An Analysis of Technical Students’ English Learning Motivation

2017-10-25 09:38韩燕
校园英语·上旬 2017年11期


【Abstract】In recent years, because of the large-scale colleges enrollment, the number of students is increasing while the quality of their English learning level is lower than before. So the gap between students achievement in English is becoming larger and larger. The author aims to reveal problems of learning motivation in the English learning process. By the ways of handing out questionnaires, interviewing subjects and attending some classes, she find reasons of the problems and give suggestions to the English teachers and technical students. Base on this, teachers could find out how to stir students English learning motivation. Through analysis of 117 questionnaires, it finds that students of Hainan Technician College (HTC) have different motivations, and some English learning problems. In the college English learning process, teachers should first of all make an acquaintance with students English learning motivation and fully understand the link between academic result and motivation. Then according to their different situations, teachers should use different teaching methods and skills so as to stir and keep students learning motivation, especially in the process of college students classroom learning. Only if teachers keep students interest and stir their inner motivation, students can make good teaching achievement in teaching round. At the same time students should actively cooperate with teachers, have a clear attitude and goal in English learning, change the original bias to English, raise English learning motivation, and work hard for English in order to meet the needs of times.

【Key words】English learning motivation; technical students; teaching method

I. Introduction

In modern society English plays a significant role both in teaching and in learning round, which draws many teachers and scholars attention. It is widely known, most of the information and documents are shown in English, which makes English used all over the world. A new passion for English has emerged in our society recently. But it is very difficult for us to learn a second language because our mother tongue is Chinese. However, it is important for us to learn English well. Then, “how to stir learners English learning motivation” is becoming an all-concerned topic in China.

Given motivation, anyone can learn a language. Motivation is one of the important factors in the learning process, which helps to determine the level of proficiency achieved by different learners. It involves the arousal and maintenance of curiosity. Because of such factors as learners particular interests and extend to which they feel personally involved in learning activities. Until now, a large quantity of researches, both theoretical and empirical, have been conducted on these individual learner variables, especially on English learning motivation, which have been identified as the most influential variables on learning.

1.1 About Motivation. Nowadays learning motivation is considered as one of the most important factors to students learning. Motivation refers to an internal process that pushes or pulls the individual, and the push or pull relates to some external events. Social factors may affect students English learning motivation. Due to the external environment surrounding them variously, they act on their internal disposition in unique ways. Therefore, English learning motivation varies from individual to individual. Motivation is probably the most frequently used words for explaining the success or failure of some tasks. It is easy to figure that success lies on high motivation, while failure low motivation. Countless studies and experiments in human learning have shown that motivation is the key to learning, especially to foreign language learning. Thus, studying English learning motivation has a practical and theoretical significance to English learning and teaching.

1.2 English learning of technical students in China and our college. Technical students are those who graduate from junior middle schools and enrolled by the college if they can pass a unique entrance examination, in which the subjects are much easier than those in the common senior high school entrance examination. In recent years, because of the increasing number of students, many of them fail in the common senior high school entrance examination, so some have to choose to enter technical schools. It is a prevalent phenomenon that technical students have low English learning motivation, especially in China. On one hand teachers show their low expectancy to students of technical school; on the other hand their previous poor English academic achievements and their poor social image as technical college students result in their lack of interest and motive power in English learning. Compared with common senior high school students, their original English ground is much poorer. As far as the author concerned, technical students English learning motivation in China is generally low and their learning attitude is intact, this is due to their English learning atmosphere is inactive. In Hainan Technician College (HTC), students are proficient in science, especially in operating machines and in getting good marks on their major related courses. However, few of them show any affection to English. In addition to this, vast majority of the technical students are weak in English listening and speaking and cannot use English to communicate with others.

