
2017-05-30 10:48王文采
广西植物 2017年4期

摘 要:該文描述了毛茛科唐松草属五新种:(1)小花唐松草,发现自贵州东北部,与多枝唐松草近缘,区别为其小叶较小,雄蕊较少,花丝较短,呈狭条形。(2)新宁唐松草,发现自湖南南部,与爪哇唐松草近缘,区别为本种的雄蕊花丝呈狭条状棒形,花只含3~6枚心皮。(3)短蕊唐松草,发现自河南东南部,在体态上与爪哇唐松草十分相似,区别为本种的雄蕊很短,花丝呈丝形,花只含4~6枚心皮。(4)毛蕊唐松草,发现自四川北部,与长柄唐松草有密切的亲缘关系,区别为本种的茎和花梗被短柔毛,萼片被缘毛,花药不具短尖头,子房密被短柔毛。(5)小金唐松草,发现自四川西部,与白茎唐松草在亲缘关系上甚为相近,区别为本种的小叶被微硬毛,雄蕊花丝呈狭条形,花药顶端无短尖头或具极小短尖头,心皮较小,长仅2.4 mm,柱头无翅。

关键词:毛茛科, 唐松草属, 新种, 中国




1. 小花唐松草 图1

Thalictrum minutiflorum W. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig. 1

Ob herbas totas glabras, flores minutos, carpellorum stylos apice uncatos et achenia lanceolata species nova haec est fortasse affinis Thalictro ramoso Boivin, a quo foliolis minoribus 0.3-1 cm longis et latis, staminibus paucioribus ca. 18 per florem, filamentis anguste linearibus brevioribus 1-2 mm longis antheris angustioribus facile differt; in T. ramoso, foliola majora 0.7-2 cm longa 0.5-1.5 cm lata, stamina plura ca. 30 per florem, filamenta longiora 3-5 mm longa superne oblanceolata 0.3-0.4 mm lata antheris fere aequilata inferne anguste linearia vel

subfiliformia 0.1-0.2 mm lata sunt.

Perennial herbs, entirely glabrous. Stems ca. 3, 11-25 cm tall, near base 1-1.5 mm in diam., glabrous, simple or 1-2-branched, 1-3-leaved. Basal leaves not seen. Lower cauline leaves 3-ternate, upper cauline ones 2-ternate; blades triangular, 1.5-7× 2-5 cm; leaflets thinly papery, ovate, broadly ovate or broadly rhombic, 0.3-1 × 0.3-1 cm, at base rounded, truncate or subcordate, 3-lobed or 3-lobulate, with lobes and lobules entire or 1-2-denticulate at margin, 3-5-nerved with basal nerves adaxially flat and abaxially slightly prominent; petiolules slender, filiform, 1-6 mm long; petioles 1-3.5 cm long; stipules membranous, 0.2-2 mm broad. Compound monochasia terminal, 2.5-5 cm long, corymbiform, 4-8-flowered; bracts foliaceous or simple, elliptic or lanceolate, 0.5-2 cm long; pedicels filiform, 4-10 mm long. Flower fragrant:Sepals 4, white (according to field notes), elliptic, ca. 2 × 1 mm, apex obtuse. Stamens ca. 18, 1.8-2.8 mm long; filaments narrowly linear, 1-2 mm long, above 0.2-0.3 mm broad, narrower than anthers, below 0.15-0.2 mm broad; anthers yellowish, oblong, ca. 0.8 × 0.35-0.5 mm, apex obtuse. Carpels 8-14, 2-2.3 mm long; ovary subfusiform, 1.2-1.5 × 0.35 mm; style ca. 0.8 mm long, at apex hook-like, and adaxially near apex with an inconspicuous stigma. Achenes flattened, lanceolate, 2-3.2 × 0.6-1 mm, glabrous, on each side longitudinally thinly 3-ribbed; persistent styles 0.4-0.6 mm long, apex hook-like.

