮环转速升高,浮环与外膜摩擦产生更多热量,但外膜间隙增加的同时也使液膜端泄带走更多热量,其影响大于外膜摩擦生热影响,故外膜温度反而减少,且随转速升高,外膜温度减幅有扩大趋势。由图5d可知,内膜最小膜厚基本不随外层间隙变化而变化,而外膜最小膜厚随外层间隙增加而增加。由图5f可知,由于外层间隙增加使外膜端泄流量增加,因而总端泄流量增加。综上所述,增加外层间隙以提高浮环的环速比,同时还可降低浮环外膜温度,但对内膜温度的影响并不明显。基于外层间隙对浮环润滑特性和环速比的分析结果,在浮环其他几何结构参数不变的情况下,外层间隙取0.06 mm较为合适。

3.3 内圆半径

图6为内圆半径对浮环轴承环速比和润滑特性的影响。由图6a可知,随内圆半径增加,环速比增加。由图6b可知,由于内圆半径增加使浮环内圆表面与液膜接触面积增加,液膜摩擦做功增加,故内膜温度增加。由图6c可知,外膜温度随内圆半径增加而增加,原因在于浮环转速增加使外膜摩擦生热增多,导致外膜温度增加,且转速越高,外膜温度的增幅有扩大趋势。由图6d可知,随内圆半径增加,内膜最小膜厚与外膜最小膜厚均增加,但外膜最小膜厚增幅明显大于内膜最小膜厚增幅,这是因为内膜膜厚受转轴与浮环转速综合影响,而外膜膜厚只受浮环转速影响。由图6e可知,随着内圆半径的增加,总摩擦功耗增加,同样,总摩擦功耗增幅随转轴转速增加而增加,说明内圆半径对浮环轴承润滑性能与转轴转速有直接联系。由图6f可知,总端泄流量随内圆半径增加而增加。综上所述,由于内、外膜温度和摩擦功耗均随内圆半径减小而减小,因此减小浮环内圆半径可以明显改善浮环润滑性能,但浮环的环速比也相应减小。内圆半径为6 mm时,环速比均在0.1以下,不利于浮环的稳定运转。因此,为确保浮环稳定运行,且同时确保浮环润滑性能最佳,内圆半径取7 mm较为合适。

3.4 外圆半径

图7为外圆半径对浮环轴承环速比和润滑特性的影响。由图7a可知,随外圆半径增加,环速比降低。由图7b可知,内膜温度随外圆半径增加而略有增加,原因在于随着外圆半径增加,浮环转速减小,而转轴与浮环之间的相对速度增加,内膜摩擦生热加剧,导致内膜温度增加。由图7c可知,由于外圆半径增加使浮环外表面与液膜接触面积增加,液膜做功增加,外膜温度略有增加。但是,与内圆半径对内、外膜温度影响程度相比,外圆半径对内、外膜温度的增幅很小。由图7d可知,随外圆半径增加,外膜最小膜厚减小,而内膜最小膜厚基本没有变化。由图7e、7f可知,随外圆半径增加,总摩擦功耗略有增加,总端泄流量略有减小,外圆半径对内膜温度、外膜温度、总摩擦功耗和总端泄流量变化幅度均在5%以内,说明外圆半径对浮环润滑性能的影响并不显著。由于外圆半径为11和12 mm时,环速比较小,为确保浮环稳定运转,外圆半径应取10 mm较为合适,此时浮环在不影响润滑性能的同时也能够保证较大的环速比,从而保证浮环轴承的可靠性。此外,浮环外圆半径对浮环轴承润滑性能的影响程度小于内圆半径对其的影响。因此,想要提高润滑性能,实际设计浮环轴承时,调整浮环内圆半径比调整外圆半径更有效。

4 结 论


2)与内层间隙0.02 mm相比,内层间隙0.04 mm时的环速比减幅达23%;内层间隙增加,内膜温度和外膜温度减小,摩擦功耗略有增加,端泄流量增加,浮环润滑性能提高。要获得理想的环速比,内层间隙取0.03 mm较为合适。

