
2019-09-06 07:46责任编辑姚瑶
世界建筑导报 2019年4期



About the Shenzhen Global Design Award (SDA)




Shenzhen Global Design Award (SDA) is an international annual design competition sponsored by the Shenzhen Municipal Government, administered by the Shenzhen City of Design Promotion Office,and organized by Shenzhen City of Design Promotion Association (SDPA). The event is also supported by the Shenzhen Municipal Government, the Creative Cities Network designated by UNESCO, the World Design Organization (WDO), and the International Council of Design. SDA is organized to recognize and reward designers with vision, creativity, foresight and in fluence.

Since its establishment, SDA has gained world-wide attention from the global design industry and received positive feedback from international designers and design institutes. The 2nd SDA targets 5 categories:Industrial & Product, Communication, Architecture,Interior, Fashion. The total prizes reached 10 million CNY. Each jury panel consists of world-leading designers, managers of design organizations, editors of design magazines or digital media, or professors of leading design institutes from different countries and cities. SDA attracts design talents from all over the world, consisting Australia, Germany, Sweden,Canada, Netherlands, Finland, U.K., Japan and other 30 countries and regions.




最终,来自南京瀚清堂设计有限公司的《一年之念》纸质小书,摘得视觉传达类金奖;深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司设计团队凭借Resona7高端彩色多普勒超声系统,获得工业产品类金奖;深圳德玺见萩团队选送的《树生萩长》系列作品,喜获时尚设计类金奖;来自香港GROUNDWORK建筑有限公司的作品《银杏屋:社会建筑的力量GingkoHouse:ThePowerofSocialArc hitecture》,获得室内设计金奖;本届环球大奖的建筑类金奖空缺。最受关注的 “可持续发展特别奖”,则颁给了荷兰罗斯加德(Roosegaarde)工作室的参赛作品《Windvogel》。



当晚,出席颁奖礼的领导有深圳市政协主席戴北方,深圳市委常委、宣传部长、深圳设计周组委会常务副主任李小甘,深圳市政府副市长、深圳设计周组委会常务副主任王立新等,到场的颁奖嘉宾有伦敦市长代表、设计倡议委员会委员彼得·穆雷(Peter Murray)、国际设计联合会候任主席乔纳森·斯特瑞布利(Johnathon Strebly)等。


据悉,每个门类设置 1 个金奖(奖金 50 万元)、3 个银奖(每个奖金 30 万元)、5 个铜奖(每个奖金 10 万元)、10 个提名奖(不设奖金)。同时,为强调奖项的公益性以及面向未来的定位,呼应 2019 年设计周 " 设计可持续 " 主题,面向所有门类特设 " 可持续发展特别奖 " 一个,奖金 50 万元。



2019 深圳环球设计大奖全面升级,对评审团人数、规模也提出了更高的要求。每个门类,均邀请 5 位在其领域极具影响力的设计大咖,组成了 25 位具有国际一流水准的强大评审团。

这些国际评委都堪称 " 重量级 ",获奖无数,并具有丰富的国际评审经验。例如:德国红点奖评委会主席荣鼐、iF 设计奖最负盛名的评审保罗 · 科恩、麻省理工学院教授卡尔洛 · 拉蒂、伦敦设计博物馆馆长迪耶 · 萨迪奇、国际设计理事会副主席戴斯 · 劳伯舍、纽约帕森斯时尚设计学院前院长西蒙 · 柯林斯、香港时装设计师协会主席杨棋彬、靳与刘设计顾问合伙创办人靳埭强、清华大学美术学院院长鲁晓波、X-Urbanus 都市实践的创办人之一刘晓都等,均是 2019 深圳环球设计大奖国际评审团成员,以保证大奖的公平公正与权威性。