1.3 Purpose of the study. Every area of work is in need of people who are able to master English, and our society requests students to be proficient in English is now greater than ever. In order to find out the reasons why technical students in Hainan Technician College (HTC) are tired of learning English, the author hands out some questionnaires and does some research on this phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to make some investigations into the technical students English study situation and find out the correlation between related features and students performance. This study will no doubt give college English teachers a clearer picture of their technical students English study and will be helpful in improving their students learning situation and achieving better results of teaching. As a senior, who will graduate soon and become a teacher in the future, I would like to give this article as a present to my college Hainan Technician College (HTC) hoping it is helpful to promote the English learning situation of technical students in our school.

II. Literature review

For many years, the motivation of students within the classroom has been the factors of applied research. Researchers have studied attempts to increase students on-task behavior, such as Farch & Gersten(1985); Lazarowitz, Herts, Vaird & Bowlden(1988). And improvement of work quality, such as Andre & Thieman(1988); Butler & Nisan(1986); Marsh(1984). As Skenhan(1989) suggests, motivation is the most powerful predictive factor to the learning outcome except for language aptitude. Gardner and Lambert (1972) also stress that a strong learning motivation can make up for the poor language aptitude and learning condition, or even be more effective than language aptitude.

2.1 Point views in motivation theory

The concept of acquired motivation is necessary for any complete understanding of motivated behavior because much behavioral diversity clearly depends upon motives that are acquired or altered during the life of the organism. Several kinds of learning have been implicated in the development or modification of motivated behavior. Among them are Pavlovian classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observation learning and learned helplessness.

In most cases, the positive results can be attributed to strategies facilitating either an extrinsic or intrinsic motivational orientation in the student. An extrinsic motivation, which is concerned with factors outsides the classroom, is demonstrated when a student increase motivation and effort in order to obtain a desired item. As has been suggested by Canadian researcher Gardner and Lambert, in terms of the learners overall goal or orientation, extrinsic motivation can be classified into two types:integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. An individual motivation is also subject to social and contextual influences. These will include the whole culture, context and the social situation, as well as significant other people and the individuals interaction with them.

2.2 Causation of behavior. Most common-sense theories of motivation

explain behavior by looking for internal causes, such as wishes, urges and desires. Behaviorist theorists reject all explanations of action in terms of internal events such as thoughts or desires. They seek to explain action by influences from outside. Behavior allows us to meet the demands of our environment. Psychology, to behaviorists, is the study of how we go about adjusting to the environment by behaving within it.

If two people react differently to the same environment now, in what they do and in what they think and feel, it is because their environment have been different in the past.

Inner causes, such as thoughts, feelings and other internal events are part of the causes of action. They are caused by the same environmental events that cause the external, overt behavior.

2.3 Goal setting and achievement motivation

Achievement motive researchers in the early years of their investigations found that the need to achieve strongly affects goal setting.

Students with a high need to achieve were found to set goals that were different enough to be challenging but not so difficult that failure would be likely. Dweck (1992) identified two kids of goals:performance goal and learning goals. The former is (“How well am I doing a san indication of how able I am?”) while the latter is (“What can I learn from my performance so that I can improve on the next occasion?”) Overlapping cognitive and motivational issues are involved in the study of goals, motives, and beliefs. How goals alter motivational states and in turn are affected by them, and the relationship between goals and long-term motive disposition, remain important areas for the future study.

III. Research methods

Altogether are 120 different major students of HTC who reply to answer questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to the students in 4 different classes. And only 117 questionnaires were returned as the investigated subjects.

Figure 1: Divide into three groups

Based on the subjects three final exams scores, the author divides them into three groups (Group A, Group B, Group C). From Figure 1, we can see nearly 20% students get good remarks in their exams, while 18% so-so and 62% weak. The author figures that the reasons why some technical students can get good marks are:First, the tests are so easy. Second, teachers want to stir students motivation to continue learning English. Third, students English achievement can directly assess teachers teaching level, so teachers tend to give them high scores.

3.1 Several ways of research. Before writing the thesis, the author handed out some questionnaires, asked some English teachers and the subjects some questions which may be helpful to the thesis. In order to know the situation of classes, she also attended those 4 classes.

