
2018-04-15 03:07


基于Schottky管安装电路环境三维模型的W波段全波段三倍频器窦江玲 徐金平 徐梦苑 (1)

基于差分进化算法的圆形口径网格分布面阵的波束优化技术 蒋忠进 赵书敏 陈阳阳 崔铁军 (7)

基于表面势的碳化硅基VDMOS器件模型李秀军 刘斯扬 李 胜 孙伟锋 (13)

播存网络中的内容广播补包机制杨 鹏 方水明 吕培培 (19)

基于SLIC和SVR的单幅图像去雾算法栾 中 尚媛园 舒华忠 周修庄 丁 辉 (25)

基于逼近理论的线性/非线性建模黄 仁 许飞云 陈茹雯 马家欣 (30)

基于二硫化钼固态纳米孔检测DNA分子实验研究尉 玉 蔺卡宾 沙菁张 艳 陈云飞 (38)

基于随机优化的综合能源系统能量管理季振亚 黄学良 张梓麒 孙厚涛 赵家庆 李 军 (45)

基于IUPF算法与可变参数电池模型的SOC估计方法刘新天 李 贺 何 耀 郑昕昕 曾国建 (54)

基于炉膛结渣监测模型的吹灰优化徐力刚 黄亚继 王 健 岳峻峰 邹 磊 杨 钊 (63)

湿颗粒的振动流化特性实验研究高 健 钟文琪 徐惠斌 袁竹林 (71)

生物质直燃锅炉过热器管材的高温腐蚀动力学特性刘 博 陈晓平 梁 财 刘道银 马吉亮 (78)

煤加压低温热解制取焦油和煤气特性窦元元 钟文琪 周冠文 刘 倩 殷俊平 (85)

受纳米毒性胁迫的亚硝化菌性能恢复常 岩 吴俊康 薛梦婷 吴际萌 戴 文 杨新萍 张 健 余 冉 (92)

薄壁连续箱梁的弯曲自振频率分析李丽园 周茂定 张元海 (99)

竖向拼缝对装配式空心井字楼盖受弯性能的影响崔文潇 刘 琛 陈忠范 尹万云 刘守城 (106)

人行荷载模型与人致结构振动试验研究操礼林 钱 程 张志强 李爱群 (113)

大直径嵌岩桩桩端极限承载力计算方法张 琦 刘 军 戴国亮 龚维明 (118)

基于FEM-DMF的耦合损耗因子预示精度分析王 攀 陈 强 戴元伦 费庆国 张 鹏 李彦斌 (125)

不同温度下有机玻璃厚板的准静态拉伸试验研究王综轶 王元清 杜新喜 张天雄 袁焕鑫 (132)

高强钢外伸式端板节点火灾性能试验与数值分析武念铎 罗永峰 强旭红 刘 晓 姜 旭 (138)

半主动控制下超长斜拉索的面外风振响应徐彦青 郭 彤 (146)

考虑风速空间分布的三塔悬索桥静风稳定分析张文明 葛耀君 (152)

原状脱硫石膏基水硬性胶凝材料体系的力学性能雷东移 郭丽萍 李东旭 (157)


夏 阳 陈慧敏 胡姝颖 孙剑飞 章非敏 顾 宁 (165)


唐光媛 王 洁 尹洁晨 严 庆 龚煜范 焦志刚 曹 猛 黄书奇 朱光灿 刘 冉 (170)

沥青路面表面纹理的多重分形特征及其磨光行为周兴林 肖神清 刘万康 黄晓明 肖旺新 (175)

基于可靠度的高速公路准临界坡长王 路 程建川 (181)

网联辅助驾驶混合交通流稳定性及安全性分析秦严严 王 昊 王 炜 (188)


组合导航系统中异步多传感器信息融合算法朱倚娴 程向红 周 玲 刘 全 (195)

一种改进的柔性关节机械臂分级滑模控制姚 伟 张丹丹 郭 毓 吴益飞 郭 健 (201)

容器匀加速运动状态下液体大幅晃动的解析计算张海涛 孙蓓蓓 (207)

辐射诱导空调系统运行和结露特性实验研究司 强 徐国英 张小松 (213)

热电制冷液冷服内纳米流体自然循环换热特性段 炼 韩吉田 霍 冲 曹琳琳 (220)

分段数对生长管过饱和环境特征的影响于 燕 张 军 陈广闯 徐俊超 闾 荔 钟 辉 (226)

半焦加压燃烧的污染物排放及灰渣特性殷俊平 钟文琪 周冠文 刘 倩 窦元元 (232)

燃煤电站超低排放烟气颗粒物排放测试及特性分析周心澄 黄治军 潘丹萍 胡 斌 杨林军 (240)

基于Alluxio的异步存储优化温东新 董文菁 曹 瑞 张 展 (248)

