
2017-02-17 02:54傅隆生孙世鹏zquezArellanoManuel李石峰崔永杰
农业工程学报 2017年2期

傅隆生,孙世鹏,Vázquez-Arellano Manuel,李石峰,李 瑞,崔永杰


傅隆生1,孙世鹏1,Vázquez-Arellano Manuel2,李石峰1,李 瑞1,崔永杰1※

(1. 西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院,杨凌 712100;2. Institute of Agricultural Engineering, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart 70599, Germany)

根据猕猴桃的棚架式栽培方式,提出了一种适用于猕猴桃采摘机器人夜间识别的方法。采用竖直向上获取果实图像的拍摄方式,以果萼为参考点,进行果实的识别,并测试该方法对光照的鲁棒性。试验结果表明:基于果萼能够有效的识别猕猴桃果实,成功率达94.3%;未识别和误识别的果实一般出现在5果及5果以上的簇中,原因是果实相互挤压导致的果萼部分不在果实图像的中心区域,以及果实之间的三角区形成暗色封闭区域;光照过小或过大会导致成像模糊或过曝,对正确率有细微影响;识别速度达到了0.5 s/个。因此,基于果萼的猕猴桃果实夜间识别方法在正确识别率和速度上都有很大提升,更接近实际应用。


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猕猴桃一般采用棚架式的栽培方式,猕猴桃果实颜色与枯草、枯叶、枝干、果柄等复杂背景的颜色相近[8]。因此自然环境下对目标果实的准确分割、特征提取、识别和定位是猕猴桃采摘机器人视觉系统需要解决的一个关键问题[9]{傅隆生, 2015 #56}。

针对猕猴桃果实的日间识别,已有研究多是参考其它果实[10-15],从果实斜侧面获取图像进行识别。丁亚兰等[16]提出利用R-B颜色因子,采用固定阈值93进行图像分割,获得果实区域,但未涉及单个猕猴桃的识别;崔永杰等[17]利用L*a*b*颜色空间a*通道对猕猴桃图像进行分割,采用椭圆形Hough变换拟合单个果实轮廓从而识别每个果实;武涛等[18]运用Otsu算法在a*通道进行图像分割,结合分水岭算法识别单个果实;慕军营等[19]同样使用Otsu算法在a*通道进行图像分割,但采用正椭圆Hough变换提取针对Canny算子获取的边缘图像识别猕猴桃果实,平均时间为3.98 s,成功率为88.5%;崔永杰等[20]在对比猕猴桃果实及其背景的颜色特征基础上,提出利用0.9R-G进行图像分割,再采用椭圆形Hough变换进行单个果实的识别,成功率是89.1%。以上研究主要利用猕猴桃的椭圆形特征进行目标识别,但未有效解决果实的重叠遮挡问题。

由于机器人拥有全天候工作的优势[21-23],故也需要进行夜间果实的识别[24]。根据猕猴桃的棚架式栽培方式而形成果实自然下垂且成簇位于枝叶下方的特点,Fu等[25]提出从地面竖直向上获取图像进行果实识别的方法,并研究了最佳照明设置。该研究根据试验结果,提出1.1R-G颜色特性进行图像分割,针对Canny算子获得的图像边缘,采用最小外接矩形法和椭圆形Hough变换识别每个果实。研究结果表明光照为50 lux时的识别效果最好,达88.3%,平均每个果实的识别时间为1.64 s。但识别时间过长,相比于采摘机器人研究中苹果的0.35 s[26]和草莓的0.44 s[21],该研究还有很大提升空间,且成功率也有望提高。


1 材料与方法

1.1 图像采集

在西北农林科技大学眉县猕猴桃试验站(34°07'39''N,107°59'50''E,海拔648 m),以当地最为广泛种植的海沃德品种为研究对象,于每年的收获季节10月下旬采集图像。具体场景如图1所示,将一个常规的摄像头(Microsoft, LifeCam studio,分辨率640像素×360像素)通过三脚架置于果实下方20 cm处(实际被成像果实区域约为 36 cm×20 cm),接往笔记本计算机(ThinkPad T400,2.53GHz)用于保存图像。为实现目标果实处的均匀光照,照明由一台离果实1 m远的无级可调光LED影视平板灯提供(CM-LED 1200HS, 武汉珂玛影视灯光科技有限公司,最大照度为1 m远的1 200 lux),利用平板照明的柔和均匀特点。同时测试不同光照下的识别效果并提出最佳光照度,设置了12个不同光照水平(10、30、50、80、110、150、200、300、400、500、800、1 200 lux),以果实附近的3次光照测量值的平均值为准(TES-1332A数字式照度计,台湾泰仕电子工业股份有限公司)。由于猕猴桃的特殊生长模式产生果实下垂的特点和末端执行器自下向上包络分离的工作方式,当采用底部成像的方式时,为一次性将多个果实纳入图片中,视觉系统和光源离果实不会很近,因此产生局部曝光过度的可能性较低。

1.2 图像预处理


1.3 图像识别





1.噪声 2.果萼区域

1. Noise 2. Fruit calyx area


Note: Bright points and circles in Fig. 3f are identified fruit calyx and recognized fruit area. Same as below.