贵州省(Guizhou Province):德江县,桶井乡,高开(Dejiang Xian, Tongjing Xiang, Gaokai), alt. 600 m, 疏林下,草本植物高20~50 cm,花白色,香(in sparse forest, herbs 20-50 cm tall, fls. white, fragrant), 2003-03-26, 安明先 (M. X. An) 3048 (holotype, PE).

本種的植株全部无毛,花小,心皮的花柱顶端钩状弯曲,瘦果呈披针形,因此可能与也具上述特征的多枝唐松草(Thalictrum ramosum Boivin)有亲缘关系,与后者的区别在于本种的小叶较小,长及宽均为0.3~1 cm,雄蕊较少,每朵花约18枚,花丝呈狭条形,较短,长1~2 mm,比花药窄。在多枝唐松草,小叶较大,长0.7~2 cm,宽0.5~1.5 cm,雄蕊较多,每朵花约30枚,花丝较长,长3~5 mm,上部呈倒披针形,宽0.3~0.4 mm,与花药几等宽,下部呈狭条形或近丝形,宽0.1~0.2 mm(王文采,王蜀秀,1979)。

2. 新宁唐松草 图2

Thalictrum xinningense W. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig. 2.

Thalictrum minus L. var. hypoleucum auct. non (Sieb. & Zucc.) Miq.:Z. C. Luo & Y. B. Luo, Pl. Xinning 142. 2008.

Species nova haec est affinis Thalictro javanico Bl., a quo staminum filamentis superne anguste lineari-clavatis antheris angustioribus, flore carpellis tantum 3-6 praedito differt; in T. javanico, filamenta superne oblanceolata antheris latiora, et flos carpellis 8-15 praeditus est. Etiam a T. mino L. var. hypoleuco (Sieb. & Zucc.) Miq. staminum filamentis superne anguste lineari-clavatis inferne filiformibus, carpello stylum ovario fere aequilongum apice uncatum et stigma minutum incospicuum gerente praeclare distinguitur; in T. mino var. hypoleuco, filamenta filiformia, et carpellum stylo carens et stigma multo majorius ovario fere aequilongum triangulare utrique alatum gerens est.

Perennial herb. Stem 60-100 cm tall (according to field notes), near base ca. 6.5 mm in diam., glabrous. Basal and lower cauline leaves withered during anthesis. Upper cauline leaves 3-4-ternate-pinnate, shortly petiolate, glabrous; blades broadly ovate, 11-32 × 12-25 cm; leaflets petiolulate, papery, ovate, broadly ovate, obovate or elliptic, 1.5-3.4 × 1.2-4 cm, at apex rounded or truncate-rounded and shortly mucronate, at base subcordate, rounded or broadly cuneate, obtusely 3-lobed (with lobes entire or the cen-tral lobe obtusely 1-dentate at margin of each side), 3-5-nerved, with basal nerves adaxially flat and abaxially prominent, and abaxially with conspicuous nervous nets; petiolules 0.1-3 mm long; petioles 1-4 cm long. Thyrses terminal and axillary, including peduncles 18-22 cm long, corymbiform, 4-5 times branched, multi-flowered, glabrous; peduncles 1-12 cm long; basal bracts foliaceous, 3-5 cm long, upper bracts simple, long elliptic or subulate, 1-3 mm long; pedicels 1.2-6 mm long. Flower glabrous:Sepals 4, membranous, narrowly elliptic, 3-3.5 × 0.8-1.5 mm, with 2-3 longitudinal nerves, apex obtuse. Stamens ca. 30; filaments 1.8-3 mm long, above narrowly linear-clavate, 0.15-0.25 mm broad, much narrower than anthers, below filiform, ca. 0.1 mm thick; anthers yellow, oblong, rarely broadly oblong, (0.8-)1 × 0.3-0.45 mm, apex obtuse. Carpels 3-6; ovary ca. 1 mm long; style as long as ovary, apex hook-like, ada-xially on apex with a minute inconspicuous stigma. Young achene bilaterally compressed, narrowly obovate, ca. 2 × 1 mm, glabrous, on each side longitudinally 2-ribbed; persistent style ca. 1 mm long, apex hook-like.