基于组合故障频繁树的最小失效诱因模式定位方法王 勇 黄志球 韦良芬 李 勇 (253)

基于副版本零调整策略的实时任务主副版本容错调度黄迎春 邓庆绪 (260)

一种引导测试向量自动生成广义折叠集的方法詹文法 程一飞 吴海峰 江健生 (265)

硅通孔负载全局均衡的3D NoC 延迟上界优化方法王晓蕾 胡 巧 杜高明 张多利 欧阳一鸣 (270)

基于梯度幅度和梯度方向直方图的全参考图像质量评价算法王同罕 贾惠珍 舒华忠 (276)

频率依赖性对黏弹性调谐质量阻尼器的影响戴 军 徐赵东 盖盼盼 (282)

损伤可控摇摆墙滞回性能分析崔浩然 吴 刚 冯德成 张 简 许嘉辉 (288)

高烈度区近断层RC框架-核心筒高层结构隔震设计关键参数取值李爱群 刘立德 曾德民 杨参天 解琳琳 (294)

底部带屈曲约束支撑的摇摆桁架抗震性能试验研究杨晓燕 冯玉龙 吴 京 庞熙熙 (303)


阮杨捷 罗 斌 魏程峰 郭正兴 夏 晨 李金飞 (310)

不同连接方式的不锈钢梁柱节点抗震性能试验研究王元清 乔学良 贾连光 张天雄 蒋庆林 (316)


贾穗子 曹万林 王如伟 刘文超 任乐乐 (323)

基于风洞试验的四塔布置超大型冷却塔风致综合受力与稳定性能王 浩 柯世堂 (330)


Mohammed Mokhtar Eisa 邵新星 钱帅宇 王文波 邱洪兴 何小元 (337)

苏通大桥实测典型台风特性对比分析王 浩 邹仲钦 陶天友 茅建校 徐梓栋 (342)

南京长江大桥桥面体系改造方法与力学行为分析熊 文 刘 华 郭 建 武嘉斌 叶见曙 (350)


高 鹏 余红发 文 静 李 颖 臧亚美 (357)

外加剂与强化骨料对再生砂浆干缩值的影响糜人杰 潘钢华 李 阳 (363)

量子点/硅质体编码纳米载体的制备陈 伟 赵桂红 孙清江 (368)

基于跨理论模型的小汽车向自行车出行分阶段转移过程舒诗楠 边 扬 荣 建 李 爽 马俊来 (373)


基于gAIC和滑动窗的自回归模型参数估计算法杨淳沨 吴国成 伍家松 姜龙玉 孔佑勇 舒华忠 (381)

基于椭圆形度量谱特征的图像匹配算法鲍文霞 余国芬 朱 明 梁 栋 (387)


田生伟 胡 伟 禹 龙 吐尔根·依布拉音 赵建国 李 圃 (393)

基于多损失的生成式对抗目标跟踪算法程 旭 周 琳 张毅锋 (400)

波束成型训练机制下分布式大规模MIMO系统的频谱有效性分析吕 钱 李佳珉 朱鹏程 尤肖虎 (406)

针对抗老化门替换技术的关键门识别算法易茂祥 吴清焐 袁诗琪 张 姚 丁 力 梁华国 (411)

非线性机炉协调系统的多变量输出反馈L1自适应控制韩四维 沈 炯 潘 蕾 (417)

纳米强化氨水垂直管外降膜发生模型李彦军 李舒宏 陈向阳 杜 垲 杨 柳 (427)

面向DCS优化控制的氨法脱硫过程模拟张 璐 钟文琪 李益国 展锦程 (435)

供氢类添加剂与苯氧基乙苯共混热解的反应机理周 娇 沈德魁 金 伟(443)

双组分高压密相煤粉气力输送数值模拟蔡海峰 熊源泉 周海军 裴 宇 (449)

传质对土壤微生物燃料电池的产电性能及阿特拉津降解的影响李 蕾 王 辉 朱丹丹 李先宁 (455)

开孔板和栓钉连接件抗剪性能试验研究及承载力计算邓文琴 张建东 刘 朵 顾建成 胡 隽 黄国斌 (463)

钢拱结构面内地震反应分析的改进模态组合系数法黄青隆 罗永峰 相 阳 朱钊辰 (470)

竖向荷载下空心楼盖板柱节点试验研究与计算分析党隆基 庞 瑞 梁书亭 朱筱俊 (478)

有垫片铺浆砌筑足尺粗料石砌体墙体抗震性能试验研究高晓鹏 陈忠范 (484)

CBF管桩低周反复荷载试验研究周 康 戴国亮 杨 阳 龚维明 (491)

考虑比例阻尼影响的梁式结构损伤识别方法牛 杰 王龙花 宗周红 钟儒勉 (496)

