
2020-06-01 18:53郑星飞
山西教育·招考 2020年5期






1. How does the woman probably feel now?


B. Busy.

C. Full.

2. What has the man already finished?

A. The essay.

B. The book.

C. The presentation.

3. What does the woman want the man to do?

A. Repair her car.

B. Check her car.

C. Join the trip.

4. Who is the man probably talking to?

A. His teacher.

B. His secretary.

C. His wife.

5. What are the speakers probably talking about?

A.A music player.

B.A singer.

C.A song.




6. What does the woman think of parking near the hotel?

A. Very expensive.

B. Quite reasonable.

C. Fairly cheap.

7. How will the speakers go to the concert next?

A. On foot.

B. By bus.

C. By car.


8. What are the speakers probably doing?

A. Watching a film.

B. Seeing a painting.

C. Reading a book.

9. What do we know about Queen Elizabeth Is make-up?

A. It was unusual.

B. It was unpopular.

C. It was unhealthy.

10. What does the woman like about Queen ElizabethⅠ?

A. Her dress.

B. Her shoes.

C. Her hairstyle.


11. What will the woman do last in Morocco?

A. Explore a city.

B. Visit the desert.

C. Climb the mountains.

12. What will the weather probably be like during the womans stay?

A. Wet.

B. Changeable.

C. Comfortable.

13. What does the man think is unnecessary to take?

A.A bottle.

B.A hat.

C.A torch.


14. How often is the rubbish collected now?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Every two weeks.

15. What percentage of waste was recycled in Greenwood three years ago?

A. 26%.B. 34%.C. 36%.

16. What was recycled more as a result of the councils poster campaign?

A. Paper.B. Plastic.C. Glass.

17. Where did the man get the statistics for his research?

A. From his lecturer.

B. From a councilor.

C. From the recycling center.


18. Who are the listeners probably?

A. Students.

B. Teachers.

C. Parents.

19. Where did past students like to go most?

A. Wildlife parks.

B. Theme parks.

C. Museums.

20. Which country will probably join the program?

A. Germany.

B. Canada.

C. France.





Many travelers deem Lhasa to be only a summer resort, but the local government has rolled out a series of favorable tourism policies to publicize its unique winter charms.

Many scenic spots in the capital of the Tibet autonomous region offer free or discounted tickets during the winter period, including the Potala Palace and Norbulingka Summer Palace.

Costs for all“star-rated”international and boutique hotels in Tibet, along with various flights to the region, will fall by at least half compared to those during peak tourism seasons.

Businesses organizing group tours to Tibet via chartered flights and special tourism trains will be rewarded with monetary incentives.

The region received 2.46 million domestic and overseas tourists from Nov 1, 2018, to March 15, 2019, an increase of 84.2 percent year-on-year.

Income from tourism reached nearly 2.62 billion yuan($370 million), up 41 percent year-on-year, during the period, according to the department.

Lhasa enjoys sunny days and starry nights in winter, when snowcapped mountains and more than 130 bird species can be observed. Several major folk festivals and Buddhist celebrations also take place during the colder months, adding spice to travelersexperience.

The local government has launched a“tourism loop”that covers folk traditions, customs and natural landscapes to enable travelers to experience all that Lhasa has to offer.

21. Compared to the peak tourism seasons, what cost that will fall in winter in Lhasa is NOT mentioned?


B. Hotels.

C. Restaurants.

D. Tickets of many scenic spots.

22. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A.The local government will launch a“tourism loop”.

B.Income from tourism reached nearly 370 million yuan year on year.

C.The region received 2.46 million domestic and overseas tourists in the year 2019.

D.Businesses organizing group tours to Tibet via chartered flights and special tourism trains will be rewarded with monetary incentives.

