
2019-09-10 07:22
疯狂英语·新阅版 2019年2期



Step 2 实践·文本解读



Ⅱ.Part 1:(1)a Saturday morning

(2)the Atlanta airport  (3)a father and a son

(4)Their laughter caught the writers attention.

Part 2:(1)sterile  (2)fun   (3)rich   (4)poor

(5)black  (6)inexpensive  (7)rotten/wrong


Part 3:1.With so many problems about young

people remaining to be solved, we should learn from the father to spend more time with our children and give them our company, care and love, which is the most valuable thing in the world.2.(1)It seems as if the father was taking his son to an adventure in a spaceship to explore the unknown but interesting world. He considerately reminded his son to be careful when the train started and to be ready for the wonderful world he was about to see. At this time, the boy must have been very excited, delighted, curious and maybe a little nervous. The father was good at inspiring

his son.

(2)At this time, the father was a walking ency?

clopedia, a tour guide, and a life coach, who knew everything and was opening the gate of an unknown but wonderful world for the son. He was also a magician, who could make this boring shuttle ride the most exciting and fascinating tour.

(3)From the dialogue, we can feel clearly the fathers deep love for his son and their close parent⁃ child relationship, which warms the sons heart and readers. What a loving father he is.

Step 3 运用·读写整合


Dear XXX,

After reading your sons letter you shared with me, Id like to share a story with you. One Saturday morning, when I was on a free and sterile train in the airport, a black father and a son caught my attention. They werent heading for a flight, but were riding the shuttle for fun. Poor as they seemed, they were very happy. I could hear the boys laughter every now and then. It seemed that the boy enjoyed very much the shuttle ride and his fathers company. It hit me that this is the simplest but most useful and valuable way to treat our children and solve the problems of young people. What our children need is not how much money we are willing to pay for them, but how much time we can spare to be with them and how much love and care they can feel.

So stop spending all your time trying to get them into school, and you can start taking the time to walk them to school.

Stop trying to seize every moment. Stop trying to make your childrens lives extraordinary. Instead, allow every ordinary moment to seize you. Your

kids lives are unfolding one moment at a time, and the thing they want most is also the thing they need most.

They want you to be a witness. To their pass⁃

ing moments.

They want you to pay attention. To their flying lives.

It may be just another hurried Tuesday morning to you, but to them its another morning to wonder if you notice. Another morning to wonder if they are beloved. Another morning to wonder about the purpose of this one wild life. Another morning for you to join them in all of their becoming. Another morning in which you are the most important man they know.

It is the only part of being a dad that really matters.

Best wishes!



Step 4  提升·素养建构


1.Parents can afford to send their children to Europe or Disneyland, and the children turn out rotten. There are parents who live in million⁃dollar houses and give their children cars and swimming pools, yet something goes wrong.

So many troubles in this country—crime, the murderous soullessness that seems to be taking over the lives of many young people, the lowering of educational standards, the increase in vile obscenities in public, and the disappearance of simple civility.

2.Parents focus only on meeting their childrens material needs, failing to realize the importance of parents love, care and company, which leads to many social problems.

3.Some of them may act just like their parents, working hard to support their family and buying everything their children need, but failing to spare time to accompany them, because that was the way they were brought up.

Some of them may try to spend more time accompanying their children and providing more care and love for their children, because that was the way others were brought up and that was what exactly they wanted when they were young.

4.First of all, Id like to say that their failing to spare time to accompany us does not necessarily mean they dont want to spend more time with us. Nor does it mean they dont care or love us. Sometimes, they are just too busy to do that. I firmly believe my parents are willing to accompany me whenever they have spare time. So if they cant spare time to accompany me, I will try to under?stand them in the first place, and then I will try to communicate with them whenever they come back home from work, sharing my joys with them. Maybe I can pour them a cup of tea or coffee, give them a massage or watch TV with them, which will surely contribute to a closer parent⁃child relat⁃ionship...


Reading Check

1.C   2.A

Using Language

Ⅱ.1.tremble2.traced back to3.in reward

Ⅲ.1.Approaching; lit2.that


Reading Check

1.D   2.D

Using Language

Ⅱ.1.witnessed   2.were captured   3.surround

4.filmed   5.first⁃hand experiences


Reading Check

1.significant/important   2.accelerating

3.climbing/growing   4.celebrate   5.public

Using Language

Ⅱ.1.attracted  2.participation  3.expected

4.significance  5.display

Ⅲ.1.has been accelerating  2.decorating


Reading Check

1.Any answer is possible.

