
2017-08-31 11:02斌张慧玲朱晓芳沈仁芳
土壤学报 2017年4期

王 斌张慧玲朱晓芳沈仁芳†

(1 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室(中国科学院南京土壤研究所),南京 210008)

(2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)

(3 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,南京 210095)


王 斌1,2张慧玲3朱晓芳1沈仁芳1†

(1 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室(中国科学院南京土壤研究所),南京 210008)

(2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)

(3 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,南京 210095)




水稻(Oryza sativa)是我国重要的粮食作物之一,广泛种植于南方各个省区,也是受铝毒影响较为普遍的作物之一。然而,不同基因型水稻品种间耐铝差异非常大,其中的原因并不完全知晓。近年来,马建锋实验室对水稻耐铝性做了一系列相关的研究,并取得了重大的研究成果:首次发现了与水稻铝耐性相关的转录因子ART1,其特异表达在水稻根部细胞核中,且不受铝的诱导。进一步研究发现,水稻ART1突变体对铝的敏感性增加,主要因为ART1能调控下游与铝耐性相关的31个基因的表达[5],并对其中多个基因进行了深入的研究,包括NRAT1、OsFRDL4、ALS1、STAR1和STAR2等[6]。其中,NRAT1基因编码的转运体主要在水稻根尖细胞的细胞膜上表达,能将外界的铝离子转运至细胞内,从而增加细胞内的铝含量[7]。ALS1编码的ABC转运体主要在植物根部细胞的液泡膜上表达,其能将植物中的铝转运至液泡中固定起来,从而减缓铝毒害[8]。STAR1编码的ABC转运体,能与同样在水稻根部细胞的细胞膜表达的STAR2联合运输二磷酸尿苷萄糖,用于修复破损的细胞壁,从缓解铝毒害[9]。OsFRDL4基因编码的蛋白质主要在水稻根尖细胞的细胞膜上表达,能够转运柠檬酸,是影响水稻耐铝性的重要基因,该基因在水稻铝耐性品种中受铝诱导的表达倍数要高于铝敏感品种,且有机酸的分泌量与该基因的表达量成正比[10]。本文试图研究这6个基因在两个不同耐铝水稻中表达量的差异,探究水稻品种的耐性差异是否与上述基因的表达量相关,为之后的水稻耐铝品种筛选提供数据支持。

1 材料与方法

1.1 供试材料


选取各品种籽粒饱满的种子,在25℃下用蒸馏水浸泡过夜,然后将种子放置在湿润的滤纸上25℃避光催芽2~3 d,移至下含0.5 mmol L-1的CaCl2(pH 4.5)溶液的浮板上培养1 d。选取长势相近的幼苗,分别在含有0 µmol L-1、30 µmol L-1和50 µmol L-1AlCl3的CaCl2(0.5 mmol L-1,pH 4.5)溶液中培养24 h。处理前后均用直尺量取根长,计算相对根长率,每处理10个重复。

1.2 根尖铝含量测定

如上所述,水稻幼苗在0.5 mmol L-1的CaCl2(pH为4.5)溶液中培养1 d后,选取长势相近的幼苗在含50 µmol L-1AlCl3的CaCl2(0.5 mmol L-1,pH 4.5)溶液中培养24 h。切取铝处理后的根尖(0~1 cm)10个,用0.5 mmol L-1的CaCl2溶液冲洗3次后,放入1.5 ml的离心管中,加入1 ml 2 mol L-1的HCl溶液,中间间断地摇动。放置至少24 h后,吸取全部上清液转移至10 ml离心管中,定容至5 ml。用ICP-AES(IRIS-Advantage,ThermoElement,美国)测定溶液铝含量,每处理重复4次[11]。

1.3 根系分泌物的收集与测定

用木村营养液培养水稻幼苗2周,该营养液含有0.18 mmol L-1(NH4)2SO4、0.27 mmol L-1MgSO4·7H2O、0.09 mmol L-1KNO3、0.18 mmol L-1Ca(NO3)2·4H2O、0.09 mmol L-1KH2PO4、6.7 µmol L-1MnCl2·4H2O、9.4 µmol L-1H3BO3、0.01 µmol L-1(NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O、0.15 µmol L-1ZnSO4·7H2O、0.16 µmol L-1CuSO4·5H2O 和10 µmol L-1EDTA-Fe。选取长势相近的水稻株系,放入1 L的容器中,置于pH4.5的0.5 mmol L-1CaCl2溶液中过夜,然后用含50 µmol L-1AlCl3的0.5 mmol L-1CaCl2溶液(pH4.5)处理24 h,收集其根系分泌物。