“可持续发展特别奖”获奖作品是一款神奇的、可以从风中聚集电力的“风筝”,英文叫“Windvogel”。上台领奖的是荷兰新锐设计师、艺术家丹·罗斯加德(Daan Roosegaarde)。他在接受记者采访时坦言,自己的设计灵感有中国风筝的传统元素,更有关于能量收集、照明和诗意的设计元素,两者的结合鼓励了他探索可持续设计之美。



建筑设计 评审团队

孟建民Meng Jianmin中国工程院院士The Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering


The Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Architectural Design Master. Graduated from Southeast University with a Ph.D. degree, he is the Chairman and Chief Architect of Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design Research Co. Ltd., Distinguished Professor of Shenzhen University, Distinguished Professor of City University of Macau, Vice Chairman of the Architectural Society of China (ASC), Vice Chairman of Architects Sub-Institute of the Architectural Society of China, Chairman of Shenzhen Experts United Association. He was given the title of the Chinese Architectural Design Master, the Liang Sicheng Architecture Award. He summed up the "Primitive (Benyuan) Design" theory and advocates the concept of "All-Round Humanistic Care" and "Three-Way Methodology" .

刘晓都Liu XiaoduX-Urbanus 都市实践的创建人之一Founding Partner, X-Urbanus

X-Urbanus 都市实践的创建人之一,担任建筑师和设计负责人,1998年便先行回到国内操作Urbanus,创立深圳公司并负责具体管理与项目设计。目前URBANUS都市实践已成为中国领先的建筑设计公司,在北京和深圳均设有公司。2005年12月 URBANUS都市实践 被《Architectural Record》(《建筑实录》美国)杂志评为2005年度全球10个最具影响力的设计先锋事务所之一。


Xiaodu Liu, one of the founders of X-Urbanus, serves as the Principal Architect and Design Manager of the firm. In 1998, Liu has been back in China and established Urbanus in Shenzhen, in charge of the operation and management of projects.Currently, Urbanus has been the precedent in architecture design in China, with branches in Beijing and Shanghai. In December of 2005, Urbanus has been recognized as one of the 10 most impactful international design pioneers of the year by Architectural Record USA.

Liu has been invited to hold lectures internationally, and he also holds the post of visiting professor at the School of Architecture at University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen University.

迪耶·萨迪奇Deyan SudjicABITARE主编Editor, ABITARE

毕业于米兰建筑学院,同期获得威尼斯I UAV建筑硕士学位;自2007年始,担任建筑杂志ABITARE主编职务;2004年-2007年担任建筑杂志DOMUS主编;并受聘于美国哈佛商学院及麻省理工建筑系教授。


Deyan Sudjic is Director of the Design Museum in London. His career has spanned journalism, teaching and writing. Deyan was director of Glasgow UK City of Architecture 1999 and in 2002 he was Director of the Venice Architecture Biennale. He was Editor of Domus Magazine from 2000 to 2004, and was Founding Editor of Blueprint Magazine from 1983 to 1996. Deyan has published many books on design and architecture,including The Edi fice Complex (Penguin, 2006), The Language of Things (Penguin,2008), Norman Foster: A Life in Architecture (Orion, 2010), Shiro Kuramata (Phaidon,2013), B is for Bauhaus (Penguin 2014) and Ettore Sottsass, the Poetry of Things(Phaidon 2015). His most recent book, The Language of Cities, was published by Penguin in October 2016. Deyan was made an OBE in 2000.

卡尔洛·拉蒂Carlo Ratti麻省理工学院教授CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati(CRA)创始合伙人Director, MIT Senseable City Lab Founding Partner, Carlo Ratti Associati

获得英国剑桥大学马丁中心的硕士和博士学位,TED演讲者,麻省理工学院现任教授、国际设计和创新工作室CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati(CRA)的创始合伙人。曾被评为“美国最具影响力的50位设计师”之一,并被《连线》杂志列为“将改变世界的50人”之一,福布斯将他列为“你需要知道的名字“之一。他是麻省理工学院“可感知城市实验室(MIT Senseable City Lab)”的负责人,该实验室探索“新技术对全球城市生活和设计的影响”,他的设计公司CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati在该领域研究方面是全球领先者。

