
2019-02-20 13:47谈明高陆友东吴泽瑾吴贤芳刘厚林
农业工程学报 2019年23期




(1. 江苏大学流体机械及工程技术研究中心,镇江 212013; 2. 江苏大学能源与动力工程学院,镇江 212013)



0 引 言


目前,国内外对离心泵振动噪声的研究主要集中在理论[9-10]和试验研究[11-13]方面。近几十年来,基于声学分析的计算流体动力学已取得了一些进展。研究提出了根据CFD数值计算[14-15]的方法或者离散涡法[16-17]来预测声源的方法,然后采用边界元法(boundary element method,BEM)完成声辐射计算[15,18-19]。Kato等[20]提出了一种离心泵外表面噪声预测的流体和结构分析的单向耦合模拟方法。基于大涡模拟(large eddy simulation,LES)进行内流计算,后运用有限元法计算压力脉动,最终与测量结果进行对比,研究发现该方法下叶频对应的预测振动噪声和实测吻合较好。针对流体与结构网格的传输,Jiang等[21]开发了一种数据接口工具来解决网格匹配的问题,并采用有限元法对结构振动进行了数值模拟,提取了叶频对应的振动模态,结果阐明了振动噪声产生和传播的机理。



1 试验装置

1.1 研究模型

选取比转速s=97的单级离心泵作为研究对象,其设计参数d=50 m3/h、转速=2 900 r/min、扬程=30 m。模型泵主要结构参数:叶轮入口直径1=0.072 m,出口直径2=0.168m,出口宽度2=0.01 m,叶片出口角2=33°,包角=115°,口环间隙为0.2 mm。

1.2 研究方案



1.3 试验系统

离心泵闭式试验台如图2所示,试验系统主要包括模型泵、涡轮流量计、电机、数据采集器、压阻式压力传感器、霍尔传感器等。泵转矩由传感器测试,通过计算机采集数据。流量计安装在距出口管1 m处,流量由阀门控制。压力传感器测量进出口静压,其测量范围为−100~100 kPa和0~600 kPa。泵的振动加速度由PCB 352A60加速度计测试,安装在泵进口处,其灵敏度为10 mV/(m/s2)。加速度计的位置如图3所示。用PXI-6251数据采集模块采集电信号,并由Lab View软件进行分析。压力传感器、涡轮流量计、加速度计和霍尔传感器的测量不确定度范围分别为±0.5%、±0.5%、±2%、±1.5%。

1.真空泵 2.汽蚀筒 3、4、8、10.碟阀 5.涡轮流量计 6.压力变送器 7.模型泵 9.电机 11.稳压罐 12.球阀

2 数值模拟方法

2.1 三维造型及网格划分

研究模型由三维造型软件Pro/E 5.0生成,并由ICEM进行网格划分,运用六面体结构化网格划分确保网格的质量,网格域共分为4部分:进口域,叶轮域,蜗壳和出口域,泄露流道域。其中叶轮域与其他3个域之间设置动静交界面,如图3所示。



图4 模型源网格

2.2 边界条件设置


综合考虑间隙流动的精确性和计算周期,采用SST湍流模型[29],并通过标准壁面函数计算边界层变量。相对压力设为0,计算域中所有表面均采用无滑移壁面条件。收敛残差设置为10-4。进口条件设为1 atm的恒定总压,出口条件设为质量流量。

蜗壳材料为铸钢,其弹性模量=211 GPa,密度=7 870 kg/m3,泊松比=0.29。蜗壳结构网格如图5所示。

注:地脚螺栓孔节点处的速度为ux= uy= uz=0;进出口法兰速度为uz=0和ux=0;轴承孔上的节点速度为ux= uy=uz=0。

2.3 网格相关性验证


表1 5种不同网格方案

图6 网格数对扬程的影响

3 蜗壳结构声学模拟

3.1 蜗壳振动模拟方法







3.2 蜗壳声学模拟方法


提取结构外表面并将其网格化,作为边界元计算中使用的声学模型,如图7所示。声学网格共包括14 706个元素和13 573个节点。根据文献[32],本研究中所研究模型的最大有效频率为4 366 Hz,因此,对于叶片通过频率而言,网格足够精细。将结构外表面节点的法向速度转移到声学模型的表面节点,将其设置为蜗壳声学计算的边界条件,最终采用边界元法求解声压分布。

图7 蜗壳声网格

4 结果与分析

4.1 性能试验结果


图8 设计工况下不同叶片数的泵性能曲线


4.2 振动试验


图9 监测点振动加速度频谱

从图9中可以看出,数值计算能够很好地预测出特征频率,振动频谱中分别出现48和240 Hz 2个峰值。其中48 Hz时的振动由轴旋转产生,是由机械不平衡或水力不平衡引起,240 Hz时的峰值是由转子-定子相互作用激发的叶频引起。