输电杆塔在风沙荷载激励下的动力响应分析张卓群 李宏男 李士锋 默增禄 郝 鑫 (506)

砂土中筒型基础静压下沉试验及受力特性朱小军 李文帅 龚维明 费 康 (512)

基于钢筋锈蚀时变模型的氯氧镁水泥钢筋混凝土初裂时间巩 位 乔宏霞 余红发 麻海燕 陈广峰 (519)

氯离子环境下钢筋混凝土构件多筋锈胀破坏模式张 芹 郭 力 郭小明 (528)

纳米氧化铝在混凝土中的电迁移效果金伟良 吴航通 许 晨 (537)

生态高延性水泥基复合材料的抗冻性能柴丽娟 郭丽萍 陈 波 徐燕慧 费春广 (543)


夏威夷 冯亚松 杜延军 李发生 郭观林 李春萍 阎秀兰 任伟伟 张黎明 (549)

基于等电势梯度模型试验的滩涂淤泥电渗效率分析郑凌逶 谢新宇 谢康和 臧俊超 李卓明 (557)

基于梯度提升决策树的高速公路交织区汇入模型李 根 (563)

考虑客户偏好的双目标时间窗指派车辆路径问题李嫚嫚 陆 建 安 颖 (568)

考虑路票发放方式和交易成本的UE模型及算法韩 飞 程 琳 孙 超 赵建有 (576)


社交网络中基于成本的广告投放策略曹玖新 崔桂旗 冯雪艳 闵绘宇 (583)

基于Hadoop云平台的新浪微博社交网络关键节点挖掘算法陈红松 王 钢 张 鹏 (590)

云计算中具有两层次撤销的安全数据共享方案赵司宇 蒋 睿 (596)

多级平行轴滚筒齿轮数学建模及动力学分析黄晓冬 袁银男 欧阳天成 陈 南 潘明章 (605)

亚温淬火及回火工艺对E550级船板钢组织和性能的影响王兆华 谢章龙 陈 锋 (613)

大形变铁素体钢丝α→γ→α相变织构遗传现象曾一平 周立初 闵学刚 方 峰 蒋建清 (619)

基于联供系统的太阳能光热/光电利用试验研究张 涛 韩吉田 赵红霞 段 炼 (629)

翅片管强化方腔蓄冰性能的数值研究吴梁玉 孙 清 吕浩男 张程宾 曹 鹏 刘向东 (639)

蒸发冷却冷凝除湿复合新风系统优化查小波 张 伦 张小松 (646)

夏热冬冷地区外保温墙体凝露特性及防结露措施分析邹凯凯 李舒宏 (654)

带高耗能黏弹性阻尼器腋撑RC框架结构抗震性能董尧荣 徐赵东 葛 腾 徐业守 (662)

梁端约束条件对箱形梁剪力滞效应的影响张玉元 张元海 张 慧 (671)

移动车辆荷载作用下梁体裂缝扩展规律朱劲松 张一峰 陈兴达 (678)

钢框架结构抗连续性倒塌性能试验研究张 雷 李泓昊 (687)

钢丝网砂浆层和附加肋提升嵌入式复材筋锚固性能试验研究苏伟强 李 婷 朱 虹 王 强 胡修秀 (692)

基于实测数据的西北地区风电场风场及尾流特性分析李万润 栾雪涛 王雪平 杜永峰 李爱群 (699)

基于FWD和温度梯度的CRCP反演方法修正张雅婷 Jeffery Roesler 黄志义 (706)

木质颗粒纤维在SMA中的分散性评价与影响因素张晨晨 钱振东 牛 岩 王旭东 (713)

基于轮胎滑水模型的轮胎-沥青路面附着特性影响因素分析郑彬双 朱晟泽 程永振 黄晓明 (719)

交通荷载作用下结构性软土地基长期沉降计算刘维正 石志国 章定文 瞿 帅 (726)

降雨入渗下膨胀性黄土隧道围岩破坏演化张万志 徐帮树 曾仲毅 田斌华 石伟航 (736)

基于轨迹数据的高速公路养护维修作业区车辆换道特性研究王忠宇 贺文雅 杨 航 王艳丽 吴 兵 (745)

基于SVM的快速路合流区车辆间隙选择模型 陈永恒 陶楚青 白乔文 熊 帅 刘芳宏 奇兴族 (752)

高速列车折扣票价与票额分配组合优化模型赵 翔 赵 鹏 姚向明 李 博 (759)

生物功能化碳量子点制备杨 佩 许 斌 孙清江 (766)

城市生活污泥真空固结特性试验研究武亚军 唐 欣 崔春义 王光坤 胡 挺 (772)


超临界CO2-水分离器性能数值模拟乔宗良 汤有飞 张 蕾 董云山 司风琪 (781)

用于烟气全热回收的全开式吸收式热泵杨 波 江 亿 付 林 张世钢 (789)