An architect and engineer by training, Professor Carlo Ratti teaches at MIT, where he directs the Senseable City Laboratory, and is a founding partner of the international design and innovation practice Carlo Ratti Associati. A leading voice in the debate on new technologies' impact on urban life, his work has been exhibited in several venues worldwide, including the Venice Biennale, New York's MoMA, London's Science Museum,and Barcelona's Design Museum. Two of his projects - the Digital Water Pavilion and the Copenhagen Wheel - were hailed by Time Magazine as ‘Best Inventions of the Year'. He has been included in Wired Magazine's ‘Smart List: 50 people who will change the world'.He is currently serving as co-chair of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization, and as special advisor on Urban Innovation to the European Commission.

张永和Zhang Yonghe非常建筑工作室主持建筑师Principle architect of Atelier FCJZ



In 1989, he was awarded the American Registered Architect Certi ficate and became a member of the American Institute of Architects. In 2005, he became the head of the Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and became the first Chinese scholar to take charge of the American architectural research center.At the same time, he is the founder and professor of the Center for Architecture Studies at Peking University. In 2010, he was selected as a member of the "China National Image Promotional Film".

He was awarded the UNESCO Artistic Contribution Award and participated as the only Chinese architect in the 7th Venice Architecture Biennale in Venice. He and Lu Lijia founded a very architectural building in Beijing and have now developed into an internationally renowned and leading architectural design firm in China.

室内设计 评审团队(部分评委)

戴斯·劳伯舍Des Laubscher国际设计联合会副主席Head of V&A Gallery, Shekou


Des is at present a Vice President on the International Council of Design (ico-D) board 2017-2019. He was co-opted onto the ico-D board in the last term, 2015-2017, to promote and grow the interior architecture membership for the world body.

He is a Past President of the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers(IFI) and a parliamentarian of that federation. IFI represents the interests of designers worldwide in 60 countries. Des wrote the IFI Position Paper on Socially Responsible Design. He also served on the Strategic Planning Committee of IFI and received a lifetime achievement award and a fellowship from the federation at their General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur in 2014. He attended every General Assembly of IFI from 1991 till 2015.

苏丹Su Dan清华大学美术学院教授Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University



Mr Su is currently the deputy director of the Art Museum of Tsinghua University, the professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, the deputy dean of the Institute of Cultural Economics of Tsinghua University, and the director of the Key Laboratory of Traditional Crafts and Materials Research Culture and Tourism.

Famous designers, design educators, critics and art curators. Mainly engaged in the research of contemporary design education transformation, industrial heritage protection and cultural creative industry development research.

姚政仲Yao Zhengzhong台湾太一设计公司创始人Founder of Taiyi International Design


2005年他担任APSDA亚太空间设计师联合会年会执行长,IFI国际室内建筑师设计师团体联盟理事会常务理事,2007至2010担任中华民国室内设计协会CSID理事长并创办台湾室内设计大奖TID Award,2009年参与创设TDA台湾设计联盟副理事长,2009至2012任文化部生活美学理念推动小组委员,2012至2013年任德国红点设计大奖Red Dot Award评审委员。

Director of the Department of Interior Space Design at the University of Practice.Taiyi International Design Chair .

In 2005, he served as the CEO of the APSDA Asia-Paci fic Space Designers Association Annual Meeting, and the executive director of the IFI International Interior Architects Designers Group Council. From 2007 to 2010, he served as the CSID Chairman of the Interior Design Association of the Republic of China and founded the Taiwan Interior Design Award TID Award. In 2009, he participated in the creation of the vice chairman of the TDA Taiwan Design Alliance. From 2009 to 2012, he was a member of the Promotion Committee of the Life Aesthetics of the Ministry of Culture. From 2012 to 2013, he was the jury member of the Red Dot Award of the German Red Dot Design Award.

2022 中外玩具大奖