3)外层间隙为0.06 mm的环速比均比外层间隙为0.04 mm的环速比增加30%以上;外膜温度减小,且转速越高,外膜温度减幅越大。



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Effect of structural parameters on lubrication performance of floating ring bearing and ring speed ratio in turbocharger

Li Jiaqi1, Ni Jimin1, Shi Xiuyong1, Xu Xiaochuan1, Liu Yue1, Li Dongdong1,Chen Zhenbin2

(1.,,201804,; 2.,,571737,)

Turbochargers are widely used in internal combustion engines. The floating ring bearing is the most important part in the turbocharger, which is composed of inner film and outer film. The floating ring bearing can reduce the frictional power and oil film temperature. In the past, the lubrication performances of the floating ring bearing were analyzed without considering the heat transfer among the shaft, floating ring and bearing block. Furthermore, some researchers analyzed the lubrication performance of floating ring and the ring speed ratio separately. In reality, there exists heat transfer among the shaft, floating ring and bearing block and this part of heat will directly influence the lubrication performance of the floating ring. Besides, the change of the structural parameters may decrease ring speed ratio, which maybe is unfavorable to the practical operation if it is too small, and the change of the ring speed ratio may also influence the lubrication performance. So there exists a strong coupled relationship between the lubrication performance and ring speed ratio, and they can be studied more comprehensively and systematically with the change of structural parameters. The lubrication performance of floating ring bearing and the floating ring speed ratio in turbocharger were studied by considering the heat transfer among the shaft, floating ring and bearing block. Based on the Reynolds equation and the floating ring balance equation, the lubrication model of floating ring bearing was established. The Reynolds equation was solved by the finite difference method. The thermal deformation of the floating ring bearing was calculated by the thermal deformation equation. Comparative analysis on the influence of structural parameters on lubrication performance of floating ring bearing and floating ring speed ratio was performed, and the parameters included inner film clearance, outer film clearance, inner circle radius and outer circle radius. Results showed the effect and affecting level of structural parameter on lubrication performance and floating ring speed ratio should be considered comprehensively. The ring speed ratio decreased with the increase of inner film clearance. Compared with that inner film clearance is 0.02 mm, the ring speed ratio decreased 23% when inner film clearance is 0.04 mm. The inner film temperature, the outer film temperature decreased and the total friction power loss slightly increased with the increase of inner film clearance. The lubrication performance and ring speed ratio are ideal when inner film clearance is 0.03 mm. Compared with that outer film clearance is 0.04 mm,the ring speed ratio increased more than 30%. The outer film temperature decreased with the increase of outer film clearance. The higher the rotation speed, the greater the decrease amplitude of the outer film temperature. The smaller the inner circle radius, the smaller the floating ring speed ratio, and the smaller the inner film temperature, outer film temperature and total friction power loss. So the lubrication performance of the floating ring bearing will be improved with the decrease of the inner circle radius. The ring speed ratio decreased with the increase of the outer circle radius. But the inner film temperature, the outer film temperature increased, the total friction power loss and total oil leakage flowrate changed less than 5% with the increase of the outer circle radius. The outer circle radius has little effect on the lubrication performance of the floating ring bearing. Compared with the adjustment of the outer circle radius, it is more effective to improve the lubrication performance of floating ring bearing with the adjustment of the inner circle radius. There is a good agreement between the results predicted by the calculation model in this paper and some published experimental data.

bearings; models; temperature; floating ring bearing; lubrication; structural parameters; ring speed ratio; heat transfer








李佳琪,博士生,主要从事浮环轴承润滑机理研究。上海 同济大学汽车学院,201804。Email:lijiaqi_1987@126.com

倪计民,男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事涡轮增压器润滑系统设计研究。上海 同济大学汽车学院,201804。Email:njmwjyx@hotmail.com

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Li Jiaqi, Ni Jimin, Shi Xiuyong, Xu Xiaochuan, Liu Yue, Li Dongdong, Chen Zhenbin. Effect of structural parameters on lubrication performance of floating ring bearing and ring speed ratio in turbocharger[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 48-55. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.007 http://www.tcsae.org