3.2 Questionnaire design and the procedure. The questionnaire is designed based on the typical situations of technical students in Hainan Technician College (HTC). They were informed that their responses would keep confidential and their participation was voluntary. Besides, no communication between students was allowed when the questionnaires were completed. The reasons why the author chooses these 4 classes as the investigated targets are:First, they can represent the average technical students Hainan Technician College (HTC). Second, after two/three years studying in TUTE, they have their own habits of learning and are familiar with the test paper. In the meantime, their learning motivations are generally stable.

3.3 Relationship between motivation and English learning strategy. The general English learning motivation types are:instrumental motivation, cultural motivation, situation motivation. Students English learning motivation tendency has much to do with their English strategy use, which can affect students English achievement. So the relationship between motivation, English learning strategy use and English achievement are intensive.

Motivation→ English learning strategy use→ English achievement

From the data collected from questionnaires we can know students who get good scores have high English learning motivation and proper English learning strategy use. Whereas, those who get poor English academic results have low English motivation and improper English learning strategy use. So, from all the above, we can come to a conclusion that it is important to stimulate students English learning motivation at the very beginning of English teaching.

IV. Findings and analysis reasons of low motivation

Since there are many factors contributing to the technical students study situation which is unsatisfied by neither students nor teachers, based on the investigation ones, by this, we can get a clear view of the situation and make more efforts to improve it.

4.1 Findings. The best way to scale the present English learning motivation situation of technical students of Hainan Technician College (HTC) is to hand out a questionnaire and investigate the results. Although there are 18 questions on the questionnaire, the author purposely investigates some typical of them. The key research questions are:

1) What types of English learning motivation do the students Hainan Technician College (HTC) have?

2) What are the differences between successful and unsuccessful learners learning motivation?

3) What leads to the differences?

4.2 Analysis the reasons of low motivation

Table 1:Results from Item 1-3

Items Group A Group B Group C

1 33 40 44

2 50 35 32

3 48 40 29

According to Table 1, we acquire that, 28.2% of Group A think learning English is a challenge to them, while 34.2% to Group B and 37.6% to Group C. 42.7% of Group A students are very interested in learning English, but only 29.9% of Group B and 28.2% of Group C. As to Item 3, 41% of Group A students chose yes, 34.2% of Group B, 24.8% of Group C. So we can come to a conclusion that the higher score they get, the less challenge/ burden they feel in the process of English learning. Moreover, we can know with high interest, they can get good marks in exams.

Figure 2:Results from Item 4

The author asked some technical students whether English was important to their future jobs. Some said yes while others said no. From the diagram, we can see 50% of Group A think English is important to their future jobs, whereas 37.2% of Group B and 12.8% Group C. Someone told me he would not do a job relevant to English because he lose interest in learning English. However, everybody knows English is increasingly becoming more and more significant in every field of our daily life, especially in the field of science. And most machine instructions are now shown in English, if they fail to know how to operate the machines, they will lose the job, so it is not enough if they only learn their majors well. English is also a must for them to master.

4.2.1 Lack of attention in English. Students of HTC are famous for operating machines proficiently. They can easily find a job with high salary after graduation, so they lack of attention in learning English. In another aspect, they paid no attention to English when they were in junior middle schools and got poor English achievements. From the questionnaires, most of them do not like English because their English teachers do not like them, either. Moreover, small vocabulary, limited listening, reading and speaking ability caused them to spend much more time finishing the assignment. Besides, they did not listen English lecture at all and became “lazy” in learning English.

4.2.2 Lack of confidence and appropriate attitude

Figure 3:Results from Item 10-13

Since the subjects are non-English majors, it is understandable they do not devote much time to learn English learning after class. After entering in the college, they lose confidence to learn English well. The author asked some technical students whether they like to have English class or not, they answered me not at all, because they said it is boring to have English classes and they were worried about being asked to answer questions by their English teachers. Some students did not try reading newspaper or magazines in English, because too many new words in articles made them give up half way. Some students also tried listening to English radio, but found it hard to persist because of their limited vocabulary and weak listening level.