2.Any answer is possible.

Using Language

Ⅱ.1.prefer to   2.undergo changes  3.entertaining  4.distribute  5.lack of




Dear Smith,

Im delighted to read your letter, where you wish to know about the customs of Chinese New Year and Im willing to introduce them to you.

The Spring Festival is a 15⁃day festival in traditional custom and ends in the Lantern Festival. People will do cleaning and purchas⁃ing, pasting Spring Festival couplets and the “Fu” for the preparation. On the Eve, the whole family usually eat dumplings together and watch CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Following days, visiting relatives is also an important activity, where children will get red envelopes from the older generation. Lastly, taboos associated with the Spring Festival should be learnt carefully.

I really hope that we can celebrate the Spring Festival together.


Li Hua


Reading Check

1.Because he had known that the elderly woman suffered a lot after her husbands death and had no more money to pay for gas.

2.He hopes to change peoples negative attitudes to police officers and call on people to appreciate their efforts and service.

Difficult sentence


Using Language

1.If you let your boss know you can do something, then youll get stuck doing more forever.

2.If my memory is not at fault, it was on Thursday that he called you up.


Reading Check

1.A   2.B

3.Art works with inspiration./Positive messages.

4.He thinks that it has done its work.

Difficult sentences




Using Language

Ⅱ.1.a whole lot of    2.all walks of life

3.attached   4.to   5.be making a difference



Ⅰ.1~5   BBBAC

Ⅱ.1.design socks   2.orders together;

accounting; managing  3.35

4.purchase personal   5.spreading happiness


Ⅱ.1.motivate  2.promotion  3.account  4.creativity  5.mission



Ⅰ.1~3   ABB

Ⅱ.1.draw up   2.beauty;fame   3.wise elder

4.peace of mind   5.wealth;fame


Ⅱ.1.amusement  2.undertook  3.fancy

4.acknowledge  5.thoughtful


Reading Check

1.D   2.D

Difficult sentences



Using Language

Ⅱ.1.captured  2.on the fly  3.encountered


Reading Check

1.disorder  2.tied  3.operation   4.grateful


Difficult sentence


Using Language

Ⅱ.1.delay   2.specialize in   3.therapy



Reading Check


Difficult sentence


Using Language

Ⅱ.1.take on  2.shrank   3.series   4.turn back






Dear Jack,

Im sorry to hear that you did badly in your end?of⁃term exam. It could happen to anyone, so dont be too upset. More importantly, you should have a right attitude towards exams and failures. Grades dont mean everything. What you should do is find out the reason why you did badly and make improvements.

Whats more, you should have a talk with your parents, who have high expectations of you. You should understand them. Its also important to develop your confidence, which will be the first step to your future success. I believe that if you have tried your best, you will succeed in the coming exams.


Li Hua



Task 1


1.B   细节题。依据文章第一句可知,这里介绍的是有助于帮助家庭成员之间建立亲密关系,又不需要太多时间和准备工作的活动,由此可知,一些小活动对家人关系的建立很有利。

2.C   细节题。依据第2段的“Ask each person what movie they would like to see...to choose one of their favorites.”可知,在選择电影时要与家人沟通。

3.A   主旨题。依据第1段中的many family bonding activities可知,文章主要讲述了五件有助于家庭成员之间建立亲密关系的活动,因此选项A正确。

Task 2


1.A   由I pulled over和下文语境可知,“我”把车停到路边,问他要不要搭乘(ride)“我”的车。

2.B   他仔细地打量“我”,在决定是否上(get into)“我”的吉普。

3.D   由他的回答Yes可知,他决定搭乘,并说那可以使他避免(save)在大风中行走。

4.C   由下文语境可知,他的女儿寄养在他哥哥家里,他正在去看望(see)他九岁女儿的路上。

5.B   由下文可知,他曾经有一段幸福的婚姻,他的妻子在女儿五岁的时候去世,他失去了工作,这是他的故事(story)。

6.D   由the loss of his job可知,在他失业(unemployed)的时候,他把女儿萨拉托付给他的哥哥和嫂子抚养。

7.C   尽管(Although)他在新墨西哥州找到了工作,但是他还是没能攒够钱买一辆车。这里是由Although引导的让步状语从句。

8.A   因此(Therefore),他决定步行。

9.B   当“我”驶离98号高速公路进入停车处的时候,“我”拿出(took out)一张百元钞票,准备给他。10.C   根据第9空后a hundred⁃dollar bill的提示可知,此处是指“钱(money)”。

