Julie of the Wolves (Excerpt III)

2018-11-29 00:14By
英语世界 2018年12期


The black one greeted Jello by tackling his feet.Another jumped on his tail, and before he could discipline either, all fi ve were upon him.He rolled and tumbled with them for almost an hour; then he ran down the slope,turned, and stopped.The pursuing pups plowed into him, tumbled, fell, and lay still.During a minute of surprised recovery there was no action.Then the black pup flashed his tail like a semaphore signal and they all jumped on Jello again.

[2]Miyax rolled over and laughed aloud.“That’s funny.They’re really like kids.”

[3]When she looked back, Jello’s tongue was hanging from his mouth and his sides were heaving.Four of the puppies had collapsed at his feet and were asleep.Jello flopped down, too, but the black pup still looked around.He was not the least bit tired.Miyax watched him, for there was something special about him.

[4]He ran to the top of the den and




[4]他跑到狼窝顶上,开barked.The smallest pup, whom Miyax called Sister, lifted her head, saw her favorite brother in action and, struggling to her feet, followed him devotedly.While they romped, Jello took the opportunity to rest behind a clump of sedge, a moisture-loving plant of the tundra.But hardly was he settled before a pup tracked him to his hideout and pounced on him.Jello narrowed his eyes, pressed his ears forward, and showed his teeth.

[5]“I know what you’re saying,”she called to him.“You’re saying, ‘lie down.’”The puppy lay down, and Miyax got on all fours and looked for the nearest pup to speak to.It was Sister.

[6]“Ummmm,”she whined, and when Sister turned around Julie narrowed her eyes and showed her white teeth.Obediently, Sister lay down.

[7]“I’m talking wolf! I’m talking wolf!”Miyax clapped, and tossing her head like a pup, crawled in a happy circle.As she was coming back she saw all fi ve puppies sitting in a row watching her, their heads cocked in curiosity.Boldly the black pup came toward her,his fat backside swinging as he trotted to the bottom of her frost heave, and barked.

[8]“You are very fearless and very smart,”she said.“Now I know why you are special.You are wealthy and the始吠叫。那只被米娅克斯叫作小妹的最小的狼崽儿抬起头来,看到她心爱的哥哥没有休息,就挣扎着站起来,贴心地跟上去。狼崽儿们自己嬉闹的时候,果冻趁机走到一丛苔草之后休息。这是北极冻原上一种喜湿的植物。不过他还没躺好,就有一个狼崽儿找到了他的藏身处,扑了上去。果冻眯缝着眼睛,压平耳朵往前伸,露出了牙齿。




[8]“你胆子真大,也很聪明,”米娅克斯说,“现在我知道你为什么与众不同了。leader of the puppies.There is no doubt what you’ll grow up to be.So I shall name you after my father Kapugen, and I shall call you Kapu for short.”你很富有,你是狼崽儿们的头儿。毫无疑问,你长大了就会是头领。所以我要用我父亲卡普根的名字给你起名,简单点儿,我就叫你卡普吧。”


【第一段】这一段动词很多,灵活准确,翻译难度大,比如tackle、discipline、roll、tumble、plow into等,需要根据场景仔细选择对应的中文。倒数第二句虽然简短,用词和语序较难处理,译者在此调整了语序,没有直译surprised recovery,而是使用“立马满血复活”来表达“让人惊讶的精力恢复”之意。


【第四段】第二句中的两个短语in action和副词devotedly不容易翻译,需要根据上下文灵活选择中文词语。最后一句的动作表情,正是米娅克斯要学习的沟通方法。



【第七段】口语“I’m talking wolf!”极易理解,如何翻译却颇费思量。译者在此选择了口语化的表达“我会跟狼说话了!”,以此传递米娅克斯的兴奋之情。最后一句中的boldly也是倒装副词表强调,需要适当翻译才行。


