Where Is My Home?

2020-10-23 09:10于翔丽
考试与评价·七年级版 2020年4期


Jeff is an old man. He lives in a quiet neighborhood in America. The neighborhood looks nice. But Jeff feels very bored after living there. He always stays at home and has nothing to do.

Its a nice morning. Jeff goes outside to have a look around the neighborhood. First he goes into a restaurant and has breakfast there. Then he walks along the street. On the corner(拐角) of the street, he finds a supermarket. There are many people in the supermarket. So Jeff doesnt go into it. Across from the supermarket, there is a hospital. He doesnt like to go there, either. In front of the hospital, there is a post office. He doesnt need to post things. So he leaves there. At that time he feels exhausted. He wants to go home.

“But where is my home?” Jeff says to himself.


1. How does Jeff feel about living in the neighborhood?

A. Noisy.           B. Bored.            C. Happy.         D. Quiet.

2. Jeff doesnt go into .

① the restaurant ② the hospital ③ the post office ④ the supermarket

A. ①②④        B. ①③④ C. ①②③        D. ②③④

3. The hospital is .

A. across from the restaurant B. on the corner of the street

C. behind the post office D. behind the supermarket

4. What does the underlined word mean in the text?

A. happy B. tired C. sad D. busy

5. Which of the following is TRUE (正确的) according to the text?

A. Everyone likes the neighborhood.

B. There arent many people in the supermarket.

C. Jeff goes out to post things. D. Jeff gets lost at last.
