大学英语课堂教学中的表演设计—以“Why the Tortoise’s Shell Is Not Smooth”为例

2018-01-25 18:41
山西青年 2018年8期

张 文

(安庆师范大学外国语学院,安徽 安庆 246133)

《新编大学英语综合教程3》第二单元“Why the Tortoise’s Shell Is Not Smooth”是一则神话故事,主要讲述乌龟的贝壳为什么不光滑平整的来历。乌龟能言善辩,十分狡猾,鸟雀们帮助他一起飞到天庭赴宴后发现被欺骗,极为愤怒。鹦鹉为教训乌龟,故意传错口信,致使乌龟从高高的空中摔下后粉身碎骨。老师课堂上可将学生分成若干小组,每组6人,分别扮演乌龟、鸟雀1、鸟雀2、天庭上人、鹦鹉、乌龟妻子,根据故事情节按以下英文对话模式进行表演。


Bird 1:How stimulating ! All of us are invited to enjoy the delicious food in the sky.

Bird 2:I’m excited.What do you think I should put on ?

Tortoise:Hello! What are you excided about?

Bird 1:We birds are going to the sky.

Bird 2:And we are going to have a big dinner.How fun!

Tortoise:Wonderful! May I go with you?

Bird 1:Yes,but we know you are too cunning and ungrateful.

Bird 2:If we allow you to fly to the sky with us,you will begin to bring us trouble.

Bird 1:We know you for a long time.

Tortoise:O,no! I’ve totally changed myself.I am not the mischievous man you once knew.In fact,I am considerate and helpful.I promise you I will not cause you any trouble.

Bird 1:Maybe he is a changed man now.

Bird 2:OK.Tortoise,now we all agree to take you to the sky.Each of us will lend you a feather so that you can have fly with two wings.


Bird 1:Tortoise is good at making a speech in public.

Bird 2:Let’s recommend him the spokesperson for the party.

Tortoise:I suggest that each of us take a new name on the occasion.

Bird 1:You are such a knowledgeable person,we will each have a new name.I will call myself Handsome-Jerry.

Bird 2:I take a new name as Smart-Ann.

Tortoise:And I am All of You.

Sky People:Welcome to the sky,our dear guests.We are so glad to see you again.

Tortoise:My dear hosts,thank you very much for inviting us to the feast.It is my honor to be here and have great fun.

Sky People:Thank you for your sweet words.Now please help yourselves to the delicious food.Now the dinner is ready.Please enjoy the fish,soup and meat.

Tortoise:Wait a moment.Let me ask you a question:For whom have you prepared this large meal?

Sky People:For all of you,of course.

Tortoise:You remember that my new name is All of You.The custom in the sky is to serve the spokesman first and the others later.You will eat after I finish.Mm.I’m full now.you can start to eat.


Bird 1:All of us are cheated by him! I am too angry to eat.I’m Flying home.

Bird 2:Wait.I am going home,too.Return the feather I lent you.

Tortoise:What are you doing? Oh,my God! how am I flying home without a single feather? You can’t treat me like this!


Tortoise:Could you help me to send a message to my wife? Tell her to bring out all the soft stuff and cover the ground?

Birds in chorus:No.No.


Parrot:I’d like to send your wife the message.

Parrot:Mrs.Tortoise’s wife,your husband asked you to bring out all the hard things covering the ground to help him fall on the ground.

Tortoise’s wife:Thank you very much.I will do that.

Tortoise:Oho…(Sound of crashing and sighing) My back,my back,it aches!




The Watcher