
2017-10-13 17:48ByNicholasKardaras
英语学习 2017年9期


“Im going to kill you while you are both asleep,” the wild-eyed 13-year-old girl said as she flailed1 and kicked her father before biting his arm. This was the second time in less than a week that Heidi had flown into a violent rage because her parents had taken away her Chromebook and her access to social media. It would also be the second time that she would have to be taken to the psychiatric2 emergency room.

When her parents, John and Melanie, first called me for help, they described Heidi as a sweet, happy, loving girl whose teachers had always declared their favorite student. With a tendency to gravitate toward overachievers,3 she loved playing soccer, hiking and taking mountain bike rides with her dad—the man she bit.

John and Melanie, supportive suburban New Jersey parents with college degrees and their own tech business, were blindsided4 by Heidis social media addiction. “It all started when she came home in seventh grade with a Chromebook that the school had given her,” they told me. Ostensibly given for school purposes, the Chromebook came loaded with Google Classroom5—which also, unfortunately, included Google Chat and various Google Chat communities.

Once this educational Trojan horse6 entered their home, John and Melanie found that Heidi was more and more preoccupied with its social media chat rooms, spending hours on them every night. Because the chat rooms were part of the Chromebook platform, they were not able to disable them. Then Heidi started becoming preoccupied with raunchy YouTube videos and also began playing an addictive progression game similar to Minecraft.7

Over the course of a year John and Melanie saw their daughter transform from a sweet, innocent girl who loved spending time with her parents into a sexualized, foulmouthed and violent terror. And sadly, she became a girl in need of psychiatric treatment.

Early adolescence is a time of dramatic change for most kids, and arguably, Heidi may have been headed for trouble with or without her Chromebook. It is also true that many kids use social media responsibly and without issue8. But a growing body of evidence shows that social media and immersion in the digital world can be contributing factors in the development of an array of psychological problems—from addiction to depression—and young people may be especially vulnerable.

Social connection is not only the most essential part of being human, it is also a key ingredient in happiness and health. Thanks to social media, we are the most connected society that has ever lived: each second people in the U.S. send more than 7,500 tweets, 1,394 Instagram photographs, and two million e-mails; they also view more than 119,000 YouTube videos.endprint

Predictably, the younger you are, the more you text. According to a 2011 Pew Research Center poll, cell-phone owners between the ages of 18 and 24 send or receive an average of 109.5 messages on a normal day, whereas all adults (18 and older) exchange a daily average of 41.5 messages.

For a species hardwired9 for social connection, that should be a wonderful thing. And yet the rise of social media and technology has coincided with an apparent decline in mental health. In 2014 psychologist Jean M. Twenge of San Diego State University analyzed data from nearly seven million teenagers and adults across the U.S. and found that more people reported symptoms of depression in recent years than they did in the 1980s. Teens, in particular, are now 74 percent more likely to have trouble sleeping and twice as likely to see a professional for mental health issues. According to a 2016 fact sheet from the World Health Organization, depression is now the leading cause of disability globally, affecting 350 million people worldwide.

There are certainly many intervening factors that may be driving this global trend, but we do have preliminary research linking depression with social media usage. In a 2014 study, social psychologists found another reason why people can feel down after Facebook sessions: they feel that the time spent is not meaningful.

As social creatures, we find purpose and meaning and bolster10 our emotional states largely through the social and cultural context created by contact with others. Not getting the right kind of human contact at key developmental periods in childhood can lead to profound emotional and psychological problems.

Social media has an impact on other basic psychological needs—including our need for novelty, called neophilia.11 Human brain is biologically primed for novelty, which, in turn, has helped us to survive cataclysmic environmental change.12 Unfortunately, this hardwired thirst can be overwhelming in the information age, in which every hyperlink, tweet, text, e-mail and Instagram photograph can be an opportunity to experience something new. As with an alcoholic in a liquor store or a chocolate lover at Willy Wonkas, the multitude of opportunities for novelty can be exhaustingly hyperstimulating.13

And what about the human need to experience reward? We know that humans like activities that release the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain—a lot.14 Evolution has given us incentives via a “dopamine tickle” to pursue certain lifesustaining activities,15 because dopamine made us feel good. But we have discovered that digital stimulation feels pretty good, too, and similarly lights up our dopamine-reward pathways.endprint

So then where does modern digital technology, which plays off these intersecting human needs for connection,16 reward and novelty, leave us? Short answer: addicted or, at the very least, potentially vulnerable to screen addiction. Many adults and kids have developed compulsive texting and social media habits precisely because such predilections quench our thirst for novelty while tickling our dopamine-reward pathways.17 And like addicts, they can go into withdrawal18 without it.









对于一个为社交而生的物种来说,这理应是件好事。但是伴随着社交媒体和科技的发展,人们的心理健康状况也在明显下降。2014年,圣地亚哥州立大学的心理学家让·M. 特温格通过对美国各地近七百万青少年和成年人的相关数据进行分析后发现,近年来有抑郁症状的人数要比上世纪80年代多。特别是青少年人群,他们现在患有睡眠问题的几率要比以前高74%,而青少年去咨询心理健康问题专家的几率是之前的两倍。2016年世界卫生组织发布的一份资料简报显示,抑郁症已经是目前全球范围内导致身心障碍的主要因素,并影响着全世界3.5亿人的生活。






1. flail: 猛击,猛打。

2. psychiatric: 精神病的,精神病治疗的。

3. gravitate toward: 受吸引,移向;overachiever: / 超等优秀生。

4. blindside: 出其不意地打击。

5. ostensibly: 表面上地;Google Classroom:谷歌教室,一种可以帮助老师快速布置任务和接受反馈的程序。

6. Trojan horse:“特洛伊木马”,来自希腊典故。希腊联军久攻特洛伊未果,因而假装撤退,只留下一具巨大的中空木马,特洛伊的守军将木马作为战利品运回城里。到了夜晚,木马腹中暗藏的希腊士兵打开城门,最终特洛伊沦陷。后人用“特洛伊木马”这一典故比喻潜藏内部的颠覆分子,也被引申用来比喻“害人的礼物”。

7. raunchy: 淫秽的,下流的;Minecraft:《我的世界》,一款高自由度沙盒游戏,玩家可以在单人或多人模式中通过摧毁或创造方块以创造各种各样的建筑物。

8. without issue: 原指无子女,这里指没有后续问题。

9. hardwired: 天生的,(能力、方法、活动类型等)基本固定的。

10. bolster: 增强,改善。

11. novelty: 新奇事物;neophilia: // 對新奇事物的喜爱,喜新癖。

12. be primed for: 为……预先准备好的;cataclysmic: // 灾难性的。

13. Willy Wonka: 威利·旺卡,是电影《查理和巧克力工厂》的主人公,此处Willy Wonkas指他的巧克力工厂;hyperstimulating: 过度刺激的。

14. neurotransmitter: 神经递质,在神经细胞间或向肌肉传递信息的化学物质;dopamine: // 多巴胺,一种传递兴奋及开心信息的神经递质,和人的情欲、感觉有关。

15. incentive: 动机,刺激;tickle: n. 使人发痒、感到愉悦的东西,下段中则作动词解。

16. play off: 使……暴露弱点;intersecting: 相互交叉的。

17. compulsive: 难以控制的,禁不住的;predilection:// 喜好,嗜好;quench: 解(渴)。

18. withdrawal: 戒毒(或脱瘾)期。endprint

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