Sandberg's new book OPTION B

2018-11-17 03:48甘肃嘉峪关市第二中学王文杰
疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年11期

甘肃嘉峪关市第二中学 王文杰


2015年,脸书(Facebook)CEO 谢丽尔·桑德伯格的生活遭遇了重创。她相伴11年的丈夫——美国知名网络调查公司Survey Monkey的CEO戴夫·高德伯格突然离世。那个一直在谢丽尔背后陪伴她、支持她的戴夫,永远离开了她。



在这期间,她创作了新书OPTION B。在这本书中,谢丽尔敞开心扉,回顾了自己失去挚爱的伤痛,勇敢地向读者展现了自己内心柔弱的一面。她还邀请好友沃顿商学院教授亚当·格兰特一起,用亲身经历和关于“复原力”的研究,探讨了人们在遭遇不幸之后,如何走出极度悲伤、重拾快乐。


Sandberg's new book,OPTION B:Facing Adversity(逆境),Building Resilience(复原力),and Finding Joy,records her grief and road to recovery and resilience.Option B,or C,and so on,might not be what we choose.But Sandberg is a firm believer in pre-traumatic growth(创伤前成长)—that is,people's ability to build up resilience before something bad happens so that they are able to cope with it better.

Below are some excerpts (摘录)from the book,which was written with psychologist Adam Grant.

“I don't know anyone who has been handed only roses.We all encounter hardships.Some we see coming;others take us by surprise.It can be as tragic as the sudden death of a child,as heartbreaking as a relationship that unravels(解 体 ),or as disappointing as a dream that goes unfulfilled.The question is∶When these things happen,what do we do next?”

One of the most important things I've learned is how deeply you can keep loving someone after they die.You may not be able to hold them or talk to them,and you may even date or love someone else,but you can still love them every bit as much.Playwright Robert Woodruff Anderson captured it perfectly,“Death ends a life,but it does not end a relationship.

Although it can be extremely difficult to grasp,the disappearance of one possible self can free us to imagine a new possible self.After tragedy,we sometimes miss these opportunities because we spend all of our emotional energy wishing for our old lives.As Hellen Keller put it,“When one door of happiness closes,another opens;but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”

Resilience comes from deep within us and from support outside us.It comes from gratitude for what’s good in our lives and from leaning in to the suck.It comes from analyzing how we process grief and from simply accepting that grief.Sometimes we have less control than we think.Other times we have more.I learned that when life pulls you under,you can kick against the bottom,break the surface,and breathe again.

Language study


1.grief n.a feeling of great sadness,especially when sb dies (尤指因某人去世引起的)悲伤;悲痛;伤心

2.heartbreaking adj.causing extreme sadness令人心碎的;令人断肠的

3.gratitude n.the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express your thanks感激之情;感谢

4.analyze study,check or examine something分析;细察;分解

5.cope with对付……

6.encounter hardships遭遇困难

7.go unfulfilled(愿望、梦想等)未实现的;未达到的

8.miss these opportunities错过这些机会 sb puts it正如某人说的那样

10.kick against反对;抗议

Ⅱ.Critical thinking

If you meet the failure or the disappointing incident that defeats you in your life,what will you do after reading this text?