11.D   “我”说:“我不是给你钱(money),因为我确信你不需要(need)它。”

12.A  “我”希望他能从圣诞老人那里给他女儿(daughter)买件漂亮的礼物。

13.B   他看着“我”但没有拿(take)钱。

14.D   根据上文可知,钱扔在路上,肯定有人能“找到(find)”它。

15.A   “我”说:“我相信有人会发现(find)它并用它为特别的(special)人买件漂亮的礼物。”

16.C  “我”摇下(rolled down)车窗准备扔钱。

17.A   根据下文语境可知,“我”收到了这张照片。所以是他给了(gave)“我”一张萨拉微笑的照片。

18.B   那名男子说:“我确信(sure)萨拉一定愿意圣诞老人拥有一张她的照片。”这里的圣诞老人指的就是“我”。

19.D   综合全文语境可知,文章描述了一位父亲对女儿的爱(love)。

20.C   每当“我”看到照片,就会想起(think of)一位父亲由于经济拮据,决定徒步横穿美国,为了能与离别已久的女儿共度圣诞节。

Task 3


1.C   由该空后的However, if you use...strangers into friends可知,这里是说结交新朋友也会很难。

2.D   由该段小标题Be yourself和该空后的说明可知,D项内容符合此处语境。

3.A   由该段中的Remember to be nice...at your new school和remember to be as helpful as possible等信息可知,本段主要是讲要对他人友善,故用A项作为小标题最恰当。

4.E   由该空前的make eye contact with other people和空后的Introduce yourself等信息可知,E项内容符合此处语境。

5.F   由该段小标题Remember peoples names和该空前的“You like it when people use your name, and so do other people.”可知,记住别人的名字非常重要,如果你每次都称呼对方“嘿”,人家可能会生气。

Task 4



1.to sit   be supposed to do sth意为“应该做……”。

2.a   固定短语take a look at...意为“看一看……”。

3.Hearing   现在分词短语Hearing it在句中作时间状语,其逻辑主语是I。

4.to   apologize to sb意为 “向某人道歉”。

5.that   此句是一个强调句It is/was...that/who...,强调时间状语。

6.exactly   副词exactly修饰动词knew。

7.was given   根据句子的时间状语eight years ago可知,谓语动词用过去时,同时考虑主语Tara是一只助聋犬,所以谓语动词用被动语态,故填was given。

8.easier   根据easy前的much可知,easy此处应该是填写其比较级,即easier,语境:在Tara的帮助下,我的生活容易多了。

9.interest   固定短语show an/some/a lot of interest in...意为“对……表现出……兴趣”。

10.who  本句是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是the guy,在定语从句中做主语,故填关系代词who。



1.a   as a result意为“结果……”。

2.importance   该空前great为形容词,故用important的名词形式。

3.experiences   根据语境可知,该句中experience意为“经历”,为可数名词,又因为其前面没有冠词,故用其复数形式experiences。

4.In   in reality意为“事实上”。

5.have had   考查动词的时态。该句的主句为一般现在时且从句的时间状语为for years ,故此处用所给词的现在完成时。

6.who   根据该句成分可知,该句是定语从句,先行词为anyone,故填关系代词who。

7.beneficial   此处用所给词的形容词形式作be后面的表语。

8.were filled   分析该句成分可知,that指代前面的days, that与fill之间为动宾关系,又因为在非洲的日子为过去时,故填被动语态的过去式。

9.myself   该空在句中作宾语,且指代主语本身,故用反身代词。

10.taking   look forward to中的to为介词,故用所给词的动名词形式作其宾语。

Task 5


1.C   细节题。分析第1段尤其是最后一句可知,在荷兰郁金香花节期间,游客最希望品尝荷兰的食物。

2.C   细节题。分析第2段可知,在Windmill Island Gardens游览时,可以看到古董旋转木马。

3.B   细节题。分析第2段的“...or have a party at the Nelis Dutch Village Family Theme Park, where the history of the Dutch culture comes to life.”可知,在Nelis的荷兰乡村家庭主题公园,可以看到栩栩如生的荷兰文化历史。

4.D   推断题。分析第3段可知,在音乐游行Muziekparade中,有游行队伍、舞蹈家、乐队,因此游客可以欣赏到优美的舞蹈和歌曲。

Task 6


1.B   根据下文“...could lose her best friend in the mall”可知,作者在一个大型逛购物中心购物时,将自己“最好的朋友”丢了。lost符合语境,意为“丢失”。

