
2021-06-05 09:31
一带一路报道 2021年1期

1 阿根廷与中企签署铁路合作协议

Argentina and Chinese enterprises sign railway cooperation agreements


On December 11,2020, Argentina signed four railway cooperation agreements with Chinese enterprises. Relevant projects will create 28,000 jobs for the country, benefiting 13 provinces.

2 中泰携手推进澜湄卫生合作

China and Thailand work together to promote public health cooperation under the framework of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation


On December 7, China and Thailand signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Public Health Projects Cooperation on Projects of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Special Fund 2020. Since the establishment of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism, member countries have, with the support of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Special Fund, undertaken over 400 people’s livelihood projects in such areas as public health and poverty alleviation.

3 中缅皎漂深水港项目签约

China and Myanmar see the signing of a special agreement on the Kyaukpyu deep-sea port project


On November 20, the Signing Ceremony of Special Agreement on Kyaukpyu Deep-sea Port Project was held at the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar, marking vital progress of China-Myanmar cooperation.

4 中企签约柬埔寨火电项目

Chinese companies obtain the contract for a Cambodian coal-fired power plant project


On November 18, Sinosteel Equipment and Engineering Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinosteel Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd., signed an EPC contract for two 350 MW coal-fired power plants with Botum Sakor Energy Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Royal Group. The contract is worth around 7.269 billion yuan.

孟加拉国帕德玛大桥合龙Padma Multipurpose Bridge in Bangladesh completed


On December 10, 2020, the last span of the Padma Multipurpose Bridge, which was constructed by the China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Co., Ltd., was installed. It was the international bridge construction project with the highest bidding price that Chinese enterprises have ever undertaken till now.

文旅重点项目正式公布2020 list of key culture and tourism projects released


On November 22, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released the 2020 list of Belt and Road key international cooperation projects in culture and tourism, which enumerates 45 key projects. The list covers nearly 20 countries and regions, including Russia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Greece.


Second Season of broadcast in Bosnia and Herzegovina


From December 6, the Second Season of

Beautiful Beijing

started to be broadcast on the National Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It shows the culture, fashion, architecture, history, and scientific and technological innovation of Beijing. The second season has 52 episodes, and one episode is broadcast on the National Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina every Sunday.


The Second ChinAfrica Short Video Competition wrapped up

12月8日,第二届“中国与非洲”短视频大赛落下帷幕。围绕“携手同行 命运与共”的主题,参赛者们用镜头记录下中非携手抗疫、项目合作、人文交流的生动画面。

On December 8, the Second ChinAfrica Short Video Competition was wrapped up. Under the theme of “Working Hand in Hand Toward a Shared Future”, submitted videos tell stories related to China-Africa anti-COVID-19 efforts, project cooperation and people-topeople and cultural exchanges.

庆祝中泰建交45周年音乐会举行Concert to celebrate 45 years of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand held


On December 9, a concert to celebrate 45 years of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand was held in Bangkok, Thailand.

(本版图片/新华社 供图)


Charity Performance presented in Lanzhou


On November 17, the dance drama

Rainbow Road

was presented in Lanzhou. It tells a story about the protagonist, based on Zhang Qian of the Western Han Dynasty, who traveled alone to the West and opened the road to trade, culture, and peace.


“Magnificent Qinghai in South Korea” Promotion live stream show held


On December 9, the “China-South Korea Friendship · Magnificent Qinghai in South Korea” Qinghai Culture and Tourism Series Promotion live stream show was held online in Qinghai Province.