
2019-02-26 12:50董婉
校园英语·中旬 2019年1期










How she wished (mental) that it wasnt night-time. Shed have much rather travelled (material) by day. But the lady at the Governess Bureau had said (verbal), “You had better take (material) an evening boat and then if you get (material) into a compartment for‘Ladies Onlyin the train you will be (relational) far safer than sleeping (material) in a foreign hotel. Dont go (material) out of the carriage and dont walk (material) about the corridors.”

以上片段是对求职女出发前的描述。以“she”为动作者的物质过程占主导地位,用来描述求职女旅途的预期动作。心理过程动词“wished”,感知者“she”,现象“it wasnt night-time”暗示她渴望在白天独自旅行。关系过程以“you”(求职女)为载体,以“safer”为属性,说明在资本主义社会,妇女很容易受到骚扰。在言语过程中,“the lady”是讲话者,“the little governess”是受话者,这进一步体现了求职女卑微的身份。

when the boat stopped (material) and she went (material) up on deck, a cold and strange wind flew (material) under her hat. She moved (material) forward with the sleepy flock and felt (mental) afraid. Just a little - just enough to wish (mental) that a daytime. She went (material) down the gangway balancing (material) herself carefully on her heels.

以上是對求职女旅途中的经历描述。物质过程动词“went up, moved, balancing”等和环境成分“on deck, under her hat, on her heels”等暗示了她疲惫的身体和困惑的心情。心理过程动词“wish”与现象“a daytime”再次表明她害怕夜间出行。由心理过程动词“felt和wish”可以看出她在晚上独自外出时的恐惧程度。

She rocked (material) herself and cried (behavioral) out loud, pressing (material) her hands to her mouth. She shuddered (behavioral) so violently that she had to hold (material) her handkerchief up to her mouth.

以上是她到达德国后所经历的场景。物质过程动词“rocked, pressing...”和行为过程动词“cried, shuddered”以及环境成分“violently”表明她当时是多么恐惧无助,最终还是受到了性骚扰。




[1]Fullbrook,Kate.Katherine Mansfield[M].Brighton:The Harvester Press, 1986.

[2]Halliday,M.A.K.An introduction to functional grammar[M].London:Arnold,2004.
