
2019-03-30 01:32建筑设计宋晔皓孙菁芬陈晓娟解丹清华大学建筑学院
世界建筑 2019年1期


尚村竹篷乡堂项目是受中国城市规划设计研究院委托,探索契合地方民情、融合多方力量的传统村落保护与可持续发展路径的一个启动项目,从环境 - 社会 - 经济三方面都给予了充分的关注。





As the starting point of the preservation and sustainable development campaign of Shangcun Village, this project has shown great concern for environment, society and economy.

From the environmental perspective, both the selection of materials and the design approach have shown respect for the nature. Local materials, such as bamboo and processed parts from old buildings on site, were extensively used for construction.Modular assembly was identified as the best construction method in the design phase. On the scale of the bamboo umbrella's details, a single bamboo part can be easily replaced or renewed.Other structures were mainly built with collected materials such as bricks, black tiles and stones.

From the social perspective, as the owners and labourers of the village, local people were encouraged to be participators and organizers of construction, making the bamboo lounge a public facility with strong roots in the village culture and spirituality.

From the economic perspective, the bamboo lounge has become an essential part of Shangcun Village's tourism infrastructure, which futher boosts Shangcun Village's tourism.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 中国城市规划设计研究院,绩溪县尚村传统村落保护发展专业合作社/China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Professional Cooperatives for the Protection and Development of Shangcun Traditional Villages in Jixi County

地点/Location: 安徽省绩溪县家朋乡尚村/Shangcun Village, Jixi County, Anhui Province

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 宋晔皓,孙菁芬/SONG Yehao, SUN Jingfen

设计团队/Project Team: 陈晓娟,解丹,褚英男,于昊惟,韩璐/CHEN Xiaojuan, XIE Dan, CHU Yingnan, YU Haowei, HAN Lu

建筑面积/Floor Area: 150m2

设计时间/Design Time: 2017.08

建成时间/Completion Time: 2017.09

摄影/Photos: 夏至/XIA Zhi

1.2 外景/Exterior views

3 鸟瞰/Aerial view

4 改造前平面/Before: Plan of the ruined courtyard

5 改造后平面/After: Plan of the village lounge




Jury Statement

Social equality is of great importance for the shared and balanced development of material and human benefits. The Village Lounge in Shangcun adheres to concepts that embody social equality,sharing, and co-construction in various aspects, e.g.creation of village public space, application of local materials, preservation of historical relics, and villager participation. It displays exquisite design and high construction quality. This project sets a good example for the "design-to-countryside" programme. The architects want to not only express themselves but also shoulder social responsibility and promote social welfare.

It is noteworthy that the structural application of local raw bamboo is an innovation. Specifically,large quantities of local green wood are applied to the revival of the village's public space. This approach has implications for sustainable development technologically and culturally.

6. 外景/Exterior views

7 外景/Exterior views

8 西立面/West elevation

9 北立面/North elevation

10-12 日常实景/Daily views
