
2017-07-29 02:29唐力韩晓玲
文教资料 2017年14期


(军事交通学院 基础部 外语教研室,天津 300161)

摘 要: 改错是语言教学中,尤其是大学外语教学中一种常见的考题形式。改错的主要目的是测试学生综合运用语言的能力,不但要求学生有扎实的语言基础知识,而且要求学生有较强的语篇理解能力与表达能力及利用上下文进行逻辑推理的能力。本文从语法知识、词汇用法和篇章理解三个方面分析了大学英语改错题型,并提出了有效的解题方法。

关键词: 大学英语 改错题型 应对策略






例:(1) Becoming a skilled photographer, a person should have both manual dexterity (灵巧,敏捷) and a good eye for detail.

此例中,将Becoming改为To become,因为不定式短语作状语多表示目的,而分词短语作状语多表示原因、条件、结构等。

(2)On seeing the young child fell into the water, Eric sprang to his feet, and went to the rescue.

此例中,把fell改为fall或者falling。应用see sb. do/doing sth.结构表示“看见某人做某事”。



例:Some people think of the protection of our environment as the mere protection of a few animals and flowers. Actually nature conservation is far from that some people imagine it to be. It has become a question of whether man can survive at all in the world in which he is creating.

此例中,第一處错误是第二句中的that应改为what,即“... is far from what some people imagine it to be(保护自然远不只是一些人所想象的那样)”。第二个错误是第三句中in which,应将介词in 删去,该定语从句的动词create是及物动词,先行词 world 在逻辑上是creat 的宾语,即“...the world which he is creating(人类正在创造的世界)”。

另外,有两种由as作关系代词的结构值得注意,即such as和the same as。

如:(1) Such studying techniques as are discussed here are merely for general reference.

(2) We plan to purchase the same instruments as/that are used in your laboratory.



所谓平行结构(parallel structure)就是指按照英语句子结构的要求或受约定俗成的表达习惯的限制,语句中某些并列、对等的部分一般保持形式上的对称一致。这方面的错误,我们称之为平行结构错误。

例:(1) Nobody except maybe little children thinks that a trip in a bus is exciting. Although there are thousands of cars on the road, more people travel by bus than by cars. Workers hurrying to their offices or factories, children who go to school, people going out to buy things, all use buses.

此例中,错误是children之后突然改用定语从句,这样就未同前后两个短语在形式上保持对称一致。应该把who go删去,改为现在分词going,即children going to school。

(2) In more technologically developed societies, the period of childhood adolescence tends to be extended over a long time, resulting in more opportunities for education and a great variety in character development.

此例中的错误是great没有同前面比较级more保持一致,应该把great改为greater,这样a greater variety和前面的more opportunities保持结构上的对称。



例:(1) Modern ships are all equipped with this instrument with the aid of which the navigator is able to determine where exactly he is, and he can set his course with confidence.

此例中,where exactly应改为exactly where,按照语法习惯,exactly一般应置于特殊疑问词之前。

(2) This kind of bullet-proof vest invented by a Chinese engineer is enough hard to resist a bullet shot from 5 meters away.

此例中,enough hard必须改为hard enough。enough修饰形容词和副词时,须置于形容词和副词之后,修饰名词时应放在名词前面。





例:(1) Marconi, the Italian inventor who gave us radio, probably didnt realize what effects his great invention would have for the world in the years to come.

此例中,介词for应改为on或upon。大家都知道“...have effect/ influence/ impact on(upon)...”但在上例中,这一固定表达式被句子隔开,使得该错具有极大的迷惑性,基础较差或粗心大意的学生往往难以发现这种错误。

(2) We are told that the worlds population is increasing with such a speed that the need for fresh water will be doubled by the end of the century.

此例中,必须把with改成at。在以下这些表达式中须用介词at:at a speed/ rate of...(以……速度),at a ratio of...(以……比率),at a temperature of...(在……温度),at an altitude of...(在……高度),at a price of...(以……价格),at a low/high cost (以低/高成本)。


例:(1) Despite of the great difficulties they had, they continued the work without any complaint.

此例中,despite 后面的of 必须去掉,despite是介词,相当于in spite of。

(2) This kind of white stone is, according to experts, great value.

