Etiquette of Proper Attire 着装礼仪

2020-03-08 14:33黛比·梅恩孟瑶
英语世界 2020年2期

黛比·梅恩 孟瑶

Have you ever shown up at an event and realized you arent dressed properly? It could be a job interview, a party, or anything else where what you wear might possibly be evaluated. If youre dressed inappropriately, it can be embarrassing and awkward for you and others youre with.

Suitable for the occasion

For most events, what you should wear will be obvious. If you plan to go to your childs Little League game and out for pizza afterward, jeans, a T-shirt, and athletic shoes or boots are perfect. Job interviews call for business formal or business casual.

What to wear for the occasion

Sometimes when you ask about the dress code, youll get a phrase, such as “casual Friday” or “formal business,” but still be unsure how youre expected to dress. Here are some explanations and helpful tips for each style of dress:

Casual attire: Casual wear can mean anything from shorts and a T-shirt to khakis1 and a button front blouse. Youll need to find out a number of things before deciding, such as whether youll be indoors or outdoors and what others are wearing.

Casual Friday: What you would wear to the office on casual Friday2 is different from what youd wear to a Friday night football game at the local high school. Remember that when you go to work, you may run into supervisors who determine your future with the company.

Resort casual: Resort wear is typically a comfortable pair of shorts, slacks3, or skirt, a nice top or shirt that goes with the bottoms4, and sandals. As you put together your resort casual outfit, think about how you want to look in pictures that youll show your family and friends later.

Business casual: Business casual should always look neat and well pulled together. Avoid appearing as though you are on your way to a cocktail party. Never wear clothes that are too tight or oversized. A good fit is always in style.

Formal business: Formal business attire is worn by the ultra-professional who wants to be taken seriously and to get ahead. It should never be too flashy or appear cheap. A business suit doesnt have to cost a fortune to look expensive. If you arent sure what shoes are appropriate, women can be pretty safe with a pair of solid5, neutral pumps6. Men may wear dark dress shoes.

Semi-formal: Whether you are attending a cocktail party, dance, or other events that calls for semi-formal, youll be just fine in a dress made from satin or sparkling fabric. Men should wear a suit to a semi-formal event. Women who frequently attend semi-formal events should consider having a little black dress thats versatile and can be worn year-round, with or without a jacket or wrap7.

Formal wear: Formal wear can be tricky. Most of the time, long gowns are acceptable for women and a tuxedo or dark suit are fine for men. However, some designers have made short and mid-calf8 dresses that are classified as formal. Men need to find out if the event is black tie9, white tie10, or dark suit appropriate.


Attire for wedding guests can run the full dress code spectrum11, from resort to formal. If the invitation doesnt state how to dress, let the time and location of the wedding be your guide. If youre still in doubt, call the bride or someone from the bridal party12 and ask.

Most of the time, it is perfectly fine to dress in resort semi-formal for a daytime beach wedding. For women, a sundress with a wrap to cover the shoulders and sandals are fine. Men may wear nice slacks, a polo shirt13 or button front shirt, and a lightweight jacket, with or without a tie.

A courtyard wedding calls for a little bit dressier look than resort semi-formal. For women, that means a nice dress, skirt, or pantsuit14. Men should wear slacks, a button-front shirt, a jacket, and a tie that can be removed later.

For a daytime church wedding, a knee-length or tea-length dress is appropriate for women. Men should wear a suit or nice pants, shirt, tie, and coordinating jacket.

An evening wedding is generally more formal, and the invitation should state how to dress. If not, ask someone from the bridal party if you are expected to dress in formal or semi-formal attire.




















1 khakis卡其布裤子。  2 20世纪晚期西方国家兴起的一种着装规范。允许雇员在星期五穿便装,保持心情放松,舒缓工作压力。  3 slack肥松的便裤;〈美国〉运动裤。  4 bottom套装的裙(或裤)。

5 solid相当不错(但谈不上出色或独特)的。  6 pumps女高跟鞋(heels)的一种,指脚趾、后跟都包起来的跟鞋,通常不带扣带。  7 wrap披肩。  8 mid-calf及小腿肚的。  9 black tie打领结的正式晚礼服,通常为无尾礼服搭配黑色背心與领结。也称小礼服。  10 white tie男士最高规格的晚宴礼服,通常由黑色燕尾服、白色领结、白色马甲、翼领白色礼服衬衫、黑色礼服西裤、黑色漆皮皮鞋以及白色口袋巾、礼服帽等一系列配饰组成。white tie的着装规制要比black tie更高。也称夜礼服、大礼服。  11 spectrum范围。

12 bridal party指帮助新人操办和完成婚礼仪式的一群人,包括新人双方父母、伴郎伴娘、花童、司仪等。  13 19世纪末20世纪初,打网球需要穿着长袖衬衣并打领带。1926年,法国著名网球冠军勒内·拉科斯特(Rene Lacoste)设计了一款硬领短袖运动衫,采用轻薄透气的小凹纹网眼面料,并创制了鳄鱼(Lacoste)品牌标识。鳄鱼衫因穿着舒适,牢固耐磨,在网球界迅速普及。1952年,时任美国总统艾森豪威尔穿了一件鳄鱼牌网球衫参加高尔夫比赛,网球衫很快成了打高尔夫和乡村俱乐部聚会的着装规范。后来由拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)推出的流行款式将此衣型引介到马球界乃至休闲穿着领域。polo shirt也因此称为鳄鱼衫、马球衫、高尔夫球衫。  14 pantsuit(女子的)衣裤套装。
