
2020-06-01 18:53许瑞
山西教育·招考 2020年5期






1.How long does it usually take the man to work?

A.30 minutes.

B.45 minutes.

C.15 minutes.

2. What does Betty think of skiing?

A.She enjoys it.

B.She is scared of it.

C.She feels excited about it.

3. How much do two hats cost today?

A.9 dollars.

B.5 dollars.

C.10 dollars.

4.Who answered the phone?

A.Miss Green.

B.Mr Black.

C.David Stevens.

5.Which is near the City Library?

A.The square.

B.The railway station.

C.The McDonalds.




6.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A magazine.

B.A new film.

C.A new novel.

7.What do we know about the?

A.Its a weekly.

B.Its a monthly.

C.Its a twice-monthly.


8.What can we learn about the house from the conversation?

A.Its walls were painted not long ago.

B.Its kitchen is plainly furnished.

C.The cooker in the kitchen needs repairing.

9.How long does the man want to live here?

A.About 3 weeks.

B.About 2 years.

C.About 3 years.


10.Where is the woman now?




11.How long has the woman been in China?

A.2 years.

B.1 year.

C.3 years.

12.What problem does the woman have at the table?

A.She has difficulty picking up food using chopsticks.

B.She puts her chopsticks down wrong at the table.

C.She is not used to the table manners in China.


13.What is accurate about Chinese New Year?

A.It is also called Lunar New Year.

B.It is not celebrated in East Asia.

C.It is celebrated in the same date every year.

14.What does the woman get in Chinese New Year?


B.7 dishes.


15.What do the womans cousins do with their lucky money?

A.Buy clothes and bags.

B.Buy many presents.

C.Book reunion dinner.

16.Why does the woman give her money to her mum?

A.Because her mum makes better use of it.

In a news conference, Slat said,“In a few years we will have the full-scale fleet out there.”

Currently, the system operates in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an area that is three times the size of France. Once operational, the Ocean Cleanup expects a full fleet to be able to clear 50 percent of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in five years.

It remains to be seen if this dream will become a reality, but it is undeniable that humanity must work together to reduce our plastic use and repair the damage our waste has caused.

“We are starting to see a young generation that gets that and is excited about a sustainable future, but the question still comes down to: Are we going fast enough, and how much damage will have been done before we get there?”Slat said.

21. What do the first four paragraphs mainly talk about?

A. Slats scuba diving experiences in Greece.

B. Slats research on ocean environments.

C. How ocean environment relates to humans.


22. What do we know about System 001/B?

A. Its a cleanup device put into use last October.

B. It collects and recycles garbage at the same time.

C. It can only collect waste that floats in water.

D. It aims to clear the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in a decade.

23. What does Slat intend to tell us according to the last paragraph?

A.He is positive about the future of the ocean.

B.It is hard to repair the damage to the environment.

C.Humans should work hard to reduce plastic pollution.

D.The younger generation lacks environmental awareness.


Dear 17-year-old self,

When your Laker dream comes true tomorrow, you need to figure out a way to invest in the future of your family and friends. This sounds simple, but you have to take some time to think it over.

I said invest.

I did not say give.

Let me explain.

Purely giving material things to your siblings(兄弟姐妹)and friends may appear to be the right decision. You love them, and they were always there for you growing up, so its only right that they should share your success and all that comes with it. You buy them a car, a big house, and pay all of their bills. You want them to live a comfortable life, right?

But the day will come when you realize that as much as you believed you were doing the right thing, you were actually holding them back.

You will come to understand that you were taking care of them because it made you feel good to see them smiling. That was extremely selfish of you. While you were feeling satisfied with yourself, you were slowly eating away at their own dreams and ambitions. You were adding material things to their lives, but taking away the most precious gifts of all:independence and growth.

Understand that you are about to be the leader of the family. This involves making tough choices, even if your siblings and friends do not understand them at the time.

Invest in their future;dont just give.

Use your success, wealth and influence to put them in the best position to realize their own dreams and find their true purpose. Put them through school, set them up with job interviews and help them become leaders in their own right. Hold them to the same level of dedication that it took for you to get to where you are now and where you will eventually go.

Im writing you now so that you can begin this process immediately and dont have to deal with the struggle of getting rid of the addiction you caused. That addiction only leads to anger and jealousy from everybody involved, including yourself.

Theres plenty more I could write to you, but at 17, I know you dont have the attention span to sit through 2,000 words. Trust me, setting things up right from the beginning will avoid a ton of tears and heartache, some of which remains to this day.

Much love,


24. According to Bryant,“giving”could make______.

①him feel satisfied with himself

②him stand out from other players

③his siblings and friends live a comfortable life

④his siblings and friends depend on him






A. had never dreamed of playing for the Lakers

B. spent a large sum of money buying houses for himself

C. has a circle of supportive friends

D. had trouble handling family relationships

26.According to the article, Bryant should have______ when he was younger.