超超临界锅炉燃烧配风优化的三维数值模拟刘 燮 钟文琪 李 杰 刘龙海 刘国耀 田万军 (794)

一种新型深度自编码网络的滚动轴承健康评估方法佘道明 贾民平 张 菀 (801)

数字化监控任务界面中信息特征的视觉搜索实验吴晓莉 薛澄岐 Gedeon Tom 胡 鸿 李 晶 (807)

箱体与插板组合型生态护岸消浪试验研究廖 鹏 丁天平 郑 龙 陈一梅 (815)

键槽梁底筋锚入式预制梁柱连接恢复力模型管东芝 郭正兴 杨 辉 杨 森 (821)

基于Meyerhof机构的吸力式沉箱基础抗拔承载力极限分析上限解朱文波 戴国亮 龚维明 赵学亮 (828)


张 峰 陆小蕊 叶见曙 高 磊 刘佳琪 高华睿 (834)

基于疲劳性能的正交异性钢桥面板构造参数优化分析庄美玲 缪长青 (843)

基于修正翘曲位移函数的薄壁箱梁剪力滞效应分析李夏元 万 水 陈建兵 Mo Yilung (851)

Q370qE钢桥面板顶板-纵肋焊接残余应力试验研究钟 雯 丁幼亮 王立彬 宋永生 (857)

不同温度下有机玻璃厚板的平面应变断裂韧性试验王综轶 王元清 杜新喜 王 喆 张天雄 (864)

基于上部结构振动响应的杭州湾大桥桥塔冲刷状态分析熊 文 张学峰 唐平波 王 冰 叶见曙 (871)

基于WIM系统的京沪高速公路重车疲劳荷载模型宗周红 陆飞龙 薛 程 杨泽刚 袁微微 (878)

钢板混凝土组合墙试验和有限元分析葛 琪 熊 峰 何 涛 (885)

大型混凝土梁全场变形测量中数字散斑场的制作和应用徐向阳 陈振宁 黄 正 涂永明 吴 刚 何小元 (896)


赖俊英 童彦伟 詹树林 钱晓倩 毕雨田 (903)

封装愈合剂及橡胶沥青混合料的自愈性能何 亮 蔡 卓 张军辉 王渝文 (911)

多孔沥青混合料渗水性能的方向差异性及其受孔隙结构的影响陈 俊 姚 成 周若愚 许 涛 黄晓明 (920)

基于FBG的沥青混合料车辙横向应变分析高俊启 魏路楠 鲁洪强 (927)

基于基完备化理论和嵌入多层感知机的深度网络结构设计张毅锋 蒋 程 程 旭 刘 袁 (933)

云接入网络中基于能效的资源分配算法设计孙 远 李春国 黄永明 杨绿溪 (939)

基于DCB改正的BDS/GPS/Galileo多频单点定位精度分析赵 庆 高成发 潘树国 张瑞成 (944)

目标位置未知的多自主体系统多目标一致巡航控制邵敬平 田玉平 (949)

大学校园室内PM2.5重金属污染特征及其健康风险评价王 芳 王 娟 韩苗苗 贾春乾 李 贺 (955)

基于可靠度的高速公路加速车道长度唐宗鑫 杨 迪 陈思凯 程建川 (961)

城市道路车辆排放对大气污染的线性诊断模型胡启洲 邓 卫 李晓菡 (967)

基于特征级融合的高速公路异质交通流数据修复方法李林超 曲 栩 张 健 王永岗 李汉初 冉 斌 (972)


高强底筋锚入式预制装配混凝土框架梁柱节点抗震试验研究杨 辉 郭正兴 尹 航 管东芝 杨 森 (979)

考虑泥皮及径厚比影响的钢混组合桩黏结性能试验研究冯升明 戴国亮 钮佳伟 龚维明 曹小林 (987)

侧向约束下FRP加固混凝土界面黏结性能高 磊 张 峰 叶见曙 刘佳琪 (996)

复合材料梁弹性参数不确定性量化及试验验证吴邵庆 范 刚 李彦斌 姜 东 费庆国 (1004)

重组木框架梁柱节点力学性能试验研究何敏娟 陶 铎 李 征 章 婧 (1013)

基于MCFT的钢筋增强ECC梁受剪承载力计算方法乔 治 潘钻峰 梁坚凝 孟少平 (1021)

随机人群行走下人行桥动力特性参数及加速度响应操礼林 曹 栋 张志强 李爱群 (1028)

大跨悬浇箱梁桥三维非线性收缩徐变效应杨永清 李世伟 蒲黔辉 孙宝林 伍 波 (1036)

近断层脉冲地震作用下隔震桥梁等延性位移系数谱吴宜峰 李爱群 王 浩 沙 奔 (1044)

