A controversial “Jurassic Park” project饱受争议的“侏罗纪公园”项目

2021-01-02 20:04潘丽
疯狂英语·新阅版 2021年11期



1 Debate on the construction of an Indonesian tourism project with the name of “Jurassic Park” on social media will continue. The southeast Asian countrys Environment Ministry declared the project despite UNESCO warning that the plans could have a negative environmental impact.

2 Work on a series of tourism projects in Indonesias Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, began last year, causing concerns about threats to the local economy and the habitat of the parks namesake (同名的人或物), the Komodo dragons.

3 This year in July, officials from UNESCO told at a World Heritage Committee conference that the project required a new environmental impact assessment of illegal fishing concerns and the possible risk to the Komodo dragons natural habitat.

4 At the meeting in July, UNESCO officials told that they had requested an updated assessment from the Indonesian government but received no response. However, Wiratno, a senior official at Indonesias Environment Ministry, insisted that the project had been proven to have no impact and it would go on. Also, the official added that a new assessment was being drafted and could be sent in September. In a separate statement, Wiratno said the project mainly included restoration work on existing structures and did not pose any danger to the rare Komodo dragons.

5 Rima Melani Bilaut of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI), an environmental group, said the project could impact the local community, as well as disturb the dragons. “We urge the government to develop tourism thats based on the people. There are people living there,” she said.

6 It was not clear exactly whether the project, centered on the island of Rinca, would have a bad impact on the environment.

7 Indonesia is home to around 3,100 Komodo dragons, according to government data. The unique lizards (蜥蜴) grow up to 3 meters long and have a yellow forked tongue.


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最近,你市颁布了一项在城市郊区建设一个主题公园的计划。该郊区是一个自然保护区,所以这一计划引起了广泛的争论。下图显示了市民对它的反应。请阅读图表,并根据图表给Crazy English写一份报告。写作要点:

[33%][35%][23%][9%] [影响社区][破坏生态][促进经济][其他][建设公园意见统计]

1. 介绍市民的观点;

2. 你的看法。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

New park arouses controversy