4.2.3 Bias on English

Table 2:Results from Item 15

Item15 The choice of A The choice of B The choice of C The choice of D

Group A 7 21 16 8

Group B 3 7 20 5

Group C 0 1 19 9

Statistics of Table 2 show that the three Group students spend nearly the same hours in learning English after class.47% of all the students spend 5-10 hours learning English after class per week, 24.8% of them spend 10-20 hours, 0.85% 20-30 hours. This result is beyond our expectation because we always think unsuccessful learners must spend fewer hours in learning English than the successful ones. Why is it?

Table 3:Results of Item 18

Item18 The choice of A The choice of B The choice of C The choice of D

Group A 37 13 2 0

Group B 14 14 8 0

Group C 9 7 11 2

From Table 3, we know 51.3% of Group A students will try their best to learn English, but only 18.29% of Group B and 17.9% of Group C students want to try their best to learn English. So we can come to a conclusion here that study attitude can directly affect students learning achievement.

Technical students hold a bias on English. They think no matter how hard they work and how many hours they study English, there would be no good results. The author thinks this idea results from many factors, such as poor social image, teachers carelessness, students low self-esteem and so on. She told them “God helps those help themselves” and if they work hard on English, one day they will make great achievements in English. Nevertheless, they give her a smile and shove their heads in return. They said, “We do not like to spend extra hours in learning English. Whats most important for us is to do our majors well.”

4.2.4 Large number in a class. Before writing the thesis, the author interviewed some teachers about the number of participants and the atmosphere of class. They said they have to teach students while managing the discipline of the whole class. She witnessed so many times outside classrooms that in a class some students sleep, some eat breakfast, some talk to others, some look out of windows thoughtlessly and some play their mobile phones and so on. Only few students listen carefully to what the teacher said. As to the teacher, she/he does not care about it. It seemed that her/his duty is only to teach the content of the textbooks. It is the students right to choose to listen or not. She asked an English teacher why not interfere, the teacher said the technical students are naughty, they would be irrigated or not listen at all but would continue to do whatever they like. In an interview one student said the time in English class for them are free, they have got their English teachers permission to do some homework if they do not to talk with others.

4.2.5 Lack of group discussion and cooperation. Most English classes in HTC seldom have group discussions. Traditional Chinese teaching pattern teacher-centered classroom stands in a dominated position. Even if sometimes they are asked to discuss a topic in English, they chat in Chinese or giggle. If the teacher approaches them, they pretend to speak or discuss in English. Surprisingly, very few students cooperate with their classmates in learning English. When asked the reason, they admit that the differences in English level inhibited them interaction. In the mean time, they feel embarrassed with their weak pronunciation. In the authors opinion, group discussion is helpful because it can not only stir students English learning motivation but also raise their cooperative spirit.

4.2.6 Purpose of passing exams and getting certificates

Figure 4:Results from Item 8

To the author s great surprise, from Figure 4, 27.3% of Group A and 25.6% of Group B hold the purpose of passing exams and getting the certificates, whereas Group C is 47.1%. Some students start to learn English in their junior middle schools, so it is hard for them to learn English after they grow up. Since English directly affects their bachelors degrees, therefore, the main goal for them to learn English is to pass exams and get more certificates. According to the investigation, 100% of the technical students have the purpose of passing exams and getting certificates. The author also finds the three groups (Group A, Group B, Group C) spend almost the same time studying English. However, the results are quite different. Group A get good academic result, Group C weak, and Group B in middle. This is an interesting phenomenon. They told her the secret of passing the final-term exam is to work hard on the context teaches taught them in the last several classes, because these contexts would be appeared in the test. If they fail in the final term exam, they will definitely pass the second time exam. What the teachers do is harm to students. In HTC, English class is only opened to first grade students. In other words there will be not any English classes in their second and third years.