基于某博物馆的新型三维隔振装置作用性能研究杨维国 王 亚 安 鹏 葛家琪 王 萌 刘 佩 (1050)

砂-粉混合料小应变剪切模量弯曲元试验研究吴 琪 杨文保 朱雨萌 赵 凯 陈国兴 (1059)

基于IFC标准的建筑构件点云信息处理方法徐 照 康 蕊 孙 宁 (1068)

重组竹Ⅱ型断裂特性试验研究黄东升 潘文平 周爱萍 王骁睿 许嘉诺 (1076)

多面体颗粒的接触识别及离散元动力学建模洪 俊 李建兴 沈 月 王 潇 (1082)

沥青路面坑槽修复效果现场量化评价技术陈磊磊 潘尚启 钱振东 刘 刚 (1088)

铁路岩溶路基注浆引起地表位移与注浆效果评价方法章定文 陈顺达 毛忠良 梁 锴 王安辉 (1094)

考虑救援路径拥挤状态的交通应急资源派遣方法濮居一 柴 干 过秀成 (1102)

基于路径优先级的交叉口群公交多申请优化控制模型刘 迎 过秀成 沈佳雁 吕 方 (1108)

液压足式机器人关节驱动器的设计、建模与实验谢中取 李 龙 罗 翔 马 冬 徐振东 (1114)

基于改进掩膜EMD的光纤陀螺振动信号处理方法王 威 陈熙源 (1123)

基于GRNN的人机交互下遥操作力预测方法熊鹏文 雷 耀 李 鸣 (1130)

加压多段循环流化床固体颗粒浓度分布特性冯荣涛 李俊国 房倚天 巴忠仁 焦卫红 刘 涛 詹海娟 (1137)

基于光场成像的气液两相流中气泡三维测量方法李庆浩 赵陆海波 张 彪 唐志永 许传龙 (1143)

非均匀热场对PZT微型固态热机有效性影响的试验研究郑 敏 董 卫 乔正辉 周树青 金亚伟 (1152)

基于周期金属柱的Ka波段曲折线平面行波管柏宁丰 王 璐 冯 程 沈长圣 樊鹤红 孙小菡 (1159)

新型聚磁式永磁涡流耦合器及其电磁特性分析陶前程 林鹤云 李毅搏 王克羿 李 亚 (1164)

不同集料界面过渡区对氯离子传输特性的影响施惠生 张林涛 吴 凯 高 云 张德东 (1170)

城市原生污水基础物性参数测试马良栋 张志远 宋嘉林 张吉礼 (1177)

General Contents of Vol.48, 2018


W-band full band tripler based on 3D EM model in installation circuit environment for Schottky diodes


Beam optimization technique for circular-boundary grid-distribution plane array

based on differential evolution strategyJiangZhongjin,ZhaoShumin,ChenYangyang,CuiTiejun(7)

Surface-potential-based SiC VDMOS device modelLiXiujun,LiuSiyang,LiSheng,SunWeifeng(13)

Packet-patching mechanism for content broadcast in broadcast-storage networkYangPeng,FangShuiming,LüPeipei(19)

Single image dehazing algorithm based on SLIC and SVR


Linear and nonlinear modeling based on approximation theoryHuangRen,XuFeiyun,ChenRuwen,MaJiaxin(30)

Experimental study on detection of DNA translocation through solid-state molybdenum disulfide nanopores


Energy management for integrated energy systems based on stochastic optimization


SOC estimation method based on IUPF algorithm and variable parameter battery model


Soot-blowing optimization based on model of slagging monitoring around boiler furnace


Experimental study on vibrating fluidization characteristics of wet particles


High-temperature corrosion kinetics of biomass-fired boiler superheater materials


Characteristics of gas and oil production in low temperature coal pressurized pyrolysis


Recovery performance of nitrosomonas europaea under toxicity of nanoparticles


Analysis of bending natural vibration frequency of thin-walled continuous box girder


Influences of vertical joints on flexural performance of fabricated hollow cross-grid floor slabs


Experimental investigation on human walking load model and human-induced vibration of floor structure


Calculation methods for ultimate end bearing capacity of large diameter rock-socketed piles


Analysis on predictive accuracy of coupling loss factor based on FEM-DMF


Quasi-static tensile test of thick acrylic sheets at different temperatures


Experimental and numerical analysis on high strength steel extended endplate connections in fire


Out-of-plane wind vibration responses of super-long stayed-cable under semi-active controlXuYanqing,GuoTong(146)

Aerostatic stability analysis of suspension bridge with three towers considering spatial distribution of wind speed


Mechanical properties of undisturbed desulfurization gypsum-based hydraulic cementitious material system


Effects of nano αFe2O3on proliferation, osteogenic differentiation and mineral synthesis of dental pulp stem cells


Establishment and application of evaluation method for genotoxicity of drinking water


