Who’s the Best Singer?

2017-05-30 10:48樊丽红
阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2017年3期


快来,快来,森林里好热闹!这里正在举办歌唱比赛(singing contest)呢。Cat, Sheep, Dog和Cow早早地来到了比赛场地,他们准备了自己最拿手的歌曲,想在比赛中夺得“最佳歌手(the best singer)”。他们唱得怎么样?Who is the best singer? Lets read the story.

Today is sunny(晴朗的). It is in the forest.

Theres a singing contest. Many animals are here.

This is Ant. He is the judge(裁判).

“Hes the best judge!” says Cat.

“Hes a star(明星).”says Dog.

“Lets begin the singing contest.” says Ant.

Cow is the first to sing.

“Lets listen to your song.” says Ant.

“OK. My song is On the Moon(月亮之上). ” says Cow.

“Moo moo moo! Moo moo moo!” sings Cow.

Its Birds turn(轮到小鸟了).

“Bird? Wheres Bird?” asks Ant.

“Oh, he is late!” says Sheep.

“You can start, Sheep.” Says Ant.

Its Sheeps turn.

Sheep is standing on the stage(舞台).

Sheep says,“My song is Little Star(小星星).”

“Baa baa baa! Baa baa baa!” sings Sheep.

Bird arrives.

“Is this the singing contest?” asks Bird.

“Yes, and you are late!” says Cat.

“I got lost(迷路).” Bird is very sorry.

“Next!” shouts Ant.

Its Cats turn.

Cat says,“I will sing To the Queen(致女王).”

“Miaow miaow miaow! Miaow miaow miaow!” sings Cat.

“That is a good song!” says Bird.

“Next! Your turn, Dog!” says Ant.

Dog says, “Yes. My song is The Big Bone Blue(蓝色的大骨头).”

“Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof!” sings Dog.

“That is very good. You are a good singer!” says Bird.

At last, its Birds turn.

But she is too hungry.

She needs some bird seed(鳥食)!

“Look , a big seed! Yum!” Bird sees Ant!

“No! No!” shouts Dog.

“Dont do it, Bird!” says Sheep.

“HELP!” Ant cries.

But its too late!

Now Bird feels better. She begins to sing.

“My song is Happy Bird(快乐的小鸟). ” says Bird.

“Tweet tweet tweet! Tweet tweet tweet! ” Bird sings.

“Stop singing, Bird.” Cat stops Bird.

“You just ate(吃)the judge!” says Cat.

“Oops!” Bird is stunned(震惊).

“Well, now we are all winners! ” Sheep says.

Now they sing together, “Moo! Baa! Miaow! Woof! Tweet!”


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