
2018-10-19 01:04吴亚垒祁力钧程浈浈刘婠婠谢德盛ElizabethMusiu
农业工程学报 2018年20期

吴亚垒,祁力钧,张 豪,程浈浈,刘婠婠,谢德盛,Elizabeth Musiu


吴亚垒1,祁力钧1※,张 豪1,程浈浈1,刘婠婠1,谢德盛2,Elizabeth Musiu1

(1. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083;2. 深圳市隆瑞科技有限公司,广州 518108)



0 引 言

近年来,随着中国农业产业结构的不断优化调整,设施农业种植面积和产量稳步提升[1]。中国已成为世界上设施栽培面积最大的国家,预计2030年中国设施栽培面积可望增至1 70万hm2。在设施农业快速发展的同时,其施药设备和技术却滞于瓶颈期[2],防治过程中不仅农药利用率低,且易导致施药人员中毒等一系列问题[3]。随着机械化与智能化的发展,将远程控制[4]与农药喷施技术[5-6]相结合对确保人员安全、降低劳动强度、克服青壮劳动力短缺及其精确靶标施药等[7-8]具有重要的实际意义。



1 系统架构与工作原理


图1 远程施药控制系统原理图


1.轨道 2.行走电机 3.避障传感器 4.左右摇摆机壳 5.摄像机 6.超声波模块 7.按键板与WI-FI模块 8.上下摇摆喷头


表1 喷雾装备的技术参数

2 Android端系统通信优化与界面监测设计

系统APP开发基于TCP/IP协议,采用Socket和多线程技术,在Eclipse集成开发环境下采用java语言设计完成,生成APK文件,运行平台为OPPO R11。

2.1 Android端远程系统通信和IP包优化

2.1.1 Android端远程通信优化


2.1.2 Android端系统IP数据包优化

通信协议中单字符通信方式干扰较大,本文Android端与喷雾装备端数据交换采用IP包形式[26]传送控制指令,包头和包尾均为0XFF,解包机制可以对数据包精确接收及终止。IP包的数据交换格式规定为:{包头,类型位,命令位,数据位,包尾},如:{FF,温湿度显示,温湿度接收,温湿度值,FF}和{FF,风速设定,风速发送,风速值,FF},IP数据包分别采用Input Stream类和Output Stream类从流中读取与输出数据包,同时实例化socket Writer对象,以Byte打包方式将数据包发送到路由器,路由器借助花生壳服务端口映射把数据包转发给客户端串口。发送至STM32单片机的数据包利用解包机制将该包解开,并控制模块执行相关操作,最后采用flush和close方法分别刷空输出流及关闭流以释放资源。

邱占芝等[27]对数据包接收情况进行了试验验证,当试验环境空旷情况下,数据包被喷雾装备接收端稳定接收,但是当环境复杂(障碍物遮挡等情况),数据包有可能被屏蔽或遮挡,无法被接收端接收。对此,在程序中定义应答和计时变量,如timer.schedule(new MyTask(), 1000, 150),当手机端未接收到应答情况下,每隔150 ms循环发射该控制命令,直到接收应答停止。

2.2 Android端系统视频帧监测




2.3 Android端系统界面设计


图3 UI界面设计

Fig.3 UI interface design

3 嵌入式硬件开发与软件优化设计

3.1 嵌入式硬件开发


1.USB转WIFI模块 2.测距1信号线 3.测距2信号线 4.测距3信号线 5.测距4信号线 6.通信信号线 7.STM32F103单片机 8.程序烧录串口 9.温湿度信号线 10.RS485信号线

1.USB to WIFI module 2.Ranging 1 signal line 3.Ranging 2 signal line 4.Ranging 3 signal line 5.Ranging 4 signal line 6.Communication signal line 7.STM32F103 MCU 8. Program burning serial port 9. Temperature and humidity signal line 10. RS485 signal line

a. 喷雾装备系统按键板PCB设计

a. Spray equipment system key board PCB design

1.电源线 2.RS485通讯线 3.STM32F101单片机 4.程序烧录串口 5.上下摇摆信号线 6.风机信号线 7.左右摇摆信号线 8.避障信号线 9.限位信号线 10.行走信号线 11.测距5信号线 12.水泵信号线 13.测距6信号线

