
2020-06-01 07:38高洁程竹君
山西教育·招考 2020年5期

高洁 程竹君





1.What does the man do most weekends?

A. He watches matches.

B. He visits museums.

C. He goes shopping.

2. Why did the man give up his job?

A. He was not interested in it.

B. His boss asked him to leave.

C. It was a long way from his home.

3. What did the man win in his dream?

A. A new car.

B. A holiday.

C. Some money.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. At home.

B. In the library.

C. In the restaurant.

5. How does the woman spend her morning?

A. Writing essays.

B. Attending lectures.

C. Doing experiments.




6.What is the man going to do this summer?

A. Teach a course.

B. Repair his house.

C. Work at a hotel.

7. How will the man use the money?

A. To buy books.

B. To hire a gardener.

C. To pay for a boat trip.


8. What is the man asking the woman for?

A. Help with his research.

B. Advice on his job interview.

C. Advice on the companys products.

9. What is the woman always ready to do?

A. Wear casual clothes.

B. Go shopping with the man.

C. Learn more about the company.


10. What kind of apartment do the speakers prefer?

A. One near a market.

B. One without furniture.

C. One with two bedrooms.

11. How much rent should one pay for the one-bedroom apartment?

A. $350.B. $400.C. $415.

12. Where is the apartment the speakers would like to see?

A. On Lake Street.

B. On Market Street.

C. On South Street.


13. What does the woman usually do on weekends?

A. She goes shopping with the man.

B. She looks after her fathers store.

C. She does a part-time job in a bike shop.

14. What is the weather like now?

A. Its warm.

B. Its cold.

C. Its cool.

15. How does the man go to work?

A. By bike.

B. By bus.

C. By car.

16. What will the man buy probably?

A. A racing bike.

B. A mountain bike.

B. Franklin & Washington.

C. Separation Anxiety.

D. The Glass Hotel.

23. What can we know about the books?

A. They are all fictions.

B. They will be published soon.

C. Their authors are prize-winners.

D. They are only fit for indoor readers.


Australias biggest city is facing a“public health emergency”over the bushfire smoke that has choked Sydney for weeks, leading doctors warned on Monday after a hospital reported a sudden increase in emergency department visits.

Hundreds of climate change-fueled bushfires have been very powerful across Australia for months. Six people have been killed, more than 700 houses destroyed and at least three million hectares of land burned this bushfire season. More than 100 fires are burning in New South Wales, where efforts to contain a 400,000-hectare fire near Sydney using back burning are believed to have caused another fire that destroyed an estimated 20 houses.

More than 20 medical groups including the Royal Australasian College of Physicians—which represents 25,000 doctors and trainees—released a joint statement on Monday calling on Australias government to address the poisonous air pollution.

The New South Wales State Health Department said it recorded a 48 percent increase in the number of people visiting hospital emergency rooms with breathing problems in the week ending Dec.10, when air quality fell suddenly across Sydney, causing 20,000 residents to march in protest the following day.

The disastrous fires have focused attention on climate change, with scientists saying the fires have come earlier and with more intensity than usual due to global warming and a prolonged drought that has also caused towns to run out of drinking water and forced farmers off their land.

Official data shows 2019 is on track to be one of the hottest and driest years on record in Australia, with the country to experience a heat wave this week that will break temperature records. And firefighters say the heat wave will make their job even tougher.

24. What makes the bushfires so fierce?

A. Climate change.B. Human activity.

C. Back burning.D. Government failure.

25. What was the effect of the Australia fire?

A. Few people got killed.

B. All houses were destroyed.

C. Drinking water was polluted.

D. More people suffered from breathing problems.

26. What does the underlined word“address”in Para.3 mean?

A. Reduce.B. Handle.

C. Announce.D. Prevent.

27. Whats the best title for the passage?

A. A Public Health Emergency

B. Doctors Are Warned in Sydney

C. Disastrous Fires Spread across Australia

D. Sydneys Largest-ever Bushfires


With bells beautifying their ankles, Ms. Bupathis dance team at Rutgers University, are changing their steps, correcting hand gestures and adjusting facial expressions. They are busily preparing for the Saturday competition. It is different from the dance shows on television or those often held among colleges. Instead, her team specializes in Indian classical dance, which a growing number of younger Indians are trying to promote in the United States.

Rooted in Hindu myths, Indian classical dance has several major forms: Kuchipudi, Mohiniyattam, Manipuri, and... . Different forms of dances came from different parts of India, developed according to the local traditions and also adopted elements from other parts of the country. Indian classical dance plays an influential role in many other fields of art. It becomes the main dance in Indian film industry. Some of the most famous actresses in Hollywood are also gifted dancers.

Many American colleges have Indian dance groups. For some of the Rutgers students, the chance to perform Indian classical dance in an organized fashion with others who share their passion is a big reason why they choose to attend the university.

Ms. Bupathi, the only child in her family born in the United States, represents the younger dancers who are supported by parents who never had such opportunities.“Growing up in America, youre not exposed to your native culture as much, and through dance Ive learnt so much that I havent been able to only if I had grown up in India.”she added,“Being a leader of the Rutgers dance team has given me a chance to show that I still exist. This is still a continuing culture, a continuing dance form and thats not going to stop anytime soon.”