23. What can tourists NOT enjoy in Lhasa during winter?

A. Skiing on snowcapped mountains.

B. Observing various birds.

C. Experience major folk festivals.

D. Enjoy sunny days and starry nights.


LOS ANGELES—Vanessa Bryant said in an Instagram post on Monday that she was both grieving and angry over the loss of her husband, NBA star Kobe Bryant, and 13-year-old Gianna in a helicopter crash last month.

Vanessa Bryant, 37, has made few public appearances since the crash that killed her husband, daughter and seven others and said in the social media post that she had been“reluctant”to put her feelings into words.

“My brain refuses to accept that both Kobe and Gigi are gone,”she said, using a nickname for her daughter.“I cant process both at the same time. Its like Im trying to process Kobe being gone but my body refuses to accept my Gigi will never come back to me.”

Bryant said she felt anger at losing both her husband and daughter and has to remind herself to be strong for the couples three surviving daughters.

“God I wish they were here and this nightmare would be over,”she said.“Praying for all of the victims of this horrible tragedy. Please continue to pray for all.”

The death of Bryant, an 18-time all-star in the National Basketball Association and one of the worlds most admired sports figures, prompted an outpouring of shock and grief from fans and fellow athletes around the globe.

The retired Los Angeles Lakers forward had been on his way to a youth basketball tournament in which he was coaching and his daughter and two other girls aboard the luxury chopper were due to compete.

Federal investigators have not yet determined a cause for the crash in Calabasas, California, outside Los Angeles, but have said the helicopter was flying in dense fog and that there was no evidence of engine failure.

24. How many people died in all due to the helicopter crash?


B. two

C. seven

D. nine

25. How did fans and fellow athlets feel about the loss of Kobe?

A.angry and grieving

B. surprised and excited

C.shocked and sad

D. admiring and grateful

26. What do we know about Kobe?

A.He was killed in a car crash.

B.He was the coach of a youth basketball team.

C.He was center of Los Angeles Lakers.

D.He was named all-star 8 times in the NBA.

27. Where does this passage come from?

A.A news report.

B. A science report.

C.A fashion magzine.

D. A basketball match commentary.


Even in his sleep, Wen Yongsheng was expecting the call. It immediately woke him up. He answered it but he knew before he said a word what it was about. He jumped into action and, along with his partner, Yang Bo, donned full protective clothing.

As a doctor and driver of an ambulance, they just received a request to transfer a patient infected with the novel coronavirus to a designated hospital in Southwest Chinas Chongqing.

They had been trying to get some precious sleep. After all, they had been working flat out for 12 days since Jan 24, Lunar New Years Eve.“We have to seize every minute and second to have a rest,”says Wen, a doctor with the department of the pre-hospital first aid department at the Chongqing Emergency Medical Center.On Lunar New Years Day, he“celebrated”his 40th birthday on duty.

Their ambulance has an inbuilt negative-pressure chamber, allowing air in but not out. This prevents cross infection and the possibility of spreading the virus.Wen always sits beside the patient and uses life support equipment to ensure that the patients condition does not deteriorate on the way to hospital.“The transfer of critically-ill patients can be a very dangerous task. But I cant show any panic or fear. I need to make the patients feel reassured,”says Wen.

Since the first case was transferred to the Chongqing Emergency Medical Center on Feb 4, the two special ambulances have transferred 91 confirmed patients. There were no reported cases of cross-infection.The doctors and drivers of the special ambulance live in an isolated area of the hospital while carrying out their duty. After 14 days at work, they are quarantined in the isolation area for another 14 days before they can go back home.

Wen finished his first two-week stint on Friday. At the moment, he can only communicate with his family through video call.“My wife always tells me she will support me forever. My 6-year-old son always says he misses me. I also miss them very much,”Wen says.

In order to win the battle against the virus, Wen says he can overcome the difficulties.“I really hope it ends quickly. I want to go home early and hold my little boy,”he says.