湖南省(Hunan Province):新寧县,万丰林场,大水岭(Xinning Xian, Wanfeng Tree Farm, Dashui-ling), alt. 900 m,山谷溪旁,植物高60~100 cm,萼片先淡红后淡白色(by stream in valley, plants 60-100 cm tall, sepals first reddish, later turning white),1995-06-10,罗林波(L. B. Luo) 777 (holotype, PE).

本种在亲缘关系方面与爪哇唐松草(Thalictrum javanicum Bl.)相近,区别为本种的雄蕊花丝上部为狭条状棒形,比花药窄,花只有3~6枚心皮。在爪哇唐松草,雄蕊花丝上部倒披针形,比花药宽,花有8~15枚心皮(王文采,王蜀秀,1979) 。

上列本种模式标本曾被鉴定为Thalictrum minus L. var. hypoleucum (Sieb. & Zucc.) Miq. (罗仲春,罗毅波,2008),如上形态描述所述,此标本的雄蕊花丝上部呈狭条状棒形,下部呈丝形,其心皮的花柱与子房近等长,柱头不明显,无翅,而与T. minus var. hypoleucum 明显不同。在T. minus var. hypoleucum,雄蕊花丝呈丝形,心皮柱头较大,与子房近等长,呈三角形,在两侧均有翅(王文采,王蜀秀,1979)。

3. 短蕊唐松草 图3

Thalictrum brachyandrum W. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig. 3.

Habitu species nova haec est simillima T. javanico Bl., a quo caulibus cum petiolis et petiolulis sparse puberulis, staminibus brevioribus 1.8-2.2 mm longis, filamentis filiformibus, antheris multo angustioribus, flore carpellis 4-6 tantum praedito praeclare differt. In T. javanico, caules cum petiolis et petiolulis plerumque glabri, stamina usque ad 5 mm longa, filamenta superne anguste oblanceolata antheris multo latioria, et flos carpellis 8-15 praeditus est.

Perennial herbs. Stems 80-85 cm tall, near base 2.2-3 mm in diam., with petioles and petiolules sparsely puberulous (hairs 0.2-0.5 mm long), 5-6-leaved, above the middle branched, longitudinally and thinly 8-ribbed. Basal and lowermost cauline leaves withered during anthesis, other cauline leaves 3-ternate, shortly petiolate or subsessile; leaflets papery, ovate or orbicular-ovate, 1.6-3 × 1-2.6 cm, at apex acute, at base rounded, subcordate or truncate, 3-lobed (with lobes 1-2-crenate at margin), on both surfaces glabrous, 3- or 5-nerved, basal nerves adaxially flat, abaxially prominent, nervous net abaxially conspicuous; petioles 0.3-5 cm long. at base vaginate. Compound monochasia born from the apexes of stem and branches, 3-7 cm long, three times branched, panicle-like, glabrous; lower bracts ternate, upper bracts simple, small, long elliptic or linear, 1-6 mm long; pedicels 2-3 mm long. Flower glabrous.:Sepals 4, purplish (according to field notes), unequal in size, 2 smaller, narrowly elliptic, 2 × 1 mm, 3-nerved, at apex rounded-obtuse, 2 larger, broadly oblong or depressed-orbicular, 2 × 1.5-2 mm, 3-4-nerved, at apex rounded. Stamens 40-50, 1.8-2.2 mm long; filaments much narrower than anthers, thickly filiform, 1-1.2 mm long; anthers yellowish, oblong, 0.8-1 mm long, apex obtuse. Carpels 4-6; ovary 1 mm long; style 0.8-1 mm long, straight or at apex hook-shaped, ventrally at apex with a small inconspicuous stigma 0.25 mm long. Achenes sessile, compressed, narrowly elliptic, 2.5-3 × 1-1.2 mm, glabrous, on each side with 2 longitudinal ribs; persistent styles ca. 1.2 mm long, apex hook-like.

河南省(Henan Province):商城縣,朝阳洞(Shangcheng Xian, Chaoyangdong),花紫色(fls. purplish), 1984-06-20, 河南植物资源队(Henan Pl. Resour. Exped.) D0543 (fl., holotype, PE);同地(same locality),1954,河南植物普查队(Henan Pl. Exped.) 1087 (fr., PE).