1.Power cable 2.RS485 communication cable 3.STM32F101 MCU 4.Program burning serial port 5.Up and down swing signal line 6.Fan signal line 7.Left and right swing signal line 8.Obstacle avoidance signal line 9.Limit signal line 10.Travel signal line 11.Ranging 5 signal line 12.Pump signal line 13.Ranging 6 signal line

b. 喷雾装备系统控制板PCB设计

b. Spray equipment system control board PCB design

图4 喷雾装备系统硬件电路设计

Fig.4 Spray equipment system hardware circuit design

3.2 嵌入式软件优化设计

3.2.1 软件心跳包对故障的响应优化设计

软件系统故障发生较频繁,如手机APP异常关闭,网络连接故障,喷雾装备骤停等事故。为此,大部分采用TCP自身心跳包机制[30],如SO_KEEPALIVE函数,默认120 min心跳频率,仅用于保活,但无法判断喷雾装备的断电、故障、网线及逻辑层等断线事故,对于喷雾装备的作业安全存在隐患。其次,send或者receive也可判定掉线,但在长连接下,有可能长时间都没有数据往来,中间节点故障难以预测,仅用于维持长连接,保活。本文自行优化心跳包可以对故障及时处理,提升作业安全水平。心跳检测步骤如图5所示:1)Android和喷雾装备客户端每隔5 s发送一次无效的IP数据包给服务器,且发包时各启动一个超时定时器timeAPP-;2)两端接收到检测包,应该回复应答指令;3)如果双方均收到应答包,线路连接正常,超时定时器被reset;4)如果双方的超时定时器超时,没有响应应答,表明故障发生,双方作业终止,并实时在Android界面提示连接故障等反馈信息,通知施药人员处理。

图5 心跳包检测机制原理图

3.2.2 超声检测风送距离参数确定


式中F为喷头轴线方向受力,N;air为空气作用力,N;为雾滴质量,kg;a为雾滴加速度,m/s2。当a趋于0,气流不再有向前的驱动力,当气流速度趋于2 m/s[31],根据行业标准定义为气流的输送距离,此段位移定义为风送距离[32],便于调整设定对应的出风口风速参数。

3.2.3 超声检测冠层体积系统设计




传感器1和测量结果不一定是最低与最高冠层处的半径,即以下和以上冠层体积将可能会被漏算或多算,但对于冠层来说,漏算和多算的体积在本研究作中忽略处理。本文选取6个超声波传感器,等间距25 cm装配,此外在视频帧辅助作用下进行冠层模型中心线定位,得到检测距离,利用本文设计的“圆柱体积求和法”计算果树冠层体积,测量结束,初步得到施药量,后续在检测距离的基础上实时确定风速。

4 试验结果与分析

4.1 IP数据包与远程通信测试试验


为了验证Android和喷雾装备能够实现局域网和远程互联网通信,利用“Ping”命令可以检查网络是否连通,测试网络时延,可很好地判定网络故障。“Ping”是Windows下用户使用的发送ICMP回送请求的命令,在Unix和Linux下也有这个命令;ping也属于一个通信协议,其应用格式为:Ping空格IP地址。在中国农业大学植保机械实验室和深圳市隆瑞科技有限公司分别进行通信验证。在默认情况下,仅发送4个数据包,通过这个命令自定义发送个数,有助于衡量网络速度,如图7c和7d分别为局域网和远程互联网内Ping 指令结果。本文发送12个数据包,分别ping -n 12和ping -n 12 20220787by.iask.in,并未出现丢包问题且平均时间分别为5和79 ms,能实现双向通信。

图7 IP数据包与远程通信测试结果

4.2 心跳包故障检测试验


表2 系统响应时间试验结果


Note:1,2,3and4are the system response time of 8 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 16 o'clock, and 20 o'clock, respectively;is the average system response time of 4 time periods in a day; relative error = | Average response time-Heartbeat packet failure detection time|/heartbeat packet failure detection time×100%.


