
2020-06-01 18:53缪运霖
山西教育·招考 2020年5期






1. What are the speakers going for?

A. A talk.

B. A walk.

C. A drink.

2. What will Lily do in the summer holiday?

A. Go and see her grandparents.

B. Go home with her father.

C. Help her father in the fields.

3. How did the man move the desk?

A. His classmates helped him.

B. He moved it alone.

C. He had workers do it.

4. What is the woman going to do?

A. Do the typing again.

B. Read the paper aloud.

C. Check for typing errors.

5. What was the weather like?

A. Rainy.

B. Sunny.

C. Snowy.




6. What kind of person is the man?

A. Strong.

B. Energetic.

C. Warm-hearted.

7. What qualities are necessary for people who work in a team?

A. Energetic and enthusiastic.

B. Cooperative and aggressive.

C. Energetic and vigorous(热情满怀的).


8. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In an office.

B. In a supermarket.

C. In a restaurant.

9. What does the man order?

A. Roast beef.

B. Chicken and onion rings.

C. Beef and potatoes.


10. Why does the woman want to travel after graduation?

A. To enrich her experience.

B. To find a job while traveling.

C. To see places described in books.

11. How can we adapt to the changing environment according to the woman?

A. We should be independent.

B. We should know different people.

C. We should be willing to change.

12. What will the woman learn from traveling?

A. To help people.

B. To value people.

C. To believe herself.


13. Which month is it now?

A. January.

B. February.

C. March.

14. When should the woman finish her outline?

A. By January 31st.

B. By February 7th.

C. By May 21st.

15. What should the woman do before writing?

A. Talk with the man.

B. Do group discussions.

C. Finish the research.

16. How long will the woman spend doing the research?

●Visit www.usagermanyscholarship.org for more info,eligibility,and how to apply

●CBYX application deadline is May 3,2020

21. Suppose you will graduate from high school in June and plan to learn an East Asian language for the summer,which scholarship may suit you?


B. YES Abroad



22. CBYX accepts a wide range of applicants except those who __________.

A. study at any high school in the U.S.

B. want to spend their gap year in Germany

C. has graduated from a vocational high school

D. successfully start their career after graduation

23. In order to connect with each scholarship,applicants should first _________.

A. fill out an AFS application form

B. visit the U.S. Department of State

C. look through the scholarship website

D. contact a regional exchange organization


Scientists believe that due to climate change,Kivalina,in northwestern Alaska,will be underwater by 2025. The sea around Kivalina continues to rise,the storms get stronger,and the ice gets thinner.

Kivalina City Council member Colleen Swan says the villagers rely for food mostly on what the environment,especially the ocean,provides for them.“Its been our way to make a living for hundreds of years,”she says.“During the winter months the ice is part of our landscape,because we go out there and we set up camps and hunt. We were able to see the changes years ago.”In May,June and July,the men go out on the ice hunting bearded seals. They cut up the seals,dry them and store them for the winter. At about the start of this century,they noticed the season started two weeks early and the ice began to thin sooner than before. Now the hunters must keep a close eye on the ice. If they dont,they could miss the hunting season.

The Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the global average,so sea ice is forming on the Kivalina coastline later in the year and melting faster in the spring and summer. The lack of sea ice makes the island vulnerable to erosion(侵蝕)from storms that occur regularly in the fall;it also means warmer waters,which increase the seriousness of storms that hit the island.

“We just had a minor storm last fall,”Swan says.“When we got that storm last fall,I decided Im just going to go to sleep. Im tired of worrying,I want to get some rest. The next morning when I woke up,I saw the impacts from a minor storm and how quickly the water rose,and I realized that was a very dangerous thing for me to do,to sleep,to not face the reality of that night.”

24. In order not to miss hunting seals,when should hunters start their preparations now?

A. Before mid-April.

B. In early May.

C. In May through July.

D. Before storms come.

25. What is the most serious consequence of the lack of sea ice?

A. A larger ice-free port comes into being.

B. Dried seals are found nowhere to store.

C. The communities are washed away more seriously.

D. Villagers have harder access to clean drinking water.

26.What kind of reality do they have to face every day in the fall?

A. Measuring the ice before sleep.

B. Watching the situation of storms.

C. Worrying about their childrens education.

D. Researching when they can set up hunting camps.

27. What does the underlined word“vulnerable”in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. likely to become angry

B. able to be attacked by the enemy

C. needing to be dealt with carefully

D. easy to be damaged by harmful things



3939 Vanneter Road,Williamston,MI 48895



Dear Student and Parent,

Welcome to Williamston High School! We are ex- cited and fortunate to have a modern building and facilities,as well as many new resources for instruction. Williamston High School continues a tradition of academic excellence combined with a rich heritage of a quality fine arts program and a competitive athletic program. Through our concurrent(同時存在的)and dual-enrollment programs(双学分课程),students may earn college credit through Michigan State University and Lansing Community College. We offer a wide variety of sports,clubs,societies and extracurricular offerings for students and invite you to share our vision of excellence by becoming involved in the activities and opportunities available at Williamston High School.

This student handbook has been prepared to guide you through your high school experience. We want both students and parents to understand the policies and procedures that are in effect at Williamston High School. Each student is responsible for the student handbook contents. Review it carefully and keep it handy for ready reference throughout the school year. At Williamston High School,we believe strongly in the combined involvement of parents and students working together with the school.

“As students learn today,they will lead tomorrow.”We urge each student to take advantage of our extensive programs and perform to the best of his or her ability every day. If there is ever anything we can do to help you,please do not hesitate to ask. On behalf of the entire faculty and staff,we wish each student and parent an excellent school year.