本种在体态上与爪哇唐松草(Thalictrum javanicum Bl.)十分相似,与后者的区别在于本种的茎与叶柄和小叶柄均被短柔毛,雄蕊较短,长1.8~2.2 mm,花丝呈丝形,比花药窄甚多,花只有4~6枚心皮。在爪哇唐松草,茎和叶柄,小叶叶柄通常无毛,雄蕊长达5 mm,花丝上部狭倒披针形,比花药稍宽,下部丝形,花有8~15枚心皮(王文采和王蜀秀,1979)。

4. 毛蕊唐松草 图4

Thalictrum lasiogynum W. T. Wang, sp. Nov. Fig. 4

Species nova haec est arcte affinis Thalictro przewalskii Maxim., a quo caulibus cum pedicellis puberulis, sepalis superne ciliatis, antheris apice obtusis haud mucronatis, ovariis superne dense puberulis, stylis ovariis brevioribus recedit. In T. przewalskii, caules cum pedicellis glabri, sepala glabra, antherae apice mucronatae, ovaria glabra, et styli ovariis aequilongi sunt.

Perennial herb.Stem ca. 90 cm tall, below unknown, above ca. 3 mm in diam., smooth, sparsely puberulous, on nodes densely puberulous (hairs 0.1-0.25 mm long). Lower leaves unknown; upper cauline leaves nearly sessile, 3-ternate-pinnate; rachis and petiolules filiform, with a few short hairs or subglabrous; blades broadly triangular, 5-8 × 4-8 cm; leaflets papery, elliptic or rhombic, 0.4-1.2 × 0.2-1 cm, at apex slightly acute or obtuse, at base rounded, 3-lobed (with lobes obtusely 1-2-dentate at margin), abaxially glaucous, on both surfaces sparsely puberulous (hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long), 3-nerved, with nervous nets adaxially flat or slightly impressed and abaxially slightly prominent; petiolules 0.5-7 mm long; petioles ca. 2 mm long, broadly auriculate. Thyrses terminal and axillary, including peduncles 12-21 cm long, multi-flowered; peduncles 4.5-8.5 cm long, subglabrous; lower bracts foliaceous, 1-2 cm long, upper bracts simple, subulate, 0.6-1 mm long; pedicels filiform, 5-14 mm long, sparsely puberulous. Flower:Sepals 4, membranous, elliptic or narrowly obovate, slightly unequal in size, 2.5-2.8 × 1-1.2 mm, longitudinally 3-nerved, above ciliate. Stamens ca. 40, glabrous; filaments 5-6 mm long, above narrowly oblanceolate, 0.25-4 mm broad, slightly narrower than or as broad as anthers, below filiform, ca. 0.1 mm thick; anthers yellow, oblong, 0.8-1 × 0.25-0.45 mm, apex obtusee. Carpels 7-11; ovary bilaterally compressed, obliquely and narrowly obovate, 1-1.5 mm long, with a stipe 0.5-0.7 mm long, above densely puberulous; style 0.5-0.7 mm long, subglabrous or with a few short hairs, adaxially on apex with a small inconspicuous stigma 0.2-0.3 mm long. Young achene flattened, semi-orbicular, ca. 1.5 mm long, with a stipe ca. 1.2 mm long, subglabrous, on each side longitudinally 3-ribbed; persistent style ca. 0.6 mm long.

四川省(Sichuan Province):平武縣,王朗自然保护区,白沙沟(Pingwu Xian, Wanglang Nature Reserve, Baishagou), alt. 3 110 m,路边(at road side), 2008-07-19, 鲁丽敏(L. M. Lu) 2008-337 (holotype, PE).

本种在亲缘关系方面与长柄唐松草(Thalictrum przewalskii Maxim.)甚为相近,区别为本种的茎和花梗均被短柔毛,萼片被缘毛,花药顶端钝,不具短尖头,子房上部密被短柔毛,花柱比子房短。在长柄唐松草,茎和花梗,以及花萼均无毛,花药顶端有小短尖头,子房无毛,花柱与子房等长(王文采和王蜀秀,1979)。

5. 小金唐松草 图5

Thalinctrum xiaojinense W. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig. 5.