Multifractal characteristics and polishing behaviors of surface texture on asphalt pavement


Pre-critical grade length of expressway based on reliabilityWangLu,ChengJianchuan(181)

Analysis on stability and safety for mixed traffic flow with connected auxiliary driving



Information fusion algorithm for asynchronous multi-sensors in integrated navigation systems


Improved hierarchical sliding mode control for flexible-joint manipulator


Analytic calculation of large-amplitude liquid sloshing in tank moving in uniform acceleration motion


Experimental study on performance and condensation characteristics of induction radiant air-conditioning system


Natural circulation heat transfer characteristics of nanofluid in thermoelectric refrigeration liquid cooling suits


Effects of sections on characteristics of supersaturation in growth tube


Characteristics on pollutant emission and ashin using semi-coke pressurized combustion


Testing and characteristics analysis on onultra-low particulate matter emission

of flue gas from coal-fired power plantsZhouXincheng,HuangZhijun,PanDanping,HuBin,YangLinjun(240)

Asynchronous storage optimization based on AlluxioWenDongxin,DongWenjing,CaoRui,ZhangZhan(248)

Locating minimal failure-causing schema based on combinatorial fault frequent tree


Fault-tolerant scheduling for real-time tasks based on non-adjusting strategy of alternate


Automatical generation method of generalized folding set by guiding test patterns


Delay bound optimization method for 3D NoC with global load balancing of TSV


Full-reference image quality assessment algorithm based on gradient magnitude

and histogram of oriented gradientWangTonghan,JiaHuizhen,ShuHuazhong(276)

Effects of frequency-dependence on viscoelastic tuned mass dampersDaiJun,XuZhaodong,GaiPanpan(282)

Hysteretic behavior analysis of damage-controllable rocking wall


Critical design parameters of seismically isolated RC frame-core tube tall buildings located in near-fault regions


Experimental study on seismic performance of hinged truss with buckling-restrained braces at base


Combined random error effect analysis of cable length and outer-linked-node coordinates of spokewise saddle-shaped

monolayer cable net structureRuanYangjie,LuoBin,WeiChengfeng,GuoZhengxing,XiaChen,LiJinfei(310)

Experimental research on seismic behavior of stainless steel beam-column connections with different link modes


Experimental study on seismic performance of fabricated composite structure of thin slab with lightweight steel frame

for low-rise housingJiaSuizi,CaoWanlin,WangRuwei,LiuWenchao,RenLele(323)

Comprehensive performance of stress and stability of super large cooling tower under four-tower combination

based on wind tunnel testsWangHao,KeShitang(330)

Large-area full-field deformation measurement of mortise-tenon structures based on self-calibration digital image correlation


Comparative analysis on measured wind characteristics of typical typhoons at Sutong bridge


Bridge deck system reconstruction and mechanical behavior analysis of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge


Evalution of using accelerated mortar-bars test to detect inhibition efficacy of supplementary cementitious materials

and Li2CO3on alkali-silica reactionGaoPeng,YuHongfa,WenJing,LiYing,ZangYamei(357)

Effects of admixtures and intensified aggregates on drying shrinkage of recycled aggregate mortars


Fabrication of quantum-dots/cerasomes encoding nanocarriersChenWei,ZhaoGuihong,SunQingjiang(368)

Staged approach from driving to bicycling based on transtheoretical model



Parameter estimation algorithm for autoregressive model based on gAIC and moving window


Image matching algorithm based on elliptic metric spectral featureBaoWenxia,YuGuofen,ZhuMing,LiangDong(387)

Temporal relation identification of Uyghur event based on Bi-LSTM with attention mechanism


Object tracking algorithm based on multiple loss generative adversaryChengXu,ZhouLin,ZhangYifeng(400)

Spectral efficiency analysis of distributed massive MIMO system with beamforming training scheme


Critical gate identification algorithm for anti-aging gate replacement technology


Output feedback L1 adaptive control MIMO systems for a nonlinear boiler-turbine unit


Model of ammonia-water falling film generation outside vertical tube with nanofluids


Simulation of ammonia desulfurization process for DCS optimization control


Co-pyrolysis mechanism of phenethyl phenyl ether with hydrogen donor reagentsZhouJiao,ShenDekui,JinWei(443)

Numerical simulation on two-component high pressure dense-phase pneumatic conveying of pulverized coal


Effects of mass transport on electricity generation performance of soil microbial fuel cells

and Atrazine degradationLiLei,WangHui,ZhuDandan,LiXianning(455)

Experimental behaviors and shear bearing capacity calculation of perfobond rib with head stud connectors


Modified factored modal combination method for seismic response analysis of planar steel arches


Experimental study and calculation analysis on hollow floor slab-column connection under vertical load


Experimental study on seismic performance of full-scale crude stone masonry walls

constructed by mortar including shimsGaoXiaopeng,ChenZhongfan(484)