将收集溶液依次通过装有5 g阳离子交换树脂(Amberlite IR120 H+,Aldrich,美国)和装有3 g阴离子交换树脂(AG1-X8 Formate,Bio-Rad,美国)的离子吸附柱,再用15 ml的2 mol L-1HCl分3次洗脱阴离子吸附柱,洗脱液再用真空冷冻旋转蒸发仪(东京理化 1000S,日本)旋转蒸干,最后用1 ml超纯水溶解蒸馏瓶中的产物,用超快速高分离液相色谱仪(岛津 UFLC-20,日本)测定。测试条件:色谱柱(Agilent,SB-C18,250 nm × 4.6 nm,5 µm)、流动相为磷酸盐缓冲液(A,pH4.5)—甲醇(B),A(98%)—B(2%)、流速0.8 ml min-1、进样量20 µl、柱温30℃。

1.4 根尖RNA的提取

如上所述,水稻幼苗在0.5 mmol L-1的CaCl2(pH为4.5)溶液中培养1 d后,选取长势相近的幼苗,在含0 µmol L-1、50 µmol L-1AlCl3的CaCl2(0.5 m mol L-1,pH 4.5)溶液中培养24 h。切取铝处理后的根尖(0~1 cm)10~20条,用蒸馏水漂洗后放入1.5 ml的离心管中,立即放入液氮中冷冻,每个处理重复3次。冷冻完全后将样品倒入灭菌后的坩埚中碾碎,加入350 µl的裂解液(TIANGEN,中国),碾磨均匀后倒回1.5 ml的离心管中,在12 000 r min-1(ThmeroMicrocl17,德国)的条件下离心,吸取上清液用TGuige核酸自动提取仪(TIANGENM16,中国)提取RNA,最终定容至60 µl体系。

1.5 RNA反转录

吸取14 µlRNA放入PCR小管中,用反转录试剂盒(TOYOBO,日本),加入4 µl的反转录缓冲液(5×RT Buffer),1 µl的酶混合液(EnzymeMix),1 µl的引物混合液(PrimerMix),共20 µl体系。反转录程序为:37℃条件下15 min,98℃条件下5 min,4℃终止反应,得到cDNA。

1.6 实时定量PCR(RT-PCR)

RT-PCR为10 µl体系:5 µl的Tip qPCR Mix(TRANSGEN,中国),4.5 µl 的灭菌水,0.2 µl的正向引物,0.2 µl的反向引物,0.1 µl的cDNA。

仪器采用实时荧光定量PCR(Light-Cycler480II,Roch,瑞士)。运作程序为三步法,95℃下15 s,55℃下15 s,72℃下20 s,共45个循环。其中,ART1、NRAT1、OsFRDL4、ALS1四个基因用HistoneH3作为内参基因,STAR1和STAR2两个基因用Actin作为内参基因。反应的引物序列详见表1。

表1 荧光定量PCR引物序列表Table 1 Primer sequence for RT-PCR

1.7 数据处理



式中,RLAl,i为铝处理24 h后的根长;RLAl0为铝处理前的根长;RLC,i为对照处理24 h后的根长;RLC0为对照处理前的根长。

本研究中,相对根伸长率测定结果为10次重复的平均值,根尖铝含量测定结果为4次重复的平均值,其余均为3次重复的平均值。所得数据采用Excel 2007和SPSS 16.0软件进行处理和统计分析。用单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)检验不同处理在p<0.05条件下的差异显著性。

2 结 果

2.1 不同水稻品种铝胁迫下的相对根伸长

铝胁迫下,植物的根伸长会受到显著抑制。因此,测定相同条件下植物根长便可断定该植株对铝胁迫的耐性大小,而相对伸长率也成了筛选不同耐铝植物的重要指标[11]。由图1可见,不同水稻品种在30 µmol L-1铝溶液处理下,已经受到了不同程度的抑制。尤其是Kasalath受抑制尤其明显,根伸长率为32.27%。而Nipponbare则表现得相对较耐铝,根伸长率68.17%。品种之间的耐性差值高达35%,差异显著。在50 µmol L-1铝处理下,植物的根伸长受到了进一步的抑制。图中表现为,Kasalath作为水稻敏感品种受抑制最明显,根伸长率为27.95%。而Nipponbare仍然是耐性品种,根生长率为54.60%。敏感品种与耐性品种间差异高达26%,差异显著。因此,根据本结果选取典型试验材料,Kasalath为相对铝敏感品种,Nipponbare为相对铝耐性品种。

图1 30 µmol L-1和50 µmol L-1铝处理24 h水稻相对根伸长Fig. 1 Relative root elongation(RRE)of the rice plants exposed to 30 µmol L-1and 50 µmol L-1aluminum(Al)for 24 h

2.2 不同水稻品种根尖铝含量


2.3 不同水稻品种根系分泌柠檬酸含量


图2 50 µmol L-1铝处理24 h水稻根尖铝含量Fig. 2 Al content in the root tips of the rice plants exposed to 50 µmol L-1Al for 24 h

2.4 水稻耐Al相关基因表达

图3 50 µmol L-1铝处理24 h水稻根部柠檬酸分泌量Fig. 3 Secretion of citric acid from roots of the rice plants exposed to 50 µmol L-1Al for 24 h