2.C   根据语境可知,丢失自己“最好的朋友”,作者一定是抓狂的,故选crazy。

3.A   根据上文可知,作者在大型购物中心自己寻找“最好的朋友”,未果,只能放下自己的骄傲,寻求他人的帮助。give in to ones pride意为“放下自己的骄傲”。

4.C   根據最后一段作者的感悟可知,购物中心的安保人员,一个完全的陌生人的善良深深地触动了作者,故选security guard。

5.D   安保人员想让作者相信,丢失的“朋友”一切安好,fine符合语境。

6.B   安保人员帮着作者寻找“朋友”,句中again一词提示和前文作者自己寻找的结果一致,也没有找到,failed符合语境。

7.A   根据上下文的各种线索,找安保人员求助,自己开车回家等等,可知作者是一个成年人,故选grown。

8.D   根据第3段话妈妈的问话“Why are you

crying?”可知,作者在丢了自己妈妈后伤心落泪。in tears意为“涔涔泪下”。

9.D   由上下文可知,作者是在带着妈妈逛购物中心时,把妈妈丢了,成年子女丢掉年迈妈妈这样的错误是不被原谅的,forgive符合语境。

10.B   妈妈的失而复得,带给作者的感受,一定是惊喜,amazed符合语境,意为“大为惊奇”

11.A   根据语境可知,妈妈安全到家,看到女儿回来时,女儿的状态是哭但又惊喜,妈妈此时给女儿平静地解释事情的经过,体现妈妈关爱体贴自己的女儿,calmly符合语境。

12.B   参见第13题解析。

13.D   妈妈在寻找女儿一个小时之后,没有找到,所以只能决定自己坐车回家,searching意为“寻找”,decide to do sth意为“决定做……”。

14.C   知晓了妈妈自己坐车回来并安然无恙时,作者非常开心,in one piece意为“安然无恙”。

15.B   语境:世界上没有任何事情是没有原因的。reason符合语境。

16.C   那一天发生的事情让作者意识到妈妈对于自己多么重要。mean sth to sb 意为“对某人重要”。

17.C   参见第18题解析。

18.D   语境:正是那个陌生的安保人员对作者幫忙的善举,深深地触动了作者。kindness 意为“善良之举”, touch 意为“触动”。

19.A   这次经历对作者的一个很好的警醒是善待自己见到的每个人,experience 意为“经历”。

20.B   根据语境,永远不要把他们(陌生人)的出现和友谊看作是理所当然的。take...for granted意为“认为……理所当然”。

Task 7


1.C   根据前后句可知,此处在介绍音乐的作用,再结合与空后句的因果关系可判断,C选项符合语境。

2.E   根据空前get ready in the morning的提示可判断,其逻辑是早晨用音乐将自己唤醒,由此可以得出正确答案。

3.D   根据空后cooking becomes a fun activity的提示可判断,D选项符合语境。

4.G   根据空后cleaning itself的提示,再结合该空与空后句子的转折关系可推知答案。

5.F   根据选项中的clean, 再结合该空与空后句子是顺承关系(in this way)可判断,此处F选项符合语境。

Task 8



1.as   我们送给她花和自己家里做的汤作为礼物,as有 “作为”之意,符合语境。

2.them   此处指代前一句中的 flowers and my home⁃made soup,是两种物品,故用复数概念的代词them。

3.to eat   短语 “be able to do...”是常用搭配,意为 “能够做某事”。

4.so   因为邻居在节食,所以让我们把甜品带回去,两句之间是因果关系,故用连词so。

5.leaving   分析句子结构可知,此处是结果状语,表示自然而然的结果,用现在分词作结果状语。

6.electricians   根据前面的修饰词several可知,此处名词用复数形式。

7.working   see sb doing...是常用结构,意为 “看见某人正在做某事”。

8.that/which   先行词是households,指物,定语从句中少主语,故用引导词that或which。

9.gave   本文叙述的是发生在上个周末的故事,故用一般过去时。

10.happily   修饰动词短语 sang a beautiful song,作状语,故用副词形式。



Dear John ,

Im very pleased to invite you to enjoy traditional Chinese Lantern Festival.

First, Id like to tell you something about the festival, which is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar year. It is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before it, people begin to make lanterns, which are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many other things. Meanwhile, people usually write riddles on them. On the eve of it, all the lanterns are hung up. People appreciate them and guess the riddles.

Please come and enjoy the festival with us. I hope you can make it.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua
