
2017-05-30 10:48王文采
广西植物 2017年9期


摘要: 该文描述了紫堇科二新种:(1)自云南省发现的紫堇科紫堇属一新种,宽鳞紫堇。此新种与波密紫堇相近似,与后者的区别在于本新种的根状茎鳞片半透明,具三条脉,茎无叶,外花瓣无鸡冠状突起,雄蕊束具2花药,花丝条形,无脉,子房宽条形。(2)自黑龙江省发现的紫堇科紫堇属一新种,鹤岗延胡索。此种与新疆元胡相似,但本种叶的小叶多在顶端,具1~5牙齿,花序苞片有3~5小裂片,上花瓣及其瓣片和距均较小,蜜腺呈狭卵球形,弯曲,顶端尖锐而与新疆元胡相区别。

关键词: 紫堇科, 紫堇属, 新种, 中国

中图分类号: Q949文献标识码: A文章编号: 10003142(2017)09108305

Abstract: Two new species of Fumariaceae are described in this paper: (1) A species of the genus Corydalis (Fumariaceae), C. latilepidota, is described as new from Yunnan Province. It is related to C. pseudoadoxa C. Y. Wu & H. Chuang, differing in its semihyaline, trinerved scales of rhizome, leafless stem, uncrested outer petals, stamen bundle with two anthers, linear and nerveless filament, and broadly linear ovary. (2) A species of the genus Corydalis (Fumariaceae), C. hegangensis, is described as new from Heilongjiang Province. It is similar to C. glaucescens Regel, differing in its usually apically 15dentate leaflets, 35lobutale bracts, smaller upper petal with shorter limb and shorter spur, and narrowly and curvedly ovoid nectary.

Key words: Fumariaceae, Corydalis, new species, China


Corydalis latilepidota W. T. Wang, sp. nov.Fig. 1.

(sect. Fusiformes C. Y. Wu & H. Chuang)

Obherbas perennes parvas glabras, rhizoma breve apice squamis aliquot praeditum, folia ternata, bracteas plerumque lanceolato-lineares integras, petala caerulea, petali superni calcar tubulare limbo subaequilongum species nova haec est affinis C. pseudoadoxae C. Y. Wu & H. Chuang, a qua rhizomatis squamis semihyalinis et longitudinaliter trinervibus, caule foliis carente, petalis externis dorso haud cristatis, fasciculo stamineo anthers duabus praedito, filamento lineari et nervis carente, ovario late lineari praeclare differt. In C. pseudoadoxa, rhizomatis squamae haud semihyalinae et nervis carentes, caulis plerumque 1foliatus, petala externa dorso cristata, fasciculus stamineus antheris tribus praeditus, filamentum anguste ovatum et longitudinaliter trinerve, et ovarium ovatum est.

Small perennial, glabrous herbs. Rhizome very short, inconspicuous, with ca. 6 terete fibrous roots 0.6-2.5 cm long, 0.2 mm in diam., and on apex with ca. 4 scales and 2 bulbils; scales semihyaline, orbicularelliptic, 6.8 × 4 mm, longitudinally trinerved, apex shortly and thickly apiculate, margin entire; bulbils white, broadly ovoid, ca. 3 × 2 mm, smooth, apex caudatecuspidate. Basal leaf possibly singular, ternate, long(?) petiolate; blade papery, broadly ovate, ca. 6 × 7.5 mm, central leaflet shortly petiolualate, subflabellate, ca. 4 × 6.5 mm, 3parted, with lobes narrowly obovate, lateral leaflets sessile, obliquely broadly obovate, unequally 2parted. Scapes ca. 2, 6-8.5 cm tall, 0.5-1 mm in diam., simple. Raceme terminal, 1-2.5 cm long, densely 38flowered; bracts sessile, the lowermost one nearly to base 2parted or undivided, others all undivided, linear or lanceolatelinear, rarely long elliptic, 6-10 × 0.2-1 (-3) mm, margin entire; pedicels slender, 6-10 mm long. Flower: Sepals caducous, unknown. Petals blue, not crested, margin entire; upper petal ca. 11 mm long, with limb navicularovate, 6.5 × 2.6 mm, at apex acute, and with spur tubular, 6.2 × 1.2 mm; lower petal unregularly oblong, ca. 8 × 2 mm, at both ends attenuate; inner petals with limb elliptic, ca. 3.6 × 1.8 mm, below the middle of lower margin constricted, darkblue on upper part, abaxially longitudinally 1ribbed, and with white claw ca. 1 mm long. Stamen bundle ca. 4 mm long; filament white, linear, ca. 3 × 0.3 mm, without nerves; anthers 2, yellowish, broadly oblong, ca. 0.5 mm long. Nectar filiform, straight, ca. 3.5 mm long. Pistil ca. 6 mm long; ovary green, broadly linear, ca. 3.2 × 0.7 mm; style 2.6 mm long; stigma lunulate, ca. 1 mm broad, with 4 papillae. Young capsule broadly linear, ca. 6 × 1.2 mm, with persistent style ca. 3.5 mm long.