“Its a great day to be a Hornet!”


Dr. Steven Delp


28. Which of the following advantages doesnt Dr. Delp mention?

A. It has ample teaching facilities and resources.

B. It features in fine arts and athletic education.

C. All programs serve students at the college level.

D. It provides a wide variety of clubs and activities.

29. What does Williamston High expect parents to do?

A. Give suggestions about school policies.

B. Get involved in their childs education.

C. Keep the handbook at hand for reference.

D. Take on the task of explaining the handbook.

30.What can be inferred about students at Williamston High?

A. Theywillgrow intobetter-roundedindividuals.

B. They will receive a college degree through its courses.

C. They will be invited to share their learning experience.

D. They will be encouraged to perform to the best of theirability.

31.Where is this Principals letter of welcome likelytakenfrom?

A. Parent guide.

B. School website.

C. Student handbook.

D. Introduction to school curriculum.


When was the last time you had a roll of film developed? For many,our digital devices are datebook,rolodex and camera all in one. But moments captured(捕捉)on film are finding a second life through a project based in Idaho.

In his darkroom,Levi Bettwieser skillfully unspools,cuts and winds a roll of film into a canister(膠片盒). He washes it in several chemicals, waits a few minutes,then takes it out and holds it up to the light.

Bettwieser didnt take these pictures,and he doesnt work for a developing lab. Cameras have always been a part of his life. So when he started looking for old cameras in thrift stores,he was surprised to find that some still had film in them.

He tried to develop them anyway———and it worked.All the images from those rolls were nothing more than birthday parties and vacations and things like that. But he realized that those were important mo原ments for people. He searches here and there for unde原veloped film(some from the 1930s)then posts his find原ings on a website. He says his mission is to reunite film owners with their photos———and it seemed to resonate.“People started sending me rolls of film,”he explains.

Somebody may have taken the roll decades ago,and for years the memory remained locked away. Then Bettwieser comes along and not only develops it,but records it in a digital archive.


Symptoms of too much caffeine include anxiety,headaches,upset stomach,diarrhea,frequent urination,a racing heart or poor sleep. If youre experiencing those symptoms,its time to cut back. Withdrawal brings its own symptoms,though.39.


●Dark roasts are believed to have more antioxidants than medium or light blends.

●Use cold brewing,for a slightly less acidic(酸性的)cup of coffee.

●Use a paper or wire filter to brew coffee.

●Keep the calorie count down by using cocoa powder instead of sugar and low-fat milk instead of cream.

A. Those with heart disease may also see some small benefit.

B. When too much is really too much

C. How to get the most from that cup of Joe

D. Cut back gradually,say from three to two cups a day.

E. How to minimize coffee addictive symptoms

F. Some may believe it can help with weight loss

G. It is also proved to prevent childrens growth.




Washington State is home to lots of trees. But what if you lived there and couldnt chop(劈)wood or couldnt 41 to pay someone to do it? 42,Shane McDaniel and his twin sons,Harrison and Henry,are happy to 43 an ax. They chop wood———then donate it to those in need.

The idea started 44 a father-son bonding project.“I had to cut wood with my dad. He just loved doing it,”says Shane. He wanted to 45 along that feeling, so he and the twins spent the summer of 2018 like a family of Paul Bunyans. The 46 was a great wall of wood 47 around their house.

It was too much for the McDaniels to use themselves,and 48 the weather turned cold that November,Shane started thinking of 49 . He posted on Facebook:“If you are 50firewood and cannot afford it,please PM [personal message] me! ... If you know someone who burns wood,and theyre looking at a(n)51 house this holiday season,please help us help them. Please help me and my boys make sure no one goes cold in our hood.”

The 52 was immediate. One man 53 to donate a wood-burning furnace. Others raced over to Shanes mini-mart(雜货店)with 54 wood for the pile.

A single mom and her four-year-old daughter 55 a wood-burning stove as their only source of heat,so it was a 56 to receive a truckload of firewood from the McDaniels.“To get that much wood 57 me to tears,”she said.“So much stress and 58 is off my shoulders. I couldnt be more 59 .”

“Giving is the 60,”Shane says.“Its about how much its needed.”



Sometimes it can be great having English as a first language. Its a language of business,culture and entertainment,and is61(official)the most popular language to learn. However,there are also disadvantages of being raised 62 a native English speaker.

First of all,it can be incredibly difficult to communicate with native speakers of other languages when all they want to do is63(practice)their English.Sometimes theyre just doing it to be helpful. However,it doesnt exactly help the English speaker in the end. I am currently living with a native French speaker,64 finds it far easier to speak English with me than French. While its65(stress)for me to speak English,it certainly isnt helping my French much.

It might seem that English speakers are very confident and outgoing. However,when it comes to 66(learn)other languages,native English speakers are also very shy and 67(willing)to speak. As a result,they are too afraid to try and learn 68 language,for fear of looking stupid.

On the whole,Im glad that I can speak English. However,69(be)a native English speaker can also have 70(it)drawbacks,as strange as it might sound.










The school friends are my most important friend. When I go out with them,I go to art exhibitions or museums of art,when Im with them I enjoy it a lot and I feel well because I can talk to them about anything. The great thing is that the group never cease to expand,so we can always learn new ways of think and new artistic tastes. Fortunately I have never found me in a bad situ- ation,but Im surely I can count on my friends. I look for their help when I dont understand in something or when Im in trouble. I live farther away from my friends so I concentrate much on the study,though friends are anyway important.






3.开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Smith,

Looking forward to your prompt action.

Yours truly,

Li Hua