图3 果实识别过程

Fig.3 Fruit recognition process



此时虽然不能精确的分割猕猴桃果实所占的区域,但由于果萼位置和主要区域已确定,采用本项目开发的猕猴桃采摘机器人末端执行器[9]能够实现果实的采摘。该末端执行器根据猕猴桃的生长特点,采用仿形设计的理念,利用猕猴桃果实相邻之间在底部形成的人字形毗邻间隙和垂直耷拉拥有摆动空间的优势,从果实底部旋转上升伸入毗邻间隙,逐渐包络分离毗邻果实,实现前后夹持和抓取。最后,末端执行器向上转动实现果实-果柄的分离。该末端执行器[9]由于采用逐渐包络的方式分离毗邻果实并抓持,试验结果表明允许的误差半径为10 mm,因此只需要知道果萼位置和果实的大部分区域即可,避免了果实实际区域难以精确定位的问题。

2 结果与分析

试验共采集36簇猕猴桃果实的图像(2013年10月26日,5簇20个果实;2014年10月23日,10簇40个果实;2014年10月27日,10簇35个果实;2015年10月25日,11簇45个果实;共140个果实,平均每簇4个果实),每簇分别在12个不同光照水平下采集了1幅夜视图像,共432幅猕猴桃夜视图像。图4为其中1簇猕猴桃对应的12幅夜视图像。当光照度较低时,如图4a和4b所示的10和30 lux,此时图像较暗且有些模糊。当光照度大于50 lux后,图像都比较清晰,本文以50 lux光照下的图像进行分析。

a. 10 luxb. 30 luxc. 50 luxd. 80 lux e. 110 luxf. 150 luxg. 200 luxh. 300 lux i. 400 luxj. 500 luxk. 800 luxl. 1 200 lux

2.1 果萼的识别效果

果实的识别率取决于果萼的识别结果,因此以50 lux下的果萼识别效果为例,先分析某一光照下的结果。根据每簇所包含的猕猴桃果实数,将36簇样本分为5类:2果簇、3果簇、4果簇、5果簇、5果以上簇,每类的簇数和果实数如表1所示。大部分猕猴桃簇都是包含3个、4个或5个果实,占试验样本总簇数的80.6%。2果簇和5果以上簇相对较少,分别占11.1%和8.3%。与实际调研中发现的大部分簇包含3至5个果实的结果一致。






表1 光照为50 lux下不同果簇的果萼识别结果

a. 原始图像a. Original imageb. 果萼判别图像b. Image for detecting fruit calyxes c. 果实识别结果c. Fruit recognition results

1.未识别果萼 2.误识别果萼

1. Undetected fruit calyx 2. Wrongly detected fruit calyx

图5 未识别和误识别的果实示例

Fig.5 Example of undetected and wrongly detected fruits


2.2 不同光照下的识别效果

为了验证算法对光照的鲁棒性,测试了所有果实在12种不同光照下的识别效果,结果如图6所示。当光照较低时(10和30 lux),由于图像较暗导致果萼和果实区域对比不是非常明显,如图4a和图4b所示,正确识别率有所降低,分别为91.4%和93.6%。当光照度能保证清晰成像时,识别率比较稳定,从50~400 lux,正确识别率都是最高的94.3%。当光照度增大到500 lux后,识别率开始减小。原因是光照强时,可能使得部分区域发生过曝,导致果萼部分的亮度增大,影响了图像分割,果萼部分区域过小而被作为噪声去除,如图7所示。因此,在实际应用中,光照过低或过高都会影响识别效果,需使光照度维持在50至400 lux之间。从能源节约的角度出发,在保证识别率的前提下,使光照维持在50 lux比较合理。

2.3 果实识别速度

本研究的另一个目的是提高识别速度,尽可能贴近实际应用的需求。采用同一台笔记本电脑(ThinkPad T400,2.53 GHz),在Matlab 7.10.0(R2010a)的编程环境下,分别测试了本文算法和Fu等[25]算法的图像预处理时间和果实识别时间,结果如表2所示。

a. 原始图像a. Original imageb. 果萼判别图像b. Image for detecting fruit calyxesc. 果实识别结果c. Fruit recognition results

表2 本文算法与参考算法的果实识别速度对比

根据每幅图像处理所需时间,以平均每簇包含4个果实为依据,计算每个果实从图像获取后至正确识别的平均时间。由于采用相同的图像预处理方法,所以该部分的时间相同,都是0.83 s/幅。但在图像识别算法,本文算法有了很大提升,平均只需1.16 s识别一幅图像中的猕猴桃,是对比算法所需时间的20.2%。总体而言,本文算法在平均每个果实的识别时间上,达到了0.50 s/幅,获得了3倍左右的提升。同时,也更接近采摘机器人研究中苹果(0.35 s)[26]和草莓(0.44 s)[21]的识别水准。此外,在实际应用中,将使用执行效率更高的C++编写代码,并采用OpenCV等计算机视觉库构造算法,可能在速度上还会有所提升[30]。