Experimental study on low-cyclic reversed loading of CBF pileZhouKang,DaiGuoliang,YangYang,GongWeiming(491)

Damage identification method of beam type structures considering proportional damping


Dynamic response analysis of transmission tower under wind-sand load induce


Static pressure penetration test and mechanical characteristics of bucket foundation in sand


Initial cracking time of magnesium oxychloride cement reinforced concrete based on time-varying model

of reinforcement corrosionGongWei,QiaoHongxia,YuHongfa,MaHaiyan,ChenGuangfeng(519)

Damage pattern on multi-rebar corroded concrete structures in high chloride environment


Electro-migration of nanoalumina in concreteJinWeiliang,WuHangtong,XuChen(537)

Anti-freezing property of ecological high ductility cementitious composites under freeze-thaw cycles


Performance of hydroxyapatite based binder in ex-situ solidification/stabilization of heavy metal contaminated site soil


Electro-osmosis efficiency analysis of marine sludge based on constant potential gradient model tests


Merging model in freeway weaving section based on gradient boosting decision treeLiGen(563)

Bi-objective time window assignment vehicle routing problem considering customer preferences for time windows


User equilibrium model and algorithm considering credit distribution scheme and transaction cost



Cost-based advertising strategy in social networksCaoJiuxin,CuiGuiqi,FengXueyan,MinHuiyu(583)

Key nodes mining algorithm in Sina Weibo social network based on Hadoop cloud platform


Secure data sharing scheme with two level revocations in cloud computingZhaoSiyu,JiangRui(596)

Mathematical modeling and dynamic analysis of multi-shaft cylinder gears


Effects of intercritical quenching and tempering process on microstructure and properties of ship plate steel

with 550 MPa strength gradeWangZhaohua,XieZhanglong,ChenFeng(613)

Texture inheritance during α→γ→α phase transformation in high strain deformed ferrite steel wire


Experimental study on solar photothermal utilization and solar photoelectricity conversion

based on combined heating and power generation systemZhangTao,HanJitian,ZhaoHongxia,DuanLian(629)

Numerical study on enhancement of ice storage performance in rectangular tank by finned tube


Optimization of the compound fresh air treatment system of evaporative cooling and condensing dehumidification


Analysis of condensation characteristics and anti-condensation measures of external thermal insulation wall

in hot summer and cold winter areasZouKaikai,LiShuhong(654)

Seismic performance of RC frame structures with high-energy dissipation haunch braces of viscoelastic dampers


Influence of end restraint condition on shear lag effect of box girderZhangYuyuan,ZhangYuanhai,ZhangHui(671)

Crack propagation of concrete beams under moving vehicle loadsZhuJinsong,ZhangYifeng,ChenXingda(678)

Experimental study on progressive collapse resistance of steel framed structuresZhangLei,LiHonghao(687)

Experimental study on enhancement of the anchorage properties of NSM FRP bars

using the wire mesh mortar layer and additional ribsSuWeiqiang,LiTing,ZhuHong,WangQiang,HuXiuxiu(692)

Analysis of wind field and wake characteristics of wind farm in Northwest China based on measured data


Improved FWD backcalculation procedure for CRCP with temperature gradient


Evaluation and influence factors of dispersion property of cellulose fiber pellets in SMA mixture


Analysis on influence factors of adhesion characteristic of tire-asphalt pavement based on tire hydroplaning model


Long-term settlement calculation of structured soft clay foundation under traffic loading


Research on failure evolution process of surrounding rock of swelling loess tunnel under rainfall infiltration


Lane changing performance study of freeway maintenance work zones based on vehicle trajectory data


Gap choice model at urban expressway merging sections based on SVM


An integrated optimization model of discount fare and ticket allocation for high-speed train


Synthesis of biofunctional carbon quantum dotsYangPei,XuBin,SunQingjiang(766)

Experimental study on characteristics of vacuum consolidation of municipal sludge



Numerical simulation of performance of supercritical CO2-water separators


Full-open absorption heat pump for total heat recovery of flue gasYangBo,JiangYi,FuLin,ZhangShigang(789)

Three-dimensional numerical simulation on optimization air distribution for combustion of ultra-supercritical boiler


Deep auto-encoder network method for health assessment of rolling bearingsSheDaoming,JiaMinping,ZhangWan(801)

Visual search on information features on digital task monitoring interface


Field trial study on wave dissipation of ecological revetment using boxes and flappers


Restoring force model of precast beam-column connections incorporating beams with grooves and

anchored bottom longitudinal barsGuanDongzhi,GuoZhengxing,YangHui,YangSen(821)

Upper bound solution of limit analysis of uplift bearing capacity of suction caisson foundation

based on Meyerhof mechanismZhuWenbo,DaiGuoliang,GongWeiming,ZhaoXueliang(828)