4.3 冠层体积超声算法检测试验

在中国农业大学植保机械实验室4 m×3 m区域内试验测试,如图8所示。

图8 试验区示意图

建立直角坐标系,区域布置在第一象限,坐标点标记(一个单位长度为1 m),矮化果树坐标点(2,2.4),喷雾机在作业时由坐标点(0,0)作业至(4,0)结束。试验中,本文选取矮化仿真榕树冠层模型作为研究对象,榕树冠层模型枝干数目为5,可进行枝干拆解,按照枝干拆解个数0、1、2用于表征冠层模型的稠密程度,共分为浓密、较密和稀疏3类。将放置好的模型绕坐标点(2,2.4)处等角度旋转,每60°旋转1次,共旋转6次,分别按照该操作将3类模型先后进行试验测试。试验结果如图9所示,试验现场如图10所示。

图9 不同疏密冠层手动与检测算法自动测量对比

图10 远程喷雾控制系统图



5 结 论

1)本文远程智能喷雾控制系统能够实现局域网和远程互联网通信,利用“Ping”命令检查网络对IP数据包的响应情况,并未出现丢包问题且平均响应时间分别为5和79 ms,能实现双向稳定通信。




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Design and experiment of remote intelligent spray control system based on embedded internet

Wu Yalei1, Qi Lijun1※, Zhang Hao1, Cheng Zhenzhen1, Liu Wanwan1, Xie Desheng2, Elizabeth Musiu1

(1.100083,; 2.518108,)

In view of the current weak status of intelligent management and control systems for facility of agriculture and dwarfed orchards, high labor intensity and complicated spraying environment, this article proposed an embedded technology, which took STM32F101 and STM32F103 as the core and basis, combined with 4G Internet and ultrasonic target detection algorithm, and was able to remotely control agricultural machinery to achieve the purpose of human-machine separation and precise application of pesticides. The system used Socket and multi-thread technology to implement two-way communication under the Eclipse and Keil-uvision4 development environment. With TCP communication protocol as the medium, the Android and client transferred remote routing through the Internet or wireless network card to achieve remote intelligent spray control. The test results show that: 1) Android can implement near-remote control of smart spray equipment in the LAN or Internet. The software interface returns that no stagnant state or delay occurs and it can accurately transmit control commands and achieve intermittent application of the target. 2) The bidirectional heartbeat package established by the system can force the spray equipment to be dormant in the event of communication failure. After testing, the error rate of the heartbeat packet set-up time and the spray equipment dormancy response time does not exceed 5.50%. 3) Use the video frame to locate the canopy middle line, and use the ultrasonic detection algorithm to determine the wind-distance parameters and establish the canopy volume model. Through experiments, it is found that the degree of canopy denseness has a significant impact on the measured results of the canopy volume measurement system. The text measurement system should be used in dense canopy conditions, and the measurement accuracy is as high as 94.67%. 4) The remote smart spray control system in this article can realize local network and long-distance internet communication. Use “Ping” command to check the network response to IP data packets. There is no packet loss problem and the average response time is 5 and 79 ms, respectively. 5) The degree of canopy density has a significant effect on the measurement of the canopy volume measurement system. There is a significant difference between the manual and automatic measurements of the canopy volume in sparse conditions. On the contrary, there is no significant difference between the manual and automatic measurements of the canopy volume in the dense conditions, which is suitable for measuring the canopy volume in this article. In the system, the maximum relative error is only 6.4%, and the canopy coverage and distribution uniformity will be significantly improved. 6) A remote control and optimized application system available for complete Internet-based spray equipment is designed. The system can realize human-machine separation and precise application of pesticides. Through tests, it can be seen that the detection and processing of the fuselage faults has high reliability. At the same time, it has potential application value for the transformation of traditional production modes and the promotion of smart agricultural machinery. The study can also provide reference for the automation and intellectualization of other agricultural machinery equipment.

spraying; control; design; STM32 embedded technology; wireless network communication technology; ultrasonic detection algorithm


TP212.9; S491








吴亚垒,祁力钧,张 豪,程浈浈,刘婠婠,谢德盛,Elizabeth Musiu. 基于嵌入式互联网的远程智能喷雾控制系统设计[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(20):28-35. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.20.004 http://www.tcsae.org

Wu Yalei, Qi Lijun, Zhang Hao, Cheng Zhenzhen, Liu Wanwan, Xie Desheng, Elizabeth Musiu. Design and experiment of remote intelligent spray control system based on embedded internet[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(20): 28-35. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.20.004 http://www.tcsae.org

迈腾B8L 轿车灯光系统应急模式控制策略及开关监测信号线作用研究