3 结论与讨论


2)证实了利用猕猴桃果萼进行果实识别的可行性,50~400 lux下的正确识别率达94.3%。未识别和误识别的果实一般出现在5果及5果以上的簇中,原因是果实相互挤压导致的果萼部分不在果实图像的中心区域,以及果实之间的三角区形成暗色封闭区域。在实际的采摘过程中,对于5果以上的猕猴桃簇,可以先采摘外侧的果实后,再次成像并识别,有望降低未识别率和误识别率,从而提高识别率。

3)该算法对光照有较好的鲁棒性,从10至1 200 lux,都能取得91.4%以上的识别率。从正确率和节约能源的角度出发,使光照维持在50 lux比较合理。在后期的实际采摘系统设计和研究中,应将光源、末端执行器、视觉系统进行综合考虑,合理分布。

4)本文算法在果实识别速度上有了很大提升,达到了平均0.50 s识别一个果实。


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Kiwifruit recognition method at night based on fruit calyx image

Fu Longsheng1, Sun Shipeng1, Vázquez-Arellano Manuel2, Li Shifeng1, Li Rui1, Cui Yongjie1※


China is the largest country for cultivating kiwifruits, and Shaanxi Province provides the largest production, which accounts for approximately 70% of the nationwide production and 33% of the global production. Harvesting kiwifruits in this region relies mainly on manual picking which is labor-intensive. Therefore, the introduction of robotic harvesting is highly desirable and suitable. Most researches involved so far in kiwifruit harvesting robots suggest the scenario of daytime harvesting for taking advantage of the sunlight. Robot picking at night can overcome the problem of low work efficiency and will help to minimize fruit damage. In addition, artificial lights can be used to ensure constant illumination instead of the variable natural sunlight for image acquisition. The study object of this paper was a kiwifruit recognition system at night using artificial lighting by identifying the fruit calyx. According to kiwifruits’ growth characteristics, which were grown on sturdy support structures, an RGB (red, green, blue) camera was placed underneath the canopy so that kiwifruits clusters could be included in the images. An image processing algorithm was developed to recognize kiwifruits by identifying the fruit’s calyx. Firstly, it subtracted 1.1R-G gray image, and then segmentation was done using the Otsu method for the thresholding. A morphological operation was applied to remove the noise that adhered to the target fruits (such as branches). Afterwards, an area thresholding method was employed to eliminate the remaining noises. This method is based on finding the biggest area of neighboring white pixels in the image and eliminating all areas which are smaller than 1/5 of the biggest area. Using this image as the mask, a fruit image without background was obtained. After that, V (value) component of HSV (hue, saturation, value) color model was calculated for segmenting the fruit’s calyx from the fruit, also using the Otsu method for thresholding. Black areas were then labeled and sorted by their pixels numbers. The first largest black area was the image background and the second largest black areas was a fruit calyx area that used as the reference area. Since the fruit calyx areas varies in a small range in one image, the fruit calyx areas are judged by comparing with the reference area. If a black area in the image was smaller than the reference area and larger than 1/10 of the reference area, it is a fruit calyx; otherwise, it is not. Finally, the nearest edge pixel for each fruit’s calyx was searched and their distance calculated was as radius, and a circle around the fruit calyx was drawn. Finally, the algorithm was also tested for the robustness under 12 different light illuminations (10, 30, 50, 80, 110, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 800 and 1 200 lux). The fruits illumination was estimated by averaging the illumination values, which were measured for 3 times at 3 different locations around the target fruit cluster. Results showed that the image processing algorithm based on the calyx could recognize kiwifruit and reached a success rate of 94.3%. Undetected and wrongly detected fruits appeared mostly at the same cluster where one fruit was adjacent to 3 or more fruits. The calyxes of those fruits sometimes were not in the centers of their fruits’ images, thus, causing undetected fruits. Those fruits also formed dark areas among them, which were wrongly recognized as calyx. On the other hand, most clusters were linearly arranged on the branches, which made them suitable for the proposed algorithm. The algorithm was robust to different illuminations although the success rates were slightly decreased under extremely weak or strong illuminations. It only took 0.5 s in average to recognize a fruit, which is a great step toward filed robotic harvesting of kiwifruit.

robots; image recognition; crops; kiwifruit; fruit calyx; night recognition; adjacent fruits








傅隆生,男,江西吉安人,副教授,博士,主要从事农业智能化技术与装备研究。杨凌 西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院,712100。Email:fulsh@nwafu.edu.cn。中国农业工程学会会员:傅隆生(E042600025M)。

崔永杰,男,吉林图们人,副教授,博士生导师,博士,主要从事果蔬生产自动化研究。杨凌 西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院,712100。Email:cuiyongjie@nwafu.edu.cn。

傅隆生,孙世鹏,Vázquez-Arellano Manuel,李石峰,李 瑞,崔永杰. 基于果萼图像的猕猴桃果实夜间识别方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(2):199-204. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.027 http://www.tcsae.org

Fu Longsheng, Sun Shipeng, Vázquez-Arellano Manuel, Li Shifeng, Li Rui, Cui Yongjie. Kiwifruit recognition method at night based on fruit calyx image[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 199-204. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.027 http://www.tcsae.org

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