4.3 蜗壳壁面压力脉动


图10 设计工况蜗壳的压力脉动幅值


4.4 蜗壳结构振动



图11 设计流量下的振动位移

图12 设计流量下的振动速度

4.5 蜗壳辐射噪声

采用以蜗壳为中心的半径为0.5 m的球形声网格,计算了泵辐射声压级的方向性分布。图13给出了4台泵在设计工况下叶频对应的声压级。从图13可以看出,随着叶片数的增加,泵在设计条件下的声压级(sound pressure level,SPL)先增大后减小,泵Ⅱ(叶片数为5)的SPL最大,与振动速度的变化一致,5叶片较4叶片增幅较大,最大增幅达138.5%。高声压级区域主要出现在泵出口附近的高振动速度引起的垂直方向上。


图13 设计流量下的声压级

图14 设计工况下声强方向性分布


5 结 论








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Effects of blade number on flow induced vibration and noise in centrifugal pump

Tan Minggao1, Lu Youdong1, Wu Zejin1, Wu Xianfang2, Liu Houlin1

(1.,212013,; 2.,,212013,)

The number of blades is one of the main geometric parameters of centrifugal pump, which is widely used in agricultural machinery, and it has an important influence on the vibration and noise of centrifugal pumps. Both vibration and noise can affect the centrifugal pump performance and its life, and the sources of vibration and noise may lie in hydraulic or mechanical aspects. In fact, most previous works for vibration and noise of centrifugal pumps mostly focused on theoretical and experimental studies. However, these studies seem to simulate the volute and impeller interactions only, without consideration of the leakage flow paths. The leakage flow paths between the rotating impeller and the stationary housing play an important role in centrifugal pumps. Therefore, understanding the influence of the blade number and the leakage flow paths in centrifugal pump is an urgent problem to be solved. In this paper, the vibration and sound radiation of volute under flow excitation was simulated by FEM/BEM acoustic-vibration method. The experiment was carried out to study the effects of blade number on the vibration and noise based on a centrifugal pump with a single entry and a single volute.Comparing the different performances of centrifugal pump with various blade numbers, it was found that with the increase of blade number, the head and shaft power increased gradually, and the efficiency increased first, then decreased and increased with the increase of blade number. In addition, the numerical simulation results of volute with and without leakage flow paths were compared. The vibration and noise induced by inner flow of the pump with different blade number were analyzed under design flow condition. It was found that the results of simulation were validated by the vibration acceleration of the monitoring points on volute compared with the experimental vibration acceleration. The numerical simulation method proposed in this paper could be used to predict flow-induced vibration and acoustic radiation of volutes under design conditions. The errors value of head, efficiency and shaft power between numerical calculation and experiments were within 5.06%, 5.34% and 5.68% respectively. The amplitudes of simulation with the leakage flow paths were coincident with the experimental results than the results without the leakage. The peak error between the simulation amplitude with and without leakage flow paths was 13.5%. To reveal the effects of the blade number on pressure fluctuation and vibration, the contrast with different blade numbers was considered objectively. As the number of blades decreased, the pressure fluctuation and vibration displacement of the volute of centrifugal pump increased. High amplitude regions appeared at the volute tongue, the first and second hydraulic profile of the volute and the eighth hydraulic profile were close to the diffuser. The maximum vibration displacement mainly concentrated at the eighth hydraulic profile. According to the analysis, the significant high levels of vibration velocity can mainly classify in three regions, around the tongue, between the fourth and the sixth hydraulic profile of the volute, and the eighth hydraulic profile was close to the diffuser. However, the variation of the velocity disagreed with the displacement. That meant the vibration velocity was not only relative to the displacement, but also relative to the frequency. In terms of the noise on these impeller with diverse blade number, the vibration speed and radiated sound pressure level of the volute surface first increased and then decreased with the increase of the number of blades, besides, when the impeller was five blades, the vibration speed and noise reached the maximum value. The region of high noise level mainly appears in the vertical direction. The results can provide a reference for the further analysis on vibration and noise reduction design of centrifugal pump.

centrifugal pump; numerical simulation; pressure; leakage flow paths; number of blades; vibration; noise

谈明高,陆友东,吴泽瑾,吴贤芳,刘厚林. 叶片数对离心泵振动噪声性能的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(23):73-79.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.23.009 http://www.tcsae.org

Tan Minggao, Lu Youdong, Wu Zejin, Wu Xianfang, Liu Houlin. Effects of blade number on flow induced vibration and noise in centrifugal pump[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(23): 73-79. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.23.009 http://www.tcsae.org