28. What will Ms. Bupathis team do at Rutgers University?

A. Perform on the television.

B. Promote classical dance.

C. Beautify their expressions.

D. Participate in a dance competition.

29.What can we know about Indian classical dance?

A.It influences Indian films.

B.It develops independently.

C.Its Hollywood actorsfavorite.

D. Its dance forms have the same origin.

30.Why do some students choose Rutgers University?

A. To join in dance groups.

B. To learn Indian culture.

C. To meet some dance lovers.

D. To experience Indian classical dance.

31.What can we infer about Ms. Bupathi?

A.She is an Indian American.

B.She knows her native culture well.

C.Her dance group will develop forever.

D. Her parents are unconcerned about her dance.


Scientists hope to bring evidence of life on Mars back to Earth in a future cooperative space mission named. It will draw on finances from both NASA and the European Space Agency. They believe conditions billions of years ago on the red planet were similar to those found today on Earth. And they want to find out what went wrong.

Jan Worner, the ESAs director general, said last week:“The mission is a key part of our future exploration program. However, we should be clear that every step of the mission is going to be very challenging.”The space agencies also hope to bring 500 grams of Martian soil and rock back to Earth, sharing it with researchers around the world. Although scientists have discovered evidence supporting the presence of large oceans of liquid water on Mars, they have only been able to study samples of Martian soil or rock by sending unmanned spacecraft to Mars and analyzing things there, or by looking at broken pieces that arrive on Earth as meteorites(隕石).

To get a closer look, scientists will use an upgraded Mars rover that will land in Jezero crater in the Syrtis Major region of Mars in early 2021 to collect samples. A second spacecraft that will be built by the ESA will land on Mars to collect those samples and take them to a US-built rocket that will take them into orbit, from where they will be posted back to Earth via an unmanned spacecraft.

Michael Meyer, NASAs Mars exploration scientist, told Science magazine the mission should be attempted now because of the excellent experts working in the field at the moment.“Everything is kind of lined up right now. The achievement, if successful, would be comparable to that of putting a man on the moon,”he said.

32. What do we learn about the mission?

A. It aims to take some living things from Mars.

B. It is beneficial to space exploration in the future.

C. It indicates the similarities between Mars and Earth.

D. Its funds depend on the US and most European countries.

33. What can scientists do on Mars research now?

A. They launch spacecraft to Mars.

B. They share soil and rock on Mars.

C. They send researchers to analyze samples.

D. They collect some water samples from Mars.

34. What is mainly discussed in the third paragraph?

A. The research of samples.

B. The function of spacecraft.

C. The benefit of using spacecraft.

D. The process of collecting samples.

35. What is Meyers attitude towards the mission?

A. Worried.B. Hopeful.

C. Doubtful.D. Confused.



Allergy has become more and more common over thelast40 years. Allergyisareactionthatoccurswhen the immune system has a strange and unnecessary reaction to substance which is normally harmless, such as pollen or peanuts. 36To defend your body attacker, the immune system remembers these dangerous micro-organisms and attacksthemifitmeetsthemagain.

An allergic reaction may not happen the first time a sufferer meets an allergen(過敏源). Sometimes people can eat nuts for years and then suddenly become allergic to them. What has happened is that the immune system has now decided the substance is dangerous and has made an allergy antibody. This antibody then attaches itself to cells. 37

38Some people are born with the ability to make lots of allergy antibodies, and they are more likely to develop allergies and allergic disorders.

Experts believe more people have developed allergies because of changes in our lifestyle which have exposed us to more allergens. 39More and more people have central heating and double glazing windows, making our houses warmer and less fresh air—an ideal environment for very small creatures that can cause allergies.

A good deal of research is being devoted to finding a cureforallergies. 40 Andtheymayalsobeofferedteststo find out what substances cause an allergic reaction so that theycanavoidcontactwiththeseinfuture.

A.Allergies run in families.

B.There may be a link between allergies and allergen.

C.Sufferers may be given medicine to control symptoms.

D.The immune system is to protect the body against outside attackers.

E.We eat more processed foods, with a wide range of additives and colorings.

F.International differences have been associated with the number of individuals.

G.When the antibodies meet the allergen the next time, they attempt to destroy it.

Shortages continue. However, because of many reasons people across the developed and developing world 66(be)unable to access the right quantity, quality, and variety of foods. 67(similar), modern life sees us spend less time outdoors in the sun, making 68 difficult to get enough vitamin D. This is where the wise use of supplements can help.

As the global population grows and it becomes even69(hard)to ensure that everyone has the foods they need, supplements could play a significant role 70maintaining world health. So long as supplements remain a supplement and not a substitute for the goal of a healthy, balanced diet, they can be a welcome addition to the breakfast table.









Dear Chris,

Im Li Hua, a Senior High School student. Words fail convey my excitement when news come that you will deliver a lecture in our school. As for it content, my suggestions are as follows.

In my opinion, choosing the music as a theme is high recommended. Obviously, a large number of high school students think that listen to music is a perfect way to release their pressure. Accordingly, lecture involving western music may have potentials in our school.

Concerning western music, I am fairly interesting in Beethoven who composed the world-famous

. Beside representative figures of western music, I hope to learn basic music theory but the history of the development of western music so as to broaden my horizons in this field.

Thank you for your time.


Li Hua









Units 1—2 听力练习
Units 3—4 听力练习
Units 5—6 听力练习
Units 7—8 听力练习