
2017-06-10 22:58梁海燕张苏伟陈晓红
中国现代医生 2017年13期

梁海燕 张苏伟 陈晓红

[摘要] 目的 分析潮汕地區体重指数(BMI)和乳腺癌患者预后之间的关系。 方法 回顾性收集2008年1月~2010年12月于我院就诊的236例潮汕地区乳腺癌患者。收集所有乳腺癌患者的身高、体重、年龄、乳腺癌临床分期、淋巴结转移情况及组织病理等级等基本资料,计算BMI,根据BMI水平分为低体重组、正常组、偏胖组和肥胖组。随访到2016年12月,患者乳腺癌复发死亡则随访终止,平均随访6.8年。 结果 不同组间乳腺癌患者的年龄、病理分级和临床分期比较,均无显著差异(P>0.05),但不同组间淋巴结转移情况的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。截至2016年12月随访结束,共有99名患者死于乳腺癌。低体重组、正常组、偏胖组和肥胖组的死亡率分别为 29.41%,28.33%,47.76%和53.33%。随访结束时,低体重组[(54.6±2.18)个月]和正常组[(52.6±1.76)个月]乳腺癌患者生存时间无显着差异(P>0.05),高于偏胖组[(45.8±2.04)个月]和肥胖组[(41.2±1.96)个月],偏胖组乳腺癌患者的生存时间略高于肥胖组。 结论 潮汕地区乳腺癌患者的预后情况与患者自身体重有一定关联,维持正常体重可降低乳腺癌病死率,还可提高乳腺癌患者的预后情况。

[关键词] 肥胖;乳腺癌;预后情况;体重指数;死亡率

[中图分类号] R737.9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2017)13-0004-03

[Abstract] Objective To analyze the relationship between body mass index(BMI)and prognosis of breast cancer patients of Chaoshan district. Methods A total of 236 breast cancer patients of Chaoshan district admitted in our hospital from January 2008 to December 2010 were collected respectively. The basic information including the height, weight, age, breast cancer clinical stage, lymph node metastasis and histopathological grade of all breast cancer patients were collected. And the BMI was calculated. The patients were divided into low body weight group, normal group, partial fat group and obesity group according to the level of BMI. The patients were followed up to December 2016,and the follow-up was terminated when the patient died of breast cancer recurrence, with the average follow-up of 6.8 years. Results There were no significant differences in age, pathological grade and clinical stage between different groups(P>0.05), but the difference in lymph node metastasis between different groups was statistically significant(P<0.05). The follow-up ended in December 2016 ,and a total of 99 patients died of breast cancer.The mortality rates of low weight group, normal group, partial fat group and obesity group were 29.41%, 28.33%, 47.76% and 53.33% respectively. At the end of follow-up, there was no significant difference in survival time between low body weight group[(54.6±2.18) months] and normal group[(52.6±1.76) months](P<0.05), higher than that in partial fat group[(45.8±2.04) months]and obese group[(41.2±1.96) months]. And the survival time of partial fat group was slightly higher than that of the obese group. Conclusion The prognosis of patients with breast cancer in Chaoshan district is related to the weight of patients. Maintaining body weight not only can reduce the mortality of breast cancer, but also improve the prognosis of breast cancer patients.

[Key words] Obesity; Breast cancer; Prognosis; Body mass index; Mortality

近年来乳腺癌发病率呈逐年上升趋势,其发病率和死亡率在妇科肿瘤中居首位。随着生活水平的提高和饮食习惯的改变,肥胖与乳腺癌的相互关系越来越受到关注[1]。 一些研究表明,体重指数(BMI)与乳腺癌的发病关系密切[2]。国外相关报道较多,由于我国的饮食习惯和妇女的肥胖水平与西方国家相比存在很大差异,本研究旨在探讨潮汕地区乳腺癌患者的体重和乳腺癌预后之间的关系,为本地区乳腺癌患者改善预后提供参考资料,现报道如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 评价标准

依据WHO关于肥胖的定义标准:BMI<18.5 kg/m2定义为低体重组,BMI处于(18.5~24.9)kg/m2之间定义为正常组,BMI处于(25.0~30.0)kg/m2间定义为偏胖组,BMI>30.0 kg/m2组定义为肥胖组,共四组。[注:BMI=体重(kg)/身高2(m2)]。

1.3 统计学方法

所有资料均采用SPSS 16.0进行统计学分析。计量资料以(x±s)表示,采用F检验或t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。患者的生存率分析则用Kaplan-Meier分析。

2 结果

2.2 各组患者体重指数与生存情况的相关关系分析


2.3 BMI与乳腺癌预后的关系


3 讨论

近年来,超重和肥胖对乳腺癌生存时间的影响越来越引起医学界的关注[3]。Li HT等[4]通过218例辅助化疗患者的回顾性分析结果显示,BMI≥30 kg/m2是乳腺癌早期预后(包括复发,转移和死亡)的独立危险因素。这一结果也得到了Bao PP等[5]的大样本研究的支持。Shin A等[6]通过分析1169例新辅助化疗晚期乳腺癌(中位随访时间为4.1年),发现肥胖乳腺癌患者(BMI≥30 kg/m2)比正常体重患者的生存时间短。Key TJ等[7]的8项前瞻性研究的Meta分析结果显示,BMI≥30 kg/m2的乳腺癌患者的存活时间比体重正常者低。Santa-Maria CA等[8]针对中国妇女的研究也显示,超重(BMI≥25 kg/m2)的乳腺癌患者新辅助化疗后存活率低。这些研究表明,超重和肥胖是乳腺癌预后的重要因素,但肥胖影响乳腺癌的预后的机制尚不清楚。





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