
2021-08-26 10:57安徽周艳霞
疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年7期

安徽 周艳霞


题材健康?体裁报道文章词数 难度 建议用时324 ★★★ 6分钟

1The first-ever global report by the World Health Organization warned that one in four of the world's population will suffer from hearing problems by 2050,calling for extra investment in prevention and treatment.The report on hearing said the causes of many of the problems such as infections,diseases,birth defects,noise exposure,and lifestyle choices could be prevented.

2The report warned that during the next three decades the number of people with hearing loss may increase to 2.5 billion people,up from 1.6 billion in 2019.Of the 2.5 billion,700 million would in 2050 have a serious enough condition to require some kind of treatment,from 430 million in 2019,it added.

3A major contributor to hearing problems is a lack of the access to care,which is particularly striking in low-income countries where there are far fewer professionals available to treat them.Since nearly 80 percent of people with hearing loss live in such countries,most are not getting the help they need.Even in richer countries with better facilities,the access to care is often uneven,the report said.

4A lack of accurate information and the stigma(耻辱感)related to ear diseases and hearing loss also prevent people getting the care they need.Even among health-care providers,knowledge relevant to prevention,early identification and management of hearing loss and ear diseases is commonly lacking.

5The report proposed a package of measures,including public health measures from reducing noise in public spaces to increasing vaccinations(种痘)against diseases that can cause hearing loss.Among children,it said,hearing loss could be prevented in 60 percent of cases.

6“An estimated$1 trillion is lost each year due to our collective failure to adequately address hearing loss,”WHODirector-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in the report.“While the financial burden is enormous,what cannot be certain is the suffering caused by the loss of communication,education and social interaction.”

Ⅰ.Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text.

Surge in hearing problems expected Topic(Para.1)❖One-fourth of the world's population will suffer from 1.________problems by 2050.❖The causes of many problems related to hearing could be prevented.Prediction(Para.2)❖The number of people with hearing loss will 2.________in the following thirty years.❖700 million people will require 3.________through various ways.4.________(Para.3~Para.4)❖A lack of the access to 5.________is a major factor.❖Lacking accurate information and feeling ashamed when it comes to ear diseases and hearing loss make it 6.________to get the care people need.Solutions(Para.5)❖We can take 7.________health measures for hearing loss.✧Reduce noise in public 8.________.✧Increase vaccinations against diseases that can cause hearing loss.9.__________(Para.6)❖We have to face the financial 10.________.❖The suffering due to the loss of communication,education and social interaction is uncertain.


As students,do we also face the risk of hearing loss?What should we do to avoid it?

Ⅰ.Analyze difficult structures in the text

1.A major contributor to hearing problems is a lack of the access to care,which is particularly striking in low-income countries where there are far fewer professionals available to treat them.听力问题的一个主要原因是缺乏获得护理的机会,这在低收入国家尤为突出,因为这些国家可用于治疗这些问题的专业人员要少得多。

【点石成金】本句中,which引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,指代的是“a lack of the access to care”;where引导的是一个定语从句,先行词为low-income countries。

2.While the financial burden is enormous,what cannot be certain is the suffering caused by the loss of communication,education and social interaction.虽然财政负担巨大,但失去沟通、教育和社会交往所造成的痛苦是无法确定的。

【点石成金】本句中while引导的是一个让步状语从句,要放在句首;what引导的是名词性从句;“caused by...interaction”为过去分词短语作定语,修饰suffering。

Ⅱ.Memorize some text-centered chunks

suffer from遭受

call for extra investment需要格外的投资

increase to增加到

a lack of缺少……

the access to进入……;获得……

(be)related/relevant to与……有关

prevent sb(from)doing阻止某人做……

a package of一套的……;一揽子的……

敬廉 守廉 践廉
Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神农架的守护者
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