4.2.7 Short-term plan

Table 4:Results of Item 16

Item16 The choice of A The choice of B The choice of C The choice of D

Group A 17 28 2 4

Group B 35 16 6 2

Group C 6 10 8 8

According to Table 3, 44.44% of the students set English learning as their short-term goal, 29.9% as long-term plan, and 13.7% as temporary plan. Some said once they pass or the final-exam, they would stop learning English, while others said after they graduate, they would do anything related to English. With this learning attitude how can they learn English well and get good English achievement?

4.3 Discussion. Since China opened its door to the outside world and began its economic reform, international exchanges have increased tremendously in many areas. More and more people are fully aware of the importance of English, especially for young people, English has become an instrument of work, study and relaxation. For instance, writing an English resume, surfing on the internet and searching for the information from the website abroad, watching English program, and singing English songs all involve the knowledge of English. From the above statements, we know that all the factors such as proper orientation, well guarding, patient teaching and cooperation and so on are important, but the most effective way in the process of teaching is to stimulate students motivation. Most technical students are of external motivation. So, how to stir technical students English learning motivation comes to the foremost thing that needs both teachers and students work out together. With regards to several motivation factors, students with external achievements cannot get good academic result; while those with internal motivation not only have an interest in learning English but also get exceptional remarks. “Required motivation” found among Taiwan University students by Warden reflects the characteristic of the educational system that certificates associated with English learning is an essential requirement, that exam achievement is vital for students to receive higher education or to find a good job. Concerning English learning, to some extent, technical students undertake much heavier social pressure in Chinese setting. Technical students also show low intrinsic interest in English learning, and few of them show their interests in English literature, English movies or songs, English-speaking culture and the language itself. In the authors opinion, English teachers of HTC should seek efficient way and discuss how to stir students English learning motivation. Besides, they should care more about students English achievements. If students of HTC learn English well and get satisfied achievements in English, they will be perfect students. With teachers qualifying certificates and high-tech certificates and also fluent English, they would be more welcome after they graduate. And their teachers will be highly admired. From the investigation, the author finds a strange phenomenon in China that most technical students are forced to learn English by their teachers or parents.

V. Solutions

The greatest successful teaching is to provide a variety of means. In general, technical students dislike having a course book imposed upon them in a rigid way, boring and routine teaching methods make them de-motivated. So it is the English teachers responsibility to vary the sequence, style, content and teaching method of the lessons.

5.1 Teaching methods and textbooks. The research reveals that, in general, the technical students are still at a relatively low learning stage. Their learning strategies are limited and much similar to those they used in the junior middle schools. When interviewed, they said they know preview and overview were vital, and plan and rehearsal could help them in their learning, but they habitually did not do so. The reasons are complicated. First, teachers should use proper teaching methods to foster students learning strategies. Second, teachers self-image should not be neglected. Teachers self-image stands an essential position in the teaching process. A good, generous teacher can set a good example to students and impact them the whole life. In turn, students usually like kind teachers with a strong responsibility of teaching. If technical school teachers change their bias to students and well guide them to learn English, students may like English for sure and have an interest in continuing to learn English. Besides, observing students inner world is another task for teachers in the process of teaching. Forth, Textbook is another element in English learning. Students hold different attitudes towards the textbook they are using now. Some students think their textbooks are useful and interesting, while others consider them difficult and uninteresting. The author finds their textbooks are the same level as CET-4 which is too hard for most of the technical students. So selecting and using moderate, attractive and interesting teaching materials can stimulate students motivation in learning English.