图4 50 µmol L-1铝处理24 h相关基因根尖相对表达量Fig. 4 Expression levels of Al tolerance related genes in root tips of the rice plants exposed to 50 µmol L-1Al for 24 h



3 讨 论

图5 50 µmol L-1铝处理下相关基因根尖相对表达量(A,C)以及根尖细胞壁铝含量(B)Fig. 5 Relative expression level of Al tolerance related genes in root tips(A,C)and Al content in root tip cell walls(B)of the rice plants exposed to 50 µmol L-1Al for 24 h


根尖是根伸长最重要的部位,也是铝毒害最为敏感的部位,因此,在判定不同水稻品种间耐铝性差异上起着重要作用[13],其根部的铝含量与受到的铝毒害程度有明显的正相关性[17-18]。研究发现,Kasalath无论在30 µmol L-1还是50 µmol L-1铝浓度处理下,其根伸长受到的抑制作用最为明显,判断其为相对铝敏感水稻品种。Nipponbare在相同铝浓度处理下,其根伸长显著高于其他水稻品种,判断其为相对铝耐性水稻品种(图1)。并且,在相同浓度铝处理下,Kasalath的根尖铝含量显著高于Nipponbare(图2),进一步证实了Kasalath确实为铝敏感水稻品种,Nipponbare为铝耐性水稻品种。



4 结 论


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Differences in Aluminium Tolerance between Rice Varieties

WANG Bin1,2ZHANG Huiling3ZHU Xiaofang1SHEN Renfang1†
(1 State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China)
(2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
(3 College of Resources and Environmental Science,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China)

【Objective】Aluminum(Al)toxicity is an important factor that inhibits growth of plants in acid soils. Different plant species are often different in Al tolerance,and so are different varieties of the same species. Through a series of hydroponic experiments,this paper was to explore difference between two varieties of rice,Nipponbare and Kasalath in Al tolerance and mechanism responsible for the variation.【Method】 Plump seeds of the two varieties of rice were selected and placed in an incubator for germination at 25℃. Then seedlings similar in growing were divided into two groups,one undergoing treatment with 0.5 mmol L-1CaCl2and pH 4.5 for 24 h(Treatment CK)and the other with 50 µmol L-1AlCl3in addition to 0.5 mmol L-1CaCl2and pH 4.5 for 24 h,too(Treatment Al). Root length was measured before and after thetreatment with a ruler. After the treatments,some roots tips(0~1 cm)of the seedling were cut down with a knife,and placed into plastic tubes containing 1 ml 2 mol L-1HCl,separately,for 24 h extraction. Then the solutions were analyzed for Al concentration with ICP. Besides,some root tips were put direct into liquid nitrogen for refrigeration at -80℃ for late-on RNA extraction. To compare the two varieties of rice in Alinduced citrate secretion from the root system,some two-week-old seedlings were treated as in Treatment Al for 24 h. Then solution from the treatment was diverted into a column containing 5 g of cation resin(Amberlite IR-120B resin)for adsorption and then into another column containing 3 g of anion resin(AG 1 × 8 resin). The anion-resin column was then eluted with 2 mol L-1HCl and the eluate condensed into solid through evaporation in a rotary evaporator. Then,1 ml of milliQ water was used to dissolve the solid adhered to the evaporator for determination of content of organic acids with HPCL.【Result】It was found that under Al stress,Nipponbare was less inhibited than Kasalath,for it had longer roots and less Al in root tips,which indicates that Nipponbare is an Al tolerant variety of rice,while Kasalath an Al sensitive variety. It was also found in further studies that the expression of NRAT1,which is responsible for controlling Al uptake,was much higher in Kasalath than in Nipponbare,and the high expression is possibly the major cause leading to the high Al concentration in the root tips of Kasalath,an Al-sensitive variety of rice. Furthermore,it was also found that under Al stress,Nipponbare secreted more citric acids than Kasalath did and the expression of OsFRDL4,a gene controlling root secretion of citric acid,was significantly higher in level in the former than in the latter,which demonstrates that citric acid may possibly play a critical role in rice tolerating Al and the variety of rice controls secretion of citric acid by regulating expression level of OsFRDL4 gene. However,tests were also done on other four genes that may be related to Al tolerance,but no direct relationship was observed. So further studies need to be done.【Conclusion】 Nipponbare and Kasalath shows different Al tolerance in the present study. Nipponbare is an Al tolerant rice variety,while Kasalath an Al sensitive one. The difference in Al tolerance between the two varieties of rice may be attributed to the differences in expressions levels of NRAT1 and OsFRDL4.

Rice;Aluminum stress;Aluminum tolerance;OsFRDL4;NRAT1





* 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 计划)项目(2014CB441000)资助 Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(No. 2014CB441000)

† 通讯作者 Corresponding author,E-mail:rfshen@issas.ac.cn

王 斌(1991—),男,浙江杭州人,硕士研究生,主要从事植物逆境生理的研究。E-mail:binw@issas.ac.cn



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