
2020-12-28 06:50杨璐
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2020年10期


The Greeks3 loved sports and the Olympic Games were the biggest sporting event4 in the ancient5 times.


The Olympic Games began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia, in south west Greece. Every four years, around 50,000 people came from all over the Greek world to watch and join in. The ancient games were also a festival, in honour6 of Zeus7, the king of the gods.


People who won8 the games were given a wreath9 and a welcome back home. The award10 is different from now. People raced for their city and people who won were seen as being loved by the gods.


★A Truce11 for the Sacred12 Games


Before the games began, a “sacred truce” would be made. Any wars should be called off so that people could go to Olympia.


The games were in honour of Zeus. People went to the games to see the Temple13 of Zeus. There was a big statue14 of the king of the gods himself at the center of the temple.


The biggest event at the Olympics was not a sporting event, but a sacrifice15. On the third day of the games, 100 horses were sacrificed to Zeus.

奥运会最盛大的不是体育赛事,而是献祭仪式。比赛的第三天, 100头牛将被当做祭品献给宙斯。

★Women at Olympia


Only men, boys and unmarried16 girls could take part in the Olympic Games. Married women could not. If they were found going to the games, they could be thrown17 off a mountain!


But one story tells of a mother didnt follow the no-women rule. Kallipateria, from a rich family, made herself looked as a man. She went to the games to watch her son race. Her son won. When her son was awarded the wreath, Kallipateria ran out to talk to her son. Because of her rich family, she wasnt thrown off the mountain. But at every Olympics after, people had to taking off their clothes before walking into the games.


But women could still have horses in the races at the Olympics and unmarried women had their festival at Olympia every four years. This was called the Heraia and was held in honor of Hera, Zeuss woman. People who won were awarded sacred olives18, the same as men. But in ancient Greece, only Spartan19 women were really interested in sport.


