Snow Flowers

2020-04-16 13:00丹丹
阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2020年2期


妈妈的生日快到了,Sandy和Joy姐弟俩打算给妈妈送一份特别的礼物。可是,他们绞尽脑汁想了半天,还是没有想出一个好主意。后来,妈妈无意间的一句话给了姐弟俩提示,最后他们给妈妈送了什么礼物呢?Let's read the story.

It is the fifteenth of January.

It is mom ' s birthday tomorrow.

But Sandy and Joy have no presents for mom.

"What about a pair of shoes?" suggests Sandy.

"But mom has a lot of shoes,

says Joy.

"What about a card?"suggests Joy.

"But we sent a cardlast year, " says Sandy.

"What about a scarf?" suggests Sandy.

"But dad prepares it," says Joy.

It ' s time for breakfast.

Sandy and Joy are not happy.

"What ' s wrong?" asks mom.

"Tomorrow ' s your birthday," say Sandy and Joy.

"But we don ' t have a present for you."

"Take it easy," says mom.

"You can give me a big hug."

After breakfast, Sandy and Joy help wash the dishes.

Mom looks out of the window.

"I wish the snow would hurry up and melt(融化)," she says.

"I miss our flowers."

That gives Sandy and Joy an idea.

They find some straws (吸管).

They use crayons to draw some flowers.

Then, Sandy cuts the flowers out.

Joy glues each flower to a straw.

They are so happy!

The next morning, Sandy and Joy wake up early.

They plant the flowers just outside the kitchen window.

Then they run back inside to wake their mom.

"Happy birthday, mom!" they shout.

Mom goes into the kitchen, she sees the flowers.

Sandy and Joy say , "They ' re snow flowers, Mom."

"What a great present! I love them,

says mom0

"Thanks, dears."


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