云南(Yunnan):德钦县,永中村(Deqin Xian, Yongzhong Cun), alt. 4 150-4 400 m,灌丛草甸 (on scrubmeadow),19810824,中国科学院植物研究所横断山队 (Hengduan Mountain Exped. from Inst. of Botany, CAS) 3557 (holotype, PE)。

本种为多年生无毛小草本植物,根状茎很短,在顶端具数枚鳞片,叶为三出复叶,花序苞片多呈披针状条形,全缘,花瓣蓝色,上花瓣之距呈桶状,与上花瓣瓣片近等长,因此与也具有上述诸特征的波密紫堇(Corydalis pseudoadoxa C. Y. Wu & H. Chuang)在亲缘关系上相接近,与后者的区别在于本种的根状茎鳞片半透明,具3条纵脉,茎无叶,外花瓣背面无鸡冠状突起,雄蕊束具2枚花药,花丝呈条形,无脉,子房呈宽条形。在波密紫堇,根状茎鳞片不半透明,无脉,茎多具1叶,外花瓣背面具鸡冠状突起,雄蕊束具3枚花药,花丝呈狭卵形,并具3条纵脉,子房呈狭卵形 (Zhang et al, 2008)。


Corydalis hegangensis W. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig. 2.

(sect. Corydalis)

Ob plantam tubere globoso praeditam, caulem supra basin folio squamiformi unico praeditum, folia biternata, nectarem brevisissimum 1-1.5 mm longum species nova haec est similis C. glaucescenti Regel, a qua foliolis plerumque apice 15dentatis, racemi bracteis 35lobulatis, petalo supero minore 18 mm longo cum limbo 11 mm longo et calcari 7 mm longo, nectare anguste et curvate ovoideo apice acuto differt. In C. glaucescente, foliola plerumque 3fida vel 3partita, racemi bracteae indivisae, petalum superum majus 20-50 mm longum cum limbo 10-11 mm longo et calcari 10-14 mm longo, et nectar filioforme rectum apice obtusum est.

Herbs prennial, glabrous, tuberbearing.Tuber globose, ca. 1.8 cm in diam. Stem ca. 12 cm tall, below scalelike leaf downwards thinning, with one scalelike leaf and three true leaves, from axil of the scalelike leaf with one flowering branch ca. 8 cm long. Scalelike leaf papery, narrowly ovate, ca. 2 × 0.85 cm, apex slightly acute, margin entire. Leaves bibernate, petiolate; blade broadly rhombic in outline, 3-6 × 3.2-4.5 cm; leaflets long or shortly petiolulate, rarely sessile, obovate or cuneateobovate, rarely elliptic, 0.64-2.4 × 0.25-1.3 cm, apex subtruncate and 15dentate, rarely acute and entire, base cuneate, with petiolules 0.1-1.8 cm long; petioles 1.2-2 cm long. Racemes terminal, that of stem 3.5 cm long, densely 8flowered, that of branch 1 cm long, densely 4flowered; bracts cuneateobovate or broadly rhombic, 6-11 × 3-4.5 mm, apex with 3-5 narrowly triangular or linear lobules unequal in size; pedicels (2) 4-7 mm long. Flower: Sepals caducous, unknown. Petals purple (?), not crested; upper petal ca. 18 mm long, with limb obtrapeziform, 11 × 5 mm, at apex subtruncate and retuse, and spur tubular, ca. 7 mm long, 1.8-2 mm in diam., straight; lower petal similar to upper petal both in shape and size, above base slightly saccate; inner petals ca. 11 mm long, with limbs coherent apically, narrowly ellipticobovate, 6 × 2.2 mm, and claws slender, ca. 5 mm long. Stamens with filaments thinly membranous, lanceolatelinear. ca. 8 × 0.8 mm, longitudinally 1nerved and anthers yellowish, narrowly oblong, 0.6-0.8 mm long. Nectary black, narrowly ovoid, ca. 1.2 mm long, slightly curved, at apex acute. Pistil 8-9.5 mm long; ovary green, linear, 5-5.5 × 0.5-0.7 mm; style ca. 2.5 mm long; stigma orbicular, ca. 1.2 mm in diam., with 8 dense yellowish subglobose tubercles. Capsule unknown.

黑龙江 (Heilongjiang): 鹤岗市,鹤北 (Hegang Shi, Hebei),鹤北林业局,北影场,河岸草地 (Hebei Forestry Bureau, Beiyingchang, in grassy place on river bank), 19950715,东北林学院植物调查队 (Pl. Exped. from N.E Forest. Inst.) 9531023 (holotype, PE)。

本种的植株具球形块茎,茎基部之上具一鳞片状叶,蜜腺极短,长在1~1.5 mm之间,因此与也具有上述形态特征的新疆元胡(Corydalis glaucescens Regel)相似,与后者的区别在于本种叶的小叶多在顶端具1~5枚牙齿,花序苞片顶端有3~5枚小裂片,上花瓣较小,长18 mm,其瓣片长11 mm,其距长7 mm,蜜腺狭卵球形,弯曲,顶端尖锐。在新疆元胡,叶的小叶多为三中裂或三深裂,花序苞片不分裂,上花瓣较大,长20~25 mm,其瓣片长10~11 mm,其距长10~14 mm,蜜腺呈丝形,直,顶端钝(吴征镒等,1999)。



ZHANG ML, SU ZY, MLIDEN, 2008. Corydalis DC. [M]//WU ZY, RAVEN PH. Flora of China. Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, 7: 295-428.

WU CY,CHUANG H,SU ZY, 1999. Corydalis [M]//Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Beijing: Science Press, 32: 96-481. [吳征镒,庄璇,苏志云, 1999. 紫堇属 [M]//中国植物志. 北京: 科学出版社, 32: 96-481.]