Test and formula for ultimate stress of externally prestressed tendons in corrugated steel web composite beam


Analysis on Structural parameter optimization of orthotropic steel bridge deck based on fatigue performance


Analysis on shear lag effect in thin-walled box girders based on modified warping displacement function


Experimental study on welding residual stress of Q370qE steel deck deck-rib


Plain-strain fracture toughness tests of thick acrylic sheets at different temperatures


Scour condition analysis on pylons of Hangzhou Bay Bridge by tracing dynamic behaviors of superstructures


Fatigue load model of heavy vehicle for Beijing-Shanghai National Highway based on WIM system


Testing and finite element analysis on steel-plate concrete composite wallGeQi,XiongFeng,HeTao(885)

Fabrication and application of digital speckle pattern in full-field measurement of deformed large concrete beams


Effects of extra water and adding modes of super-absorbent polymer on shrinkage and pore structure of mortar


Properties of encapsulated healing agent and self-healing in asphalt-rubber mixture


Directional difference of water permeability of porous asphalt mixture and influence of pore structure


Analysis on lateral strain of asphalt mixture rutting based on FBGGaoJunqi,WeiLunan,LuHongqiang(927)

Deepnetwork structure design based on base completion and embedded multi-layer perceptron


Design of energy-efficient based resource allocation algorithm in cloud radio access network


Accuracy analysis on BDS/GPS/Galileo multi-frequency SPP based on DCB correction


Uniform multi-target circumnavigation control by multi-agent system at unknown target position


Characteristics and health risk assessment of indoor PM2.5-bound heavy metals in university campus


Reliability-based acceleration lanes lengths on expresswaysTangZongxin,YangDi,ChenSikai,ChengJianchuan(961)

Linear diagnosis model of vehicle emission to air pollution on urban roadHuQizhou,DengWei,LiXiaohan(967)

Missing value imputation method for heterogeneous traffic flow data based on feature fusion



Experimental study on seismic behavior of precast concrete beam-to-column connections

with high-strength hooked beam bottom barsYangHui,GuoZhengxing,YinHang,GuanDongzhi,YangSen(979)

Experimental study on bond-slip behavior of steel tubular composite pile under the influence of

mud and radius-thickness ratioFengShengming,DaiGuoliang,NiuJiawei,GongWeiming,CaoXiaolin(987)

Effects of lateral constraint on the behaviour of FRP-to-concrete bondGaoLei,ZhangFeng,YeJianshu,LiuJiaqi(996)

Uncertainty quantification on elastic parameters of composite beams and its experimental verification


Experimental investigation of mechanical property of dowel-type post-and-beam connections

made of wood scrimber compositeHeMinjuan,TaoDuo,LiZheng,ZhangJing(1013)

Calculation method for shear strength of reinforced ECC beams using modified compression field theory


Dynamic characteristic parameter and acceleration response of footbridge under random crowd walking


3D nonlinear shrinkage and creep effects of long span cantilever casting box girder bridges


Spectra of constant-ductility displacement ratio for seismic isolated bridges

subjected to near-fault pulse-like earthquakeWuYifeng,LiAiqun,WangHao,ShaBen(1044)

Application performance study of new three-dimensional vibration isolation device

based on one museum structureYangWeiguo,WangYa,AnPeng,GeJiaqi,WangMeng,LiuPei(1050)

Experimental study on small-strain shear modulus of sand-silt mixtures by bender element testing


IFC-based point-cloud information processing method for structural elementsXuZhao,KangRui,SunNing(1068)

Experimental study on mode-Ⅱ fracture characteristics of parallel strand bamboo


Contact detection and dynamic model for polyhedral particles based on discrete element method


Quantifiable field performance evaluation technique of asphalt pavement pothole patching


Induced surface displacement and evaluation method of grouting for railway embankment in karst region


Dispatching method for traffic emergency resource considering congestion state of rescue route


Optimal control model of multiple bus requests for intersection group based on route priority


Design, modeling and experiment of hydraulic legged robot joint


Vibration signal processing method for FOG based on improved EMD with masking signal


Teleoperation force perception method in human-computer interaction based on GRNN


Distribution characteristics of solid holdups in pressurized multi-stage circulating fluidized bed


Three-dimensional measurement of bubble in gas-liquid flow by light field photography


Effects of non-uniform thermal fields on effectiveness of PZT micro-solid heat engine


Ka-band microstrip meander-line traveling wave tube with periodical metallic rods


A novel flux concentrated permanent magnet eddy current coupler and its electromagnetic performance analysis


Influence of interface transition zone of different aggregates on chloride transport properties


Test of basic physical parameters of urban untreated sewageMaLiangdong,ZhangZhiyuan,SongJialin,ZhangJili(1177)

C-NCAP 2016年第八号试验发布