
2021-02-13 16:00
文景 2021年6期


旅游目的地地格的理论源流、本质与测度指标 邹统钎 赵英英 常梦倩 韩 全 01(01)

基于理论应用视角的会展与节事研究述评 刘林艳 张 茵 靳杨楠 02(01)

文化距离何以影响旅游者?——文献反思与研究展望 王佳果 郑 密 黄琼慧 吴忠军 03(01)

在理论与实践间循环并爬升——一个旅游研究者的自我民族志 保继刚 05(01)

旅游地社区研究——从生计到福祉的理论拓展 苏明明 06(01)

从乡村性到后乡村性:乡村旅游的理论展望 李志飞 吴锦超 张晨晨 06(24)


社区旅游参与视角下民族村寨旅游地居民地方感生成研究 余志远 赵星会 梁春媚 01(23)

归因偏差视角下旅游行为失范成因研究 周 坤 王 进 01(43)

多主体视角下广府庙会的形象表征及差异 罗 茜 戴光全 01(58)

地方政府教育投入、旅游业人力资本与旅游产业结构优化升级——基于简单中介效应模型和有调节的中介效应模型的对比检验 孙盼盼 赖丽君 02(35)

古村落旅游“生产-生活-生态”空间重构与优化研究——以广州小洲村为例 吴开军 卜晓薇 02(66)

休闲与仪式:电影院的空间生产研究 张 浩 林家惠 蔡晓梅 02(82)

中国旅行社业经营效率测度及营商环境的影响研究 张大鹏 吴 桐 高志勤 03(38)

考虑决策主体社会偏好的旅游供应链定价策略研究 林 强 03(64)

推拉理论视角下美食旅游对旅游者行为的作用机理 周 瑜 侯平平 03(90)

理性选择视阈下的智慧旅游概念及内涵 李京颐 李云鹏 宁泽群 陈文力 05(22)

体育旅游的逻辑起点、术语体系与学科的“家族相似性” 王 璐 皮常玲 郑向敏 05(33)

旅游供应链企业社会责任传导效应与决策优化——基于权力结构的博弈分析框架 廉吉全 05(52)

共享住宿领域房东未来共享行为研究——基于风险决策的视角 谷慧敏 雷 铭 王 静 张莹莹 06(43)

具身视角下游客三境体验的探索性研究——以“又见”系列为例 吴昕阳 梁学成 赵 媛 06(66)


所见即所得:旅游眼动研究述评与展望 刘必强 黎耀奇 01(76)

国外旅游领域中的知识转移研究:述评与展望 周 波 肖洪根 叶 顺 05(87)


我国旅游大数据的产业实践:现状、问题及未来 邓 宁 曲玉洁 04(01)

中国情境下旅游用户生成内容研究综述及展望 叶 强 梁 赛 赵大营 04(16)

手机基站定位数据在旅游领域的应用综述 郑伟民 李梦玲 庄歆怡 高胜男 04(37)

基于外群体同质效应的目的地形象差异研究——以美国纽约州UGC 图片为例 李高广 马佳丽 邓 宁 04(58)

基于UGC 评论和TSE 模型的我国游客爱国情感研究 刘 逸 李广涵 李晓娟 04(79)

Contents of 2021 (Vol.5)

Special Topic: The Explorations and Prospects of Theory Building

The Origins, Nature, and Measurements of Destination Placeality ZOU Tongqian / ZHAO Yingying / CHANG Mengqian / HAN Quan 01(01)

The Study of Conventions, Exhibitions, Festivals, and Special Events: A Theoretical Review LIU Linyan / ZHANG Yin / JIN Yangnan 02(01)

How Does Cultural Distance Affect Tourists? Literature Review and Research Prospects WANG Jiaguo / ZHENG Mi / HUANG Qionghui / WU Zhongjun 03(01)

The Dyadic Relationship Between Theory and Practice in Tourism Research: An Account of the Journey of a Researcher BAO Jigang 05(01)