Species nova haec est arcte affinis T. leuconoto Franch., a quo foliolis subtus ad nervos hirtellis, staminum filamentis anguste linearibus, antheris apice haud mucronatis, carpellis minoribus tantum 2.4 mm longis, stigmatibus haud alatis differt. In T. leuconoto, foliola glabra, staminum filamenta tantum apice anguste linearia alibi plerumque filiformia, antherae apice mucronibus 0.2 mm longis distincte mucronatae, carpella majora 5.5 mm longa, et stigmata utrinque distincte anguste alata sunt.

Perennial herbs. Stems 80-100 cm tall, near base ca. 3.5 mm in diam., glabrous, above the middle branched. Basal and lower cauline leaves withered du-ring anthesis. Middle and upper cauline leaves 2-3-ternate-pinnate, shortly petiolate; blades triangular in outlines, 4-13 × 4-10 cm, on rachis near petiolule bases sparsely puberulous (hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long); leaflets thinly papery, broadly obovate, broadly ovate, obovate or elliptic, 0.4-1.4 × 0.3-1.3 cm, at apesx rounded or obtuse and often mucronate, at base roun-ded, broadly cuneate or subcordate, 3-lobed (with lobes entire or 1-2-dentate), adaxially glabrous, abaxially on nerves hirtellous (hairs thick, 0.1-0.2 mm long), 3-5-nerved, with basal nerves adaxially flat and abaxially prominent; petiolules 0.5-7 mm long; petioles 1-10 mm long, glabrous, at base vaginate. Compound monochasia terminal, those borne on stem apex ca. 15 cm long, raceme-like, sparsely ca. 6-flowered and those borne on branch apex 4-5 cm long, ca. 2-flowered; bracts foliaceous; pedicels slender, 0.5-2 cm long, glabrous. Flower:Sepals 4, white, elliptic-ovate, 3-3.8 × 1.8 mm, glabrous, longitudinally 3-nerved, apex rounded. Stamens 16-24, glabrous; filaments narrowly linear, ca. 4 mm long, above 0.15 mm broad, below 0.1 mm broad; anthers yellow, narrowly oblong, ca. 1.2 × 0.3 mm, apex not mucronate or minutely mucronate (with muctones 0.05-0.1 mm long). Capels 8-10, ca. 2.4 mm long; ovary compressed, narrowly obovate, ca. 1.2 × 0.6-0.8 mm, glabrous, base with short stipe 0.2 mm long; style 1-1.2 mm long, glabrous; stigma narrowly oblong, 0.8-1 × 0.2-0.25 mm, not winged.

四川省(Sichuan Province):Xiaojin Xian, NE of Xiaojin City, on road to pass over Jiajin Shan, 30°52′28″ N, 102°37′53″ E; alt. 3 350-3 400 m. Remnant Abies forest with Salix, Rosa, large Rhododentron, Berberis. Moist, Sphagnum abundant. Mossy slope in shade. Plant to 1 m tall; sepals creamy white; filaments creamy white; anthers yellow. 2007-07-28. D. E. Boufford, K. Fujikawa, S. L. Kelley, R. H. Ree, B. Xu, D. C. Zhang, J. W. Zhang, T. C. Zhang & D. Zhu 38515 (holotype, PE).

本种在亲缘关系上与白茎唐松草(Thalictrum leuconotum Franch.)甚为相近,区别在于本种的小叶背面被微硬毛,雄蕊花丝呈狭条形,花药不具短尖头或具极小的短尖头(长0.05~0.1 mm),心皮较小,长只2.4 mm,柱头无翅。在白茎唐松草,小叶无毛,雄蕊花丝只在顶部呈狭条形,其他大部呈丝形,花药顶端具0.2 mm长的明显短尖头,心皮较大,长5.5 mm,柱头两侧均具明显的狭翅(王文采,王蜀秀,1979)。

致谢 深切感谢孙英宝先生为本文绘制的精彩插图。


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