
2020-04-07 17:40
家教世界·创新阅读 2020年2期

星期一  Monday

有两个认为了不起的安德鲁是骗子的男生把胳膊勾了起来,让马丁·福特试着对他们催眠,让他们以为自己被万能胶黏在了一起。Two of the kids who thought the Amazing Andrew was a fake linked their arms, and then Martin Ford tried to hypnotize them into thinking they were superglued together.

你还别说,催眠真的成功了。两个男生的胳膊分不开,他们开始抓狂了。马丁试着念咒,但还是解不开他们。Believe it or not, it worked. The two kids couldn separate their arms, and they totally panicked. Martin tried saying the magic word, but he couldnt unstick them.

孩子们回到学校,一个教师找到了安德鲁工作的地方,让他念咒解开他们俩。The kids went back to the school, and one of the teachers had to track down the Amazing Andrew at his job so he could say the magic word and separate them.

我實在不知道学校是怎么挑人来大会表演的。他们去年找了个叫猛男史蒂夫的。他发表了一通演说,让我们远离毒品,最后收场时亮了一手绝活儿:徒手将电话本撕成两半。I have no idea how the school chooses the people who come in and do our assemblies. One person they brought in last year was a guy called Strong Steve. He gave a speech about how we needed to stay off drugs, and then for his grand finale he ripped a phone book in half with his bare hands.

反正我是不知道撕电话本跟远离毒品有什么关系,不过学校里的孩子们都对这家伙着了魔。猛男史蒂夫走后,学校图书管理员不得不换掉书架上半数的参考书。Dont ask me what ripping a phone book has to do with staying off drugs, but the kids at my school went crazy for this guy. In fact, the librarian had to replace half the reference books on our shelves after Strong Steves visit.
