Cross—Culture Communication in Fuyao Glass America

2019-04-18 07:44乐思璐
智富时代 2019年2期


【Abstract】This paper is a study of cross-cultural communication of Fuyao Glass America based on Hofstedes dimensions of culture, and cross-cultural communications mainly focus on the problems it encountered, causes of these problems, and in respond to these issues in communication and management with specific strategies. This study will bring the positive role in promoting in multinational strategic development.

【Key words】cross-cultural communication; dimensions of culture; Fuyao Glass America; communication problems; strategies


After the reform and opening up, our country enterprise implementation of “going out” pace accelerated, but Chinas enterprise in “going out” encountered many problems impeding, especially in communication. Therefore, this article mainly analyzes the communication problems Fuyao Glass America faced, and why these problems appeared based on Hofstedes dimensions of culture, and then gives it some specific strategies in respond to these issues.

2.Literature review

In 1980s, Greet Hofstede first published the results of his study of more than 100,000 employees of the multinational IBM in 40 countries and identified four dimensions that he labeled individualism, masculinity, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance. His individualism-collectivism dimension describes how a cultures dominant cultures from loosely structured to tightly integrated. The masculinity-femininity dimension describes how a cultures dominant values are assertive or nurturing. Power distance refers to the distribution of influence within a culture. And uncertainty avoidance reflects a cultures tolerance of ambiguity and acceptance of risk.

The Cross-Culture Communication in Fuyao Glass America

Fuyao Group was founded in 1987 in Fuzhou,specialized in production of automotive safety glass and industrial technological glass. As the overall level of Chinese manufacturing continues to improve, the government encouraged companies to "go out" and the U.S. government backed manufacturing flows back, Fuyao chose to invest in factories in the US. However, Fuyao has faced many problems due to cultural differences after investing in its plant in Ohio, USA.

To understand the impact of cultural differences on Fuyao Glass America, this study proposed the following research questions:

Research question 1: Why are these problems coming up from the perspective of cultural differences?

Research question 2: what are the specific strategies in respond to these problems?


3.1The root of cross-cultural communication problems

Individualism versus collectivism

The United States is an individualistic society, emphasizing individual freedom and achievement. While China is a collectivist society, the employer-employee relationship is perceived in moral terms, like a family link. In Fuyao Glass America, many workers said some colleagues had been fired for minor infractions while favored workers have received a pass when breaking rules. So from this point, we can see why American workers cant understand the behavior of Chinese managers.

Power distance

In the workplace of America, subordinates expect to be consulted. While in China, superiors and subordinates consider each other existentially unequal. From the news reported, we can see American employees tend to not accept the idea of management privileges, and subordinates often see their superiors as "people like me". While in China, the status symbol is very important.

Uncertainty avoidance

China is a country high in uncertainty avoidance, where there is an inner need to work hard, need for rules and precision. America is a country low in uncertainty avoidance, where employees work hard only when need, there are no more rules than necessary. Fuyao stressed efficient labor productivity, but American employees are accustomed to multi - angle considerations. Chinese managers want to take everything in control. While American workers like to think from different aspects.

3.2 How to Enhance the effective Cross-Cultural Communication in Fuyao Glass America

Recognize and respect cultural difference

To eliminate miscommunication, first Fuyao leaders must learn our own culture, thus they can increase the sensitivity and cognition about American cultures; and then they need to learn the basic theory of cross-culture, by which they can distinguish one culture from another. Also, they have to discard their own ethnocentrism and respect American cultures.

Do cross-cultural training

Managers of Fuyao Glass America should devote efforts to cross-cultural training that should comprise the training about different cultures, foreign language, and amalgamation of different management styles, skills of communication and solution of cultural contrast.


Combining cultural dimensions and news report, there are obvious cross-cultural conflicts in the management of Fuyao Glass America. These conditions have a negative impact on the management and development of the company. Therefore, by analyzing the cross-cultural communication in Fuyao Glass America, we hope managers participated in international economic competition process can pay attention to cross-cultural communication to reduce the cultural conflicts in international business activities.


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