此例中,应在great value后加上介词of,即of great value,注意下列用名詞的表达式:be of use,be of consequence,be of value,be of magnitude,be of importance,be of size,be of help等。


在分析短语动词之前,有必要简略归纳短语动词(phrasal verb)的种类,短语动词一般分为四种:

A. 动词+介词 如:insist on,deal with

B. 动词+副词 如:give up,set off

C. 动词+副词+介词 如:put up with,look down up

D. 动词+名词+介词 如:give rise to,put an end to

例:(1) In any country, architecture is limited by building materials. In turn, these various materials take rise to different types of construction. If a country is rocky, stone buildings will be developed. In open country without trees or stone, the builder will have to resort with clay for material.

此例中,第一处错误是第二句中短语动词出错,take必须改为give,该短语动词的正确形式是give rise to(引起);第二处错误是第四句中介词with,应改为to,该短语动词的正确形式是resort to(利用,求助于)。

(2) A poor film is often better than a bad play. Pleasant scenery can at least compensate with clumsy acting. But a good film can never equal a really fine play. In a theater, the actors truly become identified with the characters they portray. We concentrate to human qualities and forget that they are merely “acting”. This is something a film can rarely achieve.

此例中,第一处错误是第二句中介词with, 改为for,该短语动词的正确形式为compensate for(弥补);第二处错是第四句介词to,改为on或upon,即concentrate on(专心于……集中于……)。



例:(1) It is a social prejudice that the work of street cleaners is thought to be dirty and shame by most people. It is true that their work may be dirty, but not necessary shameful. What would our streets be like if nobody cleared away the rubbish?

此例中,第一处错误是第一句中的shame,显然应改为形容词shameful;第二处错误是第二句中necessary,改为副词necessarily,not necessarily意为“不一定”,修饰形容词shameful。

(2) You must make sure that your speech is clear and easily to follow. Use examples, charts, and pictures if they will help you explain your points clear. You should treat your audience with respect.

此例中的两处错误均为词性错误。第一处错误是第一句中easily,应改为easy,即your speech is clear and easy to follow。第二处错误是第二句中clear,改为副词clearly,因为它修饰的是谓语动词explain。



例:(1) In modern society, telephones in cars and trucks are becoming as essential as those in homes and offices. Industry officials predicted that mobile communications service will soon be comparative in many respects to the service provided by telephones that do not move.

此例中,应把comparative改为comparable。从上下文可以看出:该句需要的正确单词是comparable。comparable to的意思是“与……相比,比得上……,可与……相媲美”。comparative的意思是“比较的”,显然与句意不符。

(2) In todays society, “Smoking effects your health” has become a warning which is known to almost every household, yet in spite of this, few people have truly given up smoking.






例:(1) Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can provide technology, it is not necessarily harmful.


(2) A lighthouse must be high enough for its light to be seen far away, but if it is too high, it has more possibility to be destroyed by high wind; so it is always true to say that the higher it is the better.

此例的错误是该句应用否定式却用了肯定式。根据上下文内容,此句所表达的意思是:灯塔建得越高越好并不总是正确的说法。因此,必须在always之前加上否定词not,即:so it is not always true to say that the higher it is the better。



例:(1) In our society all kinds of work are equally important. For example, the work of a completely uneducated farmer is in some sense more important than that of a professor: We can live without education, so we die if we have no food. This is a simple truth that everybody believes. Although no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we would get terrible diseases in our towns.


(2) Different countries and different races have different manners. Before entering a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes. But in European countries, as if shoes sometimes become very muddy, this is not done.

此例中,应将as if改为引导让步状语的连接词even if。从上下文内容看出,该句的意思是;但是在欧洲国家,即使有时候鞋弄得很脏,也不用脱。



例:As a teacher who has worked in three countries, I have had the experience that a student who earns good marks is generally a good student, and that a students final mark in a subject is usually a grade average of the years work. Of course there are exceptions, but they do not have the frequency that would give an unfair picture of their ability.

此例中,错误在于最后一句中的their,应改为his。全文意思是得到高分的学生通常是好学生,他一门功课的最后得分通常是一年来的表现,但也有特例,高分不能完全公正地反映他的水平。因为上文一直用单数名词a student,而最后一句用their,显然不一致,应改为his,即...that would give an unfair picture of his ability。