A. shared his success with others

B. refused to live with his siblings

C. looked for well-paid jobs for his siblings

D. inspiredhissiblingsto achieve their goalsthrough hardwork

27. Bryants purpose in writing this letter was to______.

A. criticize his siblings for wasteful spending

B. give advice to young people about how to treat their family if they become rich

C. complain about feeling tired of looking after his friends

D. remind young people to use every means to take good care of their family


Weve known for years that plants can see, hear, smell and communicate with chemicals. Now, reported New Scientist, they have been recorded making sounds when stressed.

In a yet-to-be-published study, Itzhak Khait and his team at Tel Aviv University, in Israel, found that tomato and tobacco plants can make ultrasonic(超聲的)noises. The plants“cry out”due to lack of water, or when their stems are cut. Its just too high-pitched for humans to hear.

Microphones placed 10 centimeters away from the plants picked up sounds in the ultrasonic range of 20 to 100 kilohertz. Human hearing usually ranges from 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz.“These findings can alter the way we think about the plant kingdom,”they wrote.

On average,“thirsty”tomato plants made 35 sounds an hour, while tobacco plants made 11. When plant stems were cut, tomato plants made an average of 25 sounds in the following hour, and tobacco plants15. Unstressed plants produced fewer than one sound per hour, on average.

Perhaps most interestingly, different types of stress led to different sounds. The researchers trained a machine-learning model to separate the plantssounds from those of the wind, rain and other noises of the greenhouse. In most cases, it correctly identified whether the stress was caused by dryness or a cut, based on a sounds intensity and frequency. Water-hungry tobacco appears to make louder sounds than cut tobacco, for example. Although Khait and his colleagues only looked at tomato and tobacco plants, they think other plants also make sounds when stressed.

If farmers could hear these sounds, said the team, they could give water to the plants that need it most. As climate change causes more droughts, they said this would be important information for farmers.“The sounds that drought-stressed plants make could be used in precision agriculture ,”said Anne Visscher at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in the UK.

Khaits report also suggests that insects and mammals can hear the sounds up to 5 meters away and respond. For example, a moth(蛾子)may decide not to lay eggs on a water-stressed plant. Edward Farmer, at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, is doubtful. He said that the idea of moths listening to plants is“a little too speculative”.

If plants are screaming for fear of their survival, maybe we should be glad we cant hear them.

28. What did Khait and his team find from their research?

A. Plants made low-pitched sounds when in danger.

B. Plants were able to produce sounds in response to stresses.

C. Plants picked up a wider range of sounds when stressed.

D. Plants made ultrasonic noises to communicate with each other.

29. How did tomato and tobacco plants react to different stresses according to the text?

A. A plant reacted to different stresses with the same sound.

B. Cut tomato plants produced more sounds per hour than water-hungry ones.

C. Cut tobacco plants seemed to make weaker sounds than drought-stressed ones.

D. Tobacco plants might make louder sounds than tomato plants when short of water.

30. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 6?

A. The potential applications of the research.

B. Challenges facing farmers in the future.

C. Farmerscontributions to the research.

D. What the future agriculture will be like.

31. The underlined word“speculative”in the second-to-last paragraph has the closest meaning to“______”.

A. practical

B. surprising

C. unsupported

D. complicated


In kindergarten, my class was asked to draw pic-tures, showing what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our drawings were expected to display our dream occupations. I remember pictures of ballerinas dancing, firefighters putting out a blaze, and astronauts leaping across the moon.

My picture showed a figure with brown hair holding a box of orange juice beside a counter. Underneath was my handwriting:“When I grow up, I want to work at Market Basket because it would be fun to swipe(刷)orange juice across the scanner.”Out of everything, my five-year-old self wished to work at the local grocery store.

When we are young, questions of what we want to be when we grow up are common. Yet we are not expected to respond with an answer that is likely to come true. However, when we become teens, we are asked the very same questions twice as often. The difference is, now we are supposed to answer with confidence.

Teens are expected to know exactly what we want to be and how we are going to achieve that goal. However, not all of us can be so sure. Even though I am in high school, I cannot answer with certainty. But I dont consider that a bad thing. How am I supposed to know what I will want to spend my time doing at age 40?

When I think about the future, I definitely dont see myself working at Market Basket, but in reality, if that was what would make me happy, I would do it. So, the next time someone asks me what I want to be when I grow up, I will simply say“happy”.

Happiness is a destination for everyone. We may want to walk different paths in life, but we all want to be happy wherever we end up. Choose your path, but dont worry too much about choosing wisely. Make a mistake or two and try new things. But always remember, if youre not happy, youre not at the end of your journey yet.