Tourism and Community Research: From Livelihood to Wellbeing SU Mingming 06(01)

From Rurality to Post Rurality: Theoretical Prospects of Rural Tourism LI Zhifei / WU Jinchao / ZHANG Chenchen 06(24)

Research Paper

The Formation of Residents’ Sense of Place in Ethnic Villages from the Perspective of Community Tourism Participation YU Zhiyuan / ZHAO Xinghui / LIANG Chunmei 01(23)

A Study on the Causes of Tourism Behavior Anomie from the Perspective of Attribution Bias ZHOU Kun / WANG Jin 01(43)

Image Representation and Differences of Yuexiu Temple Fair from the Perspective of Multiple Subjects LUO Xi / DAI Guangquan 01(58)

Local Government Investment in Education, Tourism Human Capital, and Optimization and Upgrading of the Tourism Industry Structure: A Comparative Test Based on the Simple Mediation Model and the Moderated Mediation Model SUN Panpan / LAI Lijun 02(35)

Research on the Reconstruction and Optimization of the “Production-Life-Ecology” Space in Ancient Village Tourism : The Example of Xiaozhou Village in Guangzhou WU Kaijun / BU Xiaowei 02(66)

Leisure and Rituals: Research on the Production of Cinema Space ZHANG Hao / LIN Jiahui / CAI Xiaomei 02(82)

Study on the Efficiency of China’s Travel Agency Industry and the Impact of Business Environment ZHANG Dapeng / WU Tong / GAO Zhiqin 03(38)

Research on Pricing Strategy of Tourism Supply Chain Based on Social Preference Theory LIN Qiang 03(64)

Impact and Mechanism of Food Tourism on Tourists’ Behavior from the Perspective of Push-Pull Theory ZHOU Yu / HOU Pingping 03(90)

The Concept and Connotation of Smart Tourism from the Perspective of Rational Choice LI Jingyi / LI Yunpeng / NING Zequn / CHEN Wenli 05(22)

The Logical Starting Point, Terminology System and Subject’s ‘Family Similarity’ of Sport Tourism WANG Lu / PI Changling / ZHENG Xiangmin 05(33)

Corporate Social Responsibility Transmission Effect and Decision Optimization in Tourism Supply Chain: A Game Analysis Framework Based on Power Structures LIAN Jiquan 05(52)

Hosts’ Future Sharing Behavior in the Sharing Economy: The Perspective of Risk Decision Making GU Huimin / LEI Ming / WANG Jing / ZHANG Yingying 06(43)

An Exploratory Study on Tourists’ Tri-dimensional Experience from the Perspective of Embodiment: The

See Again

Series as an Example WU Xinyang / LIANG Xuecheng / ZHAO Yuan 06(66)

Review Article

What You See Is What You Get: A Research Review and Prospects of Tourism Eye-Tracking Studies LIU Biqiang / LI Yaoqi 01(76)

Research on Knowledge Transfer in Tourism Studies: Review and Outlook ZHOU Bo / XIAO Honggen / YE Shun 05(87)

Special Issue on Big Data

Application of Big Data in China’s Tourism Industry: Current Situation, Problems, and Future DENG Ning / QU Yujie 04(01)

A Literature Review of Tourism User-Generated Content in the Context of China YE Qiang / LIANG Sai / ZHAO Daying 04(16)

A Review on the Application of Mobile Phone Positioning Data in Tourism ZHENG Weimin / LI Mengling / ZHUANG Xinyi / GAO Shengnan 04(37)

Research on Destination Image Difference Based on the Out-Group Homogeneity Effect: A Case Study of UGC Images of New York State LI Gaoguang / MA Jiali / DENG Ning 04(58)

A Study on the Patriotic Sentiment of Chinese Tourists Based on UGC Reviews and the TSE Model LIU Yi / LI Guanghan / LI Xiaojuan 04(79)