28. What did the call that woke Wen Yongsheng up require him to do?

A.to carry on an emergent operation on a patient

B.to transfer a patient infected with the novel coronavirus to a designated hospital

C.to rescue someone who got injured in a car crash

D.to drive the regular bus to send doctors and nurseds to work

29. How special the ambulance Wen drove is?

A.It allows air to be out but not in.

B.It has a negative-pressure chamber outside.

C.It prevents cross infection and the possibility of spreading the virus.

D.It provides a set of equipment to carry on an operation.

30. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The doctors and drivers of the special ambulance can directly return home after 14-day work.

B.Wen celebrated his 40th birthday on duty on Jan. 25th.

C.Wens wife and his son both supported his work and missed him very much.

D.The two special ambulances have transferred 91 confirmed patients.

31. What is the best title of the passage?

A.The Most Experienced Driver

B.The loving and loved father

C.Devoted Doctors and Nurses in Hospitals

D.Doctor and Driver on Front Line in Virus Fight


The growing death toll and spreading infection of the novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒)outbreak have gripped the attention of people around the world and also generated international news headlines. Thus far, news coverage of the outbreak has mainly focused on keeping track of the looming threat, recording the insufferable human cost, and, above all, evaluating the Chinese governments responsibility and response to this public health crisis. However, what is missing from the news is a climate change frame, which sees the novel coronavirus outbreak as a different manifestation(表現)of the ongoing climate change crisis.

Our recent memory teems with more frequent and broader outbreaks: the SARS outbreak in 2003, the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009, the MERS outbreak in 2012, the H7N9 avian influenza outbreak in 2013, the Ebola outbreak in 2014, and so on. Each time, new strains of viruses emerge and strike back, and they become more contagious and virulent. The current novel coronavirus epidemic(传染病)is just one part of a series of outbreaks on a global scale in an extended period. The virus origin, high contagiousness, and long incubation period(潜伏期)are still confusing scientists.

Numerous studies have shown that climate change is a major factor that modifies the geographic and temporal distribution of zoonotic virus animal hosts, characteristics of the viruss animal host life cycle, dispersal pattern(传播方式)of the virus, and animal-to-human viral spill-over efficiency(溢出效率). A group of UK and US researchers has also found that global warming combined with higher human population growth and lower rates of socioeconomic development produce a higher likelihood of epidemics, such as Ebola, to happen as a result of animal-to-human transmission.

When news coverage neglects the climate change factor in the novel coronavirus outbreak, some dangerous consequences follow. The Chinese people become the scapegoat(替罪羊). Chinese culture, especially the culinary(烹饪)culture, in which wildlife dishes are only an unsupported part, has been singled out for criticism and demonization(妖魔化).

32. What aspects do news headlines NOT mainly concentrate on?

A. evaluating the Chinese response to the public health crisis

B. recording the insufferable human cost

C. criticising the related people who spread the virus

D. keeping track of the looming threat

33. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. vulnerable

B. curable

C. poisonous

D. deadly

34. What factors have the researchers in UK and US found that result in a higher likelihood of epidemics?

①lower rates of socioeconomic development

②higher hunman population growth

③global warming

④animal- to-human transmission





35. According to the author, what is probably the cause of the novel coronavirus outbreak?

A. the climate change

B. Chinese culinary culture

C. wildlife dishes

D. some Chinese citizens



How to Get a Job in the USA

Do you dream of living in America? There are plenty of reasons to make the move: a high standard of living, increased status, and a better pay scale. Plus, there is a huge range of novel cultural experiences that can be had from coast to coast. Its definitely a dream worth pursuing, but unless you plan to study in the USA, youll need to find a job in order to secure your visa. 36

●Choose the Right Visa for You

There are several types of visa for people who intend to work in the United States.


If you hope to live in America indefinitely, your best bet is the H-1B visa, designed for skilled workers in specialized fields.


The H-2A visa is for people who want temporary agriculture-based work, such as seasonal farm workers.


The H-2B visa is for temporary or unskilled workers who are looking for a non-agricultural position to last for a limited amount of time.