5.2 Anxiety and self-confidence. To same extents, almost all the technical students feel anxiety in learning English. The author regards the anxiety as an indicator of pressures from college and the job market. In HTC a student cannot get diploma if he/she fails in tests of any six subjects within three/ four years. English is one of the subjects that students often fail to pass. All companies declare that they do not employ college students without a diploma and a skill level certificate. Under such great pressure, technical students attach too much importance to the tests and make themselves anxiety. If students feel they cannot do well in studying English or fall behind the class, they will be very much anxious and have an idea of giving up half-way. In this case, being the supervisors, teachers or parents should comfort their emotion, guide them out of puzzle and help them study well. Most Chinese students are reluctant to speak English, so an effective way to force students to speak English is asking questions in class. By the time, students may be so nervous that they would try their best to answer questions, regardless of their grammatical mistakes in sentences. Anyway, teachers should encourage students to speak English frequently. Moreover, teachers paying a visit to students families regularly is necessary, because parents can get a timely feedback of students performance in school and also suggestions from teachers. Meanwhile, teachers can acquire parents hopes to students, so that under the joint efforts of teachers and parents, students can make a great progress.

Self-confidence plays an important role in the process of learning, especially for technical students. They are now at the very sensitive age, any improper words or deeds may hurt them. Since they are under the bias of society, teachers or parents should always encourage them and make them be more of confidence. Sometimes the author thinks the best way is to always praise them.

5.3 Different groups, different methods. Different students have different leaning abilities, personal learning habits and learning efficiencies, etc. After a period of observation, teachers may have more or less acquired some information about different students. It is indispensable for teachers to sort them out in different groups and use different teaching methods. In this way teachers can feel relaxed to teach a big class, while students can learn more from each other. This is really a win-win tragedy. The author thinks it would be better if teachers mix different level students in a group so that they can learn from each other and improve fast.

5.4 Active learning environment. Environment undoubtedly has a great effect on learning and can affect students motivation either positively or negatively. Teaching conditions refer to the modern teaching fertilities, library materials, art and sport field and some teaching equipments and so on, which indirectly effect teachers teaching quality. Teachers who create a warm and accepting atmosphere in the classroom can promote students persistent effort and favorable attitudes toward learning. Classroom environment should be well-fit and not crowded. Even conditions in it are bad, posters, students work, or map of the English-speaking countries on the walls can improve the atmosphere. Recently, students are under so much pressure of competing against their contemporaries. Each day, they are assigned too much boring classes and homework. In order to make them feel good, teachers should create an active atmosphere in class to relieve them. Moreover, games are fun, which provide an enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere, including information gap, guessing games, role plays, problems and puzzles and simulation techniques and so forth. In the process of playing games, teachers should speak simple English words or sentences. At the same time, teachers may encourage students to speak as much as possible, especially to those timid ones.

5.5 Motivation and interest development. Most students only read boring textbooks which improve their English level slowly. In this case teachers should encourage students to read different kinds of books so as to broaden their reading range, such as story books, magazines, poetries and so on. Here are some suggestions for teachers to cultivating students interest and enhancing their English learning motivation. First, read story books. Storybooks are the preference to all folks of life that provide fantastic pictures, lovely characters and cozy scenes, etc. Reading storybooks is another way for technical students to communicate with the books. While reading, a total English atmosphere is formed in their brain. Second, practice oral English. As we all know, oral English is very helpful in the daily use. There are many foreigners in Hainan. Teachers could encourage technical students to communicate with them so as to promote their oral English ability. Also, teachers should design some discussions in class, such as debate, heart to heart talk or talk about some topics related to campus life. Whats more, teachers could take technical students to the training center to show them a small part in English. Next time when they do some operation there, they would recall the words. No doubts this is an effective way to enlarge their vocabulary. Third, teachers can encourage students to organize or attend various kinds of English activities on campus, such as English corner, English saloon, English competitions, lectures, parties, games; listen to English songs or English radio; watch original video, films; read English classical novels, etc. One day an English teacher of HTC told the author when he visited a Guangzhou Baiyun Technician College, he saw technical students speaking English whatever they did or wherever they were, such as in a café, in their classroom, in their operation room or even in their dormitory they spoke simple English. The author thinks it is a good example that we should learn from them.