32. What did the author want to be when he was in kindergarten?

A. An astronaut.

B. A firefighter.

C. A dancer.

D. A cashier.

33. We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. kindergartners are able to display their dream jobs with confidence

B. kindergartners have limited imagination of their dream occupations

C. teenagers are supposed to be clear about what they want to be

D. teenagers stick to the path they chose when they were young

34. The author would probably agree that ______.

A. the principle of growth lies in human choice

B. happiness is the meaning of existence

C. it is never too late to correct mistakes

D. your future depends on your dreams

35. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Different stages of life.

B. Career guidance.

C. The real goal of life.

D. Career paths.



How to keep yourself safe from new virus?

After a new-type coronavirus was detected in viral pneumonia cases in Central Chinas Wuhan city a month ago, more cases have been reported in recent days. To prevent catching the infection, heres what you can do:

1. Wear masks outdoors

●Wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to protect you from getting infected.


●If youre not feeling well or have symptoms of fever,a mask is also needed to prevent you from spreading germs to others.


Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or you can cough or sneeze into your sleeve, but avoid covering with your hands directly.


Wash your hands with soap and running water thoroughly for at least 15 seconds.

●Before eating and after using the toilet

●After returning home

●After touching trash or garbage

●After contacting with animals or handling animal wastes

4. Strengthen your immune system and exercise regularly

●Exercise regularly is one of the most important ways to help you stay away from catching any infections.

●Make sure that shared spaces have good air flow and avoid going to crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations and airports. Wear a mask if transport or movement is necessary.

●Seek prompt medical attention39.

●Avoid close contact with people who have flu or cold-like symptoms.

●40. Avoid contact with wild animals or farmed livestock without any protection.

A.If your hands are not visibly dirty

B.Eat thoroughly cooked meat and eggs

C.Wash your hands frequently and properly

D.Protect yourself and others from getting sick

E.if you have symptoms of fever and respiratory infection

F.Cover your coughs and sneeze with tissue

G.Make sure to wear it properly by tightening up the nose clip and pulling the bottom of it over your chin.




It is 5 a.m. and its too dark to see the fields of volcanicrockandtreesoneithersideofthehighway.Butover the lights of my ear, I get a taste of the41Im really herefor,asafewstarspierce(渗透)theinky 42sky.

Today our relationship to the universe is largely connected by 43 , such as telescopes and NASA assignments. But for thousands of years, humans could 44 look up on a clear night to be45 at the bright spots that stretched directly over them.

But over time, weve46 ourselves from our sky, building a covering of artificial light between ourselves and the dark depth of space. Our 47 , neon signs(霓虹灯), and other electric lights are increasingly flooding the night sky and 48 the stars. 49 , about one third of the worlds population cannot see the Milky Way from where they live. And some cant even recognize it. The sense of wonder for the night sky 50 , and that means something vital to humanity is lost as well.

Thatswhy Ive dragged myself outof bed hours before 51 . Like 99 percent of Americans, I live with52 pollutionandIveneverseenatrulynightsky.SoImhere to 53 myfirstglance.

As I 54 out of the ear, I 55 raise my face up towards the sky, worrying whether I can make it. There it is,56 across the sky as far as I can see. The Milky Way is so vivid that my eyes dont even have to 57 the dark to see it.

I expecttofeelthe 58 ofthe sky, perhapsas though Im falling into a bottomless hole. Instead, the blanket of stars above me is so thick that it is hard to 59 . In black andwhite,thewholescenefeelssurreal.

As I get back in the ear, I pass a60 that says“Never Stop Looking Up.”



A study by researchers showed that texting on mobile phones could help smokers quit smoking.

The study 61(publish)on Tuesday in a journal showed among smokers62 received a 12-week-long mobile phone-based message on quitting smoking, 6.5% stopped smoking by the end of the study.

The researchers from the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University in China said the intervention could have a63(great)reach than in-person treatments. It has great effect on improving population health and should 64(consider)for large-scale use in China, according to the study.

They conducted a trial across China from August 2016 to May 2017, 65(cover)a total of 1,369 adult smokers. Participants were assigned to66 12-week intervention consisting67 either high-frequency or low-frequency messaging, or to a control group that received text 68(message)unrelated to quitting. Twelve weeks later, 6.5% of 69 stopped continuous smoking actively in the high-frequency group 70 6% got rid of smoking in the low-frequency group. 1.9% of them stopped smoking in the control group.










Dear Ms Smith,

Im writing to ask whether you could do me favor. Ive just finished an essay naming“Differences between traditional Chinese and Western festivals”, so Im not sure whether it is well written. To be honestly, Im not that familiar with some traditional Western festivals. Thats because Im turning to you for help. Id appreciate it if you could spare some time to look into my essay for possible mistakes and polish them. Also, Im looking forward to your valuable advices. My essay has been sending to you along with this email. I hope it wont cause you too much more trouble.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua









垃圾分类:garbage classification

Dear Peter,


Best wishes!


Li Hua