37The catch is that you must be an executive or manager in your current position to qualify.


The United States strongly prefers candidates with advanced professional qualifications, but not all degrees transfer directly. For example, doctors are highly sought in the USA, but an Intentional medical degree often does not qualify you to practice medicine there.39

●Find an Employer to Sponsor You

To get a visa you need to find an employer willing to sponsor you.40Right now in America, businesses are facing shortages in financial and business services, technology, media, telecommunications, and surprisingly, manufacturing. Teachers are also needed, and of course, doctors. Your chances of success are better if you can show superior skills in any of these industries.

You can get more information and advice on job seeking in the United States on the Department of Immigration website. Best of luck on your job search! The United States will be lucky to have your skills and passion.

A.Network with American Workers.

B.Consider Your Professional Qualifications.

C.That wont be easy, but weve collected some helpful tips to get you on the right path.

D.An additional examination is often required to validate degrees for work in the United States.

E.Before you begin your job search, familiarize yourself with industries that are currently experiencing labor shortages.

F.This is the intracompany transfer visa meant for workers who wish to transfer from their job to a role with the same company in America.

G.If you are already an executive or manager for a company with an existing branch in the United States, you could potentially relocate with your current job rather than start over with a new job search.




Books have tremendous power. Between their 41 , readers can be transported to 42 imaginable and become just about anyone or anything. 43 , many children all over the world dont have access to books! For several years now, Maria Keller, a 16-year-old girl from Minneapolis, Minnesota, has been 44 that fact.

When she was eight years old, Maria already 45 reading. She also noticed that some of her classmates didnt read 46 she did. When she asked her mother why that could be, her mother said that they might not be able to 47 books. Maria had never thought of this. She could not believe that some children might not have bedtime stories to read. She became 48 to change this.

With her mothers help, Maria 49 Read Indeed. Read Indeed is a non-profit organization dedicated to 50 and distributing books to children in need. During the early stages of Read Indeed, Maria set the goal to collect and 51 one million books by the time she was 18. It didnt take long to reach that 52 ! She reached her goal at age 13! Today, at age 16, she has collected over 2.8 million books and has 53 them to many states and countries around the world. She says,“I cannot live 54 books. As I continue my 55 , I have learned that the number of kids who have no books 56 in the hundreds of millions. So I cant give up, even after reaching my original goal.”

She recently set a new goal: to distribute donations to kids 57 in every state in the United States, and every country in the world. She58her progress on a large map at the warehouse where they store and sort books. And now, as Maria prepares to 59 college, her younger brother Ryan Keller is 60 Read Indeed.



Fast food61(become)more popular in China thesedays,62(special)amongchildrenandteenagers. Today 63(its)is certainly difficult to think of any other single thing64 mirrors the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food. There are several reasons for its 65(popular). First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to point to one goal———saving time, and fast food well 66(service)this purpose. Second, why it becomes so popular also results 67 the clean and comfortable environment, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food. 68 , from the nutritional point of view it usually does not compose a69(balance)diet and doctors suggest that people shouldnt eat fast food often.

Therefore, fast food is only a good choice when you are in 70 hurry and turn to it once in a while.










Dear Tom,

There would be a Chinese Paper-cutting Art Exhibition in the city library this weekend. I am writing invite you to attend an exhibition. During the exhibition, folk artists that whom have a good command of many paper-cutting skill will reveal to us the process of paper-cutting. If you have any question with regard to paper-cutting, she will answer you in greatly detail. Paper-cutting works relating to various topics will be on show in separate sections to be appreciated by visitors. Look at the paper-cutting works, but you will be amazed by the marvelous creation by artists.

Looking forward with your early reply.








关键词:新型冠状病毒the novel coronavirus




3.开头已给出。Dear fellows,

The growing death toll and spreading infection of the novel coronavirus outbreak have gripped the attention of people at home and abroad.