5.6 Attitude to English learning. “Attitude” is defined as the persistence shown by the learner in striving for a goal. It is related to motivation by supporting the learners overall orientation. At the very beginning of the learning process, teachers should help technical students positively confront the possibly erroneous beliefs, expectations, and assumptions that may underlie a negative learner attitude. “Learners need to develop autonomy, not dependence” and language can not be taught but only learned.

Without clear purpose, one could not learn a foreign language well. So students supervisors, teachers or parents should help the learners set clear purpose on learning English. Students should do virtually everything themselves but not rely on teachers or others. Any successful person has strong persistence and perseverance. English learning is the very hard process if one has extraordinary persistence and perseverance he/she can master the language in the end. However, it may be difficult for them to continue to learn a subject they do not like, in this case, anyhow, teachers should let them know study is a life-long learning process, and if they keep going, they would succeed in the end and can enjoy the happiness of success. Students with clear aim of learning usually make better achievement. Teachers should make the students be clearly aware that learning English well is helpful to them both in the short term and in the long run. In the short term, it will help them pass the final exam, or help them find a good job after graduation; in the long run, English proficiency will help promote their economic and social status, such as pay increase, promotion.

VI. Conclusion

Through the analysis, we can find the features of the technical students English study situation and their learning motivation. Although they are fully aware of the importance of English, most of them do not pay much attention to it and feel much pressure during the study. In the research, the author tries to find out the correlation between related features and technical students English learning situation. There are many English learning problems existing in the technical students of HTC that nearly no one has investigated them ever before. The author tries her best to find out the problems and give some suggestions accordingly. She hopes that this paper could provide some useful and practical measures to the technical students and their English teachers in the process of learning and teaching.

Since many psychologists and linguists just have made substantial research on second language acquisition, there is few article about technical students English learning. This study will no doubts gives college English teachers a clearer picture of their technical students English learning and will be helpful to them in improving their students learning situation and achieving better result of teaching. Effective language teaching and learning can only be achieved when teachers are aware of their learners needs, capabilities, potentials and preferences in meeting these needs. In this study, the author only deals with the technical students English study situation in a general way. There is more research on the teacher-student co-operation for us to do. And due to the authors limited knowledge, lack of teaching experience, urgent research time, small number of the objects and so on, she thinks there are still some limitations in the thesis.


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1.Learning English is a challenge/burden for me.

A. Yes B. No

2.I am very interested in learning English.

A. Yes B. No

3.Learning English can broaden my perspective.

A. Yes B. No

4.English learning is so important to me,especially to my future job.

A. Yes B. No

5.To learning English can realize my go-abroad dream.

A. Yes B. No

6.The widely use of English and the impact of American culture to the world make me to learning English.

A. Yes B. No

7.My teachers and parents force me to learn English.

A. Yes B. No

8.I learning English is to pass exam and get the diploma.

A. Yes B. No

9.My English teacher likes me,so I like learning English.

A. Yes B. No

10. I learn English so as to enter higher institute.

A. Yes B. No

11. I regularly assess my English lever so that I could find my shortage and get improved.

A. Yes B. No

12. No matter or not get good marks,I always encourage myself be confident.

A. Yes B. No

13. I learn English in order to communicate/ make friend with English-speaking people.

A. Yes B. No

14. Your average English score during college is____.

15. How many hours do you spend in learning English after class?

A.30-20 B.20-10 C.10-5 D.______

16. You make your English learning planning as:

A. long-term plan B. short-term plan (1-2 years)

C. temporary plan D. no plan at all

17. As to the academic result,I require myself to get:

A. good B. so-so C. OK D. _______

18. I think I will ____ to learn English.

A. try my entire best B. try a little best

C. try little best D. try no best

Cultivation of independent learning ability in English teaching英语教学自主学习能力培养
Analysis on the motivation of students in English learning
The Ways of Fostering Student’s Autonomous Learning